繼教授譯者謝瑤玲把「現代的祕教者窮得很」(don't have two pennies to rub together)譯成「現代的祕教者並沒有兩根可以搓在一起的陰莖」(two penises),繼教授譯者賴慈芸把「等文稿定案後,再找譯者來翻譯也不遲。」(after the job is done, fetch the translator)譯成「翻完之後,不要給譯者留活口」(after the job is done, kill the translator)之後,實在很難找到可以與之匹敵的胡譯瞎譯,直到最近,為了研究中英譯者如何處理「共匪」的英譯,為了暸解中譯「共匪」對應的英文原文是啥,竟然發現無敵的「丟一顆石頭……打中他那話兒」!
* 譯者想像力過於旺盛、
* 恍神或不用心,見樹不見林、
* 對原文文法不夠暸解,態度不對而輕忽之。
首先,「丟一顆石頭」的原文是 lob one (發射一個那個東西),那個東西指什麼?從原文脈絡明顯指向前兩句才剛剛說過的 tactical nuclear bombs (戰術核子武器),即使不說「發射一顆戰術核彈」,嫌太累贅,至少要譯成「發射一顆核彈」。
核彈怎會變石頭?譯者顯然查字典或Google了一下,發現動詞 lob (丟、投擲、發射)和 stone 還蠻常一起出現吧?!就給它「丟一顆石頭」下去了,用這種方式理解英文是不行的,one 必須指涉出現過的名詞概念,不然,one 也有「一個人」之意,但顯然「投擲/發射一個人到廁所」根本見鬼,所以譯者可能採取「消去法」,認定這one一定是個「東西」不是人,但也輪不到「石頭」來當the one啊!
其次,「打中他那話兒」的原文是 make sure I hit it,這裡跟前述的 one 一樣,有一個代名詞 it,同樣的,譯者又是對文法不夠尊重,想像力旺盛,從廁所就聯想到男人的那話兒,於是 it 就譯成「his private parts」(他那話兒),準備千古流芳了!但是各位有沒有注意到這個「解法」的矛盾和問題?中文「他那話兒」有一個「他」,他只能代表人,那這個他指涉誰?原文完全沒有出現「他」。譯者該不會希望讀者可以看出他的用意:用擬人法的譬喻,借用「男廁裡,他的那話兒」表達「克里姆林宮的機要位置」?這未免太扯,不太可能吧!這個 it 也指剛剛提過的東西,就是男廁嘛!
1. 把心用在理解原文和文法,這是翻譯首要的基本功,沒有之一,沒有替代的捷徑。Cue 一下賴教授。
2. 想像力無法控制,很危險,一定要謹記你的角色在哪,不要逾矩。
3. 再好的譯者(如這位陳信宏,中文文筆極佳,我注意欣賞已久,算是英倫哲學才子作家Alan de Botton的「欽定」譯者)都必定有盲點,都一定會出包。所以,任何翻譯都應該找有能力對照原文審核者來過目一次。這是對台灣出版社最衷心的建議。
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//Goldwater, in his heart, believed that he was right. Right about the waste and distaste of the “welfare state” the Johnson administration had built. Right about the need for absolute military strength in the face of Soviet expansion. Right about a foreign policy that would make George Bush’s look downright friendly.
Yes, Goldwater was an extremist and proud of it. His Republican convention acceptance speech is best remembered for the line “I would remind you that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”
On the subject of foreign policy he was crystal clear about where he would lead the nation. Simply put: leave the United Nations and never look back, break off all relations with the Soviet Union, and use tactical nuclear bombs to fight communists in Vietnam and other Commie strongholds. Not surprisingly, many of his proclamations during the campaign were outrageous. He was quoted as saying he’d like to “lob one into the men’s room of the Kremlin and make sure I hit it.”
Small wonder Johnson’s only concern was the extent of the landslide to come. The Democrats quickly seized upon Goldwater’s “let’s nuke ’em when we have the chance” philosophy and came up with their own unofficial slogan to counter “In Your Heart You Know He’s Right.” Their retort: “In Your Guts You Know He’s Nuts.” It didn’t stop there. Bumper stickers appeared with “Goldwater for Halloween” and “Vote for Goldwater and Go to War.”
To top it all off, the Johnson advertising team created the famous “Daisy” commercial. It showed a little girl plucking petals from a daisy as a nuclear countdown ends in a huge mushroom cloud explosion. President Johnson’s voiceover was, roughly, “vote for me or God help us all.”
「bumper stickers」的推薦目錄:
bumper stickers 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的精選貼文
✨ You don't have to be perfect to follow your dream ✨
I have more mornings rolling out of bed wishing I could hibernate than mornings waking up saying: "Tada! Bring it on!"
I don't have a perfect morning routine. I don't exercise or meditate every day.
And still, I'm doing the work I love with people I love in the ways I love.
Not because I've gotten it all together.
Not because I'm righteous about "achieving success" or "living a legacy" or "human potentials" or "making the world a better place." (I've grown sick of all the bumper stickers and motivational mumbo jumbo.)
But because I've tried laziness and it didn't feel good. I've tried finding escape in video games and movies and food and alcohol and sex and men. And it didn't feel good, not for long, not ever.
So one afternoon as I was sipping coffee, feeling the sun on my arms, I thought:
"I was given this life. And I'm here. So what the hell, may as well do something fun with it."
That's why I'm writing these words to (try to) encourage you.
You have a dream. You may don't think you have. But I know you do.
You may think your dream is stupid, ridiculous, embarrassing, impossible. But it isn't.
You may think that you're hopeless, helpless, broken beyond repair. But you're not.
There's something you're meant to do in this world, something that will make you come alive when you do it - your passion.
You can discover your passion.
More than that, you can turn your passion into actions - even if you have no ambitions, no characters, and often in a bad mood; even if you don't believe in yourself and don't have "positive thinking".
You're not broken.
You're a human with your glitches and stains, your quirks and flaws.
You don't need to fix yourself to do what you love.
I want to help you find what you love and do what you love. I'm not a guru who pretends that her life is perfect. I'm just a crazy woman who is living her dreams despite her lousy habits and who gains a sick satisfaction when seeing people come alive.
No more postponing. No more running away.
Because you'll have a lot of fun. Because life would be exciting. And because - as much of a cliche as it sounds - the world needs it.
I believe what Howard Thurman said: “Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
What makes you come alive?
#milenanguyen #snackforyoursoul