【創業大冒險】TAcc+大師講堂📣新創成功的關鍵六問 | 勇敢敲響投資人門前的自我修練
TAcc+ Master Series#8
請來🌐前甲骨文台灣區總經理 #李紹唐👨🏫
與新創團隊分享原只在 #AAMA台北搖籃計畫 及 #二代大學
獨享的六大關鍵診問法🔎和 #敲門哲學🚪
🕒活動時間: 10/7 (四) | 12:00 – 16:40
🏛活動地點: 林口新創園區B5棟17F(新北市林口區仁愛路二段490號),若疫情變化則視相關政策另行通知調整為線上形式。
👉搶先報名: https://pse.is/MasterSeries8DavidLee
【Startup Adventure】TAcc+ Master Series #8📣 Six Key Questions for the Success of Startup | Self-Preparation Before Pitching in front of VC
Building a successful startup team is like flying a plane in fog🛫
It might end up with crash🤦🤦♂️if flying by intuition💡
A good decision-making model🤔 is like learning instrument flight🎮
Lessening detours↩️ on the entrepreneurial tour from 0➝1
TAcc+ Master Series#8, we invite David Lee👨🏫, the former general manager of Oracle Taiwan🌐 to share with startup teams. David brings exclusive content in #AAMA Taipei Cradle Project & #New Generation College originally. Six key consultation methods🔎, #knock door philosophy🚪 and numerous of cases📚 allows you to analyze your own positioning📍 on the shoulders of giants🧍♂️ Using the key questioning method at once to communicate with the master in a full 90-minute Q&A period 🎤🙋🙋♂️
🕒Date: Oct. 7, 2021 (Thu) | 12:00 – 16:40
🏛Venue: TAcc+ Startup Terrace B5 Building (No. 490, Sec. 2, Ren’ai Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City)
🌐Register link: https://pse.is/MasterSeries8DavidLee
林口 新 創 園 tacc 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的精選貼文
【創業大冒險】國際創投基金的投資秘笈 | 新創成功出場的第一手實戰經驗分享
TAcc+ Master Series #7本次邀請到重量級人物
🕒活動時間: 延期至9/23 (四) | 12:00 – 16:30
🏛活動地點: 林口新創園區B5棟17F(新北市林口區仁愛路二段490號),若疫情變化則視相關政策另行通知調整為線上形式。
👉搶先報名: https://pse.is/MasterSeries7Tina
【Startup Adventure】TAcc+ Master Series #7✨
‼In response to the expansion of the New Taipei City epidemic, the government have announced the strengthening of secondary alert, this event postpone to 9/23.
Investing Secrets of International Venture Capital Funds | First-Hand Practical Experience Sharing of Startup’s Successful Experience
I have the funds, do you have a good story?
💵Currently, there are more and more international resources of funds 🌎
Knowing both your enemies and yourself can make you better ♟
The contacts with the investors is “one encounter, one chance”...🍵
Only if you are fully prepared can you get the gaze favored by the angels👀
TAcc+ Master Series #7 Invited a heavy hitter this time
Cheng Zhixuan, the managing partner of Cherubic Ventures 👩💼 appeared to share the investment ideas with us
Use 91App, HaHow, iKala, Pinkoi and other first-hand information as example👍
Give you a glimpse of the investment mystery and international capital operation tips ✨
🕒Activity time: Extend to 9/23 (Thu) | 12:00 – 16:30
🏛Venue: 17F, Building B5, Linkou Startup Terrace (No. 490, Section 2, Ren'ai Road, Linkou District, New Taipei City). If the epidemic situation changes, it will be adjusted to the online format according to relevant policies and notices.
🌐Register link: https://pse.is/MasterSeries7Tin
林口 新 創 園 tacc 在 桃園青創事 Facebook 的精選貼文
【TAcc+大師駐點講座】國際創投基金的投資秘笈 | 新創成功出場的第一手實戰經驗分享
TAcc+ Master Series #7本次邀請到重量級人物
心元資本的執行合夥人 成之璇 現身分享投資心法🧠
🕒活動時間: 9/9 (四) | 12:00 – 16:30
🏛活動地點: 林口新創園區B5棟17F(新北市林口區仁愛路二段490號),若疫情變化則視相關政策另行通知調整為線上形式。
👉搶先報名: https://pse.is/MasterSeries7Tina
林口 新 創 園 tacc 在 【創育機構-新北市】林口新創園-TAcc+台灣銳企 - 新創圓夢網 的相關結果
地址: 新北市林口區仁愛路二段490號16-18F · 電話: 02-6631-5055 · e-mail : support@taccplus.com · 類別屬性:加速器 · 官方網站: 進入網站. ... <看更多>
林口 新 創 園 tacc 在 TAcc+ Happy Hour新創交流分享會 的相關結果
林口新創園. ... 的夥伴們交流,一個晚上不夠後面還可以再約~. 因疫情會進行人數限制,敬請見諒,記得要報名! https://www.accupass.com/go/TAcc ... ... <看更多>
林口 新 創 園 tacc 在 新創補助– TAcc+ 臺灣最新型加速器 的相關結果
新創 補助. Home - 新創補助. 補助金額. 上限新台幣600萬元. 基本條件. 獲300萬台幣以上投資. 必要查核項目. 林口新創園進駐. 雇用我國員工2名以上. ... <看更多>