⭐️五月是美國亞太裔傳統月!美國亞太裔外交官在美國國務院扮演重要的角色,在AIT的運作上更是如此!在整個五月份,我們將為各位介紹AIT亞太裔官員的重要貢獻。今天要和大家介紹的是AIT經濟組副組長邵靄帝(Arati Shroff)的故事。
✨印度裔美國人是美國第二大亞裔族群,長久以來為美國開闢新的傳統和發展途徑。我父母是在印度獨立運動時期出生於印度,隨後於1970年代移民美國,攻讀更高的學位並尋找嶄新的機會。父母在美國拉拔我們長大時,就常常灌輸我們seva的觀念 (梵語中的無私的服務),提醒我們時時幫助需要幫助的人,並為我們周遭的社群做出貢獻。
除了在美國慶祝印度新年排燈節 (Diwali) 及荷麗節 (Holi) 之外,我們也懷著seva的精神,在美國傳統節慶感恩節及聖誕節時,在當地遊民收容所、糧食補助庇護所及養老院擔任志工,希望能為沒有家人朋友在身邊的人們帶來溫暖。這份seva及服務他人的精神深深影響著我,這也是我隨後加入美國國務院並派駐海外擔任外交官的原因之一。
這幀照片攝於華府美國國務院的班傑明富蘭克林外交禮賓室,13年前我的家人一起來參加我的外交官宣誓就職典禮。我很高興有愈來愈多亞裔美國人加入公共服務的行列,代表並維護美國的民主理想和價值。現任美國副總統賀錦麗即是一位開路先鋒,讓其他亞裔美國人能跟隨她的腳步向前邁進。— AIT經濟組副組長邵靄帝(照片右二)
⭐️It’s Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! AAPI diplomats are a vital part of the State Department, and especially our AIT operation! All month, we look forward to featuring the important contributions of our AAPI colleagues. Today we are sharing AIT Economic Deputy Chief Arati Shroff’s story with you.
✨Indian Americans are the second largest group of Asian Americans in the United States and have a rich history of forging new paths and traditions in America. My parents were born in India during the time of India’s independence movement and immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s to pursue higher education and new opportunities. As they raised my siblings and me in America, my parents also instilled in us a sense of “seva,” (or “selfless service” in Sanskrit) to remind us to always help others in need and build and contribute to communities around us.
Alongside celebrating Indian holidays of Diwali and Holi in America, we also embraced the spirit of “seva” and volunteerism during traditional American celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas by volunteering at local homeless and food shelters and retirement homes to cheer up those missing their own families and loved ones. This sense of “seva” and service to others left a deep impression on me and is one of the reasons why I joined the U.S. Foreign Service to become a diplomat overseas.
This photo of my family is from my official swearing-in ceremony at the State Department’s Benjamin Franklin reception room in Washington, DC thirteen years ago. I am excited that Asian Americans are increasingly joining careers in public service to represent and preserve American democratic ideals and values. Current U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has certainly blazed a trail for others Asian Americans to follow. — AIT Economic Deputy Chief Arati Shroff (the second one from the right-hand side)
「aapi heritage month」的推薦目錄:
aapi heritage month 在 Cổ Động Facebook 的精選貼文
Kiên định với cam kết sử dụng sức mạnh của âm nhạc và các nền tảng nghệ thuật của mình để giúp khuếch đại những tiếng nói của người châu Á và nâng cao nhận thức chung về các vấn đề xoay quanh nạn phân biệt chủng tộc đối với cộng đồng này, 88rising đã quyết định tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc trực tuyến chào mừng Tháng Dân Tộc của người Mỹ gốc Á (AAPI Heritage Month).
Buổi livestream sẽ xoay quanh các chủ đề quen thuộc đối với mỗi người con Á Đông gốc Mỹ như gia đình, bản sắc dân tộc và những câu chuyện cá nhân được kể qua âm nhạc với hàng loạt các màn trình diễn thân mật, những khoảnh khắc thơ ca và thiền định, cùng 1 thông báo bất ngờ.
Tất cả các khoản đóng góp sẽ dành cho collective Sức khỏe Tâm thần Châu Á (Asian Mental Health Collective), đơn vị hợp tác cùng 88rising với sứ mệnh đem đến những cuộc đối thoại văn minh về sức khỏe tâm thần, cũng như cung cấp những cách tiếp cận dễ dàng và có thể hỗ trợ cộng đồng người châu Á cải thiện sức khỏe tâm thần của họ.
Với sự góp mặt của những nghệ sĩ đáng chú ý như Atarashii Gakko!, Audrey Mika, Audrey Nuna, Bizzy, Guapdad 4000, eaJ (thành viên của nhóm nhạc Day6), KOAD, Luna Li, mxmtoon, NIKI, Seori, Tiger JK, yoonmirae cùng khách mời đặc biệt RZA, Dumbfoundead, nhà thơ Ocean Vuong và intro đến từ nữ rapper tài năng CL.
Buổi livestream gây quỹ đã diễn ra vào 9 giờ sáng nay (theo giờ Việt Nam).
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aapi heritage month 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
⭐️五月是美國亞太裔傳統月!美國亞太裔外交官在美國國務院扮演重要的角色,在AIT的運作上更是如此!在整個五月份,我們將為各位介紹AIT亞太裔官員的重要貢獻。今天要和大家介紹的是政治組官員黃東偉(Tom Wong)的故事。
✨在我外派來台期間,我最難忘的回憶莫過於有幸受邀至台中女中演講,台中女中正是我媽媽50多年前畢業的母校。我媽媽畢業不久之後便離開台灣,最終定居美國,並在當地認識了我爸爸,而我爸爸則是早了幾年移民美國。我和我弟弟在紐澤西長大時,我媽媽就常常教我們一句中文俗諺:「吃得苦中苦,方爲人上人」。就像許多新移民一樣,我父母一生中也經歷了不少艱辛與磨難,但他們最後都成為美國社會富有貢獻的一份子。而當我努力奮鬥,希望讓我的家人和國家為我感到驕傲時,我從來沒有忘記這句媽媽教過我的話。誰又想的到,在我媽媽離開台灣、又過了一代之後,她在美國出生的兒子會加入美國陸軍的行列,隨後成為美國外交官,甚至有機會回到媽媽的母校去拜訪。- AIT政治組官員黃東偉
*黃東偉曾獲選為「40位美國亞太裔國家安全及外交政策下一代領袖人物」!回顧一下: https://bit.ly/2QWWT0r #AAPIHeritageMonth
⭐️It’s Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! AAPI diplomats are a vital part of the State Department, and especially our AIT operation! All month, we look forward to featuring the important contributions of our AAPI colleagues. Today we are sharing Political Section Officer Tom Wong’s story with you.
✨One of my most unforgettable moments during my tour in Taiwan was having the honor of speaking at the Taichung Girls Senior High School, where my mother graduated over 50 years ago. Shortly after graduating, my mom left Taiwan and eventually settled in the United States, where she met my father, who himself had immigrated several years prior. When my brother and I were growing up in New Jersey, she taught us the Chinese phrase "吃得苦中苦,方爲人上人” (loosely translated as "no pain, no gain"). Like countless other immigrants to the United States, my parents endured their fair share of hardships in their lifetime, yet emerged to become productive members of American society. In my own efforts to make my family and country proud, I've never forgotten that phrase my mom taught me. Who would have thought that a generation after my mom left Taiwan, her American born son would go on to serve in the U.S. Army, then join the U.S. diplomatic corps, and have the opportunity to return to visit the very institution that educated her in her youth. -- Political Section Officer Tom Wong
*Tom Wong was recognized as one of the "40 Asian American Pacific Islander National Security & Foreign Policy Next Generation Leaders." See the post: https://bit.ly/2QWWT0r
aapi heritage month 在 Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is observed in the United States during the month of May, and recognizes the contributions and influence ... ... <看更多>
aapi heritage month 在 Why Asian Pacific American Heritage is celebrated in May - NPR 的相關結果
May marks Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which celebrates the histories of Americans hailing from across the Asian continent and ... ... <看更多>
aapi heritage month 在 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022 的相關結果
Paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. ... <看更多>