We found the key to make your partners with avoidant attachment styles (aka Nina) cringe and/or cry: Ask them 36 Questions to Fall in Love!
The Thirsty Sisters are back this week to grill each other with uncomfortable questions! But do they really work? Sylvia and Nina put it to the test and ask each other these vulnerable, intimate questions. Will this turn out surprisingly fuzzy or emotionally traumatic? Tune in to find out ❤️
Link to 36 Questions to Fall in Love: http://36questionsinlove.com/
00:00 Intro
01:15 Topic of the Day
02:09 Vulnerable = Fall in Love?
03:20 How we'll be doing the 36 Questions
04:34 These questions lead to marriage?
05:25 The perfect day for us
06:16 How will we die?
06:47 What do we have in common?
07:17 What are we most grateful for?
09:21 What would we change about the way we were raised?
11:05 What ability would we like to gain?
13:30 Would we ask these questions on a date?
15:22 What would we want to know from a crystal ball?
17:13 What we've dreamt of doing for a long time
20:16 What are our greatest accomplishments?
23:25 Nina is dying at this question
24:15 Our most treasured memories
27:34 Diving deep into Nina's unexpected reaction
29:17 Nina is having a mental breakdown
30:15 Our most terrible memories
33:52 How we would live if we were going to die soon
36:07 Nina is dying (figuratively)
37:06 When did we last cry?
40:26 What do we regret not saying to someone?
45:36 Our parent-child relationship struggles
47:00 What we would save in a fire
48:57 Set 1 vs Set 2 vs Set 3?
49:17 Did you fall in love with us?
50:02 Conclusion
Sylvia and Nina are not your typical influencers; they give it to you raw and real! Join them as they quench their never-ending thirst for wisdom, trends, success and men.
They explore hot and pressing issues you never thought you needed to know in this extremely in-depth podcast. Sisters, brothers and everyone in between or beyond; jump in and be thirsty!
The legal age for sex in Singapore is 18. While being comfortable with your bodies is a must, please protect yourselves by using protection ?
Our views in this podcast include only our own experiences as heterosexual women in Singapore, we respect everyone’s views regardless of genders, gender identities and sexual orientations.
Follow The Thirsty Sisters on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Instagram!
Sylvia - https://www.instagram.com/sylsylnoc
Nina - https://www.instagram.com/ninatsf
Brand collaborations/features:
The Thirsty Sisters TEAM
Co-Founders: Sylvia Chan | Nina Tan
Executive Producer: Sylvia Chan
Crew/Editors: Jade Liew | Winston Tay
Motion Graphics Designers: Bryan Seah | Kher Chyn
Sound Engineers: Nah Yu En | Mabel Leong
Digital Strategist: Winston Tay