NYDeTour週末何處去:6/19-6/20 (Sat & Sun)
*6/19 (Sat) Mobile Drag Performance Unit (MDPU)
六月同志驕傲月,紐約市在星期六有首屆的變裝皇后表演行動貨櫃車的載歌載舞表演活動。分別是下午兩點在Downtown Brooklyn的Albee Square,四點在Fort Greeneㄉ的Walt Whitman Library以及傍晚7點在DUMBO的Archway舉行。
時間&地點:6/19 (Sat) Albee Square/Downtown Brooklyn(2pm); Walt Whitman Library/Fort Greene(4pm) & Archway(under Manhattan Bridge) at DUMBO(7pm)
*6/19 (Sat) Free Admission at Poster House
慶祝首屆Juneteenth聯邦假日,Poster House將開放免費入場。喜歡平面設計的朋友別錯過這個機會。門票上網登記後會自動折扣。
地點:Poster House, 119 W. 23rd Street, new York, NY
時間:6/19 (Sat) 10am-6pm
*6/19 (Sat) Viking Fest Re-Deux 2021
星期六在Bay Ridge的Owl’s Head Park有第20屆的維京人節慶活動,將有經典維京人故事“The Billy Goats Gruff ”朗讀與演出。前往參加的小朋友也會有機會可以上台表演,可以當一下「北海小英雄」。是適合帶小朋友參加的活動。
地點:Bliss/Owl’s Head Park at Bay Bridge
時間:6/19 (Sat) 11am-4pm
*6/19 (Sat) The Six Foot Platform at Washington Street, DUMBO
DUMBO的Washington Street是紐約市最繞們的自拍街道之一。這個夏天的星期六,在Washington Street上將有以DUMBO為基地的表演藝術家們,在6 x 6的空間展示他們的創作。
地點:Washington Street & Water Street, DUMBO
時間:6/19 (Sat) 12pm-9pm
*6/19 (Sat) Rite of Summer: The Knights Concert at Governors Island
星期六在Governors Island將舉行第10屆Rite of Summer音樂節。The Knights將演出包括維瓦第等多名作曲家的作品。演出時間為下午一點與三點各一場。
地點:Noland Park at Governors Island
時間:6/19 (Sat) 1pm & 3pm
*6/19 (Sat) Queens Night Market Season Opening
地點:New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows Corona Park
時間:6/19 (Sat) 4pm-11:59pm
*6/20 (Sun) Solstice in Times Square
每年夏至在Times Square舉辦的戶外瑜伽今年將在這星期天舉行。有興趣的朋友可以到連結網站登記。除了在Times Square做瑜伽外,主辦單位也會贈送不少freebies。
地點:Times Square, new York, NY
時間:6/20 (Sun) 7:30am-7:30pm
*6/20 (Sun) Seventh Heaven Street Fair at Park Slope
隨著紐約疫情趨緩,街坊節也回來了!星期天在Brooklyn Park Slope的主要街道7th Avenue有街坊節活動。有多家美食工藝攤位,也有親子專區以及現場樂團表演。
地點:7th Avenue at 7th street, Park Slope, Brooklyn
時間:6/20 (Sun) 10am-6pm
*6/20 (Sun) Pop-up performance by Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra
星期天在Brooklyn Museum有一場Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra的演出活動,有興趣的朋友可以前往聆聽。
地點:Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY
時間:6/20 (Sun) 2pm-4pm
*6/20 (Sun) Summer Solstice Festival at Socrates Sculpture Park
星期天在Astoria的Socrates Sculpture Park有一連串的慶祝夏至活動,包括繪畫,舞蹈以及音樂表演等。是歡度父親節的好去處!如果要參加Healing Sound Bath,必須另外登記。
地點:Socrates Sculpture Park, 32-01 Vernon Blvd, LIC, NY
時間:6/20 (Sun) 2pm-9pm
Have a great weekend, my friends! Happy Father's Day to those who are in U.S.!
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅吳鳳Rifat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成...
fort general 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳貼文
美國陸軍第194裝甲旅(194th Armored Brigade)和第316騎兵旅(316th Cavalry Brigade)獲得新款M1A2 SPE v3主戰車,在班寧堡(Fort Benning)舉行接裝儀式
Source: General Dynamics Land Systems, @52ndArmorCommandant
fort general 在 Joe's investment Facebook 的最讚貼文
正在日本訪問的美國國務卿Antony Blinken警告中國,不要使用壓力或攻擊,因為美國不會坐視不管,他還放話「如果有必要,我們將進行反擊」。此次在「美日安全保障協議委員會」的聯合聲明中,「台海」相關文字被放在尖閣諸島與南海間,日本外務大臣茂木敏充、防衛大臣岸信夫等都強調台灣海峽和平穩定的重要性。
Blinken與美國國防部長General Lloyd Austin III和日本討論包括朝鮮無核化的問題,也提到人權、法治在緬甸和中國等許多地區受到威脅,美日雙方除了就中國「脅迫與破壞穩定行為」提出警告外,特別提到台灣海峽和平穩定的重要性,美國與日本共同致力於在印太地區與世界範圍內,加強促進民主自由等共同價值觀,不受強制力的束縛。
Blinken與Austin之後將轉往韓國訪問,然後將與國家安全顧問Jake Sullivan前往阿拉斯加,與中國外交部長王毅,以及中國政治局中央委員楊潔篪會晤。
即便疫情肆虐,中國仍快速進行軍事現代化,其海軍仍有25主力艦艇服役;此外,美軍與伊拉克在阿富汗作戰時,中國伺機學習作戰計畫,還打造類似Fort Polk和Fort Irwin的大型訓練中心,加強聯合作戰能力,中國此舉已削弱美國傳統的威懾能力,一名美國國防部官員認為,就算中國領袖們擬定了完美計畫,但遇到突發狀況,他們就無法應對,並且陷入困境;相較美方在面對敵人攻擊,例如海軍陸戰隊員被丟擲手榴彈,身邊卻無人告訴他們該怎麼做時,這時的戰鬥表現最為優秀,此外,報導提到,美國在印太地區的威脅,包括中國、北韓、俄羅斯、暴力極端主義活動等,美國印太司令部為實現該地區自由開放,會積極制止侵略。目前印太地區缺乏如北約或歐盟的組織,而「盟友網路」正是美國最佳武器,近日美國總統拜登召集澳、日、印度元首展開的四方會談,即是最新正向發展。
fort general 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的精選貼文
WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成9種語言,歡迎你們繼續接力】
#WHO #TedrosAdhanom #Coronavirus
Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus under estimated the coronavirus (COVID-19) and deceived world。World needs fair and equal WHO。Besides,Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. I invite you all send your petitions and call him resign from his post.🇬🇧
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) lideri Tedros Adhanom kendisine verilen görevi kötüye kullanarak Corona virüsünün Çin‘den tüm dünyaya yayılması sırasında hayati önem taşıyan kararları kasıtlı olarak geç almış ve virüsün zararlarının katlanarak artmasına neden olmuştur. Tedros aynı zamanda dünyanın en gelişmiş sağlık sistemlerinden birine sahip olan Tayvan’ın siyasi nedenlerle dışlanmasında da baş rol oynamaktadır. Lütfen bu duruma sessiz kalmayın ve change org sayfası aracılığı ile imza kampanyasına katılarak Tedros‘un istifasını destekleyen dilekçenizi gönderin🇹🇷
El Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, calculó el coronavirus (COVID-19) y el mundo engañado. El mundo necesita una OMS justa e igual. Además, Taiwán no debe ser excluido de la OMS por ningún motivo político. Los invito a todos a enviar sus peticiones y llamarlo a renunciar a su cargo 🇪🇸
Der Generaldirektor der WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unterschätzte das Coronavirus (COVID-19) und führte damit die Welt in die Irre. Die Welt braucht eine faire und gleichberechtigte WHO. Außerdem sollte Taiwan aus politischen Gründen nicht von der WHO ausgeschlossen werden. Ich bitte Sie Ihre Petitionen zuzusenden, um ihn von seinem Posten zurückzutreten zu lassen.🇩🇪
Generaldirektör för WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, underskattade coronavirus (COVID-19) och förvillade världen. Världen behöver rättvis och jämlik WHO. Dessutom bör Taiwan inte uteslutas från WHO på grund av politiska skäl. Jag bjuder in er alla att skicka era petitioner och uppmana honom att lämna sin tjänst.🇸🇪
Генеральный директор ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус недооценил коронавирус (COVID-19) и обманул этим мир - миру нужна справедливая и равная ВОЗ. Кроме того несмотря на политическую обстановку Тайвань не следует исключать из ВОЗ. Я приглашаю всех Вас прислать свои петиции и предложить ему подать в отставку🇷🇺
WHOのテドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェスス事務局長の誤った判断、隠蔽、えこひいきは世界に大きな反響をもたらしました。 最も残念なのは、その後本人は誤りを認めるどころか、更に台湾を批判しました。 世界はより公平なWHOが必要だと思います! この動画は全世界のみなさんに彼の隠された経歴を知ってもらいたくて投稿しました。 ぜひこの動画を拡散して、Chageのホームページにて署名をしませんか?🇯🇵
Le directeur général de l'OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a sous-estimé l’impact très déstabilisant du corona virus (COVID-19) sur le monde entier... pire encore, il nous a tous trompé ! Le monde a aujourd’hui besoin d’une OMS juste et équitable.En plus, Taïwan ne devrait en aucun cas faire l’objet d’une exclusion de cette organisation qui se dit être mondiale, surtout quand on constate l’excellent travail fait par ce petit pays pour endiguer, voire même éradiquer presque, les effets néfastes de cette pandémie sur son territoire. Taiwan va plus loin en proposant son know how et sa disponibilité à tout le reste du monde et offre son aide matériel aux pays touchés par cette maladie. Fort de ce constat,Je vous invite tous à envoyer vos pétitions et appeler le sieur Tedros à démissionner de son poste 🇫🇷
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fort general 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
Anthem พากย์ไทย
Anthem is an online multiplayer action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 22, 2019.
Set on an unnamed planet, players assume the role of a Freelancer: heroic adventurers who wear powerful exosuits to defend humanity from the threats beyond their cities' walls. The game's title refers to the Anthem of Creation, a powerful and mysterious force responsible for most of the extraordinary technology, phenomena, and threats in the world. In the main narrative, the player's Freelancer is tasked with stopping a villain named The Monitor from seizing control of the Anthem.
Anthem received mixed reviews from critics, who criticized it for its grind, technical aspects, and story, contributing to an experience that felt repetitive and shallow, although its combat, flight controls, and visuals received some praise.
Anthem combines third-person shooter and action role-playing game elements in a "contiguous open world" shared with up to three other players in which they take the role of a Freelancer donning fully customizable exosuits called Javelins. These suits can be customized to have various unique weapons and superhuman abilities. Two classes of Javelins were shown during Anthem's presentation at Microsoft's E3 2017 Conference: the Ranger, which is an all-around and balanced Javelin, and the Colossus, which is a larger and more heavily armored Javelin made to fill in more of a tanking role. Other Javelins include the Storm, which uses powerful technology to unleash the "rage of the hymn" while floating effortlessly in the air, and the Interceptor, which is focused on close-quarter combat and can move quickly into and out of combat.
Players can build relationships with various non-playable characters, but they cannot establish romantic relationships with them, as was a trademark of previous BioWare games. The central meeting point of the game takes place in Fort Tarsis, the central stronghold of Anthem. Built by the eponymous General Helena Tarsis, it serves as a fortified settlement against the threats of the outside world and is also the point where the player goes to receive new missions and freelance assignments. It is a melting pot where all the different factions of the game meet, including the Sentinels, Corvus, Cyphers, and Arcanists.
The game features both single-player and co-operative multiplayer elements in a "shared world" that can have up to four squad members per team. Teams can fight savage beasts and ruthless marauders while exploring lost ruins and experiencing massive, world-altering terrain occurrences, such as "Shaper Storms".
fort general 在 Shiney Youtube 的最讚貼文
Anthem พากย์ไทย
Anthem is an online multiplayer action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 22, 2019.
Set on an unnamed planet, players assume the role of a Freelancer: heroic adventurers who wear powerful exosuits to defend humanity from the threats beyond their cities' walls. The game's title refers to the Anthem of Creation, a powerful and mysterious force responsible for most of the extraordinary technology, phenomena, and threats in the world. In the main narrative, the player's Freelancer is tasked with stopping a villain named The Monitor from seizing control of the Anthem.
Anthem received mixed reviews from critics, who criticized it for its grind, technical aspects, and story, contributing to an experience that felt repetitive and shallow, although its combat, flight controls, and visuals received some praise.
Anthem combines third-person shooter and action role-playing game elements in a "contiguous open world" shared with up to three other players in which they take the role of a Freelancer donning fully customizable exosuits called Javelins. These suits can be customized to have various unique weapons and superhuman abilities. Two classes of Javelins were shown during Anthem's presentation at Microsoft's E3 2017 Conference: the Ranger, which is an all-around and balanced Javelin, and the Colossus, which is a larger and more heavily armored Javelin made to fill in more of a tanking role. Other Javelins include the Storm, which uses powerful technology to unleash the "rage of the hymn" while floating effortlessly in the air, and the Interceptor, which is focused on close-quarter combat and can move quickly into and out of combat.
Players can build relationships with various non-playable characters, but they cannot establish romantic relationships with them, as was a trademark of previous BioWare games. The central meeting point of the game takes place in Fort Tarsis, the central stronghold of Anthem. Built by the eponymous General Helena Tarsis, it serves as a fortified settlement against the threats of the outside world and is also the point where the player goes to receive new missions and freelance assignments. It is a melting pot where all the different factions of the game meet, including the Sentinels, Corvus, Cyphers, and Arcanists.
The game features both single-player and co-operative multiplayer elements in a "shared world" that can have up to four squad members per team. Teams can fight savage beasts and ruthless marauders while exploring lost ruins and experiencing massive, world-altering terrain occurrences, such as "Shaper Storms".