【EP59 從第三世界的領導者,到失去合體能力的機器戰隊:南斯拉夫如何成為今日的塞爾維亞 ft. 每日一冷 Mr Holiday 郭璨宇 小科員的漂流筆記 Office Junior's Odyssey 】
今天「第三世界」一詞通常被用來指發展程度較低、位居世界經濟邊緣的國家,但其實它原本指的是那些既不屬於第一世界(美國與北約陣營)、也不願投靠第二世界(蘇聯與華沙公約陣營)的「不結盟運動」(Non-Aligned Movement)國家們;而這個運動的發起者之一,就是曾經坐擁一片天地的南斯拉夫。和共產老大哥蘇聯交惡,使他們走上一條自己的路,試圖在兩大陣營之外攻城掠地,成為冷戰時期獨樹一格的第三勢力。
然而這段榮景並不持久。政治強人狄托(Josip Broz Tito)的辭世,將文化分歧的巴爾幹打回原形;猶如失去合體能力的機器戰隊,南斯拉夫進入了二戰後最慘烈的區域衝突,塞爾維亞也試圖在其中試圖殺出一條生路。
🎙️ 來賓簡介:
郭璨宇,最為人所知的身份是《每日一冷》的Mr Holiday。大學讀政治跟歷史,研究所跑到英國倫敦念社會政策,第一份工作派駐在瑞典斯德哥爾摩跟塞爾維亞貝爾格勒。臉書專頁「每日一冷」的共同作者,專門分享外國文化相關的冷知識,作品為《臺灣沒說你不知道》與《續‧臺灣沒說你不知道》。個人臉書專頁「小科員的漂流筆記 Office Junior's Odyssey 」記錄自己的旅行見聞。現為全職PM與博士生。造訪過超過50個國家(或地區),期待造訪下一個國家,接受新的文化衝擊。
✅ 本集重點:
(00:02:18) 一戰結束,南斯拉夫隆重登場!!為什麼文革時中國人很熟南斯拉夫電影?
(00:06:29) 南斯拉夫與他的快樂夥伴,不親美也不親蘇的「第三世界」國家聯盟
(00:10:27) 非典型共產國家,南斯拉夫時代的平民生活其實還也不錯?
(00:16:25) 巴爾幹火藥庫爆炸啦!南斯拉夫內戰,這一切究竟是怎麼發生的?
(00:22:51) 周遭國家紛紛投入歐盟懷抱,那塞爾維亞呢?現在是什麼狀況?
(00:26:07) 特斯拉是塞爾維亞之光?(但克羅埃西亞表示反對?)
(00:27:07) 中塞友誼忠貞不渝!中國在塞爾維亞的強烈存在感
(00:31:36) 和中國那麼麻吉,那台灣的聽眾去旅行要怎麼辦簽證呢?
(00:34:13) 結語:國家的悲慘記憶是民族主義的土壤
(節目總長 36:35)
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aligned 中文 在 DJ金寶 Facebook 的精選貼文
🔥當「蔡英文或政府」,被挑釁式的霸凌(不包括理性的批評),你心中是否 #油然升起一股仇恨、#嗜血的快感?
最典型的就是 #通過海外捐款給臺灣候選人韓國瑜,從香港以海外名義捐款就有2000多萬人民幣。
⚫The name, date and place of birth on the passport belonged to someone else but the photo was his. His orders were to shift his attention from a covert operation to undermine Hong Kong’s democracy movement and focus instead on meddling in Taiwan’s 2020 elections. The ultimate aim was to topple President Tsai Ing-wen.
⚫The so-called “nine-in-one” elections in Taiwan in 2018 (during which officials from county magistrates to local mayors were elected) presented Beijing with an opportunity to challenge the rule of President Tsai Ing-wen. Wang helped direct a major operation which was ultimately aimed at throwing Tsai out of office in favour of a pro-Beijing candidate.
2018 台灣的九合一大選,給北京當局機會去挑戰蔡英文的治理。王的任務是主導行動,最終將蔡英文拉下,換上一個親北京的候選人
⚫“Our work on Taiwan was the most important work of ours – the infiltration into media, temples and grassroots organisations,” says Wang.
⚫He helped Chinese intelligence agencies build a “cyber army”, largely of university students, to shift political debate and candidates’ fortunes.
⚫“In Taiwan we had many places - restaurants, and IT companies - which we either acquired or funded,” Wang says. “If we wanted to attack someone, we could instantly collapse their Facebook” from Hong Kong, using false IP addresses to put out anti-democracy messages.
他們從香港使用假的 IP、並且在網路留下反民主的訊息
⚫Wang says CIIL also invested in Taiwanese media companies and built covert alliances with TV stations, allowing the control and censorship of news. He names food manufacturer and media owner the Want Want group as a key ally.
⚫“We also controlled media, like buying their ads to propagate the trend, and let them report in favour of those candidates we were supporting,
As well as directing positive media attention towards favoured politicians, including presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu,
⚫Wang claims he helped finance grassroots political support for the opposition. “With the Kuomintang [the Chinese Nationalist Party] candidates we … gave them full support. Then we also made donations to the temples and organised those believers to tour mainland China and Hong Kong, and influence them with [the CCP-aligned] United Front propaganda.
我們對 #在野黨,金援其地方政治勢力;
「對於 #國民黨的候選人,我們給他們完全的支持。我們也捐贈宗廟系統、組織,讓信眾去中國、香港旅遊。」
⚫As a result, we had a huge win ... and it was a glorious record,” Wang says.
「結果,我們取得了巨大的勝利(2018 台灣大選),那是一個輝煌的紀錄。」
⚫‘My heart is extremely sad’
For Wang it was a hollow victory. His son had been born in November 2017. Wang wanted to travel to Australia to visit him but his success in the 2018 Taiwan elections meant he was given a new task: interfering in the 2020 presidential election with the aim of unseating Tsai. This was when he received the envelope bearing fake identity papers.
“I was requested to change my name and whole identity to go to Taiwan and be a spy there,” he says.
我的內心非常悲傷。對我來說,這是一個空虛的勝利,我的兒子在 2017 年出生,我很想去澳洲看兒子,但是 2018 在台灣的「勝利」,也帶給我新的任務:介入 2020 總統大選、目的是拉下蔡英文。我收到了一個信封,裡面有假身份的相關文件。
「由於妻子在澳洲讀書,2018年12月來到澳洲看望孩子和妻子,在澳洲生活的幾個月,#我深深感受到這個國家的民主自由,這讓我更加對中共從事破壞世界民主與和平的相關行徑 #深感恥辱,所以我決定放棄新任務,徹底與中共決裂,我不願意繼續從事破壞民主自由的工作。」
【原始新聞來源】(英文、澳洲媒體 The Age)
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳The moment a Chinese spy decided to defect to Australia
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government
🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇳Would-Be Chinese Defector Details Covert Campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan
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aligned 中文 在 台灣肉圓世界同行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🔥當「蔡英文或政府」,被挑釁式的霸凌(不包括理性的批評),你心中是否 #油然升起一股仇恨、#嗜血的快感?
最典型的就是 #通過海外捐款給臺灣候選人韓國瑜,從香港以海外名義捐款就有2000多萬人民幣。
⚫The name, date and place of birth on the passport belonged to someone else but the photo was his. His orders were to shift his attention from a covert operation to undermine Hong Kong’s democracy movement and focus instead on meddling in Taiwan’s 2020 elections. The ultimate aim was to topple President Tsai Ing-wen.
⚫The so-called “nine-in-one” elections in Taiwan in 2018 (during which officials from county magistrates to local mayors were elected) presented Beijing with an opportunity to challenge the rule of President Tsai Ing-wen. Wang helped direct a major operation which was ultimately aimed at throwing Tsai out of office in favour of a pro-Beijing candidate.
2018 台灣的九合一大選,給北京當局機會去挑戰蔡英文的治理。王的任務是主導行動,最終將蔡英文拉下,換上一個親北京的候選人
⚫“Our work on Taiwan was the most important work of ours – the infiltration into media, temples and grassroots organisations,” says Wang.
⚫He helped Chinese intelligence agencies build a “cyber army”, largely of university students, to shift political debate and candidates’ fortunes.
⚫“In Taiwan we had many places - restaurants, and IT companies - which we either acquired or funded,” Wang says. “If we wanted to attack someone, we could instantly collapse their Facebook” from Hong Kong, using false IP addresses to put out anti-democracy messages.
他們從香港使用假的 IP、並且在網路留下反民主的訊息
⚫Wang says CIIL also invested in Taiwanese media companies and built covert alliances with TV stations, allowing the control and censorship of news. He names food manufacturer and media owner the Want Want group as a key ally.
⚫“We also controlled media, like buying their ads to propagate the trend, and let them report in favour of those candidates we were supporting,
As well as directing positive media attention towards favoured politicians, including presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu,
⚫Wang claims he helped finance grassroots political support for the opposition. “With the Kuomintang [the Chinese Nationalist Party] candidates we … gave them full support. Then we also made donations to the temples and organised those believers to tour mainland China and Hong Kong, and influence them with [the CCP-aligned] United Front propaganda.
我們對 #在野黨,金援其地方政治勢力;
「對於 #國民黨的候選人,我們給他們完全的支持。我們也捐贈宗廟系統、組織,讓信眾去中國、香港旅遊。」
⚫As a result, we had a huge win ... and it was a glorious record,” Wang says.
「結果,我們取得了巨大的勝利(2018 台灣大選),那是一個輝煌的紀錄。」
⚫‘My heart is extremely sad’
For Wang it was a hollow victory. His son had been born in November 2017. Wang wanted to travel to Australia to visit him but his success in the 2018 Taiwan elections meant he was given a new task: interfering in the 2020 presidential election with the aim of unseating Tsai. This was when he received the envelope bearing fake identity papers.
“I was requested to change my name and whole identity to go to Taiwan and be a spy there,” he says.
我的內心非常悲傷。對我來說,這是一個空虛的勝利,我的兒子在 2017 年出生,我很想去澳洲看兒子,但是 2018 在台灣的「勝利」,也帶給我新的任務:介入 2020 總統大選、目的是拉下蔡英文。我收到了一個信封,裡面有假身份的相關文件。
「由於妻子在澳洲讀書,2018年12月來到澳洲看望孩子和妻子,在澳洲生活的幾個月,#我深深感受到這個國家的民主自由,這讓我更加對中共從事破壞世界民主與和平的相關行徑 #深感恥辱,所以我決定放棄新任務,徹底與中共決裂,我不願意繼續從事破壞民主自由的工作。」
【原始新聞來源】(英文、澳洲媒體 The Age)
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳The moment a Chinese spy decided to defect to Australia
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government
🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇳Would-Be Chinese Defector Details Covert Campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan
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