到了莘莘學子開學的九月份,家長們最關心的是小朋友能持續學習吸收新知識,究竟吃哪種食物可以幫助健腦益智?中醫理論認為「腎藏精生髓,髓聚而為腦」,要有足夠腎精滋養腦髓,才能使腦部發育健全,更能集中精力學習。所以想健腦益智,可以從補腎方向入手,「黑入腎」, 不少黑色食材都有補益腎氣的作用,例如黑芝麻、黑木耳、黑豆、烏雞等,而堅果類食物如核桃、花生、開心果、栗子亦有補腎功效。家長們不妨適量使用這些材料煲湯入饌,或者準備堅果作為小吃,但要注意經烘製的堅果類食物多屬性溫熱,多吃小心上火。
黑芝麻 — 性平,有益肝腎、養血烏髮、潤腸通便功效,可改善早生白髮及皮燥髮枯的問題。
黑木耳 — 性平,具有滋養益胃、補氣強身、涼血活血功效。
黑豆 — 性平,具補腎健脾、利水下氣功效。有助紓緩因腎虛引起的腰痛、水腫、容易抽筋等症狀,適合各種體質人士服用。
烏雞 — 性平,具滋陰清熱及補肝益腎功效,滋補效果比雞較為溫和。
核桃 — 性溫,補腎固精、益氣養血、潤腸通便功效,有助健腦益智,增強記憶力。
花生 — 性平,有補氣潤肺、健脾開胃功效,能改善兒童智力、增強記憶力。適合氣虛、血虛、食慾差或哺乳中的產婦進食,至於陰虛內熱,或內火偏旺者不宜多吃炒花生,以免助熱上火。
開心果 — 性溫,有溫腎暖脾,潤腸通便的功效。老少咸宜,適合氣滯者、寒底人士因胃寒引致的胃痛不適、腹脹、常嘆氣的人食用。
栗子 — 性溫,有養脾健胃功效,更可活血、補腎、強筋骨,能紓緩因脾胃虛寒而出現的胃痛不適等症狀,或因腎虛而引起的腰痠膝軟、夜尿頻多等症狀。要注意食用過量易引起胃脹,因此易飽滯及多胃氣人士不宜多吃。
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Nourish the kidneys to improve your brainpower
September is the time for students to begin a new school year. Parents’ biggest concern will be their children’s ability to absorb new knowledge. What types of food can help improve brainpower?
According to Chinese medicine theories, kidney stores the essence that generates marrow, and the accumulation of marrow forms the brain, therefore it is important to nourish the kidney so it has sufficient essence to encourage the development of the brain.
In order to boost brainpower further, we should start by nourishing the kidney, as the saying goes ‘black enters the kidney,’. Many black ingredients can replenish the qi of the kidney, like black sesame, white back black fungus, black bean and black-boned chicken.
Nuts such as walnut, peanut, pistachio and chestnut also share similar properties. Parents can consider adding these ingredients to soups, or serving nuts as snacks. Do note that baked nuts are warm in nature, and they might cause excessive body heat if consumed in a large quantity.
Black sesame – mild in nature, good for the liver and kidney; nourishes the blood and hair, loosens the bowels and relieves constipation; can prevent early appearance of grey hair and hair dryness
White back black fungus – mild in nature; nourishes the stomach, replenishes the qi and strengthens the body, cools and activates the blood
Black bean – mild in nature; nourishes the kidney, strengthens the spleen and induces diuresis; can relieve waist soreness, water retention and cramps that are caused by deficiency in the kidney. It is suitable for all body constitutions
Black-boned chicken – mild in nature; can dissipate heat and nourish the liver and kidney; and it has a more mild nature compared to chickens in general.
Walnut – warm in nature; nourishes the kidney, improves the qi and blood, loosens the bowels and relieves constipation; can enhance brainpower and improve memory
Peanut – mild in nature; replenishes the qi and moistens the lungs; strengthens the spleen and invigorates the appetite; can encourage children’s intellectual growth and improve their memory; is suitable for individuals with qi and blood deficiency, those with poor appetite and women who are still breastfeeding. Individuals with yin deficiency and internal heat in the body should not consume fried peanut excessively, as it will increase body heat
Pistachio – warm in nature; can warm the kidney and spleen, loosen the bowels and aid the movement of stools. Suitable for both young and old, and people with qi stagnation. It is also suitable for individuals with the cold body constitution and had experienced stomachache, bloating and those who sigh regularly
Chestnut – warm in nature; strengthens the spleen and stomach, activates the blood, nourishes the kidney, strengthens the bones and tendons; can relieve stomach upset caused by coldness and deficiency in the spleen and stomach; as well as soreness in the waist and weakness in the knees, and frequent urination at night that is caused by deficiency in the kidney. Excessive consumption of chestnut might lead to bloating, so individuals with the constant feeling of stomach being stuffed and bloating problems are advised to not eat in a large amount.
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#男 #女 #小童 #我狀態OK #我畏冷 #烏髮
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,210的網紅Cherishaaa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#pcos #pcosdiet #healthybreakfastideas #breakfastideas Healthy and Easy Breakfast Ideas - Quick Breakfast Recipes/PCOS Diet Hey everyone! In today's ...
「healthy snacks for school」的推薦目錄:
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healthy snacks for school 在 Anita Chen 陳巧茵 Facebook 的精選貼文
數十年來,學校和教師一直是社會失敗的OK繃,因為我們關心孩子。 但是,學校和教師並不是能夠解決與我們社會息息相關的事情的人。
學校:我們可以提供幫助.....孩子們可以在學校吃早餐和午餐,在很多地方,老師們將自己的錢花在點心上。 對於最需要幫助的人,我們將在晚餐和周末送回家的食物。
學校:我們可以提供幫助.....我們將帶醫生去學校免費進行身體檢查,眼科檢查和牙科治療。 在許多地方,學校護士將自己的錢花在為女孩提供衛生用品上。
學校:我們可以提供幫助。...我們將在學校安裝洗衣機和乾衣機。 我們將免費分發衣服,學校用品,鞋子和冬衣。 這些物品很多都是由學校護士和老師購買的。
學校:我們可以提供幫助。...學校將是安全的地方,老師將是安全的人。 我們會在學校裡有一些輔導員,但還不夠....一些治療師,但還不夠。 完全沒有接受過創傷訓練的老師會選擇早點上學,或等到很晚來幫助這些孩子。 與他們自己的孩子相比,老師在他們的學生上花費的時間更多。 對於無法照顧無辜的孩子,老師們會哭泣,有時會崩潰。
學校:我們可以提供幫助...我們將鎖定演習並訓練我們的學生躲藏和安靜。 而且,如果需要的話,老師會為學生而死。
社會:我們正處於全球大流行之中,我們的政府未能控制住這一大流行。 在許多地方,將近有13萬美國人死了,而且這個數字還在上升,而不是在下降。 由於我們幾十年來一直選擇忽略種族歧視,不平等和歧視,而種族歧視,不平等和歧視是所有上述問題的根源,因此我們現在需要學校重新開放,以便孩子們可以吃飯,獲得醫療保健,買衣服,穿鞋和上學 供應,安全,健康並受到監督。 哦,這樣他們就可以接受教育。 看來COVID不會影響孩子,所以讓我們回到學校。
老師:我們可以提供幫助。...但是,我們25%-30%的年齡平均在50歲以上。我們有些人和缺乏免疫力的人住在一起。我們有些懷孕了... 關於COVID對未出生的孩子的影響,我們仍然只有非常有限的數據。 我們有個人防護裝備嗎? 如果我們生病了,並且沒有足夠的病假時間來應付我們外出的時間怎麼辦? 如果家庭成員生病並且我們需要照顧他們怎麼辦?
社會:哇,你們為什麼突然變成一群哭泣的嬰兒? 你們始終願意犧牲自己的時間,金錢,心理健康....而現在當我們需要你們時,你們不願意犧牲你們的健康或生命嗎? 你們當中有75%是女性……這是我們作為一個社會所期望的女性……為他人犧牲自己。
*幾十年來,學校和教師一直是社會失敗的OK繃,因為我們關心孩子。 學校和教師不是能夠解決與我們社會息息相關的事情的人。 同時,我們不能成為被宰殺的羔羊,因為學校和老師會用OK繃讓社會撐著,沒有其他人實際在修復社會。
-艾莉森·霍曼(Alison Hoeman)
For decades, schools and teachers have been the band-aid on society’s failings because we care about children. But schools and teachers are not the ones that can fix the things that are broken with our society..
Society: In the richest country in the world, between 11 and 13 million children live in food insecure homes.
Schools: We can help..... Kids can eat breakfast and lunch at school, and in many places, teachers will spend their own money on snacks. For the most needy, we will send home food for dinner and weekends.
Society: Over 4 million children in the US do not have health insurance or adequate healthcare.
Schools: We can help..... we will bring doctors to do free physicals, eye exams, and dental treatments right at school. In many places, school nurses will spend their own money on sanitary supplies for girls.
Society: Over 17% of US children live without basic necessities.
Schools: We can help.... we will install washers and dryers in schools. We will hand out clothes, school supplies, shoes, and winter coats for free. Many of these items are purchased by school nurses and teachers.
Society: There are 5.5 million reports annually of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.
Schools: We can help.... schools will be safe places and teachers will be safe people. We will have some counselors, but not enough.... some therapists, but not enough, right in the schools. Teachers with minimal training in trauma will come to school early and stay late to mentor these children. Teachers will spend more time with their students than with their own children. Teachers will cry and sometimes crumble at the thought of not being able to do more for the innocent children in their care.
Society: Almost 25% of US children have parents that work past school hours.
Schools: We can help.... we will install before and after school programs in thousands of schools where kids can get another meal, get help with their homework, and participate in organized activities.
Society: Almost 14 million children in the US are obese.
Schools: we can help... Physical Education classes will be mandatory and we will incorporate lessons about healthy food choices.
Society: The US averages one school shooting every 77 days.
School: We can help... we will do lock down drills and train our students to hide and be quiet. And if need be, teachers will literally die for their students.
Society: We are in the midst of a global pandemic which our government has failed to control. Almost 130,000 Americans are dead and the numbers are rising, not declining, in many places. Because we have chosen to ignore, for decades, the racism, inequality, and discrimination that is at the root of all the aforementioned problems, we now need schools to reopen so that kids can eat, get healthcare, get clothes, shoes, and school supplies, be safe, be healthy, and be supervised. Oh, and so that they can get an education. It appears that COVID doesn’t affect children, so let’s go back to school.
Teachers: We can help.... but what about the 25-30% of us that are over the age of 50? What about those of us who are immunocompromised or live with someone who is? What about those of us who are pregnant... we still have very limited data on what COVID does to unborn children. Will you have PPE for us? Will you have hand sanitizer for us? What if we get sick, and don’t have enough sick days to cover the time that we are out? What if a family member gets sick and we need to care for them?
Society: Wow, why are you suddenly being a bunch of crybabies? Before you were always willing to sacrifice your time, your money, your mental health.... and now when we need you, you aren’t willing to sacrifice your health or your life? But 75% of you are women.... and that’s what we, as a society, expect women to do... sacrifice yourself for others.
*For decades, schools and teachers have been the band-aid on society’s failings because we care about children. Schools and teachers are not the ones that can fix the things that are broken with our society. At the same time, we cannot be the lambs sent to slaughter because no one else cared enough to actually fix society while schools and teachers were holding it all together with said band-aid.
-Alison Hoeman
* feel free to copy and paste
healthy snacks for school 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Kids are back to school! Which means, it is time for some Bento snacks. Watch how I'm going to prepare a superfood ~ Dark Chocolate Quinoa Bark!
A healthier alternative to a chocolate bar, dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, quinoa is a natural plant-based protein powerhouse and mixed nuts come with healthy fats!
Date/Day: 23 June, Tuesday
Time: 930pm
healthy snacks for school 在 Cherishaaa Youtube 的最佳貼文
#pcos #pcosdiet #healthybreakfastideas #breakfastideas
Healthy and Easy Breakfast Ideas - Quick Breakfast Recipes/PCOS Diet
Hey everyone! In today's video I decided to show you some of my favourite quick and easy breakfast ideas for working mornings, or just for any mornings! I hope you enjoy the video and try out this of these recipes!
Also, this breakfast is helpful to those of you who has PCOS. Include this breakfast/snack into your PCOS diet as it helps in weight-loss too!
PCOS Story: https://inspiredbycherisha.com/2019/04/18/pcos-diet-breakfast-my-idea-part-3/
Thanks for watching! :)
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Website: https://inspiredbycherisha.com/
Hope you enjoy it and if you do, give this video a big THUMBS UP & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!
- Email me at inspiredbycherisha@gmail.com

healthy snacks for school 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
SUBSCRIBE for new weekly videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial RICE is easy to cook, it’s versatile and it can be very healthy. Here are 3 really simple rice recipes, which can be made ahead and to help you stay FIT.
Make them, snap pictures and tag me @JoannaSohOfficial #JSohRecipes
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN), with over 8 years of experience.
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Joanna Soh:
HER Network:
1. 1 cup Cooked and Chilled Wild Rice – 216Cals
*You can use another other rice of your choice
2. ½ Red Bell Pepper, diced – 19Cals
3. ½ cup Cherry Tomatoes, halved – 14Cals
4. 1 Small Onion, diced – 28Cals
5. ¼ cup Corn – 33Cals
6. ¼ cup Cucumber, diced – 4Cals
7. ¼ cup Olives, halved – 40Cals
8. ½ can Beans, rinsed and drained – 108Cals
1. 3 tbsps. Lemon Juice – 9Cals
2. 1 tbsp. Olive Oil – 119Cals
3. ½ tsp. Maple Syrup – 10Cals
4. ½ tsp. Smoked Paprika – 4Cals
5. ¼ tsp. Cumin Powder – 4Cals
6. ¼ tsp. Garlic Powder – 2Cals
7. Salt and Black Pepper to taste
Total Calories: 610Cals / 2 = 305Cals
305Cals per serving
1. 4 cups Chicken / Fish / Vegetable Broth – 48Cals
2. 400g Dory Fish Fillet – 410Cals
*or any other fish of your choice
3. ½ cup Uncooked Rice, rinsed – 286Cals
4. ½ can Beans, rinsed and drained – 189Cals
5. ½ can Diced Tomatoes – 53Cals
6. ½ cup Corn – 66Cals
7. 1 tsp. Cumin Powder – 8Cals
8. 1 tsp. Garlic Powder – 10Cals
9. 1 tsp. Cayenne Powder– 6Cals
10. 1 tsp. Mixed Herbs – 6cals
11. 1 tsp. Salt
361Cals, 28g protein per serving
1. 3 Large Bell Peppers -111Cals
2. 1 Potato – 163Cals
3. 2 Carrots -50Cals
4. Fish and Rice Soup from the previous recipe
288Cals per serving
Healthy Indian Meal Plan
3-Ingredient Homemade Jams
3 Healthy & Easy Poke Bowls
5-Minute Meals in a Mug
10 Healthy Desk Snacks for School or Work
4 No-Cook Chilled Soups
What I Eat in a Day to Stay Lean
3 Skinny Breakfast Muffins
Breakfast in a Jar Chia Pudding
3 Vegan Slimming Soups
4 High Fibre Oatmeal Breakfast
Veggie Soba Noodles with Peanut Sauce

healthy snacks for school 在 Joanna Soh Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
Do SUBSCRIBE for new weekly videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial Happy World VEGAN Day! To all the vegans out there, I'm sure you must have had at least one person asking you "Where do you get your protein from?" or saying "You're NOT consuming enough protein!". I’m sure you’ll agree that this is NOT true.
There are lots of high protein plant-based food such as nuts and seeds, tempeh, tofu, soy, legumes, beans, quinoa, oatmeal, spinach and more. I've put together a high protein plant-based meal plan. Watch it and make them!
Your protein intake will vary depending on your activity level. But the general recommendation is 1g of protein per 1kg of body weight. For instance my body weight is 50kgs, so my daily protein intake should be around 50g. But because I’m active, I’ll up my protein intake to about 60 - 70g.
Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).
Stay Connected & Follow us!
Joanna Soh:
HER Network:
1. 2 cups Potatoes, grated – 232Cals, 6.06g Protein
2. 1 tbsp. Olive Oil – 119Cals
3. A pinch of Salt and Pepper
1. 200g Firm Tofu, sliced in cubes – 176Cals, 18g Protein
2. 3 Garlic Cloves, diced – 12Cals, 1.14g Protein
3. 1 medium Onion, diced – 46Cals, 1.01g Protein
4. 1 cup Spinach – 7Cals, 0.9g Protein
5. 1/3 cup Cherry Tomatoes, halved – 9Cals, 0.44g Protein
6. 1/3 cup Mushroom, thinly sliced – 5Cals, 0.71g Protein
7. 1/3 cup Red Bell Pepper, diced – 13Cals, 0.49g Protein
8. ½ tbsp. Olive Oil – 60Cals
8. Salt and black pepper to taste
3 muffins: 339cals / 14.37g protein
1. ½ can Chickpeas – 153Cals, 8.5g Protein
2. 100g Firm Tofu - 55Cals, 4.8g Protein
3. ¼ cup Cherry Tomato, halved – 6.5Cals, 0.33g Protein
4. ¼ cup Red Bell Pepper, diced – 9.5Cals, 0.37g Protein
5. ¼ cup Onion, diced – 17Cals, 0.37 Protein
6. 1 tbsp. Olive Oil - 119Cals
7. ½ tsp. Turmeric Powder – 4Cals, 0.09g Protein
8. ½ tsp. Garlic Powder – 5Cals, 0.24g Protein
9. ¼ tsp. Smoked Paprika – 2Cals, 0.08g Protein
10. A pinch of Salt
11. 8-inch Whole Wheat Tortilla – 130Cals, 4g Protein
Each Wrap: 254Cals, 9g Protein
1. 2 tbsp. Olive oil, divided - 119Cals
2. 1 cup Tempeh, cut in cubes – 320Cals, 31g Protein
3. 2 tsp. Soy Sauce – 6Cals, 0.8g Protein
4. 1 Red Bell Pepper, diced – 37Cals, 1.2g Protein
5. 1 cup Zucchini, cut into cubes – 19Cals, 1.4g Protein
6. 1 Carrot, diced – 25Cals, 0.6g Protein
7. 2 Garlic Cloves, minced - 8Cals, 0.76g Protein
8. 1 medium Onion, diced – 46Cals, 1.01g Protein
9. 1 can Black Beans – 378Cals, 26g Protein
10. 1 can Diced Tomatoes – 32Cals, 1.52g Protein
11. 1 tbsp. Smoked Paprika – 20Cals, 1.02g Protein
12. ½ tsp. Cumin Powder – 8Cals, 0.37g Protein
13. ¼ tsp. Cayenne Pepper – 1Cal, 0.05g Protein
14. 2 sprigs Coriander, roughly chopped – 1Cal, 0.1g protein
15. 1 cup Cooked Wild Rice – 166Cals, 6.54g Protein
Per serving with Rice: 421Cals, 23g Protein
All these recipes can be prep ahead and you can keep them in the fridge for up to 3 days. Add two ¼ cup servings of trail mix as your snacks and you’ll be meeting your daily protein requirements of 70g protein and about 1700Cals.
Healthy Indian Meal Plan
3-Ingredient Homemade Jams
3 Healthy & Easy Poke Bowls
5-Minute Meals in a Mug
10 Healthy Desk Snacks for School or Work
4 No-Cook Chilled Soups
What I Eat in a Day to Stay Lean
3 Skinny Breakfast Muffins
Breakfast in a Jar Chia Pudding
3 Vegan Slimming Soups
4 High Fibre Oatmeal Breakfast
Veggie Soba Noodles with Peanut Sauce

healthy snacks for school 在 Top 10 healthy school snacks ideas and inspiration 的推薦與評價
You don't have to resort to packaged snacks to keep hunger at bay until dinnertime, these easy healthy 3-ingredient snack ideas take just a minute or two to ... ... <看更多>
healthy snacks for school 在 6 easy after school snacks for kids - YouTube 的推薦與評價
banana chips recipe: https://hebbarskitchen.com/homemade-banana-chips-recipe/ paneer frankie recipe: ... ... <看更多>