我要謝謝我的團隊,謝謝 #ECLBET,#TigerBeer,當然也要謝謝每一位出席我【4896 Final call DLLM】 吉隆坡演唱會的朋友們。是你們讓這些需要幫助的慈善團體看到了曙光。希望有一天我還有能力繼續走下去,繼續幫助更多人。。。
這一集很感動,看完不要哭哦!哦對了,記得看到最後面結尾,有“驚喜”! (DLLM的驚喜...)
It's the FINALE of our【#DLLMCharityTour】! This is an adventurous and exciting journey for us, we really did learn a lot.
A big thank you to all people that helped us during our trip. I also hope that my action could bring more attention to these NGOs, they really do need our assistance! (Watch till the end, got surprise!)
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 1 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/3b0zcrS
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 2 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/2yBLCt2
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 3 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/2Z3nB96
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 4 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/3h6eU4y
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 5 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/2BXA98w
「Namewee DLLM Charity Part 6 高清版YouTube」: https://bit.ly/32kZaWf
Namewee黃明志 #DLLM公益歌曲 【走下去 Keep Going高清版YouTube】: https://bit.ly/3h3b7Vx
1. Persatuan Penyayang Binatang Terbiar Miri
Contact: 019-884 8000
Bank Acc: Public Bank 317-9940-127
Address: Lot 5900, Maroon Red Spenex Fencing.
2. Persatuan Bagi Orang-Orang Pekak Sabah
Contact: (60) 88-230894 / 016-836 0577
Bank Acc: Public Bank 312-6229-925 (Sabah Society for the Deaf)
Address: Jalan Khimat, Bukit Padang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu.
3. SOS - Shelter Of Strays
Contact: 016-360 1739 / 017-313 3886 / 014-989 8937
Bank Acc: Public Bank 321-4502-503 (Teoh Animal Clinic)
匯款至醫生捐助戶口,寫For SOS All Donation.
Address: Rasah Jaya Food Court ( 要去之前要先打電話,因爲在深山裏面,這裏只是集合點)
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#Namewee #黃明志