[164091] 30891. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" In the Game / Out, Out, Brief Candle (2002)★★★__Rodrigo García / Kathy Bates
[164092] 30892. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" The Plan / Driving Mr. Mossback (2002)★★__Rose Troche / Michael Cuesta
[164093] 30893. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" The Invisible Woman (2002)★★★__Jeremy Podeswa
[164094] 30894. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" In Place of Anger (2002)★★__Michael Engler
[164095] 30895. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" Back to the Garden (2002)★★__Daniel Attias
[164096] 30896. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (2002)★★__Alan Taylor
[164097] 30897. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" Someone Else's Eyes / The Secret (2002)★★__Michael Cuesta / Alan Poul
[164098] 30898. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" The Liar and the Whore (2002)★★__Miguel Arteta✚
[164099] 30899. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" I'll Take You (2002)★★★__Michael Engler
[164100] 30900. 六呎風雲"Six Feet Under" The Last Time (2002)★★★__Alan Ball
[164101] 30901. 銀魂:外行人只要十字起子和一字起子就夠用了"Gintama" Novices Only Need A Flathead And A Phillips (2008)★★
[164102] 30902. 銀魂:想像力要從中二開始培養"Gintama" Imagination Is Nurtured In The 8th Grade (2008)★★
[164103] 30903. 銀魂:每個人的心中都有一把螺絲起子"Gintama" Always Keep A Screwdriver In Your Heart (2008)★★
[164104] 30904. 銀魂:撒嬌過頭就變成威脅囉"Gintama" When Nagging Goes Too Far It Becomes Intimidating (2008)★★
[164105] 30905. 銀魂:進入 最終章! + 就算沒醉 也要裝醉把上司的假髮摘掉"Gintama" Entering The Final Chapter! (2008)★★
[164106] 30906. 銀魂:有些事只能靠文字去傳達"Gintama" Some Things Can Only Be Conveyed Through The Written Word (2008)★★
[164107] 30907. 銀魂:也有不見面就無法了解的東西"Gintama" Sometimes You Must Meet To Understand (2008)★★
[164108] 30908. 銀魂:即使見了面也有不明白的事情"Gintama" Sometimes You Can't Tell Just By Meeting Someone (2008)★★
[164109] 30909. 銀魂:撿來的食物要當心"Gintama" Beware Of Food You Pick Up Off The Ground (2008)★★
[164110] 30910. 銀魂:愛貓派和愛狗派是水火不容的"Gintama" Cat Lovers And Dog Lovers Are Mutually Exclusive (2008)★★
[164111] 30911. 銀魂:旅行的時候一定會吵架"Gintama" Fights Often Ensue During Trips (2008)★★
[164112] 30912. 銀魂:緊身內褲一定都會沾到便便"Gintama" Briefs Will Unavoidably Get Skidmarks (2008)★★
[164113] 30913. 銀魂:阿銀與閣下都是飯桶"Gintama" Gin And His Excellency's Good-For-Nothings (2008)★★✚
[164114] 30914. 銀魂:使用幽靈做為題材時要很慎重"Gintama" Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories (2008)★★
[164115] 30915. 銀魂:跟地球比起來更應該思考的是陷入危機的「銀魂人」未來該何去何從"Gintama" Before Thinking About The Earth, Think About The More Endangered Gintaman's Future! (2008)★★
[164116] 30916. 銀魂:自己打造自己的容身之處"Gintama" It's Your House, You Build It (2008)★★
[164117] 30917. 銀魂:世界上有99%的男人沒有自信去告白 + 口中說不相信有聖誕老人但心裡卻相信的彆扭小鬼"Gintama" 99% Of Men Aren't Confident In Confessing Their Love (2008)★★
[164118] 30918. 銀魂:偶爾說說過去的故事吧"Gintama" People Who Don't Believe In Santa Are The Very Ones Who Want To Believe, You Contentious Bastard (2008)★★
[164119] 30919. 銀魂:錢包不要放在褲子後面的口袋"Gintama" Let's Talk About The Old Days Once In A While (2008)★★
[164120] 30920. 銀魂:要小心在晴天撐傘的傢伙"Gintama" Don't Put Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket (2009)★★