Bulgarian cucumber yogurt soup (Tarator) may not suit this weather since the temperature has turned chiller lately in Taipei, and I cannot really imagine heating the soup up .. but there's nothing wrong to refresh my memory :P Although I didn't stay in Bulgaria for long, I still miss it, or I should probably say .. I miss the entire Balkans.
Supa Star
Balkan Bites
bulgarian yogurt 在 Jo's 九萬的 Facebook 的精選貼文
〔 保加利亞小黃瓜優格冷湯 Bulgarian Cold Yogurt Soup - Tarator 〕
結果隔天我去參加免費的food tour時,第一站吃的就是小黃瓜優格冷湯啊!又鹹又冷又酸但意外好吃的小黃瓜優格冷湯啊!!!!!聽起來超怪可是真的超適合在保加利亞乾熱的夏日飲用的,非常的消暑,是說不上來的滋味,加上我本身其實就是會直接把小黃瓜切片來吃的人 ... 所以我剛上網查了小黃瓜優格冷湯裡面到底裝了什麼:
其實巴爾幹半島的飲食文化大都很像,又冷又水的鹹優格是在鄂圖曼帝國時期從土耳其傳過來的,我在馬其頓也有喝到,但我在保加利亞時應該真的把我今年食用小黃瓜的扣打都用光了吧 ...。
The first night in Sofia, I went to the supermarket with my #couchsurfing host Miro. Miro bought bags of cucumbers and tomatoes. Yap I meant huge plastic bags packed with those! When we got home, he made us a huge bowl of salad mixed with lots of cucumber and tomatoes, then baked some delicious Bulgarian sausages!
I asked him if cucumber is a stable in #Bulgarian cuisine, he said he wasn't sure, but he just loves to eat cucumber ...
However, the next day I went on a free walking tour (Balkan Bites , a great experience if you want to know more about Balkan food and its Hungarian twist,) this Hungarian cold yogurt soup was the first thing I had! It was salty, cold, and sour all at the same time, but it was surprisingly tasty and refreshing!! I know the combination could sound weird, but it was perfect for the dry, hot Bulgarian summer. I really loved it, but I didn't know how to explain the taste, so I googled how its made:
Mix 2 diced cucumbers (500g), Plain yogurt (500g) till the yogurt is watery (So .. basically the proportion is 1:1;) Add 3~4 diced garlic cloves (Bulgarians also love their garlic according to my food tour guide .. maybe it's for fighting vampires? Okay just ignore my nonsense.) You can add some dill as well as walnut depending on your personal taste. Stir everything together with a teaspoon of salt and oil. You can add some water or ice cube if the yogurt is not watery enough. It is this simple :)
In fact, Balkan countries all have very similar food culture. For example, this cold and watery salty yogurt came from Turkey during the Ottoman Empire. I had it in the Bazaar in Macedonia as well, but I think Bulgaria really fulfilled all my cucumber needs for 2015 ... :P
#travel #旅行 #Instagram @joannamiko
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bulgarian yogurt 在 小護士告解室 Facebook 的最佳解答
I'm coming back to Taiwan from Bulgaria very soon. If you like to have some organic rose essential oil skincare products, please let us know by leaving message to 白甘餘 Bulgarian yogurt facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BBQYOGURT
All product is 30%off of the prices. Thanks.