🌟 55 chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 - có khả năng ra từ tháng 9 - 12 / 2016. Các bạn học thêm từ vựng theo từng chủ đề và thực hành nói trong 1-2 phút cho từng đề nói phía dưới để thi được kết quả thật cao nhé!
🌟1. *Describe a time you needed to use imagination*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-what the situation was;
👉🏽-why you needed to use imagination;
👉🏽-what the difficulties were;
👉🏽-and explain how you felt about it.
🌟2. *Describe a time when you are very busy*
📌You should say
👉🏽-When it was
👉🏽-What you had to do during that time
👉🏽-How you managed it
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about being busy
🌟3. *Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike*
📌You should say
👉🏽-Where this building is
👉🏽-What it looks like
👉🏽-What it is used for
👉🏽-And explain why you like or dislike
🌟4. *Describe a person/something that made you laugh*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What made you laugh
👉🏽-Where you were
👉🏽-when it happened
👉🏽-Who you were with
👉🏽-And explain why it made you laugh
🌟5. *Describe your favorite movie*
📌You should say
👉🏽-When and where you saw it
👉🏽-What type of film it was
👉🏽-What the film was about
👉🏽-And explain why it is your favorite film
🌟6. *Describe a piece of (electrical or electronic) equipment in your home*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it is
👉🏽-How often you use it
👉🏽-Who you usually use it with
👉🏽-And explain why this item is important to you
🌟7. *Describe a gift that you gave someone recently*
📌You should say
👉🏽-What the gift was
👉🏽-Who you gave it to
👉🏽-Why you chose that gift
🌟8. *Describe a person who you have met and want to know more about*
📌You should say
👉🏽-Who this person is
👉🏽-When and where you met
👉🏽-What you did or talked about
🌟9. *Describe an interesting song you like*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it is
👉🏽-Which country the song comes from
👉🏽-What story the song tells
👉🏽-And explain why you think it is interesting
🌟10. *Describe a creative inventor or musician*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who this person is
👉🏽-What this person does
👉🏽-How he knew this person
👉🏽-And explain why you think this person is creative
🌟11. *Describe a time you missed an appointment for something*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When and where it happened
👉🏽-What the appointment was for
👉🏽-What happened
👉🏽-when you missed it
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about missing the appointment
🌟12. *Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where it is
👉🏽-How often you go there
👉🏽-What people do there
👉🏽-And explain why you think it is important
🌟13. *Describe a garden you have visited and liked*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where it was
👉🏽-What it looked like
👉🏽-What you did there
👉🏽-And explain why you liked it there
🌟14. *Describe an area of subject that you are interested in*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it is
👉🏽-When it started to become interested in it
👉🏽-What we have learned from it
👉🏽-And explain why you have interest in it
🌟15. *Describe a special meal you would like to have*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where you would like to have it
👉🏽-Who you would like to have it with
👉🏽-And explain how you would feel about the meal
🌟16. *Describe something you did with a group of people*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the activity was
👉🏽-When and where you did it
👉🏽-Who you were with
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about being part of this group
🌟17. *Describe a famous person in your country*
📌You should say
👉🏽-Who this person is
👉🏽-How you know this person
👉🏽-What this person is famous for
👉🏽-And explain why you like this person
🌟18. *Describe a place where you go to relax*
📌You should say
👉🏽-Where it is
👉🏽-How often you go there
👉🏽-What you usually do there
👉🏽-And explain why it relaxes you
🌟19. *Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time)*
📌You should say
👉🏽-What you did
👉🏽-When and where you did it
👉🏽-Who you did it with
👉🏽-And explain why you think it was interesting or unusual
🌟20. *Describe an advertisement you have seen/heard recently*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When and where you saw it
👉🏽-What was advertised
👉🏽-What the contents of the advertisements were
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about it
🌟21. *Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where you would like to go
👉🏽-How you would like to go there
👉🏽-Who you would like to go with
👉🏽-And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike*
🌟22. *Describe an interesting photo*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who look it
👉🏽-Who was in the photo
👉🏽-When the photo was taken
👉🏽-And explain why it was interesting
🌟23. *Describe a small business you want to have in the future*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it would be
👉🏽-What you need to prepare for it
👉🏽-Where you would have this business
👉🏽-And explain why you would like to do this business
🌟24. *Describe a wild animal*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it looks like
👉🏽-Where you can see it
👉🏽-What it likes to eat or do
👉🏽-And explain why you like it
🌟25. *Describe something you did with a group of people*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the activity was
👉🏽-When and where you did it
👉🏽-Who you were with
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about being part of this group
🌟26. *Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive*
📌You should say
👉🏽-What it is
👉🏽-How much it usually costs
👉🏽-Who usually do it with
👉🏽-And explain why you like to do this activity
🌟27. *Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where you would like to go
👉🏽-What kind of work/job you would like to have
👉🏽-When you would like to go
👉🏽-Why you want to work in that place
🌟28. *Describe someone who has a great influence on you*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who this person is
👉🏽-How she knew this person
👉🏽-What influence this person has on you
👉🏽-And how you think of the influence
🌟29. *Describe a website you like to visit*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When you found it
👉🏽-What it is about
👉🏽-How often you visit it
👉🏽-Why you like this website
🌟30. *Describe a difficult decision that you once made.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the decision was
👉🏽-How you made your decision
👉🏽-What the results of the decision were
👉🏽-And explain why it was difficult to make.
🌟31. *Describe an item that you received and made you happy*
📌You should say
👉🏽-When you received it
👉🏽-What the item was
👉🏽-Who gave it to you
👉🏽-And explain why you felt happy
🌟32. *Describe something you ate for the first time.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it was;
👉🏽-When you ate it;
👉🏽-Why you ate it;
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about it.
🌟33. *Describe something that you had to share with other people, such as public transport, accommodation, and food.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it was;
👉🏽-Who you shared it with;
👉🏽-Why you shared it with others;
👉🏽-And explain how you felt about sharing
🌟34. *Describe an activity you do to keep fit*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the activity is
👉🏽-When, where you usually do it
👉🏽-How you do it
👉🏽-And explain why it can keep you fit.
🌟35. *Describe a person who once moved to live with you*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When and where this person moved in
👉🏽-How you know -this person
👉🏽-How you got along with this person
👉🏽-And how you feel about living with this person
🌟36. *Describe an interesting tradition in your country*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the tradition is
👉🏽-When do you celebrate it
👉🏽-How do you celebrate it
👉🏽-And explain why it is interesting
🌟37. *Describe a person that you like to spend time with*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who is this person
👉🏽-How do you know this person
👉🏽-What you like to do together
👉🏽-And explain why you like to spend time with this person
🌟38. *Describe a piece of good news that you received*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What this news was
👉🏽-When and where you heard it
👉🏽-How you heard it
👉🏽-And explain why you think it was good news
🌟39. *Describe a leader you admire*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who this person is;
👉🏽-How you know this person;
👉🏽-What skills he or she has for leadership;
👉🏽-And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
🌟40. *Describe a creative person that you admire*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Who is this person
👉🏽-How do you know this person
👉🏽-What creative things this person likes to do
👉🏽-And explain why you admire this person.
🌟41. *Describe a course that you want to learn*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What this course is
👉🏽-When you want to learn it
👉🏽-Where you can learn it
👉🏽-And explain why you want to learn it
🌟42. *Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What this skill was
👉🏽-When you learned it
👉🏽-How you learned it
👉🏽-And explain why you think it was important
🌟43. *Describe an activity that you do in your school after school*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When and where you do
👉🏽-What you like to do
👉🏽-Who you do it with
👉🏽-And how you feel about it
🌟44. *Describe a mistake that you once made*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the mistake was When,
👉🏽-where you made it
👉🏽-Who was with you
👉🏽-And how the mistake affected you
🌟45. *Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-When this happened
👉🏽-What you needed to do that day
👉🏽-Who you were with
👉🏽-And how you felt about getting up early that day
🌟46. *Describe a big company you are interested in.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What is the company called;
👉🏽-How did you know this company;
👉🏽-What kind of business this company does;
👉🏽-What kinds of interesting activities the company has
👉🏽-And why this company is interesting
🌟47. *Describe a method that helps you save money*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the method is
👉🏽-When you started to use it
👉🏽-How you knew it
👉🏽-and explain why it is helpful
🌟48. *Describe a positive change in your life*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the change was
👉🏽-When it happened
👉🏽-How it happened
👉🏽-And explain why it was a positive change
🌟49. *Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where is this place
👉🏽-What you can do there
👉🏽-Who you like to go with
👉🏽-And explain why you think this is an interesting place
🌟50. *Describe a wedding you have been to*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where it was
👉🏽-Who you went with
👉🏽-What you saw
👉🏽-And how you felt about the wedding
🌟51. *Describe a program or app in your computer or phones*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What the app/program is When,
👉🏽-where you found it
👉🏽-How you use it
👉🏽-And how you feel about it
🌟52. *Describe a situation that made you a little angry.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it was that made you angry
👉🏽-Where you were when this happened
👉🏽-What you were doing at the time
👉🏽-And explain why you felt angry.
🌟53. *Describe a (short) journey that you disliked*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-Where you went
👉🏽-Who you went with
👉🏽-What you did
👉🏽-And explain why you disliked this journey
🌟54. *Describe an antique or an old object that your family has kept for a long time.*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it is
👉🏽-How your family first got this thing
👉🏽-How long your family has had it
👉🏽-And explain why it is important
🌟55. *Describe a character or personality of yours*
📌You should say:
👉🏽-What it is How it affects your life
👉🏽-Where you get it from
👉🏽-And how you feel about it
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅IELTS Fighter,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SPEAKING PART 2: DESCRIBE A SKILL THAT TAKES A LONG TIME TO LEARN! - Ms Trang Chuối hôm nay lên sóng sẽ đem tới điều bất ngờ gì đây? Hãy cùng tham kh...
「describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn」的推薦目錄:
describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube 的最佳解答
- Ms Trang Chuối hôm nay lên sóng sẽ đem tới điều bất ngờ gì đây? Hãy cùng tham khảo bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 về một câu hỏi cực khoai đó là Describe a skill that takes a long time to learn!
Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 từ Ms.Trang giúp bạn tìm hiểu thêm những từ vựng hay và cách nói giọng Anh - Anh tuyệt vời nhé!
" Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about a skill that takes a long time to learn, which is the playing instrument skill. Specifically here, I have the bass guitar. I originally started playing instrument by playing the actual guitar here as you can see.
And then I slowly moved on to bass which I really love. But it’s not a very easy instrument to play. As you can see the string is really thick, so for a girl’s hand which is this little, it was really painful starting it, and then it took me a really long to slowly getting used to it.
After that, as you can see the reach-out of a bass is also much wider than the reach-out of the guitar. It’s also something else to practice, and it took me quite a while to be honest. But then the sound of the bass is actually really sexy and it’s very attracting and I slowly got to really love it.
There’s a few things to practice on a bass for a starter within a scale. My favorite scale is pentatonic scale, in Vietnamese, we call it “ngu cung”.
And then also practicing your fingers is obviously the most difficult. And playing bass you use two fingers to go like this instead of a pick like in the guitar.
Xem tiếp cùng Ms.Trang nhé!
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