「希望在於人民,改變始於抗爭」,唯有透過群眾力量,直接行動,才能改變社會。8年前如是,今日亦如是。但願港人堅定不移,爭取民主,打倒特權,彰顯公義。自由萬歲!民主社會主義萬歲!願公義和慈愛的 主耶穌基督與我同在,與法官先生同在,與香港人同在!//
希望在於人民 改變始於抗爭
違法就是罪惡嗎?我們違法,稱之為「公民抗命」,就是公民憑良心為公眾利益,以非暴力形式不服從法律命令,以求改變不義制度或法律。終審法院非常任法官賀輔明(Leonard Hoffmann)勳爵曾在英國著名案例 R v Jones (Margaret) [2007] 1 AC 136 案提出:「發自良知的公民抗命,有着悠久及光榮的傳統。那些因着信念認為法律及政府行為是不義而違法的人,歷史很多時候都證明他們是正確的……能包容這種抗爭或示威,是文明社會的印記。」
終審法院在最近的公民廣場案(Secretary for Justice v Wong Chi Fung (2018) 21 HKCFAR 35)亦道明「公民抗命」的概念可獲肯定(該案判詞第70至72段)。因此,亦印證我等9人及其他公民抗命者並非可以一般「違法犯事」來解釋及施刑。港人以一般遊行示威爭取民主30年,無論從殖民年代乃至特區年代,皆無顯著改進,今日以更進步主張,公民抗命爭取民主,正如印度、南非、波蘭等對抗強權,實在無可厚非。誠然,堵塞主要幹道,影響民眾上班下課,實非我所願,但回想過來,中共及特區政府多年來豈不更堵塞香港民主之路,妨擾公眾獲得真正的發聲機會?
如果我是公民抗命,又何以不認罪承擔刑責?2014年12月,警方以成文法「出席未經批准集結」及「煽動參與未經批准集結」在村口將我逮捕。2017年3月,警方改以普通法「煽惑他人作出公眾妨擾」及「煽惑他人煽惑公眾妨擾」提控。正如戴耀廷先生在其結案陳詞引述英國劍橋大學法學教授 John R. Spencer 提及以普通法提訴的問題:「近年差不多所有以『公眾妨擾罪』來起訴的案件,都出現以下兩種情況的其中一個:一、當被告人的行為是觸犯了成文法律,通常懲罰是輕微的,檢控官想要以一支更大或額外的棒子去打他;二、當被告人的行為看來是明顯完全不涉及刑事責任的,檢控官找不到其他罪名可控訴他」,無獨有偶,前終審法院常任法官鄧楨在其2018年退休致詞提及:「普通法同樣可被用作欺壓的工具。它是一種變化多端的權力,除非妥善地運用人權法加以適當控制,否則可被不當使用。」如今看來,所言非虛。
刑罰於我而言,無情可求,唯一我心中所想,就是希望法庭能顧念75歲的朱耀明牧師年事已高,望以非監禁方式處之,讓港人瞥見法庭對良心公民抗命者寬容一面。美國法哲學家羅納德‧德沃金(Ronald Dworkin)在1968年論及公民抗命時(On Not Prosecuting Civil Disobedience),不但認為法庭應給予公民抗命者寬鬆刑罰,甚至應不予起訴。事實上,終審法院非常任法官賀輔明在2014年12月4日,即雨傘運動尾聲(已發生大規模堵路多日),佔中三子自首之後一日,接受《蘋果日報》及《南華早報》訪問時提到「抗爭者及掌權者均未有逾越公民抗命的『遊戲規則』,抗爭活動並沒有損害香港法治」,更進一步提到「一旦他們被判有罪,應該從輕發落,認為這是傳統,因為自首的公民不是邪惡的人」,由此,我期盼法庭將有人道的判刑。
願公義和慈愛的 主耶穌基督與我同在,與法官先生同在,與香港人同在!
Hope lies in the people
Changes come from resistance
- Umbrella Movement Public Nuisance Case Statement
Your Honour Judge Johnny Chan,
It has been 8 years since I have met you in court. You were the judge to my case on disorder in public places. It was in 2011 and I was only 23 years old. I chased after the then Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang and asked if he knew the price of rice and whether he understood the struggles of the poor. Fate has brought us here again, I am before you once again, but I am no longer the young man who was acquitted. When you are reading this statement, I am a “recidivist”, ready to be sent to prison for the third time. However, I do not seek your mercy today, but wish to explain the reasons for my participation in the Umbrella Movement and civil disobedience, so that your honour can give a reasonable sentence through understanding my motives and actions.
Our positions have slightly altered in the past 8 years, but not as great as the changes that took place in Hong Kong. The controversial big white elephant infrastructures were completed. More tourists are visiting, making Hong Kong a bustling city. At the same time, however, more poor people are living in sub-divided flats, more people are forced to the street to protest, more young people are sent to jail. Things we wouldn’t have imagined 8 years are now happening in Hong Kong. When I was before you 8 years ago, we would not have imagined Hong Kong people could be kidnapped by the Chinese authority to Mainland China. We wouldn’t have imagined that one day, the Mainland law enforcement officers could perform their duties in Hong Kong. We wouldn’t have imagined, not only could the Community Chinese government interpret our law, but they could decide on our future and tightened the rule on constitutional rights through the National People’s Congress Decision.
The Original Intention
Is democracy just a slogan? 8 years ago, I criticised the then Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang for ignoring the interests of 1 million poor people and 300,000 elderly. I scolded him for celebrating the 1911 Revolution without understanding its preliminary belief. I called for the establishment of universal retirement protection and the abolition of MPF, and was arrested for the first time. Yet, there are still over a million poor people in Hong Kong today, with more than 300,000 of poor elderly. The disparity between the rich and the poor and housing problem have only become worsen.
In 2014, I witnessed a 75-year-old man kneeling before the Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr. Matthew Cheung Kin-Chung at a public hearing in the Legislative Council. The old man begged the government not to demolish the elderly home in Kwu Tung Dills Corner. In 2019, a 67-year-old woman, who scavenges for cardboards to make a living, cried during the Legislative Council public hearing. She cried because it was impossible for her to get a job. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr. Law Chi-Kwong simply told her to ask for help in the Labour Department. Why are the government officials so callous? Why have our opinions failed to affect the government’s administration? The root of the problem is that Hong Kong people do not have real choices, we have been deprived of the power to supervise the government and to formulate policies.
What is democracy? Democracy means people are the masters. Any policies should be supervised by the people, the society’s resources should be justly distributed to improve the public services, so that the poor is no longer in poverty. However, in today’s Hong Kong, the focus is on the Mainland China, there is collusion between the government and the businesses, there is a great disparity between the rich and the poor, and multi-billion-dollar big white elephant cross-border infrastructure are built one after another. Nurses die from overexertion at work, teachers commit suicide and old man kneels to beg for what he deserves. Yet, the government policies were only minor repairs here and there, giving small treats and favours to the people. How can you win the support of the people? From the civil disobedience movement in 1966 by So Sau-chung and Lo Kei against the increase of Star Ferry fare, until the 1967 riots and 1989 China Patriotic Democratic Movement, even the 2003 march against the purported legistlation of Article 23, they were all due to the political dictatorship, imbalance policies as well as unfair distribution of public resources. It is for these reasons that led to large scale protests. It is for the same reason that the 2014 Umbrella Movement started.
For so many years, Hong Kong people have been fighting for democracy. We demand a just allocation, a life with dignity and space of freedom. However, what do we get in return? On the eve of the signing of the Joint Declaration in 1984, the then premier of the Communist Chinese government Zhao Ziyang in his reply to the demand for democracy and universal suffrage by the University of Hong Kong Student Council clearly promised that ‘what you referred to, namely “rule Hong Kong by democracy” is a matter that goes without saying.’ At the time, a lot of Hong Kong people believed it. They thought they would have democracy after the handover. However, since the bloody suppression on 4th June 1989 and the 500,000 people demonstration against Article 23 in 2003, the plot of the Chinese communist revealed itself. They decided by force through the NPC interpretation in 2004 that there would be no universal suffrage of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council in 2007 and 2008. Since then, the undemocratic authority of NPC kept a tight grip on the destiny of Hong Kong people. NPC’s interpretation and decisions can be deployed anytime when convenient to assist the propaganda of the authoritative government, forcing the hands of the Hong Kong court and suppressing Hong Kong democracy and the rule of law.
31st August 2014 was a turning point in history. No matter how the moderate scholars tried to persuade it from happening, the Community Chinese government has used the One Country Two System White Paper in June as the foundation and forced its way down onto the people. Even your honour was among them, succumbed to the so called patriotism. After the 8.31 Decision of the National People’s Congress, the plot of the Communist Chinese government has revealed itself, the Chinese government has been lying to the Hong Kong people, they never intended to give Hong Kong genuine universal suffrage. At that time, we believed that civil disobedience was inevitable and was the only way out.
The Starting Point of Civil Disobedience
Is breaking the law sinful? We broke the law with a cause, as “civil disobedience” is the refusal to comply with certain laws considered unjust, as a peaceful form of political protest in the interest of the public to change the unjust system or law. Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal Honourable Leonard Hoffman stated in the well-known R v Jones (Margaret) [2007] 1 AC 136 case that, “civil disobedience on conscientious grounds has a long and honourable history in this country. People who break the law to affirm their belief in the injustice of a law or government action are sometime vindicated by history. It is the mark of a civilised community that it can accommodate protests and demonstrations of this kind.”
The recent decision by the Court of Appeal concerning the Civic Square outside the government headquarter(Secretary for Justice v Wong Chi Fung (2018) 21 HKCFAR 35) also confirmed the idea of civil disobedience(paragraphs 70-72 of the judgment refer). This , therefore, confirmed that myself and the other 8 defendants as well as other civil disobedience protestors, should not be understood as “breaking the law” in its general circumstances, nor should our sentencing be weighted against the usual standard. Hong Kong people have been fighting for democracy through protest for 30 years already, whether it was during the times of colonial British rule or during the special administrative region, there has been no improvement. Today, we fought for democracy, just as the fights for freedom and democracy in India, South Africa and Poland, and civil disobedience is inevitable. It is true that we did not want to block the roads or affect Hong Kong citizens attending to work or school. But on reflection, didn’t the Communist Chinese and Special Administrative governments block our road to democracy and interfere with our rights to speak up?
If what I did was in the name of civil disobedience, why should I defend my case and not bear the criminal responsibility? In December 2014, the police made use of the statutory offences of “attending unauthorised assembly and inciting participation in unauthorised assembly” and arrested me at the village I live in. In March 2017, the police amended their charges to common law offences of “incitement to commit public nuisance and incitement to incite public nuisance”. As Mr. Benny Tai said in his closing submissions, quoting law professor of Cambridge University John R. Spencer on common law charges, “...almost all the prosecutions for public nuisance in recent years seem to have taken place in one of two situations: first, where the defendant’s behaviour amounted to a statutory offence, typically punishable with a small penalty, and the prosecutor wanted a bigger or extra stick to beat him with, and secondly, where the defendant’s behaviour was not obviously criminal at all and the prosecutor could think of nothing else to charge him with.” Coincidentally, the then Court of Appeal Honourable Mr Justice Robert Tang Kwok-ching stated in his retirement speech in 2018 that, “Common law can be used oppressively. It is protean power, unless adequately controlled by the proper application of human rights law, can be misused.” What he said has become true today.
Faced with 2 charges, I am going to stand by reasons and my principles, in order to assist the Court to overturn an unjust prosecution. However, should the court find me guilty, I shall bear the criminal responsibility. I have no qualm or regrets, in fulfilment of my chosen path of civil disobedience.
Who has not yet awoken?
I do reflect as to whether I am simply seeking a criminal sentence in order to make a point, or to encourage other young men to follow my footsteps into the gates of the prison. I have reflected upon this repeatedly. However, my answer is that, I am doing this precisely because I do not wish to see other young men following my suit into the prison. Because of this, I need to fight for what is ours fearlessly. Although today we are confronted by an oppressive authority, the looming legislation of unjust laws and a clouded future, I shall be as I always am: relentless maintaining my stance that a real election is the path to freedom for Hong Kong people. Anyone who claims to be acting in the interest of the next generation should fight for a free and equal choice for their youths. This is in order for them to learn to be independent, to be able to tell rights from wrongs. There should be no paternal thinking, simply teaching the next generation to be slaves of money and accessories to the oppressor.
My Lord Jesus Christ has said: ‘Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (Book of John 12:24.) Without sacrifice, there is no reward. I don’t wish to see any more young men having to join the path of civil disobedience as I did, and to pay the price as I did. However, I ask this of all men and women of wisdom: if peaceful demonstration in the old fashioned way has lost its effectiveness and was simply ignored, why is peaceful civil disobedience not a good way to bring about change whilst one is being oppressed? If not for this crowd movement, C Y Leung would still be sitting comfortably on the throne.
I have no mitigation to submit. I only wish that the Court would spare Reverend Chu, who is an elderly of 75 years of age. I pray that a non-custodial sentence may be passed for Reverend Chu. I hope that the Court will have leniency and mercy for Reverend Chu. I refer to the work of the American legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin in 1968, namely: ‘On Not Prosecuting Civil Disobedience’. He opined that, not only should the Court allow leniency to civil disobedience participants, but also should they not be prosecuted. In fact, Lord Hoffmann NPJ of the CFA stated the following in an interview with Apple Daily and South China Morning Post on 4th December 2014 (which was at the end of the Umbrella Movement, a day before the surrender of the 3 initiators of the Occupy Central Movement): ‘In any civilised society, there is room for people making political points by civil disobedience.’ ‘These are not wicked people.’ Civil disobedience had ‘an old tradition’ in the common law world. ‘When it comes to punishment, the court should take into account their personal convictions.’ In light of this, I hope the Court shall pass a humane sentence.
Your honour, I have no regret for participating in the Umbrella Movement and the fight for democracy. It was an honour of a lifetime. I have spent the best 10 years of my youth in social movements. If I can live up to 80-year-old, I would still have 50 years to walk alongside the people of Hong Kong, to continue the fight. If this is in doubt, please test my will against the whips of criminal punishment. I shall take this as a trial of my determination. I only hope that my brothers and sisters-in-arms can be inspired whilst I am imprisoned, to do goods and encourage others. I hope they shall have further courage and strength to be honest men and women, to fight against the lies of the ruling Chinese Communist authority.
“Hope lies in the hands of the people, change starts from resistance.’ It’s only through the power of the people and direct action that the society can be changed. This was so 8 years ago. This is still the case today. May the will of the people of Hong Kong be firm and determined, to fight for democracy, overthrow the privileged, and let justice be done. All hail for freedom! All hail for democratic socialism!
May justice and peace of my Lord Jesus Christ be with me, with your Honour and with the People of Hong Kong!
Vice President of the League of Social Democrats,
the 8th Defendant of the Umbrella Movement Case
Raphael Wong Ho Ming
10th April 2019
「big room never dies」的推薦目錄:
big room never dies 在 Naomi Nikola Facebook 的最佳貼文
It’s 2019! To start off the year, I wanted to remember some (probs useless) stuff about me that I had fun writing down. Here’s to 23 more facts on me! Let me know if you can relate ☁︎ ‧₊ ‧₊˚.♡
1. Almost everything I own is cute & pink since I was younger. Every new school I’d enter, my peers used to be surprised when I withdraw all the things from my bag (until now!!). From my bunny pencil cases, to my pretty pink hello kitty lunchboxes. I felt like the coolest kid in the block!! Even though I never talked lol
2. My room used to be filled with so much classics as a kid. I didn't enjoy much of YA books, instead I stuck to poems from Emily Dickinson, stories from Grimm Brothers and even countless books of Mythology. I was also intrigued with a lot of classic philosophy related books
3. My typing speed is 168/wpm (at best) and ranked #1 at a certain arcade in Akiba a few years back for Typo of the dead. Yes, I’m flexing. Let me be proud of that moment(o´ω`o)
4. If other girls had Cardcaptor/Sailor Moon as their childhood shoujo anime, mine was Mermaid Melody!
5. I am terribly shy and have really bad social anxiety. But!! When you get to know me, I am the goofiest and most annoying person you will ever meet.
6. I've dedicated a big chunk of my childhood life to gaming+computers that I suffered countless consequences. My prescription is over -3.00 now while I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis at 15.
7. Dreams for me can get quite vivid and strange. It would have countless backstories, plot twists to the point that I'd wake up with a headache.
8. I am in love with gore + thriller movies. Horror films are alright, but if there are ghosts involved I will not be able to sleep for months. No kidding.
9. Don't make me watch a movie where an animal dies. Not even for 5 seconds. I will cry. so much. I will also never talk to you again
11. I could drive a motorcycle better than I could drive an actual car lol sad
12. My family nickname is Omi, But a lot of my friends call me Nao, Nao-chan & Naomeoww, too!
The rest of my facts are up on my newest post at http://naominikola.com/2019/01/baby-love-23-facts-about-me/💞
big room never dies 在 Peamai Facebook 的最讚貼文
โบว์ แวนดา ปอทฤษฎี น้องมะลิ เรื่องสุดซึ้งของปอ 12 เรื่องสุดซึ้งของปอ
1. ช่วงที่รู้จักกันแรกๆ โบว์รู้สึกว่าตัวเองไม่เหมาะสม ปอควรได้พบกับคนที่โอเคกว่านี้ จึงหนีหน้าหายไปประมาณ 8-9 เดือน ทั้งปิดโทรศัพท์ ย้ายที่อยู่ แต่ปอก็พยายามสืบ จนรู้แล้วตามไปถึงหน้าบริษัทของโบว์ พร้อมกับโทรหาถามว่าจะออกมาคุยกัน หรือให้เข้าไปหา หลังจากวันนั้นจึงได้คุยถึงอนาคตอย่างจริงจัง ปอบอกว่า “ปอจะไม่ปิดแล้วนะ โบว์พร้อมไหม ปออยากให้เราสู้ไปด้วยกัน”
2. พอเริ่มเปิดเผยความสัมพันธ์ ก็มีทั้งกระแสด้านบวก และกระแสโจมตีโบว์ว่า ไม่เหมาะสมกับปอเพราะอย่างนั้นอย่างนี้ ทำเอาโบว์เสียใจหนักมาก แต่ปอบอกว่า “ไม่ต้องอ่านข่าว โบว์อยู่กับปอ ไม่ได้อยู่กับคนอื่น” นั่นคือประโยคหนึ่งที่โบว์ไม่เคยลืม และเป็นจุดสำคัญที่ทำให้ความสัมพันธ์ของทั้งคู่แข็งแรงขึ้นเรื่อยๆ
3. วันที่มะลิน้อยลืมตาดูโลก ปออยู่ในห้องคลอดด้วย ทั้งที่กลัวเลือด ไม่ชอบเข็มฉีดยา แต่ปอยืนยันว่าจะต้องเห็นลูกคนแรก ตอนนั้นโบว์ผ่าคลอด พอคุณหมอดึงน้องออกมามีคราบเมือกกับเลือด ปอหน้าซีดมาก จนพยาบาลต้องบอกให้ปอไปรอข้างนอกหนนั้นเขาคงหายห่วงแล้วจึงบอกว่า ดีครับ แล้วยอมเดินออกไป
4 . โบว์ยืนยันว่าพอมะลิโตขึ้นเรื่อยๆ ยิ่งเหมือนปอ 100% ถ้านำรูปปอตอนเด็กๆ มาเทียบกันนี่เป๊ะมาก ไม่ว่าจะหน้าตา หรือรูปร่าง นิสัยก็เหมือน โดยเฉพาะการไม่อยู่นิ่ง ปออยู่บ้านเฉยๆ ไม่ได้ เดี๋ยวต้องล้างรถ ดูต้นไม้ ดูปลา แล้วจึงจะอาบน้ำนอนได้ หรือเวลามะลิเล่นอะไรสักอย่าง จะตั้งใจมาก เหมือนปอจริงๆ
5. ช่วง 3 เดือนแรกมะลิไม่นอนกลางคืน มาหลับตอน 6 โมงเช้า ซึ่งโบว์ก็ไม่นอนกลางวัน ทำให้ร่างกายอ่อนล้ามาก จนนั่งร้องไห้อยู่ข้างเตียงลูกพอปอเห็นก็บอกให้ไปนอนพักจากนั้นก็นั่งกล่อมลูกแทนจนถึงเช้า มีวันหนึ่งที่โบว์ตื่นมาตอนเช้ามืด เห็นปอค่อยๆ วางมะลิที่หลับลงบนเตียง แล้วงีบแค่ 1 ชั่วโมง ก็ต้องไปทำงานต่อ
6. ปอเซอร์ไพรส์ไม่ค่อยสำเร็จ เพราะโกหกไม่เป็น เก็บความลับไม่อยู่ แต่มีครั้งหนึ่งที่ทำสำเร็จคือ บอกโบว์ว่าจะไปออกกำลังกาย แต่พอกลับถึงบ้าน ชุดกีฬายังพับเรียบร้อย แล้วบอกว่า “ซื้อซาลาเปากลับมาด้วยนะ อุ่นให้หน่อยสิ” พอเดินไปเปิดไมโครเวฟ จึงเห็นสร้อยคอรูปหัวใจวางอยู่ ตกใจเหมือนกันว่าทำแบบนี้เป็นด้วย โบว์สวมสร้อยแล้วทำเป็นเดินไม่รู้ไม่ชี้ พอเขาเห็นก็ยิ้มกว้างแล้วแซวว่า “แหมๆ เกือบไม่เซอร์ไพรส์แล้วไหมล่ะ”
7. ปอไม่ใช่ผู้ชายหวาน เป็นคนพูดห้วนๆ ไม่โรแมนติก แต่จะแสดงออกด้วยการกระทำ เช่น บอกรักทุกวัน เคยมีวันหนึ่งปอยืนอยู่หน้าบ้านตั้งนาน โบว์ถามว่า เป็นอะไร ทำไมไม่เข้าบ้าน เขาพูดงอนๆ ว่า “ไม่หอมกันใช่ไหม” เท่านั้นละโบว์กระเด้งเข้าไปกอดเลย เขาเคยพูดว่า“ไม่รู้ว่าวันไหนที่ปอออกจากบ้านแล้วอาจไม่ได้กลับมา อย่างน้อยเราต้องบอกรักกันทุกวัน”
8. เวลาโบว์เปิดขวดน้ำไม่ได้จะวานให้เขาเปิดให้ เขาก็พูดว่า “ถ้าพรุ่งนี้ปอตาย แล้วใครจะเปิดให้”โบว์ฟังแล้วตีปากเขาเบาๆ ไม่ชอบให้พูดแบบนั้น….ตอนนี้ถ้าพี่ปอมองลงมาคงอยากบอกโบว์ว่า สิ่งที่เคยทำไม่ได้ ต่อจากนี้ คุณต้องทำให้ได้นะ เพราะฉะนั้นโบว์ต้องพยายาม อย่างขวดน้ำก็ต้องเปิดเองให้ได้
9. จะมีแค่บางครั้งที่อยู่คนเดียวแล้วแอบอ่อนแอว่า ถ้าพี่ปออยู่ด้วยคงดี อย่างพอเห็นมะลิเต้น แล้วเพื่อนบ้านมาสนุกสนานด้วยกัน จะรู้สึกแวบขึ้นมาว่า ถ้าพี่ปอเห็นคงหลงลูกมากเลย เขาคงดีใจที่ลูกมีพัฒนาการและเติบโตขึ้น
10. โบว์อยู่กับปอจนถึงวินาทีสุดท้าย ตอนนั้นโบว์ดูค่าความดัน อ๊อกซิเจนในเลือด เครื่องช่วยหายใจ และอีกหลายอย่างค่อยๆ ลดลง แปดสิบ เจ็ดสิบ ห้าสิบ… โบว์บอกพี่ปอว่า โบว์รักพี่ปอนะ แล้วคุณหมอก็ปิดเครื่องช่วยหายใจ
11. ปกติเวลาเราสองคนเดินขึ้นไปหาพี่ปอที่ห้องนอนจะเคาะประตูก่อน พี่ปอจะบอกว่า “เชิญคร้าบ” ทุกวันนี้โบว์ยังทำเหมือนเดิม ให้มะลิเคาะประตูห้องก่อน พอเข้าไปก็บอกว่า พ่อปอ สลีฟแล้ว เดี๋ยวเราเข้านอนกันนะ
12. จะมีสามีสักกี่คนที่ทำงานนอกบ้าน แล้วยังกลับมาเข้าครัวทำอาหารให้ โบว์นั่งรอกับมะลิ สักพักเขาเดินใส่ผ้ากันเปื้อนออกมาพร้อมเสียง “มาแล้…ว” หลังจากนั้นก็ล้อมวงกินข้าวพร้อมกัน หรือก่อนไปเที่ยวด้วยกัน เขาจะถามว่า โบว์ใส่รองเท้าคู่ไหน จากนั้นจะไปนั่งขัดรองเท้าโบว์อยู่หน้าบ้าน อีกวันก็นำเสื้อที่โบว์ต้องใส่ไปธุระมารีดไอน้ำให้ ทั้งที่แม่บ้านก็มี แต่เขาทำทุกอย่างเพื่อครอบครัวได้เสมอหลังจากนี้เป็นหน้าที่ของโบว์แล้วที่จะเลี้ยงมะลิอย่างดีที่สุด
Bow van da po. Mali theory. the touching story of po 12 touching story of po.
1. times that we know each other. At First, bow feels like he is inappropriate. Po should meet someone who is better. So I ran away from the face for about 8-9 months. Both closed the phone and moved. But po tried to investigate until he knew that he found out. Bow's company called to ask if we would come out to talk or go in. After that day, we talked about the future seriously. Po said "po won't close anymore. Bow. Are you ready? Po wants us to fight together"
2. When I start to reveal the relationship, there is both positive and trend. Attack bow that it's not suitable for po. So it makes bow very sad. But po said "no need to read the news. Bow is with po is not with others" that's a sentence. One that bow never forgets and a key point that makes both relationships stronger.
3. Days when little jasmine opened his eyes to see the world. Po was in the maternity room. Even though I was afraid of blood. I didn't like the syringe, but I thought that I would see the first child. Bow was born. When the doctor pulled her brother out, there was SLI So that the nurse has to tell po to wait outside. He must have no worries. Then he said it's good and I will walk away.
One, two. Bow confirms that when jasmine keeps growing up, the more it looks like 100 % po. If you bring photos of po when you were young, this is perfect. No matter the look or shape, the habit is like especially not staying still. I can't stay at home. I Fish then can take a shower and sleep or when jasmine plays something, it will be very focused like po.
5. IN THE FIRST 3 months, Jasmine didn't sleep at night. Sleep at 6 am. Bow didn't sleep in the middle of the middle of the day. It made my body so tired that I was crying next to my kid. When I saw it, he told Replacing my baby until morning. One day bow woke up early in the morning. I saw po slowly putting jasmine in bed and took a nap for 1 hours and I have to go to work.
6. PO. I didn't know how to surprise because I didn't know how to lie. I couldn't keep secrets. But once I did it was done was telling bow that I was going to exercise. But when I got home, the sports suit still folded already and said " " when I walked to open the microwave, I saw my heart-shaped necklace. I was shocked that I was doing this with a bow, wearing a necklace and didn't know if he didn't know. When he saw it, he smiled big and tease me, I almost no surprise. How about "
7. po is not a sweet man, not romantic, but he will show up with actions like saying love every day. One day po stood in front of the house for a long time. Bow asked me what's wrong. Why didn't he said " no smell good smell good. Right? "that's all. Bow bounced in to hug. He used to say," I don't know when po left the house and may not come back. At least we have to say that we
8. When bow can't open a bottle of water, let him open it for him. He says, "if po dies tomorrow, who will open it for you" bow and hit his mouth softly. I don't like to say that.... now if brother po looks. I might want to tell bow that what I can't do. from now on, you have to do it. So bow has to try like a bottle of water.
Haha. There will be only sometimes i am alone and I am weak that if po is with me, it would be good. When I see Jasmine Dance, the neighbors come to have fun together. They will feel that if po saw it, he would be very obsessed with him. I would be glad that my child has evolved and grown up.
10. Bow was with po until the last second. Bow looked at the blood pressure, oxygen, ventilator and many things slowly dropped eighty-fifty fifty fifty... bow told brother po that bow loves p ' po and the doctor turned off the ventilator.
Haha. Normally, when the two of us walk up to see brother po in the bedroom, he will knock on the door before brother po says " welcome these days, bow still does the same. Let Jasmine knock on the door. When he comes in, he says that father Let's go to bed soon
Haha. How many husbands work outside and still come back to the kitchen to cook for bow. Sit and wait with Jasmine for a while. He walked in an apron with the sound of "coming... w" after that, they surrounded by the band to eat together Together, he will ask which pair of shoes bow is wearing. Then he will sit and scrub the bow shoes in front of the house. Another day, I bring the shirt that bow has to wear to ironing the maid. Even if the maid has it's always does everything for the family. After this Bow to raise Jasmine the bestTranslated