《名人觀點: Jimmy Chin(金國威) 評高海拔登山商業化》
Jimmy是何許人也?他不只是電影《赤手登峰(Free Solo)》的奧斯卡最佳紀錄片導演,更是一位享譽國際登山界的大人物,曾多次組織攀岩、雙板登山滑雪和開拓性質的遠征,足跡遍布中國大陸、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、格陵蘭、坦桑尼亞、查德、馬里、南非、婆羅洲、印度、阿根廷等國。
萊茵霍爾德‧梅斯納(Reinhold Messner, 義大利傳奇登山家)曾說過,遲早所有的8,000公尺山峰都會有由商業登山隊伍所經營的攀登路線。請問你對這件事的看法,以及聖母峰過度商業化的看法?
Jimmy Chin(金國威):
8,000公尺山峰的登山商業化已勢不可擋,像是Jimmy這種身兼公眾人物的中生代登山家(46歲)自然心裡清楚,所以多半是抱持著理解帶著一絲絲批判的態度。然而在梅斯納(75歲)活躍的喜馬拉雅登山時期(1970-1989),正是首登被逐一完成後競逐新路線、新紀錄的熱血篇章,講究冒險與獨立精神,所以想當然耳對無聊的商業登山沒半句好話 (加上他自己也是個大砲嘴😅)。
Clash: Reinhold Messner once told me it’s just a matter of time before all of the 8,000-meter peaks have commercially guided pistes, or routes. Your thoughts on that, and on the over-commercialization of Mt. Everest?
Today In: Lifestyle
Chin: It really depends on your point of view, right? There are so many different ideas and culturally different sets of standards that people put on climbing. I totally get where Reinhold Messner is coming from, because there are the purists like him. I appreciate that viewpoint. But you need both extremes to define the middle, whether it’s politically or culturally within the standards of climbing. You have to have a bar to aspire to. The purists set a certain standard that everybody can aspire to. Reinhold climbed all 8,000-meter peaks in a different era. The logistics were different, the safety margins were different because of technology and helicopter access and all of that. On several of those 8,000-meter peaks, he found new routes, all without oxygen, and all without the same logistical foundations that are in place now. In that sense, style matters. And it matters in varying degrees to different people.
I don’t judge people who want to climb Everest, because it’s personal. When you say over-commercialization, it’s really the guide services and regulation from countries the mountains are in that need to be looked at, how to be managed. It’s hard to anticipate, so they’re always trying to catch up to what’s happening, right? There are a lot of different philosophies within the guide services about when it’s appropriate to take people up, and when it’s not. There are shades of grey there. 8,000 meters is so much more accessible these days, so a lot more people are going to be up there. Is it the same experience as when a commercial client signs up to climb an 8,000-meter peak as a longtime climber who has paid his dues and does the climb in more of a purist style? They are all putting themselves out there, but they are different crafts.
Photo by Craig Barritt/Getty Images for PANERAI
昭 林 peak time 在 城市山人 Mountain Urbanite Facebook 的最讚貼文
《名人觀點: Jimmy Chin(金國威) 評高海拔登山商業化》
Jimmy是何許人也?他不只是電影《赤手登峰(Free Solo)》的奧斯卡最佳紀錄片導演,更是一位享譽國際登山界的大人物,曾多次組織攀岩、雙板登山滑雪和開拓性質的遠征,足跡遍布中國大陸、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、格陵蘭、坦桑尼亞、查德、馬里、南非、婆羅洲、印度、阿根廷等國。
萊茵霍爾德‧梅斯納(Reinhold Messner, 義大利傳奇登山家)曾說過,遲早所有的8,000公尺山峰都會有由商業登山隊伍所經營的攀登路線。請問你對這件事的看法,以及聖母峰過度商業化的看法?
Jimmy Chin(金國威):
8,000公尺山峰的登山商業化已勢不可擋,像是Jimmy這種身兼公眾人物的中生代登山家(46歲)自然心裡清楚,所以多半是抱持著理解帶著一絲絲批判的態度。然而在梅斯納(75歲)活躍的喜馬拉雅登山時期(1970-1989),正是首登被逐一完成後競逐新路線、新紀錄的熱血篇章,講究冒險與獨立精神,所以想當然耳對無聊的商業登山沒半句好話 (加上他自己也是個大砲嘴😅)。
Clash: Reinhold Messner once told me it’s just a matter of time before all of the 8,000-meter peaks have commercially guided pistes, or routes. Your thoughts on that, and on the over-commercialization of Mt. Everest?
Today In: Lifestyle
Chin: It really depends on your point of view, right? There are so many different ideas and culturally different sets of standards that people put on climbing. I totally get where Reinhold Messner is coming from, because there are the purists like him. I appreciate that viewpoint. But you need both extremes to define the middle, whether it’s politically or culturally within the standards of climbing. You have to have a bar to aspire to. The purists set a certain standard that everybody can aspire to. Reinhold climbed all 8,000-meter peaks in a different era. The logistics were different, the safety margins were different because of technology and helicopter access and all of that. On several of those 8,000-meter peaks, he found new routes, all without oxygen, and all without the same logistical foundations that are in place now. In that sense, style matters. And it matters in varying degrees to different people.
I don’t judge people who want to climb Everest, because it’s personal. When you say over-commercialization, it’s really the guide services and regulation from countries the mountains are in that need to be looked at, how to be managed. It’s hard to anticipate, so they’re always trying to catch up to what’s happening, right? There are a lot of different philosophies within the guide services about when it’s appropriate to take people up, and when it’s not. There are shades of grey there. 8,000 meters is so much more accessible these days, so a lot more people are going to be up there. Is it the same experience as when a commercial client signs up to climb an 8,000-meter peak as a longtime climber who has paid his dues and does the climb in more of a purist style? They are all putting themselves out there, but they are different crafts.
Photo by Craig Barritt/Getty Images for PANERAI