#JUKSY街星 #影劇 #RosamundPike #GoneGirl
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅ajin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,陰屍路(行屍走肉)第二季接續著第一季結尾,克萊蒙蒂娜(clementine)遇到了歐米德與克里斯塔,三個人在這殭屍橫行的末日中生存的故事。 pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路 行屍走肉 第二季第五章 no going back 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存 ►...
gone girl 劇情 在 JUKSY 街星 Facebook 的最佳解答
#JUKSY街星 #影劇 #gonegirl #RosamundPike #裴淳華
gone girl 劇情 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
呢排少睇戲,無乜新戲分享。啱啱喺@ColdDoorMovies IG ACC見到呢個Q&A表,幾有趣,借黎用用。
1. 呢排都係答《桃色公寓》The Apartment;
2. 早幾日翻睇咗《未來報告》Minority Report。呢套戲我當年係咁戲院睇,而家翻返先發覺原來自己一直Get錯咗戲入面Tom Cruise 殺人嗰部分嘅劇情;
3. Billy Wilder, Martin Scorsese, 杜琪峯, Jacques Demy, 黑澤明, 李滄東, Damien Chazelle, Terrance Malick, Abbas Kiarostami, Douglas Sirk, Charles Chaplin, Sergio Leone, Frank Capra, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, Ernst Lubitsch, Christian Petzold, Luchino Visconti, Jean-Pierre Melville, Jafar Panahi, Stephen Chbosky, Todd Haynes, 張作驥, 成瀨巳喜男, Luis Bunuel, 今敏, 宮崎駿, Steven Soderbergh, Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Ken Loach, Kenneth Lonergan, 山田洋次, David Lean, Charlie Kaufman, Adam McKay 排名不分先後;
4. 講野;
5. 信服到我點解套戲好/唔好;
6. 我諗浪漫愛情片好啲;
7. 如果係睇開戲但少睇舊片嘅,咁我會話係30-60年代荷里活一堆片廠導演; 如果係只睇現今主流電影嘅觀眾,咁我會介紹Sean Baker, Stephen Chbosky, Ira Sachs 呢幾位;
8. 《無主之作》Never Look Away。雖然有喺香港上映過,但呢套戲值得更多人留意;
9. 應該係電視劇 The Office;
10. 《星聲夢裏人》La La Land;近年睇唔少同公義有關嘅電影都有被戲中主角感動到,不過唔太記得邊套有喊邊套無;
11. Killers of the Flower Moon , Babylon, Don't Look Up, Dear Evan Hansen, Red Rocket, 《電影之神》(山田洋次), 《你想活出怎樣的人生》 (宮崎駿);
12. 《星球大戰帝國反擊戰》Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, 《星光伴我心》Cinema Paradiso, 《失蹤罪》Gone Girl;
13. 近年都係答《柔道龍虎榜》,可能因為我覺得我地需要呢套戲;以前最鍾意《神探》;
14. 我記對白好差,不過我好鍾意《熱情如火》Some Like It Hot最尾呢句 "Nobody's Perfect";
15. Harry Potter 入面嘅Ron Weasley。拍攝過程應該好玩、拍咗8部戲可以退休、唔使好似HP咁孭重飛壓力細啲,(戲入面)溝到Emma Watson;
16. Steve Carell, Jack Lemmon, Alain Delon;
17. Barbara Stanwyck。現今活躍嘅會揀Kate Winslet;
18. 通常唔食;
19. 《魔鬼怪嬰》Rosemary's Baby,第二係《閃靈》The Shining;
20. 其實全部戲都係。但如果一定要揀一套就係《沙漠梟雄》Lawrence of Arabia,早幾年前睇HKIFF文化中心嗰場,不得了;
21. 根據我喺IMDb嘅紀錄,應該係1965年嘅粵語片《999神秘雙屍案》,得我一個人投咗票;
22. 腦海閃過《阿嫂》。唔係最難睇,但落差好大;
23. 人定勝天;
24. 《濁水漂流》;
25. 《畢業生》The Graduate(畢咗業咁多年都仲係咁,真慘LOL);
26. 不斷咁回憶以往睇過嘅佳作;
27. 入戲院睇應該係西班牙片《80分鐘死亡直播》[REC];
28. 唔太想拍戲,想睇戲多啲。
gone girl 劇情 在 ajin Youtube 的最讚貼文
pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路 行屍走肉 第二季第五章 no going back 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存
► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
► 全部遊戲播放清單 http://goo.gl/DUs8Ar
► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcoJFB7ae5RkgLeI7d5ZmyX
The second season follows Clementine (Melissa Hutchison) a young girl who has been able to survive the walkers thanks to the help of Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy). At the start of the apocalypse, Lee helps to protect Clementine and offers to help her find her parents who had gone to Savannah; they join several survivors in their journey. When Clementine is captured, a bitten Lee rescues her, but both realize her parents have become walkers. She is forced to choose between shooting him or leaving him to reanimate, before venturing off on her own.

gone girl 劇情 在 ajin Youtube 的精選貼文
pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路 行屍走肉 第二季第五章 no going back 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存
► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
► 全部遊戲播放清單 http://goo.gl/DUs8Ar
► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcoJFB7ae5RkgLeI7d5ZmyX
The second season follows Clementine (Melissa Hutchison) a young girl who has been able to survive the walkers thanks to the help of Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy). At the start of the apocalypse, Lee helps to protect Clementine and offers to help her find her parents who had gone to Savannah; they join several survivors in their journey. When Clementine is captured, a bitten Lee rescues her, but both realize her parents have become walkers. She is forced to choose between shooting him or leaving him to reanimate, before venturing off on her own.

gone girl 劇情 在 ajin Youtube 的精選貼文
pc steam The Walking Dead: Season 2 陰屍路 行屍走肉 第二季第五章 no going back 動作劇情故事殭屍蘿莉生存
► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
► 全部遊戲播放清單 http://goo.gl/DUs8Ar
► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
► 同系列影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpcoJFB7ae5RkgLeI7d5ZmyX
The second season follows Clementine (Melissa Hutchison) a young girl who has been able to survive the walkers thanks to the help of Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy). At the start of the apocalypse, Lee helps to protect Clementine and offers to help her find her parents who had gone to Savannah; they join several survivors in their journey. When Clementine is captured, a bitten Lee rescues her, but both realize her parents have become walkers. She is forced to choose between shooting him or leaving him to reanimate, before venturing off on her own.