Last Day for the #ALOboutHealthySpine challenge.
My favorite variation and crossover of spinal twist pose; Half Lord of the Fishes.
It’s been a week of keeping things fresh in my ig feed with this challenge.
Thank you to sponsors and all the wonderful hosts @annie_au_yoga @aaron_wik @mayra.surya @yoga_garage for sharing your variations and experience.
Looking forward to future ones, the best, Grace
🎶 Hearts like Ours - The Naked and Famous
Posted @withregram • @annie_au_yoga #ALOboutHealthySpine⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
📆 July 11 to 18, 2021
The spine is the foundation for most, if not all, yoga poses.
Learning how the spine functions, along with how to properly protect it, will help you to have a strong spine and avoid / reduce back pain.
You are as young as your spine is flexible.
Did you know that?
Join this yoga challenge, where we'll share tips and variations for a happy, flexible and healthy spine.
There is also a prize!! 😉
How to Participate: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends
3. Look to the hosts’ pages for daily pose inspiration
4. Post daily using #ALOboutHealthySpine and don’t forget to tag your hosts and sponsor in the caption
5. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery!
Pose Line-Up:
1) Salabhasana - Locust pose ☑️
2) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Upward facing dog 🦴
3) Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward facing dog 🦴
4) Utthita Trikonasana - Extended triangle pose 🔺
5) Ustrasana - Camel Pose ☑️
6) Marychiasana - Sage pose ☑️
7) Urdhva Dhanurasana - Wheel pose ☑️
😎 Yogui's choice 🌪
@aloyoga @alomoves
half lord of the fishes pose 在 Carol Yeung Yoga Facebook 的最佳貼文
3rd Chakra: Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
• located at the upper belly, in the stomach area
When Manipura is out of alignment, we might either be under confident or over confident with too high or too low self-esteem; causing weakness, fatigue or manipulative tendencies, digestive issues, etc.
By tuning Manipura into balance, it leads us through the challenges of our lives, radiate self-confidence, fill with inner peace, understand and in good control of personal power.
Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra with these Yoga Poses
1. Boat pose (Navasana)
2. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
3. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
4. Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)
5. Plank
Wanna know more about singing bowls and the workshop details, please contact @thepracticegroup
📸 @ear_will
half lord of the fishes pose 在 Wing Yu Yoga Facebook 的精選貼文
多謝 再次邀請,繼 #每日瑜伽一分鐘 後,今次進化成 #每日瑜伽兩分鐘 (愈來愈長氣😂) ....話說💩🚽💩係一件人生大事,所以第一條教學影片就先和大家分享可以 ✨促進腸臟蠕動✨ 的瑜伽動作啦!有便秘煩惱的朋友要多練習啦...#祝君暢快 😉🙏🏾🚽💨
-\-\-\-\- FYI 瑜伽小知識 -\-\-\-\-
扭轉式動作 (Twisting Postures) 有助改善腹腔器官的血液循環,可以緩解便秘、消化不良等問題呢!注意:🙅🏽🤰🏽懷孕媽媽就避免練習了,過度扭轉身體會給子宮增加壓力啊👎🏽。
Pose 1: 💪🏽 Twisted Lunge (高弓步轉式) 💪🏽 高弓步可以強化下半身肌肉,加入扭轉元素更可刺激消化功能。
Pose 2: 🔼 Revolved Triangle (反轉三角式) 🔼 如果手碰不到地,可以放一塊瑜伽磚在地上,手輕輕扶住有助穩定動作。
Pose 3: 🐟 Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (半魚王式) 🐟 促進消化亦能舒展脊柱,是一個簡單又有強大功效的動作。練習時緊記胸要向上提,亦避免過度扭轉頸部呢!
嚟M前後有便秘煩惱?咁仲唔嗱嗱聲跟瑜伽導師Wing Yu學番幾招嚟通便!
#M到仲要便秘 #女人之苦 #瑜伽 #shehealth