#吉娜單字教室 更新課程【pronunciation n. 發音】。這個單字有點長,而且常會跟動詞搞錯拼音,pronounce (動詞) - pronunciation (名詞),都是超級實用的單字,尤其對於學習英文的人更是每天要掛在嘴邊的。我們明天學習動詞的用法,有很棒的生活例句,讓你單字背起來後,真正用得出來!
n. 發音
1. Your pronunciation is great. Can you tell me any tips for improving?
2. The pronunciation of this word is not English. It's a word borrowed from French.
3. I would like to improve my pronunciation. I need to work on my flexibility in the mouth.
A: Do you think pronunciation is useful?
B: Of course! Pronunciation is important if you want to be understood clearly.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuNPxqDGG08p3EqCwY0XIg/join #大阪周遊卡 #googlemap #travelplanner #travelplan #travelplan2020 #youtube #y...
clearly 用法 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最佳貼文
當時仍屬親英的譚惠珠領頭審議草案委員會,負責擬定《立法局(權力及特權)條例》草案,打算確立立法會日後地位,保障97後的香港自主性。然而,由於條文中有誹謗性藐視(Defamatory contempt)的罪行,尤其第19條第2節中有禁止侮辱 (insult) 議員等字眼,大律師公會、香港律師會及記協等組織都大力批評條例有侵犯言論及新聞自由的風險。由於輿情驚動倫敦,最終港英回應訴求,刪減相關誹謗性藐視的條文,英方也表明港英需要吸收更多自主的經驗教訓(there is a need for the Hong Kong Government and UMELCO to learn the wider lessons of growing autonomy)。故此特權法不單止為立法會本身充權,當年在立法過程中也為體現香港步向自主上了重要的一課。
英方與港英政府其後進行賽後檢討,除了分析民間強烈反對的原因,包括港英錯誤預計公眾反應及欠缺政治觸覺(political feel)外,更提出一個具前瞻性的憂慮,特權法有機會被表面地解讀。當年仍任職英國外交部政務官的衛奕信講明,指望中方「合理」地應用法律條文顯然是不足的(with the Chinese dimension, it is clearly not sufficient to rely on the "reasonable" application of the law),難保日後會出現條文被表面地(literally)解讀及僵化地(rigidly)執行的情況,提醒港英日後立法應多加注意。有見今日政府表面地闡釋條文中「干預」、「藐視」及「阻礙」等行為,令立會主席「煩躁不安,精神受挫」也成為干預議會運作的理據【註二】時,相信已經違反英方合理地應用的立法原意。
時任英國外交部香港司司長高德年(Anthony Galsworthy)早就預視97後中方一定會向立法會施壓,因此,特權法中誹謗性藐視的條文本為防止議員受左報的個人攻擊(personal attack)。英方立法原意雖好,但若當初條文沒有受民間壓力而「減辣」的話,現時何君堯或聲稱自己在議會被「侮辱」,指控林卓廷等人藐視立法會,將原告變被告,特權法成為更具威脅性的法律武器控告議員。
1985 FCO 40 1811 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1812 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
1985 FCO 40 1813 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Bill
【註二】蘋果新聞:大搜捕|建制郭偉強施暴獲律政司介入放生 朱凱廸陳志全許智峯潑臭水被控「侵害罪」 「令梁君彥精神受損」https://bit.ly/3kGLlY1
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clearly 用法 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答
今天文章是由三篇小文中的第二篇,延續上一篇的文章,主題是:The Board’s Role in Sustainability主要介紹SCORE這個框架,score是由simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify五個字所簡稱的。詳細內容大家有興趣可以再點留言中的連結看唷~
article是一個可數名詞,大家一般記得的中文為:n. 文章。
1. 物品或商品
例句:Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.(from Cambridge dictionary)
2. 冠詞
3. 條文
例如:the article of the UN Charter 聯合國憲章的一個條款
v. pronounce or say distinctly
a. able to speak clearly
轉變為n. 時,是指articulation n. 表達
例句:He made a clear articulation of his aims.
獻上本文例句:SCORE outlines five actions—simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify—that can help boards articulate and foster a firm’s durable value proposition and its drivers.
clearly 用法 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最讚貼文
#大阪周遊卡 #googlemap #travelplanner #travelplan #travelplan2020
#youtube #youtuber #關西國際機場 #kansaiairport #大阪必買
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar Hello, everyone.
應承了大家好耐,今次就為大家介紹大阪五日四夜google map行程規劃 Finally I am introducing the google map plan for Osaka 5days 4nites itinerary
影片下面有條link, 可以給大家分享給團友這個Google Map, U can share this Google Map with your friends below this video
無論大家透過影片分享, 抑或用whatsapp都可以好方便 Whether u share it through whatsapp or social media
分享到和你一起去旅行, 或者你想分享資料訊息的對象 Share with people who travel with u, or someone who need these info
影片裏面每一日的行程, 都質到密密麻麻 As u can see the itinerary is very intensive
當然不是叫你一次過行完啦, 只不過如果你多過一個人去旅行 Of course, it's not asking u to finish the trip in one go, but if u r not traveling alone,
自然就會有不同的意見, 我只是寫多幾個地點給大家選擇 There will be different opinions, I just write a few more places for choices
還會配合大阪周遊卡, 令到你的旅程省多些金錢 Together with the use of Osaka Amazing pass to save more money on your journey
這個行程規劃 Google Map, 亦會結合我以往拍過大阪的youtube This itinerary plan Google Map will also be combined with the youtube I took in Osaka in the past
所以就算老人家小學生都看得明白, So even if the elderly or students can easily understand it,
大家亦都可以預先見到我分享的行程規劃, 去旅行之前 Everyone can also see the itinerary plan I shared in advance, before going on a trip
有個預算, 大約去什麼地方, 和用多少錢, 節省多少錢 Have an idea for the budget about where to go, how much to spend n how much to save
一目了然, 我那麼用心去製作, 你沒有理由不給我表情符號以示支持㗎? SO clearly. Do I deserve an emoji for a support?
如果你去的日數是4日3夜, 這個行程規劃都適合你, If u go for 4 days n 3 nights, this itinerary plan is also suitable for u,
只是好簡單, 揀選你認為適合的行程就ok啦, Simply choose the places u want to go
旅行的目的, 除了relax增廣見聞這些很cliche的說法之外 The purpose of travel except for relax n explore
當中包括了好多travel planning、危機處理、靈活變通的意義 There are also a lot of travel planning, crisis management n be flexible
我都會在影片跟大家一一分享 I will also mention in this video
事不宜遲, 快點來看看今日的大阪5日4夜行程規劃, are you ready? Let's take a quick look for the video for today.
第一日, 當你到達關西機場,除了買一張出市區的車票ICOCA Card之外 1st day when u arrive in Kansai Airport, other than buying Icoca card to the city
怎樣買ICOCA Card, 和它的用法, How to buy Icoca card n how to use it
怎樣由關西機場出市區的交通選擇, 亦有影片介紹 There are videos to tell u the transportations from Kansai Airport to the city
我建議你亦買一張大阪周遊卡, 可以幫你節省好多錢 I suggest u also buy an Osaka amazing pass, which can help u save a lot of money
影片的第三日, 會跟大家分享如何可以好flexible的那樣用這張大阪周遊卡 3rd day of this video, I will share how to maximize the usage of this pass
有些人是搭凌晨機出發, 很早就會到關西機場 Some people leave by midnite, they will arrive at Kansai Airport very early
如果你的酒店check in時間要等到中午過後, 那麼你早上到關西機場 If your hotel check-in time has to wait until noon, then u will arrive at Kansai Airport early in the morning
我就建議你去Rinku Town,逛逛一間24小時的超市Trial Supercenter I suggest u go to Rinku Town and visit a 24-hour supermarket Trial Supercenter
亦有一間好平的免稅妝藥店, 再去Rinku Town Premium Outlet 才出市區 There is a cheap duty-free cosmetic drugstore then Rinku Town Premium Outlet before going to the city
我這裏有條影片, 影片的07:53分鐘, Pls watch the video at 07:53mins
有講解買一張叫做Rinku Premium Outlet Stopover Ticket There is an explanation for how to buy a Rinku Premium Outlet Stopover Ticket
這張卡有兩種用法, 你可以由關西機場, 去Rinku Town stop over There are 2 ways to use this pass, u can go to Rinku Town stop over from Kansai Airport
Shopping 完, 用著同一張card出難波 After shopping, use the same pass to Namba
如果你當日班機在晚上到達, 就不建議你用這個方法 If your flight arrives at night, this method is not recommended.
但是這一張card, 是可以在你臨離開大阪當日 But this card can be use the day u leave Osaka
出機場之前, 由難波去Rinku Town Stopover Before going to airport, go to Rinku Town Stopover from Namba
みなさん、こんにちは、Ah Tsarです。

clearly 用法 在 C CHANNEL Art&Study DIY Crafts Handmade Youtube 的最佳解答
How do you do your laundry?
It happen sometimes that you just leave the clothes on the floor after you take it off.
Don't you want a convenience bag that you can just throw your clothes?
Let's use Sea grass mat to make your room clearly!
【Things to prepare】
☆Pattern 1
・Seria See grass mat 1x
・Seria window flame 2x
・Hemp string
☆Pattern 2
・Seria Sea grass mat 2x
・Hemp string
・Leisure sheet
【How to make】
☆Pattern 1
?Put the mat horizontally and connect the window flame then band it with the hemp string to make shallow container
?Spread the fabric which you like into ? to prevent the thing flow
☆Pattern 2
?Put the shorter part of the mat together with the hemp string. Do the same thing on the other side too.
?Turn the leisure seat to back side and fold it in two then staple it. Don't staple the upper part but turn it back to show the pattern.
?Put the leisure sheet bag in the tubular mat and put out the upper part to complete!
How do you like it?
If you use the Sea grass mat, you feel cool even it is still hot outside!
You can use it in other way not only for laundry!
みなさん、 洗濯物って普段どうしていますか?
・セリア シーグラスマット 1枚
・セリア ウィンドウフレーム 2つ
・セリア シーグラスマット 2枚
・100均 レジャーシート