- 蠶豆及相關製品,例如粉絲/粉皮
- 部份中藥材例如珍珠末(出現在保嬰丹)、金銀花(出現在五花茶/廿四味)、臘梅花、黃連、牛黃、薄荷等
- 特定化學物質例如萘(出現在臭丸、防蟲貼中)
- 某些抗生素、抗瘧疾用藥、部份止痛退燒藥
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Get to know G6PD deficiency
If you know any parents who have a child with the G6PD deficiency, you will realize the parents are constantly worried for their child’s health and diet. Before you label them as helicopter parents, it is good to understand how life threatening this health condition can be.
Patients with G6PD deficiency, or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, must avoid any consumable items related to fava bean (also known as broad bean). If consumed, they may experience acute hemolysis, breathing difficulties, palpitation, and fatigue. The whites of their eyes would turn yellow, their face would turn pale, and their urine would be dark or yellow-orange in color.
Individuals with this disorder generally do not exhibit symptoms in their daily lives, but they need to keep a watchful eye on their habits.
Consumable items that might trigger acute hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency:
-fava bean and its related products such as vermicelli and green bean noodle
-some Chinese medicines such as pearl powder (used in Bo Ying Compound), honeysuckle (used in five-flower tea and twenty-four-flavours Tea), flower of wintersweet, Chinese goldthread ('Huang Lian'), ox bezoars ('Niu Huang'), and mint
-certain chemicals such as naphthalene (used in mothball and sticky trap)
-certain antibiotics, anti-malaria medicines, painkillers, and fever reducers
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#男 #女 #嬰兒
acute fatigue 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
☐ 多吃 — 容易感到肚餓,用餐後不到兩小時又餓了。
☐ 多喝 — 經常感到口乾舌燥,不斷想喝水
☐ 多尿 — 小便變得頻密,上廁所的次數增加,特別是夜間尿頻
☐ 體重減少 — 沒有刻意減肥但體重減少
☐ 乏力 — 經常覺得疲倦及昏昏欲睡
☐ 易受感染 — 例如尿道炎反覆發作
☐ 容易煩躁 — 覺得身體燥熱又多汗
☐ 皮膚搔癢 — 手腳容易麻癢刺痛
☐ 視力模糊 — 容易出現頭暈眼花
☐ 傷口不易癒合
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Watch out for diabetes symptoms
One out of ten Hong Kong citizens is diabetic. During the early stages, a person suffering from diabetes might not exhibit any symptoms. It is only when complications begin to occur that the disease is diagnosed!
Early detection, coupled with treatment and dietary adjustment, can reduce the effect diabetes on our lives. If you notice the symptoms below, make sure to go for regular checkups as a preventive measure.
☐ Craving for food— feel hungry easily; start looking for snacks to munch on just two hours after a meal
☐ Feels thirsty easily – mouth feels dry all the time and need to drink water to quench thirst
☐ Frequent urination – going to the toilet all the time; nocturia (frequent urination at night)
☐ Weight loss – when it is not planned
☐ Fatigue – often feel tired and sleepy
☐ Prone to infection – for instance, recurrent urethritis
☐ Irritable – feels warm and sweat all the time
☐ Itchy skin – itchy and tingling sensation on limbs
☐ Blurred vision – become dizzy easily
☐ Wounds take a long time to heal
Diabetes, if not controlled, can cause both acute and chronic complications such as heart diseases, stroke, kidney failure, retinopathy, and cataract, which may cause blindness. To find out more, consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner.
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#男 #女
acute fatigue 在 Mr. Muscular - 你的網上健身百科全書 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 什麼是中樞疲勞(CNS fatigue)?
當我們在疲勞的狀態中訓練,肌肉的自住活化 (voluntary activation)會降低,即是中樞神經驅動運動單元的能力會下降,影響肌肉收縮。
詳細過程暫時沒有一個清晰的答案,但普遍認為是與脊椎或中樞神經興奮性有關(Spinal or CNS excitability)。
有研究顯示,運動員完成力量訓練後,大腦皮質脊髓興奮性(corticospinal excitability)足足有47%的下降,反應出中樞疲勞的問題。
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