First week with the National Tour of My Fair Lady 💐@myfairladybway
✅ San Antonio, TX
Already in love with this wonderful company❤️🙏
#gratitude #showfamily #rehearsal #nationaltour #myfairlady #broadway #musical
「broadway national tour」的推薦目錄:
broadway national tour 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文
【🌐廣納國際人才 打造共榮台灣🇹🇼】
龔明鑫主委邀請美國在台協會經濟組組長Economic Chief Ms. Dannielle Andrews、台灣美國商會執行長President Mr. Leo Seewald、歐洲在台商務協會執行長Chief Executive Officer Mr. Freddie Hoeglund與本會推薦之矽谷臺灣幫等VIP持卡人回娘家,一同歡慶「#外國專業人才延攬及僱用法」實施3週年。
第1,998位持卡人是來自新加坡的陳錦為(Calvin Chang)先生,任職於德國商業銀行新加坡分行,從事 #期貨交易業務,是一位傑出且專業的金融領域人才。
第1,999位持卡人是來自美國的張棋惠(Jennifer Chang)女士,身為 #eBay 的資深高階領導人,在B2C的領域擁有豐富的經驗。
第2,000位持卡人是來自英國的吳宇衛(George Young)先生,同時是傑出的節目主持人、演員,曾獲得 #亞洲電視大獎 的提名,近期正和溫子仁導演合作演出恐怖片Malignant (腫瘤)。
而澳洲籍的 #前歌劇魅影 主唱Paul Whiteley、美國籍 #百老匯歌唱家 夫妻檔Welly Yang(楊呈偉)與Dina Morishita也都是就業金卡持卡人,他們在慶祝會中高歌,展現臺灣就業金卡持卡人的多元實力,為臺灣藝文界帶來更廣發展👩🎤👍
🎉The issuance of Employment Gold Cards tops 2,000! 🎉
Today, NDC Minister Kung Ming-Hsin presented the 1,998th, 1,999th and 2,000th Employment Gold Cards to 3 brightly talented recipients.
NDC also invited Ms. Dannielle Andrews, Economic Chief of the American Institute in Taiwan, Mr. Leo Seewald, President of the American Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, Mr. Freddie Hoeglund, Chief Executive Officer of the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, and many VIP Gold Card Holders to celebrate the third anniversary for the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals.
1998th recipient, Mr. Calvin Chang (陳錦為) has a wealth of expertise as a futures trader at the Singapore Branch of Germany’s Commerzbank.
1999th recipient, Ms. Jennifer Chang (張棋惠) has held a senior leadership position in eBay
2000th recipient, Mr. George Young (吳宇衛) is a successful program host, actor, writer, and currently promoting his new film “Malignant” in Taiwan.
The gathering was also treated to performances by card-holders, Paul Whiteley, the lead singer in the 25th anniversary world tour of the musical The Phantom of the Opera, and Broadway Stars Dina Morishita and Welly Yang.
The goal of the Employment Gold Card program is to help Taiwan attract highly-skilled foreign talents.
The National Development Council will continue to work hard to promote the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals and make Taiwan a second home of international talents.
From February 8, 2018 to Jan. 31, 2021, "2,127" employment gold cards were approved, and the numbers continue growing.👍
broadway national tour 在 Minami Yusui Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Sushi with Cicely Tyson】#repost from my hubby✨🍣👇🏻
On February 29th, 2012, my wife Minami was set to join the second national tour of Mary Poppins. This was her first Equity Production contract which is a big milestone for any actor. We decided to celebrate with a nice sushi dinner on Manhattan's East Side.
Seated at the sushi bar, there was only one other person a few seats away. It became apparent that the woman at the end of sushi bar was a regular of the restaurant and had known the sushi chef for decades, but there was a language barrier. Gradually, Minami started to translate allowing these old friends to communicate more fully.
Soon, we were ordering a la carte and sharing sushi recommendations. Asked if she'd like sushi or sashimi, it was always sashimi. "Rice makes you fat!" She said emphatically.
As we dined, she mentioned coming back from the west coast and how concerned she was about Bobby-Kristina after the death of Whitney Houston among other polite conversation.
As the evening was coming to a natural conclusion, we shared that Minami was heading on the road and I was playing trumpet for the broadway run of Porgy and Bess. She said, "My husband was a trumpet player."
"Oh really?" I replied. Still not realizing to whom I was speaking, I said, "You know, it's a small world. What was his name? Perhaps I have heard of him."
"Miles Davis." She said with a little smile.
My mind started to race through the pages of the Miles Davis autobiography I read in college. This was Cicely Tyson I shockingly realized. Her west coast trip was for the awards season for the movie "The Help." Her concern about Whitney's daughter wasn't because she was a fan, she was family.
I did my best to try to regain my composure even admitting to her "There are a thousand things I'd like to ask you, but I'm trying to be cool."
Minami and I grabbed a cab back to our apartment while I replayed the dinner back in my head to make sure I hadn't said anything completely stupid.This was truly an "only in New York" type of story. I like to think that Ms. Tyson enjoyed having a conversation with us as regular people before revealing that she was royalty.
#rip #cicelytyson