#塔利班提名一名聯合國特使,使大會陷入困擾。聯合國官員表示,塔利班提名一名大使在聯合國代表阿富汗,這為該全球組織本已微妙的外交困境注入了新的變化。被推翻的政府特使Ghulam Isaczai迄今仍保留其職位。
#拜登誓言將在氣候變化方面的援助加倍,這是領導人面臨的關鍵問題之一。拜登總統表示,將尋求將旨在幫助發展中國家應對氣候變化的援助增加一倍,將他在4月份做出的承諾,提高到 2024年每年約 114 億美元。
#抗議者譴責巴西和伊朗的領導人。隨著世界各國領導人就最緊迫的問題向聯合國大會發表講話,抗議者週二走上紐約市集會外的街頭,活動人士抗議巴西總統波索納洛的環境和經濟政策,批評人士稱,這些政策導致亞馬遜雨林遭到破壞,並導致巴西普遍存在飢餓現象。還有抗議者手持伊朗國旗、身穿#FreeIran 襯衫和帽子,舉著標語譴責稱伊朗是犯罪政權。
#100 萬觀眾收看了聯合國直播,收看韓國流行天團BTS。
#嬌生公司宣布,該公司施打第二劑疫苗可增強了其對Covid-19 的保護。嬌生公司報告稱,在一項臨床試驗中,研究人員發現,在美國,兩劑疫苗對輕度至重度 Covid-19 的防護力為94%,高於單次注射的74%。兩次注射顯示對防止重症的療效為 100%,但外界對該估計的確實狀況仍有很大的不確定性。
#哈爾濱這個擁有 1000 萬人口的城市中,傳出一名居民確認感染新冠病毒後,週二下令關閉健身房、電影院、浴室、麻將館和其他休閒場所。這些措施正在執行中國政府的“零容忍”方針。
#紐約市下一任市長熱門人選Eric Adams,推動讓關閉的旅店,變成無家可歸者的永久性住所。
#希臘央行公佈的官方數據顯示,希臘是最早放鬆對旅客的冠狀病毒限制的國家之一,今年夏天外國遊客激增。希臘銀行的數據顯示,希臘在今年前七個月吸引了450 萬外國遊客,比2020年同期增長了 51.4%
#墨爾本的建築工人抗議強制接種疫苗。多達 2,000 名抗議者湧入該市的中央商務區。發佈在社群媒體上的視頻顯示,工人們向警察投擲瓶子並點燃照明彈,而身著防暴裝備的警察則發射橡皮子彈並使用胡椒噴霧。
*【谷歌斥資 21 億美元打造曼哈頓辦公大樓】
谷歌宣布,將斥資 21 億美元在哈德遜河濱水區購買曼哈頓辦公大樓,這是近年來美國辦公大樓的最高價格之一,為受疫情影響低迷的房地產市場帶來一絲樂觀的情緒。佔地 130 萬平方英尺的物業,目前正在翻新和擴建。該公司在紐約市擁有 12,000 名企業員工,是加州總部以外最大的衛星辦公室,計劃未來幾年在該市再招聘2,000名員工。
同時也有404部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅Chris Lewis,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?? Vietnam is going through its 4th major covid outbreak. One of the hardest hit provinces is a place north of Hanoi, known as Bac Giang, and one of B...
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asia country 在 IELTS Fighter - Chiến binh IELTS Facebook 的精選貼文
1. Giới thiệu trung thu bằng tiếng Anh:
The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional holiday in my country. Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated not only in Vietnam but also in some other parts of Asia as well, such as China, Japan or Korea. And it is often celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night.
In the past, on this day the moon was brightest and roundest which represented the family reunion or gatherings. Therefore, families and friends often came together or harvested crops for the festival.
Nowadays, Mid Autumn Festival is mainly for young children in Vietnam to enjoy the best time of the year. But not only can children celebrate this day but also adults can, adults who wish to have a chance to remind their their childhood and feel young again.
During this exciting Autumn festival, making masks and lanterns is probably one of many activities that take place. A lot of groups of young Vietnamese have created unique and trendy lanterns yet can still preserve the traditional beauty.
So this reminds me back to the time when I was a little kid and living in the countryside where I could contemplate the most oriental feature of this festival, which is the dragon dancing.
Our little alley was teeming with different teams of dragon dancers. Dragon dancers dance to every household in their village, it is like “treat or trick” in western culture, they will not stop until you give them some lucky money.
And when speaking of Mid-Autumn, we can’t help but to mention the Moon cake. The round shape of the moon cake signifies completeness and reunion of families. Making and sharing mooncake is probably one of the hallmark traditions of this festival. But nowadays, in modern time, making mooncakes has given way to the more popular custom of giving mooncakes to family members.
So I have just introduced to you guys one of the most important and fascinating festival in Vietnam and it is Mid-Autumn festival.
2. Một số từ vựng theo chủ đề này:
- Mid-Autumn Festival /mɪd/ /ˈɔː.təm/ /ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/: Tết Trung Thu
- Full-moon Festival /fʊl/ /muːn/ /ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/: Tết Trung Thu
- Children’s festival /ˈtʃɪl.drənz ˈfes.tɪ.vəl/: Tết thiếu nhi
- Lunar calendar /ˈluː.nər/ /ˈkæl.ən.dər/: Âm lịch
- The Moon Lady /ðə/ /muːn/ /ˈleɪ.di/ : Chị Hằng
- The Moon Boy /ðə/ /muːn/ /bɔɪ/: Chú Cuội
- The man in the Moon /ðə/ /mæn/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /muːn/: Chú Cuội
- The Moon Palace /ðə/ /muːn/: Cung trăng
- Jade Rabbit / Moon Rabbit / Rabbit in the Moon: Thỏ ngọc
- Oriental feature /ˈɔː.ri.ənt//ˈfiː.tʃər/: Nét phương đông
- Banyan tree /ˈbæn.jæn/ /triː/ : Cây đa
- Moon sighting / to gaze at the moon / to admire the moon: Ngắm trăng
- Lantern /ˈlæn.tən/: Đèn lồng
- Star-shaped lantern: Đèn ông sao
- Carp-shaped lantern: Đèn cá chép
- Mask /mɑːsk/: Mặt nạ
- Light lanterns: Thắp đèn
- Lantern parade: Rước đèn
- Platform/ˈplæt.fɔːm/: Mâm cỗ
- Mooncake /ˈmuːn.keɪk/: Bánh trung thu
- Lion dance: Múa sư tử / múa lân
- Dragon dance: Múa rồng
- Bustling/ˈbʌs.lɪŋ/: Náo nhiệt
- Yet vibrant /jet/ /ˈvaɪ.brənt/ : Rực rỡ
- Paper votive offerings /ˈpeɪ.pər//ˈvəʊ.tɪv//ˈɒf.ər.ɪŋz/: Hàng mã
- Family reunion /ˈfæm.əl.i//ˌriːˈjuː.njən/: Gia đình sum họp
- Gatherings/ˈɡæð.ər.ɪŋz/: Tụ họp, sum vầy
- Take place: Diễn ra
- Vivid/ˈvɪv.ɪd/: Nhiều màu
- Contemplate /ˈkɒn.təm.pleɪt/: Thưởng ngoạn
- Teeming with /ˈtiː.mɪŋ/ /wɪð/: Ngập tràn
- Signify /ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ/: Tượng trung cho
3. Chúc bạn mùa Trung thu 2021 này có những kỷ niệm tuyệt vời, vui vẻ và nhớ mãi <3
asia country 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Despite its historic achievement, the Taiwanese same-sex marriage law passed in 2019 did not provide full legal equality. One glaring omission is the right of all transnational same-sex couples to lawfully marry.
We are the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) and, as the leading legal aid organization for LGBTI rights in Taiwan, started raising awareness and campaigning for the rights of transnational same-sex couples back in 2017. We also represented several clients to initiate relevant litigation in 2019.
Same-sex couples in which one partner is Taiwanese and the other is a foreign national of a country that does not yet recognize same-sex marriage are not permitted to marry, as per Article 46 of Taiwan’s “Act Governing the Choice of Law in Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements” which is currently interpreted as prohibiting such marriages in Taiwan. We believe that this interpretation is illegal and unjust, and transnational same-sex couples have finally won two court cases this year! Nevertheless, the government still refuses to promptly modify its interpretation or to amend relevant laws and regulations. The Judicial Yuan has prepared a draft amendment of Article 46 of Taiwan’s “Act Governing the Choice of Law in Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements” and sent it to the cabinet (Executive Yuan) back in January 2021, but the cabinet has not yet sent the bill to the Legislative Yuan (our parliament).
The threat of COVID-19 has made the situation of transnational same-sex partners even more precarious than usual. We need more people to stand with us in this fight for true marriage equality!
The Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights ("TAPCPR") was founded in 2009, and registered with the Ministry of the Interior in August 2012. We drafted three bills for “diverse family formation” in 2012, which laid the foundation for future legislation. In 2017, we represented Chi Chia-Wei and won the same-sex marriage case (“Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748”), making Taiwan the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage in May 2019.
asia country 在 Chris Lewis Youtube 的精選貼文
?? Vietnam is going through its 4th major covid outbreak. One of the hardest hit provinces is a place north of Hanoi, known as Bac Giang, and one of Bac Giang's major crops is lychee.
Vietnam is a very different country from the west. A lot more emphasis is placed on community, compared to individualism in the west. Covid and Bac Giang's lychee's are a perfect example. With the covid outbreak hitting them so hard, people around Vietnam decided to join forces and purchase as much lychee as possible, to help out the farmers. This community attitude is something I love about Vietnam, and Asia in general.
I thought it would be a great idea to help out the farmers in Bac Giang, as well as help out some of the less fortunate people in Hanoi. Plus, it's interesting content for me as well! A win-win-win. So I bought 50kg of lychee from Bac Giang, and decided to give it away to people on the streets of Hanoi. Hope you enjoy.
Updates from the road:
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrismixlewis/

asia country 在 Chris Lewis Youtube 的最讚貼文
?? Greetings from Hanoi. Environmental protection and awareness has always been very near and dear to my heart. It's at the core of who I am. I come from a family that loves science and the environment - tree huggers, loud and proud. And my appreciation for things such as clean food, water, and air has dramatically increased since moving to Vietnam.
Don't get me wrong - I love Vietnam. I love the society, the convenience of being able to call Grab food, the motorbikes... but the fact of the matter is Vietnam is going through a developmental stage. And as such, Vietnam is fighting a battle with environmental pollution, just as every country has to do.
We will run out of oil and gas very soon - within out lifetimes. As such, we need to begin to look to the future, and find other means of renewable energy, especially for transportation. While countries like America and Japan already have the infrastructure in place, Vietnam is still quite a ways off.
I was lucky enough to have the chance to try out an electric motorbike from my buddy Kin. As such I wanted to make a video discussing Vietnam, its transportation, and the future of it. What will happen? What are the solutions? Hope you enjoy the video.
Subtitles made and translated by the awesome Loan. Check out her drawings on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucielittlethings/
Updates from the road:
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrismixlewis/

asia country 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的精選貼文
My wife and I purchased a resale HDB flat for around 500,000 Singapore dollars. It's been 2 months since we moved in, and I thought I should share some of my thoughts and opinions. How is it like living in a public housing in one of world's most expensive country?
Big thanks to Steigen for making my life easier! Book your FREE site measurement for Steigen systems here: https://bit.ly/3dFmtPZ
Quote GHIB80 to enjoy $80 off all Steigen systems. Valid until 9th July 2021.
Check out all the models from their website: https://www.steigen.com.sg/
You can also go to their showroom to check out all the models. I went down too and the staffs were knowledgeable and kind. https://goo.gl/maps/us2JqmcZkYDY3Bgp6
00:00 Intro
00:15 I feel blessed
00:38 I learned more about the locals
01:00 Extremely convenient
01:46 Flats are spacious than Tokyo
02:20 Housework is so tedious
04:03 Insects everywhere
04:54 Not much interactions with neighbors
05:44 I learned Singapore is not THAT strict
06:22 Super convenient delivery
06:36 Abundance of greenery
07:05 Convenient public transportation
07:43 Conclusion
Follow me on social medias!
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?Subscribe: http://urx3.nu/HTUJ
?Watch - Perhaps the Best Meal I had in Singapore:https://youtu.be/d46br1oiYaE
?Merch Links(アパレル):
SE Asia | https://ghib-ojisan.secure-decoration.com/shop/category/T-Shirt?c=2731898
Japan | https://suzuri.jp/ghib-ojisan
USA & EU | https://teespring.com/stores/ghib-ojisan
Business Enquiries
✉️[email protected]
You are welcome to send fan mails but I may not be able to respond to all of them. But I immensely appreciate your support. Thank you!
#Singapore #HDB #Steigen

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