I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand.
約翰·戴維森·洛克斐勒 (John Davison Rockefeller) 是美國知名的實業家、慈善家,於1870年創立的標準石油全盛期壟斷全美90%的石油市場,成為歷史上的第一位億萬富豪與全球首富,其財富總值在1914年時達到美國GDP的2.4%,折合今日之4000億美元以上
dignity of labor 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
AIT代理處長谷立言昨天與副總統陳建仁一同於內政部「2019年防制人口販運國際工作坊」,恭喜台灣在美國國務院的《人口販運問題報告》中,連續十年名列「第一級」。代理處長讚揚所有人士,「孜孜不倦打擊人口販運、努力要將從強迫勞動及性剝削中獲利的人口販子繩之以法,並幫助人口販運的受害者或潛在受害者,為其提供保護。」代理處長並表示:「美台對尊嚴、自由及法治的共享承諾,正是所有其他合作項目奠基於其上的基礎。台灣在打擊人口販運方面的出色表現,體現了這項價值。正因如此,美國才會一再將台灣稱為民主的典範,可靠的夥伴,及世界上一股良善的力量。」美國 2019 年人口販運問題報告 – 台灣部分請參考:https://www.ait.org.tw/…/2019-trafficking-in-persons-repor…/ #TraffickinginPersonsReport
AIT Acting Director Raymond Greene yesterday joined Vice President Chen Chien-jen in congratulating Taiwan on obtaining the best ranking for the 10th year in a row in the State Department’s 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report at this year’s National Immigration Agency International Workshop on Strategies for Combating Human Trafficking! The Acting Director commended those who “have worked tirelessly to combat trafficking in persons, to bring to justice those who profit from forced labor and sexual exploitation, and to protect and help those who are either victims or potential victims of trafficking.” “Our shared commitment to dignity, freedom, and rule of law are the foundation upon which all other cooperation is built. Taiwan’s outstanding efforts to combat human trafficking embodies this value. It’s for these reasons that we frequently refer to Taiwan as a democratic role model, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world,” Greene added. Read more about Taiwan’s trafficking-in-persons situation here: https://www.ait.org.tw/…/2019-trafficking-in-persons-repor…/
dignity of labor 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 40+個關鍵英文片語幫你理解長榮罷工事件! 「秋後算帳」英文怎麼說?
Here are 40+ key phrases that help you express your opinions no matter whether you are a union representative, manager, or consumer.
Union 工會
1. flight attendants (客機的)機艙服務員
2. cabin crew(飛機上的)機組人員
3. receive unequal treatment 受到不平等的待遇
4. air grievances 表達不滿
5. salary structure 薪資結構
6. substandard working conditions 不合標準的工作條件
7. a breakdown in negotiations 談判破裂
8. press their demands 堅持他們的要求
9. layover allowance 中途補貼
10. bar non-union members from... 禁止非工會會員...
11. struggle for dignity 爭取尊嚴
12. cast ballots 投票
13. call for a strike 呼籲罷工
14. launch a strike 發動罷工
15. go into effect 生效
16. ongoing strike 持續的罷工
17. free-rider problem 搭便車問題
18. per diem 日費;出差費
Management 管理層,資方
1. express regret 表示遺憾
2. internal disciplinary committee 內部紀律委員會
3. hold consumers hostage 讓消費者成為人質
4. ground crew/ground staff 地勤人員
5. give advance notice 提前通知
6. jeopardize flight safety 危及飛行安全
7. minimize effects 減少影響
8. reduce delays 減少延誤
9. accept the consequences 接受後果
10. settle a score (later) 秋後算帳,算舊帳
Consumers 消費者;顧客
1. arrange alternative flights 安排其他航班
2. scramble for alternative transport 爭奪替代運輸
3. accept new bookings 接受新的預訂
4. reschedule flights 重新安排航班
5. file a complaint 提出申訴
Mediator 中介者;調停者
1. minister of transportation and communications 交通運輸部長
2. in response to... 回應...
3. call for a meeting 召開會議
4. resume talks 恢復談判
5. continue negotiations 繼續談判
6. address the issue 解決問題
7. reach an agreement 達成協議
8. ...with mediation ...用調解
9. Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Dispute 勞資爭議處理法
10. resolve disputes 解決糾紛
Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes (勞資爭議處理法)
Image source: chinatimes.com
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The Dignity of Labour. 117 likes. The Dignity of Labour blends smart, synth-driven pop with elements of orchestra, beats and dreams to create audioscapes... ... <看更多>