Joshua Wong plonks himself down on a plastic stool across from me. He is there for barely 10 seconds before he leaps up to greet two former high school classmates in the lunchtime tea house melee. He says hi and bye and then bounds back. Once again I am facing the young man in a black Chinese collared shirt and tan shorts who is proving such a headache for the authorities in Beijing.
So far, it’s been a fairly standard week for Wong. On a break from a globe-trotting, pro-democracy lobbying tour, he was grabbed off the streets of Hong Kong and bundled into a minivan. After being arrested, he appeared on the front pages of the world’s newspapers and was labelled a “traitor” by China’s foreign ministry.
He is very apologetic about being late for lunch.
Little about Wong, the face of Hong Kong’s democracy movement, can be described as ordinary: neither his Nobel Peace Prize nomination, nor his three stints in prison. Five years ago, his face was plastered on the cover of Time magazine; in 2017, he was the subject of a hit Netflix documentary, Joshua: Teenager vs Superpower. And he’s only 23.
We’re sitting inside a Cantonese teahouse in the narrow back streets near Hong Kong’s parliament, where he works for a pro-democracy lawmaker. It’s one of the most socially diverse parts of the city and has been at the heart of five months of unrest, which has turned into a battle for Hong Kong’s future. A few weekends earlier I covered clashes nearby as protesters threw Molotov cocktails at police, who fired back tear gas. Drunk expats looked on, as tourists rushed by dragging suitcases.
The lunch crowd pours into the fast-food joint, milling around as staff set up collapsible tables on the pavement. Construction workers sit side-by-side with men sweating in suits, chopsticks in one hand, phones in the other. I scan the menu: instant noodles with fried egg and luncheon meat, deep fried pork chops, beef brisket with radish. Wong barely glances at it before selecting the hometown fried rice and milk tea, a Hong Kong speciality with British colonial roots, made with black tea and evaporated or condensed milk.
“I always order this,” he beams, “I love this place, it’s the only Cantonese teahouse in the area that does cheap, high-quality milk tea.” I take my cue and settle for the veggie and egg fried rice and a lemon iced tea as the man sitting on the next table reaches over to shake Wong’s hand. Another pats him on the shoulder as he brushes by to pay the bill.
Wong has been a recognisable face in this city since he was 14, when he fought against a proposal from the Hong Kong government to introduce a national education curriculum that would teach that Chinese Communist party rule was “superior” to western-style democracy. The government eventually backed down after more than 100,000 people took to the streets. Two years later, Wong rose to global prominence when he became the poster boy for the Umbrella Movement, in which tens of thousands of students occupied central Hong Kong for 79 days to demand genuine universal suffrage.
That movement ended in failure. Many of its leaders were sent to jail, among them Wong. But the seeds of activism were planted in the generation of Hong Kongers who are now back on the streets, fighting for democracy against the world’s most powerful authoritarian state. The latest turmoil was sparked by a controversial extradition bill but has evolved into demands for true suffrage and a showdown with Beijing over the future of Hong Kong. The unrest in the former British colony, which was handed over to China in 1997, represents the biggest uprising on Chinese soil since the 1989 pro-democracy movement in Beijing. Its climax, of course, was the Tiananmen Square massacre, when hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people were killed.
“We learnt a lot of lessons from the Umbrella Movement: how to deal with conflict between the more moderate and progressive camps, how to be more organic, how to be less hesitant,” says Wong. “Five years ago the pro-democracy camp was far more cautious about seeking international support because they were afraid of pissing off Beijing.”
Wong doesn’t appear to be afraid of irking China. Over the past few months, he has lobbied on behalf of the Hong Kong protesters to governments around the world. In the US, he testified before Congress and urged lawmakers to pass an act in support of the Hong Kong protesters — subsequently approved by the House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support. In Germany, he made headlines when he suggested two baby pandas in the Berlin Zoo be named “Democracy” and “Freedom.” He has been previously barred from entering Malaysia and Thailand due to pressure from Beijing, and a Singaporean social worker was recently convicted and fined for organising an event at which Wong spoke via Skype.
The food arrives almost immediately. I struggle to tell our orders apart. Two mouthfuls into my egg and cabbage fried rice, I regret not ordering the instant noodles with luncheon meat.
In August, a Hong Kong newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist party published a photo of Julie Eadeh, an American diplomat, meeting pro-democracy student leaders including Wong. The headline accused “foreign forces” of igniting a revolution in Hong Kong. “Beijing says I was trained by the CIA and the US marines and I am a CIA agent. [I find it] quite boring because they have made up these kinds of rumours for seven years [now],” he says, ignoring his incessantly pinging phone.
Another thing that bores him? The media. Although Wong’s messaging is always on point, his appraisal of journalists in response to my questions is piercing and cheeky. “In 15-minute interviews I know journalists just need soundbites that I’ve repeated lots of times before. So I’ll say things like ‘I have no hope [as regards] the regime but I have hope towards the people.’ Then the journalists will say ‘oh that’s so impressive!’ And I’ll say ‘yes, I’m a poet.’ ”
And what about this choice of restaurant? “Well, I knew I couldn’t pick a five-star hotel, even though the Financial Times is paying and I know you can afford it,” he says grinning. “It’s better to do this kind of interview in a Hong Kong-style restaurant. This is the place that I conducted my first interview after I left prison.” Wong has spent around 120 days in prison in total, including on charges of unlawful assembly.
“My fellow prisoners would tell me about how they joined the Umbrella Movement and how they agreed with our beliefs. I think prisoners are more aware of the importance of human rights,” he says, adding that even the prison wardens would share with him how they had joined protests.
“Even the triad members in prison support democracy. They complain how the tax on cigarettes is extremely high and the tax on red wine is extremely low; it just shows how the upper-class elite lives here,” he says, as a waiter strains to hear our conversation. Wong was most recently released from jail in June, the day after the largest protests in the history of Hong Kong, when an estimated 2m people — more than a quarter of the territory’s 7.5m population — took to the streets.
Raised in a deeply religious family, he used to travel to mainland China every two years with his family and church literally to spread the gospel. As with many Hong Kong Chinese who trace their roots to the mainland, he doesn’t know where his ancestral village is. His lasting memory of his trips across the border is of dirty toilets, he tells me, mid-bite. He turned to activism when he realised praying didn’t help much.
“The gift from God is to have independence of mind and critical thinking; to have our own will and to make our own personal judgments. I don’t link my religious beliefs with my political judgments. Even Carrie Lam is Catholic,” he trails off, in a reference to Hong Kong’s leader. Lam has the lowest approval rating of any chief executive in the history of the city, thanks to her botched handling of the crisis.
I ask whether Wong’s father, who is also involved in social activism, has been a big influence. Wrong question.
“The western media loves to frame Joshua Wong joining the fight because of reading the books of Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King or because of how my parents raised me. In reality, I joined street activism not because of anyone book I read. Why do journalists always assume anyone who strives for a better society has a role model?” He glances down at his pinging phone and draws a breath, before continuing. “Can you really describe my dad as an activist? I support LGBTQ rights,” he says, with a fist pump. His father, Roger Wong, is a well-known anti-gay rights campaigner in Hong Kong.
I notice he has put down his spoon, with half a plate of fried rice untouched. I decide it would be a good idea to redirect our conversation by bonding over phone addictions. Wong, renowned for his laser focus and determination, replies to my emails and messages at all hours and has been described by his friends as “a robot.”
He scrolls through his Gmail, his inbox filled with unread emails, showing me how he categorises interview requests with country tags. His life is almost solely dedicated to activism. “My friends and I used to go to watch movies and play laser tag but now of course we don’t have time to play any more: we face real bullets every weekend.”
The protests — which have seen more than 3,300 people arrested — have been largely leaderless. “Do you ever question your relevance to the movement?” I venture, mid-spoonful of congealed fried rice.
“Never,” he replies with his mouth full. “We have a lot of facilitators in this movement and I’m one of them . . . it’s just like Wikipedia. You don’t know who the contributors are behind a Wikipedia page but you know there’s a lot of collaboration and crowdsourcing. Instead of just having a top-down command, we now have a bottom-up command hub which has allowed the movement to last far longer than Umbrella.
“With greater power comes greater responsibility, so the question is how, through my role, can I express the voices of the frontliners, of the street activism? For example, I defended the action of storming into the Legislative Council on July 1. I know I didn’t storm in myself . . . ” His phone pings twice. Finally he succumbs.
After tapping away for about 30 seconds, Wong launches back into our conversation, sounding genuinely sorry that he wasn’t there on the night when protesters destroyed symbols of the Chinese Communist party and briefly occupied the chamber.
“My job is to be the middleman to express, evaluate and reveal what is going on in the Hong Kong protests when the movement is about being faceless,” he says, adding that his Twitter storm of 29 tweets explaining the July 1 occupation reached at least four million people. I admit that I am overcome with exhaustion just scanning his Twitter account, which has more than 400,000 followers. “Well, that thread was actually written by Jeffrey Ngo from Demosisto,” he say, referring to the political activism group that he heads.
A network of Hong Kong activists studying abroad helps fuel his relentless public persona on social media and in the opinion pages of international newspapers. Within a week of his most recent arrest, he had published op-eds in The Economist, The New York Times, Quartz and the Apple Daily.
I wonder out loud if he ever feels overwhelmed at taking on the Chinese Communist party, a task daunting even for some of the world’s most formidable governments and companies. He peers at me over his wire-framed glasses. “It’s our responsibility; if we don’t do it, who will? At least we are not in Xinjiang or Tibet; we are in Hong Kong,” he says, referring to two regions on Chinese soil on the frontline of Beijing’s drive to develop a high-tech surveillance state. In Xinjiang, at least one million people are being held in internment camps. “Even though we’re directly under the rule of Beijing, we have a layer of protection because we’re recognised as a global city so [Beijing] is more hesitant to act.”
I hear the sound of the wok firing up in the kitchen and ask him the question on everyone’s minds in Hong Kong: what happens next? Like many people who are closely following the extraordinary situation in Hong Kong, he is hesitant to make firm predictions.
“Lots of think-tanks around the world say ‘Oh, we’re China experts. We’re born in western countries but we know how to read Chinese so we’re familiar with Chinese politics.’ They predicted the Communist party would collapse after the Tiananmen Square massacre and they’ve kept predicting this over the past three decades but hey, now it’s 2019 and we’re still under the rule of Beijing, ha ha,” he grins.
While we are prophesying, does Wong ever think he might become chief executive one day? “No local journalist in Hong Kong would really ask this question,” he admonishes. As our lunch has progressed, he has become bolder in dissecting my interview technique. The territory’s chief executive is currently selected by a group of 1,200, mostly Beijing loyalists, and he doubts the Chinese Communist party would ever allow him to run. A few weeks after we meet he announces his candidacy in the upcoming district council elections. He was eventually the only candidate disqualified from running — an order that, after our lunch, he tweeted had come from Beijing and was “clearly politically driven”.
We turn to the more ordinary stuff of 23-year-olds’ lives, as Wong slurps the remainder of his milk tea. “Before being jailed, the thing I was most worried about was that I wouldn’t be able to watch Avengers: Endgame,” he says.
“Luckily, it came out around early May so I watched it two weeks before I was locked up in prison.” He has already quoted Spider-Man twice during our lunch. I am unsurprised when Wong picks him as his favourite character.
“I think he’s more . . . ” He pauses, one of the few times in the interview. “Compared to having an unlimited superpower or unlimited power or unlimited talent just like Superman, I think Spider-Man is more human.” With that, our friendly neighbourhood activist dashes off to his next interview.
family and friends 4 student book 在 謝智謀-小謀老師 Chihmou Hsieh Facebook 的精選貼文
美國哈彿大學也有他的新生前訓練與新生訓練。新生前訓練,可以在六個活動中選一個參加,每個活動是6天。有宿舍服務、有戶外、有藝術的、有國際化的,有退修式與經驗傳承的,有一些城市服務、社會正義、平等議題等方案(請參閱下面六項活動)。在新生訓練前,需要閱讀幾本書,並且會在期間討論,一個由教授帶著大家討論Transformation and Belonging轉化與歸屬” 另一個由大家分組討論 “Community Conversations社群對話.
1. Fall Clean-Up (FCU) with Dorm Crew
Fall Clean-Up (FCU) is a week-long program run by
Dorm Crew that employs 300 incoming first-years and
50 student leaders to clean the dorms and Houses for move-in. Students get to know the campus and Harvard Square while talking with their leaders about life at Harvard, classes, and the transition to college. In addition to earning their first paycheck at Harvard ($13.50/hr, 38 hours of work), participants leave FCU with a strong sense of community created from working closely with their peers. Meals, advising sessions, workshops, and social events provide opportunities for students to get to know one another before move-in.
2. First-Year Arts Program (FAP)
The First-Year Arts Program (FAP) is a week-long, multidisciplinary introduction to the arts at Harvard, bringing together 70 incoming first-year students and 16 upperclass proctors who are passionately involved in various aspects of art, enthusiastic to share their interests, and eager to learn about the experiences of their peers. Centered around workshops and master classes given by resident and visiting artists in drama, music, theater design, studio arts, film, dance, and creative writing, FAP culminates in the Pageant, a collaborative presentation of entirely original student work. No formal training required.
3. First-Year International Program (FIP)
The First-Year International Program (FIP) is for international students and US citizens who have lived and studied primarily overseas. In FIP, 35 upperclass leaders mentor 150 incoming first-year students, introducing them to Harvard and helping them adjust to life in the United States. Specifically, participants receive foundational information for a happy, successful start at Harvard, including sessions and discussions about American culture, immigration, and academics in the US and at Harvard. Participants are also able to set up a bank account and cell phone service. Through its emphasis on inclusion and belonging, FIP creates new friendships at the same time it cultivates the larger international community at Harvard. By invitation only.
4. First-Year Outdoor Program (FOP) 這是我最熟悉的,也在印大帶過。
The First-Year Outdoor Program (FOP) is Harvard’s largest and oldest pre-orientation program. 400+ participants explore New England’s finest forests, mountains, and lakes in small groups. But FOP is not just a six-day outdoors trip; it is an opportunity to build a sense of community, reflect on your hopes for college, and enter with both confidence and a network of close friends. No outdoor experience required. Trips are designed for all levels of experience and fitness, and are led by trained and experienced students.
5. First-Year Retreat and Experience (FYRE)
Join a vibrant community of 100 incoming first-year students and get a jump start on making the most of Harvard. Student leaders, faculty, and alumni will share vital information on navigating the transition from home to college life, including relationships with professors, the purpose of office hours, taking advantage of financial resources, and more. Bond with classmates and make connections with key campus leaders while having fun and socializing. Students who are the first-generation in their family to go to college, those from low- to modest-income backgrounds, and those whose high schools are typically under-represented in the Ivy League are encouraged to apply.
6. First-Year Urban Program (FUP)
The First-Year Urban Program (FUP) catalyzes a commitment to public service and community advocacy; supports diversity, equity, and social justice work on campus; and introduces students to Boston and Cambridge. 110 participants divide into worksite groups led by 35 returning undergraduates to assist grassroots community organizations. Discussion groups reflect on issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, and equity, as well as how to create social change. Workshops include sessions with alumni and community leaders who work with Harvard public service programs. FUP is an opportunity to build community amongst new and returning students!
The goals of Community Conversations are to:
Consider what’s important to you about your identity and your community as you transition from home to Harvard
Examine your assumptions and learn about your peers’ diverse identities and perspectives
Begin to develop a sense of shared responsibility for upholding a compassionate and respectful community
Students prepare for Community Conversations by:
Considering the book and video assigned:
Educated: A Memoir, by Tara Westover (the Common Reading for the Class of 2023, with access code emailed to students on July 11)
“The Danger of a Single Story,” a Tedtalk given by Nigerian author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Attending the conversation with a willingness to share about yourself, and learn about your peers as you join an exceptionally diverse class at Harvard
family and friends 4 student book 在 Kclsuper Photography - Wedding House I Studio Facebook 的精選貼文
Indoor / Studio / Outdoor Graduation Photography 马来西亚个人毕业照/家庭照/毕业团体照
(Group Photo) #UM / #UKM / #UPM / #TAYLORS / #INTI / #SEGI / #UNIMAS / #UMS / #IMU / #MONASH / #KBU / #KDU / #MMU / #UTAR / #UCSI / #HUKM / #UNITEN / #MAHSA
...Continue Reading
Indoor / Studio / Outdoor Graduation Photography 马来西亚个人毕业照/家庭照/毕业团体照
(Group Photo) #UM / #UKM / #UPM / #TAYLORS / #INTI / #SEGI / #UNIMAS / #UMS / #IMU / #MONASH / #KBU / #KDU / #MMU / #UTAR / #UCSI / #HUKM / #UNITEN / #MAHSA / #invididualgraduationphotoshoot / #indoorgraduationphotoshoot / #outdoorgraduationphotoshoot / #familygraduationphotoshoot / #毕业写真
We have covered the above graduation photography since 2012. And we are aiming to be the biggest graduation photography studio in Malaysia!
Last year, Kclsuper Photography I Wedding House & Studio did more than 100 family & graduation photography and family portraits in Klang Valley and this year, something big is happening!
To celebrate the joyness of our past photography experience in graduation, we are now doing outstation and overseas group / family graduation photography!Not only Prewedding can go overseas but you as a student also can do it!
No limit to the number of person in a group, return of all softcopy,hardcopy and frame!
You might choose from half day or full day photography with casual tour guide.
**TnC applies**
Price package starts from RM799 and the destinations are:
a) Sekinchan/Malacca/Cameron Highlands- RM799
b) Penang - RM899
e) TIoman/Redang/Perhentian/Pangkor - RM1299
a) Taiwan/Thailand- RM999
b) Singapore- RM1099
c) New Zealand/Australia - RM1599
d) Korea- RM1899
**Crew's accommodation and local transport is not included**
So, plan your graduation trip now and enjoy the photoshooting day with us!
From Individual to Group to Family to indoor to outdoor to door-to-door service, we have got your most memorable graduation photoshoot covered! We create the most creative, natural and awesome graduation photography in Malaysia nationwide.
Indoor Individual Graduation Photoshoot (RM199)
> Valid for indoor
> 15 Edited photos in DVD
> Own selves' robe + own selves' outfit
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 1 x 8x12" laminated print with frame + 15 x4R
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 hour service
Friends or Couple (RM399)
> Valid for indoor or outdoor
> 20 Edited photos in DVD
> Own selves' robe + own selves' outfit
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 2 x 8x12" laminated print with frame + 20 x4R
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 1/2 hour service
Outdoor Family Photoshoot (RM599)
> max 6 person (PM us for more than 6 person)
> 20 Edited photos in DVD
> Own selves' robe + own selves' outfit
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 2 x 8x12" laminated print with frame + 20 x4R
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 1/2 hour service
Outdoor Friendship Graduation Photoshoot (RM150/head)
> min 3 person (PM us for more than 6 person to enjoy special rate)
> 24 Edited photos in DVD , the more number of person the more return photos
> Own selves' robe + own selves' outfit
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 1 x 8x12" laminated print with frame + 1 x 4R each person
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 1/2 hour service
Indoor Family Graduation Photoshoot / Indoor Family Photoshoot (RM499)
> max 6 person (PM us for more than 6 person)
> 12 Edited photos in DVD
> Own selves' robe + own selves' outfit
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 1 x 12R laminated print + 12 x 4R
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 1/2 hour service
Premium Indoor + Outdoor Graduation Photography (RM1299)
> Max 12 person with 2 graduates (PM us for more than 12 person)
> 30 edited + return of all softcopies in DVD
> 2 x 12R laminated print + 30 x 4R
> 4-6 weeks processing time
> FREE 1 x simple makeup & hairdo
**1 1/2 hour service
Budget Indoor Graduation Photography (RM99)
> personal photography
> 2-4 weeks processing time
> 1 x 8R laminated print
**1 1/2 hour service
Address : 29,Jalan Gelang 1, Bandar Puteri Klang (Waze Kclsuper Photography)
Email : kclsuper@yahoo.com
Facebook: Kclsuper Photography
Studio General Line: 03-38846262
Mobile Number :017-6498891
Mobile Number :https\://wa.me/60176498891
Intagram: kclsuper_photography