‘Chicken Rice’ was the Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day on our National Day yesterday (https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/82932046)
The first citation given by the OED for the phrase is from a 1950 Straits Times advertisement for Swee Kee Chicken Rice Restaurant. I remember Swee Kee fondly. It used to be at Middle Road, but sadly closed in 1997.
Hawker food is central to our multicultural identity and a big part of our everyday life. It was a proud moment for us all when Hawker Culture was inscribed as Singapore’s first element on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on 16 December 2020.
Dining-in resumes today. I hope you continue to support our hawkers during this difficult period. If you are eating at a hawker centre, please remember to practise safe distancing and return your trays.
What is your chicken rice order? Skinless steamed breast meat is healthier, but I prefer the thigh meat and the spare parts! – LHL
(PMO Photo by Alex Qiu)
continue oxford 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳解答
(Nature, 6/7/2021)
● 嚴重過敏反應(Anaphylaxis)
- 輝瑞: 4.7人/100萬人
- 莫德納: 1.3人/100萬人
● 血栓問題(Blood-clotting Syndrome) - - 牛津AZ: 1人/10萬人
- 嬌生: 3.5人/100萬人
2) 接種疫苗是否就不會傳染給別人?
(Nature, 6/7/2021)
• 以色列研究:病毒量減少4.5倍
• 英國Pfizer和AZ可降低50%以上居家感染
• 更多研究(美、英)進行中
• 變種可能為最大的困擾(Susan Little, UCSD)
(Nature, 6/7/2021)
1. 感染後
- 英國對25,000醫護人員的研究發現,感染後84%持續7個月
- 卡達研究(未發表,Abu-Raddad)發現,感染後90%持續一年
2. 疫苗保護力比感染後要持續短一些(Emory University)
3. 疫苗注射後
- Pfizer與Moderna報告至少6個月,美國傳染病專家Fauci說至少6個月至一年 -
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: 8-12個月復打第三針,但美國疾管局CDC不同意,否認有此必要。
- WHO自6月起不再使用地名,改以希臘字母命名
1.應留意的變種病毒 Variant of Interest
2.應關注的變種病毒 Variant of Concern
3.後果嚴重的變種病毒 Variant of High Consequence
5)應關注的變種病毒 (VOC) (WHO,05/19/2021)
*Alpha,B.1.1.7GRY 英國,
*Beta,B.1.351,南非, May-2020,
6) 不同疫苗對變種病毒效力之研究
● 目前仍無VOHC,疫苗仍然有效
● 仍未正式宣布需要施打第三劑
莫德納 No difference or 6 fold reduction
74.6% overall
嬌生64% overall; 82% severe disease
J &J
<10% for mild and moderate diseases
輝瑞Pfizer/BNT No difference or 33% lower
Novavax. 96.4% overall; 100% severedisease
95% overall and severe/deaths
94.1% overall; 86.4% 65+ y/o
72% overall; 86% severe disease
76% overall; 85% 65+ y/o
7) 三種疫苗能有效對抗變種病毒
(University of Minnesota, 05/09/2021)
● 輝瑞疫苗對抗 B.1.351, B.1.1.7 (NEJM)
○ 打過一針以上疫苗的385,853人卡達研究
○ 輝瑞對於B.1.1.7的效力為89.5%; B.1.351為75%; 避免重症的效力為97.4%
● 莫德納疫苗對抗 B.1.351, P.1 (Moderna)
○ 第二期臨床試驗內容:為完成兩劑疫苗接種的人注射加強劑,結果增強體內
中和抗體濃度對抗B.1.351及P.1變種 ●
Novavax 對抗 B.1.351 (NEJM)
○ 2,684未感染個體中,疫苗效力為49.4%;HIV陰性的個案則達60.1%
○ Of the 41 virus isolates that were sequenced, 92.7% were B.1.351. Among HIV-
negative participants, post hoc vaccine efficacy against B.1.351 was 51%
continue oxford 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
* 美國總統川普(Donald Trump)告訴喬治亞州最高選舉官員“找到”足夠多的選票,以推翻選舉結果。
《華盛頓郵報》公開的錄音中,川普告訴共和黨喬治亞國務卿布拉德·拉芬斯佩格(Brad Raffensperger):“我想要你找到11780張選票,以推翻選舉結果。”但他聽到拉芬斯佩格先生的回答是:喬治亞州的選票結果是正確的。
US President Donald Trump has been recorded telling Georgia's top election official to "find" enough votes to overturn the election result.
US election: Trump tells Georgia election official to 'find' votes to overturn Biden win https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2020-55524838
*Nancy Pelosi如何爬上領導顚峰,並且成為傳奇?佩洛西第四度連任美國眾議院議長,這是她近五十年領導民主黨政治生涯的榮耀,但也是一大挑戰,她僅以七票之差險勝連任眾議院議長。
Nancy Pelosi: How she rose to the top - and stayed there https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55518870
* 英國星期一將開始施打牛津團隊及AstraZeneca 共同開發的疫苗,英國已準備好五十萬劑以上疫苗,準備為英國人接種疫苗。
The first doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus jab are to be given as the UK accelerates its vaccine programme to tackle a surge in cases.
Covid: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout to begin https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55525542
*「你永不孤單」(You will never walk alone)的原唱者,Gerry Marsden出生利物浦,星期日過世。他並非因為新冠病毒感染死亡。
Liverpool FC anthem singer Gerry Marsden dies aged 78 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55524795
* 印度正為世界上最大的接種疫苗計劃之一做準備,並已正式批准緊急使用兩種冠狀病毒疫苗。
印度藥品監管機構已合法批准兩款疫苗,包括英國AstraZeneca 阿斯利康與牛津大學疫苗以及印度當地公司巴拉特生物技術公司(Bharat Biotech)開發的疫苗開了綠燈。
印度總理莫迪(Narendra Modi)稱這是對抗疫情“決定性的轉折點”。
Coronavirus: India approves vaccines from Bharat Biotech and Oxford/AstraZeneca https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-55520658
* 上週發生大規模山體滑坡土石流摧毀了挪威大批的房屋後,警方已經尋找到災害中失踪人共七個屍體。
Norway landslide: Seventh body found as rescuers continue search https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55516599
* ISIS伊斯蘭國集團聲稱對巴基斯坦西部Bal路支省11名煤礦工人屠殺事件負責。
Pakistan coal miners kidnapped and killed in IS attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-55522830
Central African Republic rebels seize Bangassou, says UN https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-55522242
* 由於經費壓力,愛丁堡動物園的大熊貓明年可能不得不返回中國。
Edinburgh Zoo's giant pandas may have to return to China next year because of financial pressures.
Edinburgh's giant pandas may 'return to China' over Covid losses https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-55523609
Why I'm feeling hopeful about the environment in 2021 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-55429607