#台南景點 #佳里景點 #蕭壠文化園區
🔑【「Jordan到處走」粉絲頁】 https://bit.ly/2XaazF9
--- 交通資訊 ---
※ 開車:Google Map
輸入 https://goo.gl/maps/K1kFFngHDyeVr9Jo8 ,可導航至蕭壠文化園區
輸入 https://goo.gl/maps/1Pv6AEoZoQk6EHhr8 ,可導航至蕭壠文化園區停車場
輸入 https://goo.gl/maps/Wh6r644xL77LhFN78 ,可導航至飛番程天與墓碑
※ 公車:
--- Traffic Information ---
※ Driving :
Use the Google Map link
https://goo.gl/maps/K1kFFngHDyeVr9Jo8 to find Soulangh Cultural Park
https://goo.gl/maps/1Pv6AEoZoQk6EHhr8 to find the parking lot in Soulangh Cultural Park
https://goo.gl/maps/Wh6r644xL77LhFN78 to find the funeral headstone of the flying indigene Cheng Tien Yu
※ Bus:
Take Taiwan City Bus Brown Main Line, BL2 or BL3 to " Soulangh Cultural Park " to arrvie at the entrance of Soulangh Cultural Park
Take Taiwan City Bus BL1, BL10, BL11, BL12 or BL13 to " Tanqian " , then walk 600 meters to arrvie at the funeral headstone of the flying indigene Cheng Tien Yu
公車大台南公車棕幹線路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus Brown Main Line)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1200&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍1路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL1)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1201&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍2路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL2)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1202&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍3路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL3)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1203&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍10路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL10)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1210&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍11路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL11)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1211&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍12路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL12)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1212&locale=en_US )
公車大台南公車藍13路線圖及時刻表(Bus route map and schedule for Taiwan City Bus BL13)
( https://busmap.tainan.gov.tw/ebus/pathInfo.jsp?pathId=1213&locale=en_US )
健行影片 https://bit.ly/30XNJBD
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新北市瑞芳區景點 https://bit.ly/3368SMD
新北市淡水區景點 https://bit.ly/2D0q6R4
新北市石門區景點 https://bit.ly/2BHDCbJ
新北市萬里區景點 https://bit.ly/3gblYMx
新北市貢寮區景點 https://bit.ly/2X7JgLN
新北市汐止區景點 https://bit.ly/2D1Tp5B
新北市平溪區景點 https://bit.ly/3gejH2Z
台南景點 https://bit.ly/2Dh8fFm
1. FB粉絲專頁「Jordan到處走」私訊
2. E-mail:driversjuju@gmail.com