【為食推介】鮮芋仙人氣招牌雙圓 超市加推Green Common素月餅
中秋將近,月餅搭配湯圓當然是不可缺少的配搭。為了讓食客共聚月下團圓,同時食得輕盈及零負擔,指定超市為大家準備了台灣人氣芋圓甜品專門店「鮮芋仙」的「招牌雙圓」及「Green Common」百分百香港製的「純素奶黃月餅兩件裝」。
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同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,手工醬料網店 勇字當頭馬拉女遠嫁香港 產後抑鬱全靠手工醬料康復 四年七家超市上架:想做就做 最多咪輸 「我從小到大,也是一個勇字當頭!」個子嬌小,外表斯斯文文的Nicole,一邊炒着重得連男人也覺吃力的XO醬料一邊說,由馬來西亞遠嫁香港,經歷產後抑鬱,到現時六、七家連鎖超市架上也有其產品,憑的全是其...
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- 關於green common 台灣 在 新餐肉於Green Common及各大超市有售 - YouTube 的評價
- 關於green common 台灣 在 「人造肉」已經悄悄的在台灣開賣了! 「蔬食討論」 - 呷菜板 的評價
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台灣最大公約數 – 反共去統不反中
The True Common Denominator of Taiwan
I sensed a New Taiwan Consensus is forming and near completion, although many are still not fully aware of it, some at the psychological stage of ignoring it and some even in total denial .
This New Consensus can be summarized in one expression with three parallel elements: opposing communism, de-unification and neutralness toward Chinese civilians. These three elements constitute an organic whole with a common theme that simply says, people who took Taiwan as their home deemed themselves as one distinct entity .
I understand some elaboration may be needed to allow the three elements to be fully appreciated, especially the third one. Let me begin.
1. 反共。台灣其實並沒有那麼反對自由的社會主義;事實上,台灣社會本身在日常生活型態中就含有明顯的自由社會主義的痕跡。但是,台灣絕不會容忍社會主義精神脫序到共產主義的地步。若然,那種社會主義就是敵人,沒有討論的餘地。台灣海峽彼岸的中國共產黨(CCP),就屬於這一類。
1. Opposing Communism – Taiwan is not that much against liberal socialism. In fact,there is a rather obvious strain of it already existing in its social life. However, Taiwan would not tolerate socialism when carried away to the extent of communism, and would take it as enemy. Period. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the other end of the Strait falls into this category.
2. 去統。在台灣,不但老一輩了解中共天天掛在嘴邊玩弄的「統一」,只不過是其用來維持政權、控制已經被洗過腦平民的一種虛偽口號,而年輕一輩只會以荒謬視之。因而,此處並沒有用過去的「反統」一詞,而是用「去統」,表示了一種將「統一」概念徹底由腦中去除的意思。就像「大掃除」的意思一樣,老早就該扔掉的東西就把它扔掉。
2. De-Unification – Not only do the older generations realize that the jingling of
“unification” of the CCP is just a bogus slogan for upholding its regime’s control
over the brain-washed civilians, the young generation of Taiwan simply finds the
slogan ridiculous. Therefore, rather than using the term “anti-Unification” as people used to do in the past, I think “De-Unification” – the unshackling of the very idea of unification, as one can relate with the word “de-clutter”- is a better suited term.
3. 不反中,指的是對中國平民保持中性的態度。過去三年間,包括我自己以及國際輿論,已經破除了那個存在已久的迷思 – 中共CCP就等同中國。情況根本不是這樣的。中共不等同中國,更不用說等同中國人民了。中共是一個具有9千8百萬黨員的巨大政黨,但那只是住在那塊土地上的14億人當中的7%。
3. Neutralness towards Chinese Civilians – In the past three years, people in Taiwan including myself, as well as the international community, have debunked the long-existed myth that CCP Is China. No, far from it. CCP is NOT equivalent to China, let alone the Chinese people. CCP is a huge party of 98 million members and that accounts for only 7% of the 1.4 billion Chinese people living on that landmass.
Simple math would tell the truth. In any nation, when 7% of the population politically controls 100% of the population, it would be an impossibility unless by brutal violence or total brain coercion.
Therefore, considering the Chinese civilians are victims themselves, people from other parts of the world should not act in a knee-jerk way towards the ordinary, victimized Chinese Civilians as if they are born evil. Either under a proper mindset or the practicality associated with geopolitics, Taiwanese society should and is starting to understand this point. “Anti-“ is an attitude reserved for CCP and not intrinsically for the ordinary and mostly victimized civilians.
Putting together the above three Elements, thus there is the New Taiwan Consensus. What’s falling behind and dragging Taiwan’s feet, are the ballot-hungry politicians and the various outdated polling agencies. They do so many so-called popular surveys every year, sometimes monthly. And they stick to the long invalid way of setting up their survey questions: Are you favoring Green (DPP) or Blue(KMT)? Are you pro-independent or Pro-unification?
This kind of self-confined or self-censored surveys leave other nations the impression that Taiwan is a split society, Green or Blue, Independence or unification etc.
It’s such a foolish thing to do for Taiwan itself misleading outsiders into deeming Taiwan as a split country. There is absolutely no split should the right questions be asked in the surveys. For example, had the question been changed from “Are you pro-independence or anti-independence” into “Are you pro-communism or anti-communism”,then the result would have been a clear-cut 98% or even 99.5% towards “anti”.
Now, try this further question: “Are you anti-Chinese Communist Party, or anti-Chinese common people”, my guess is the former gets at least 80% and the latter gets 20% at most.
The third question: “Would you be willing to live under the Communist Rule”? That would guarantee a resounding NO answer of 99.9%.
This is exactly how the New Taiwan Consensus looks like – the true common denominator among a seemingly divided Taiwan. And the New Taiwan Consensus should be articulated to the rest of the world, no vagueness, no grey area and unambiguously.
For any surveyor or politician who still has doubts about this New Taiwan Consensus, he or she can just conduct new surveys with questions suggested as above. And, I myself am convinced, in a not-so-distant future, all democratic countries on the planet would issue national policies based on guidelines similar to the New Taiwan Consensus, for the goodness of their respective countries.
So, Hey, Taiwan! Why not put a thrust on this Taiwan Consensus to the world by publicizing it unambiguously and show some political leadership, just for once?
後記:以雙語向全球發聲,將是我接下致力的方向。所使用的這兩種文字,涵蓋了35億人口,接近地球的一半人數。這個行動,將以 「前哨預策」網站 為核心基地,其他的社交媒體,只要有傳播力道,都會被用為衛星來做整體運作。
「前哨預策」平台將分為三步走:內容平台 – 互動平台 – 行動平台。剛誕生的它,當前還只是個內容平台,但達到一定數量的會員支持後,將加入各種新媒體形式,與會員就重要議題互動,並以「達成不同意見之間的最大公約數」為目標。一旦在會員內部形成「最大公約數」後,就構成了行動的基礎。至於行動的形式,也由願意推動或參與的會員決定。
首頁鏈接: InsightFan.com
訂閱鏈接: https://www.insightfan.com/membershipspricing/
green common 台灣 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
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green common 台灣 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最佳解答
手工醬料網店 勇字當頭馬拉女遠嫁香港 產後抑鬱全靠手工醬料康復 四年七家超市上架:想做就做 最多咪輸
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green common 台灣 在 CookPattern戀上味覺 Youtube 的最佳解答
胡椒餅是台灣馳名小吃,餅中帶有重重的胡椒味,而皮酥味香辣,外脆內香軟,但因用肥豬肉來烤製,總會較油膩。而Green Common有一款「養清素漿」,成份有大豆及海藻,用它來代替肥豬肉烤製胡椒餅,那便可以吃得健康又美味!!
Recipe: https://cook1cook.com/recipe/25174
Page: https://www.facebook.com/cookpattern/

green common 台灣 在 新餐肉於Green Common及各大超市有售 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

新餐肉於 Green Common 及各大超市有售. 169 views169 views. Dec 29, 2020 ... 台灣 廣告收集站《Junhao Mai》. 台灣 廣告收集站《Junhao Mai》. ... <看更多>
green common 台灣 在 「人造肉」已經悄悄的在台灣開賣了! 「蔬食討論」 - 呷菜板 的推薦與評價
那麼,如果現在台灣要吃到Beyond Meat 跟新豬肉,我們有更多平價的選擇了,目前兩款植物肉由Green Common 代理並有許多配合的店家,據齋男有參加他們 ... ... <看更多>
green common 台灣 在 Green Common, profile picture - Facebook 的推薦與評價
有種真。食物叫「無二」】 來自台灣的安心好味,每個品牌都有一個故事。 早前green common團隊親身走到台灣,引入了「吉品養生- 無二」這品牌,他們以消費者的健康出發 ... ... <看更多>