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Continue ReadingWhy is Germany a country of engineering? / By Investing Man
′′ Germany ′′ the top country of engineering advancement
From electrical appliances, automotive to mandatory system, electric car signals.
German Citizenship Tools Even With High Prices
But it comes with more performance, durability and innovation than anyone.
Many companies that are even over 100 years old.
But these German brands still guarantee their unmatched quality and expertise.
And where does Germany's engineering progress come from?
Welcome to the article series ′′ Branding the Nation ′′ branding instead of country.
Episode why is Germany a country of engineering?
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Investman wants to take everyone back to the 19th century industrial revolution era.
As many people already know that
Britain is the first country in the world to have an industrial revolution since July. B.E. 1780
Followed by Belgium and France
While the economy of other countries in Europe is turning through to progress.
Germany just reunited countries by land which is now Germany. Just completely united for the first time on July. Year 1871 which is the same as the reign of King Rama 5 of the Kingdom of Siam.
From the gathering of German tribes led by the Northern Prussian Kingdom.
With little and big south under the lead of Emperor Wilhelm 1
And Prime Minister Ottoffon Bi Mark
The industrial revolution later made Germans not want to waste their time. Try wrong, try right.
To develop the country to thrive.
The important thing in this regard is to put the process of education and research systematically, therefore, the government puts ′′ education reform ′′ first.
Even many European countries have founded the university since medieval times.
But Europe's academics won't be much involved in the business and industry.
Academics are posing as ′′ gentlemen ′′ not doing business and not messing with industrial sector.
The mechanics, technicians, or anyone involved in the industrial sector will be seen as lower than academics.
But German education doesn't look that way..
With Germany's absence of colony and its revolutionizing industrial slower than many countries.
The only thing that could make the Empire that was recently advanced further than others.
It's scientific advancement, especially in ′′ applied science
Under the lead of Bismarck, huge educational budgeting occurred.
Educational welfare is founded in technical college.
Educational emphasis on Technician and Engineering Career Specifically
Berlin's Technical College of Berlin was established in Year B.E. 1879
Developed from the college of mining that was founded in kho. B.E. 1770
This place is currently the Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universität Berlin)
Apart from Berlin
Technical universities are also established at other states around the country during the evacuation time.
Technical University of Darmstutt, established in July. B.E. 1877
Hannopher Technical University established in July B.E. 1879
Having a unique university in Technician and Engineering
Make a lot of workforce and technicians
When these workers graduate, they can enter into industrial sector immediately.
Government also supports universities to cooperate with industrial sector.
There is a collaborative research between academics and businessmen in industry circles.
Engineering research is easily implemented in the business world.
When businesses can make profit, they give money back to support research.
Later on, many big companies start having their own research and development institutions.
Germany's engineering development is growing in a leap.
Especially in the steel industry.
The German Empire Steel Industry Center is located around the Roore River Valley.
Aka Ruhrgebiet (Ruhrgebiet) which is west of the country.
This area is a major source of iron and coal mineral, with an epicenter in Esseen.
But originally, most steel industries use mild steel, these iron are fragile.
Make it not yet applied for much use.
For steel to be stronger and more durable, it is necessary to transform the chemical structure of steel by fusing and filling the mineral into steel.
But ironing requires a very high temperature at the moment, no effective and cost effective stove for production.
How to produce Siemens-Martin Steel
Which was invented in July. 1865 by 2 researchers
One of them is German named Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens
Created an accelerated steel squid oven that can heat up to 1,500 degrees Celsius.
It's called a pan stove or open hearth furnace.
With education system that strongly connects research and industrial sector.
Not long ago, German steel company brought a new refiner.
xỳāng rwdrĕw application in the steel industry
Led by steel company called ′′ Krupp ′′
Krupp company founded by the Krupp family has a history back to mid 16th century.
There is an office located in Esseen during which German railway expands rapidly.
Esen City becomes the center of the steel industry.
Krupp company also leads to manufacturing metal-based products such as railroad tracks and locomotives.
Alfred Krupp has funded research to find out how to produce steel.
Scholarship to the scholars when a new refiner comes out successfully.
Krupp company has become a leader in global export steel production.
From railroad tracks, development to machinery and factories.
Not long ago, Germany was on board, Europe's major steel manufacturer overtakes England.
Krupp company currently has merged with Thyssen steel company.
Became a ′′ Thyssenkrupp ′′ company.
Even the steel industry is going to lower the role.
But Thyssenkrupp has continued to be a leader in engine parts.
Aircraft, elevator and escalator components.
Apart from the steel industry, another industry in which German engineering knowledge has advanced over many countries during the same time is the electrical industry.
Led by a company called ′′ Siemens ′′
Founder of this company is Werner von Siemens Berlin electric engineer
This is the real brother of Sir Carl Wilhelm Siemens who invented steel production methods.
Werner von Siemens has automatically invented a typed telegram system.
Instead of knocking, using Morse code, then founded Siemens company in July. B.E. 1847
Siemens company has expanded its business across Europe and USA.
Werner von Siemens also the world's first electric elevator developer in July. B.E. 1880
The inventor of mechanical dynamo that transforms mechanical energy into electric energy.
And build an electric bus or Trolley Bus in July. B.E. 1882
Siemens are currently the world's leading electrical engineering company.
There are a variety of products from electronics, electric car, medical tools.
Electric train signal system to wind turbine technology
In addition to Thyssenkrupp and Siemens, the brand is under 100 years old.
Germany also has many engineering companies that all have the same age.
The whole Leica company founded in July. B.E. 1869
Expert in the production of eyelet lenses, medical devices and cameras.
AEG company founded in July. 1883 Manufacturer of large generator and tram system
Osram company separated from Siemens in July. Prof. 1909 is a leader in light bulb technology.
Dedication to developing applied science education and connecting to the business sector, opens new advancements in engineering.
And bring Germany to step up, standing in the front line of the world's leading industrial countries.
But not only the advancements in the steel and electrical industry.
Founded Technical University will produce important people in the science industry.
To take Germany to open the world into a new industry.
Industry that will forever change people's lifestyle
′′ The chemical industry "..
Prepare to meet the article series ′′ Branding the Nation ′′ to build brand instead of country.
In the next episode coming soon..
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
Love this article. Must read this book.
′′ 1,000 year world economy ′′
If you want to know the possibilities of the world economy, you need to understand
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Shopee: https://shopee.co.th/product/116732911/6716121161
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- Robert C. Allen, World Economic History
- Chattip Nak Supha, History of Comparative Industrial Revolution
-.. .. Chachphon Kolkathada, a war that never won.
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【突破命中注定】(English writing below)
Be Smarter Than Your Destiny
有的人很敏感,尤其是覺得自己命不如人的人。有的人很脆弱,也有的人有大頭症。有的人自己做錯了,卻覺得不嚴重,所以你越講他,他的反彈就越大,覺得你對他有偏見,你不講他,他的頭永遠塞在雲霧中 - 做他的白日夢。
如果想知道你自己是否適合批八字, 可觀看我這影片:https://youtu.be/ShkabnUByrY
Every person has his/her own personalised energy field.
This energy field is made up of various components - our birth Bazi, the Feng Shui of our residence, our thinking, our family background and the later components like education, experience, religion, culture and social circle etc.
A Bazi analysis helps us to understand this complicated hybrid of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. With this understanding, we can use the knowledge to maximise our times of prosperity and minimise our periods of bad luck.
My Bazi analysis consultations are always done in person, face-to-face. Because seeing the client in person, my analysis can be more in depth with the face reading (photos aren't reliable nowadays) and the energy field.
Different chemistry reactions arise when the energy field of a person interacts with those of various people, incidents and things. The elemental reactants of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth present in these energy fields will produce a wide variety of good and bad luck, prosperity auras and misfortune auras.
To comprehend our Bazi is to maintain a certain degree of autonomy over our lives. The foresight and prior awareness save us from being dragged along through Life by Destiny. We would have lost if we only realised things later.
In this long process of bettering our lives, one big taboo is falling sick.
Falling sick means we have to lose some money, we will screw up in important work and affects the agility of our brains.
There's a saying: small sickness is a blessing, while major illness is trouble.
However, no matter how minor the ailment may be, if a person keeps falling sick, it means his/her body is not strong enough. A weak constitution is unable to intercept high ranks in career, wealth and disasters. Poor health also affects your ability to take care of your family.
If the person who always fall sick is a young child, his/her parents will have to handle many financial and mental troubles
During our Bazi analysis consultation, when this client told me she would be holidaying in Tokyo with her family, I had already warned her to be careful.
A country also has its own energy field.
If the country's energy field conflicts with ours, there will be unhappy incidents e.g. falling sick, quarrels, robbery, missing luggage, flight delays, getting seriously lost or accidents.
Why spend our hard-earned money to suffer this way?
I did not stop the client from going ahead with her travels, because my calculations show that it would not be too serious. However, if it's a matter of life & death or personal safety, I would go all out to stop her, even if it means offending her.
Once, Shifu cautioned a married couple not to travel with another married couple and their children, for he predicted that there would be a severe car accident. Under pressure from Shifu, the couple "stood their friends up" and cancelled their tickets and accommodation.
At that time, I thought, wow, Shifu, was it necessary to do that? Most people live to play, and view holidaying with their family and friends more important than Heavens.
And sentient beings are prone to pettiness. They do not admit their wrongs easily and forget your kindness to them readily. No matter how much you have helped them, once you tread on their toes, even if you are right, they would be quick to boycott and bad-mouth you.
When such persistence of yours turns other people off, wouldn't it be contradictory to your efforts of delivering the?
Shifu simply answered me that, human lives are at stake, and sentient beings do not have the foresight to see beyond their life pleasures. If he did not do that, who would be responsible for this when an accident happened?
In the end.
That couple did not go for the trip. They also advised their friends to cancel the holiday plans. The friends said they would not be going too, but they secretly went ahead and an accident indeed happened...
Shifu said if the couple was present, their energy fields would aggravate the severity of the road accident.
(Honestly speaking, it is wiser to keep a distance from such friends who would go to this extent to lie to you. To think the couple had wanted to go into business with these friends.)
This incident left a deep impression on me. Not because Shifu taught me Chinese Metaphysics that can be so precisely accurate, but the courage and wisdom Shifu demonstrated in handling this.
I salute his attitude of persisting to do the right thing, despite getting hated or bad mouthed by others. 👏👏👏
It is never an easy task treading the fine line between pleasing the client and being frank.
Some clients are more sensitive, especially those who felt they are dealt a bad card in life. Some clients are more vulnerable, and some are plain haughty. There are also those who do not think much of their wrongdoings. So the more we correct them, the greater their reactions are, and then they deduce that you hold a bias against them. Yet, if you are not forthright with them, their heads will remain stuck in the misty clouds - daydreaming away.
Of course, this also means they will have to remain as puppets of Destiny, and are unable to walk a better path away from their pre-destined Bazi.
Thank you to this client for this testimonial, for it allows more people to have a deeper understanding of the workings of Bazi analysis.
When you can combine this knowledge of your Bazi with Dharma practices, one day, you will discover that Destiny no longer has its clutches on you.
If you wish to know whether you are suitable for a Bazi analysis, please watch my video here:
👉 https://youtu.be/ShkabnUByrY
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The accelerating pace of digital transformation has raised consumer expectations to unprecedented levels, and is causing every organization to rethink how they engage with their customers. According to a recent survey by IDC¹, 72 percent of businesses reported that improving document processes would increase customer satisfaction, yet 80 percent of those processes still rely on paper. Companies focused on great experiences can no longer afford to be mired in document processes that are slow and inefficient. Their customers need and want a better way.
Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today unveiled the first integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, eliminating the cost and frustration of manual, paper-based process for enrollment, onboarding and servicing across the customer journey. Adobe Sign (formerly Document Cloud eSign services) features an upgraded and modernized mobile app experience, and works seamlessly with Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms - a key part of Adobe Marketing Cloud - helping organizations to go completely digital with anything from credit card applications to government benefit forms or medical forms. And building on widespread adoption in Europe, Adobe is rolling out new data centers and meeting the most stringent legal requirements in the EU, part of a global expansion that will continue through 2016.
Adobe also announced new Document Cloud storage integrations with Box and Microsoft OneDrive, which make it easier to access and work on PDF files from anywhere, as well as new features for Adobe Acrobat DC subscribers, delivering on the promise of ongoing innovation and value through Document Cloud.
“Every company and organization should be laser-focused on delivering the best customer experience possible, and the best experience does not involve paper,” said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager, Digital Media at Adobe. “Today we further strengthen the value that Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign bring to our global customers as the only complete solution that transforms paper-based transactions into 100 percent digital workflows.”
“Talking to businesses and partners around Asia Pacific, I see a real sense of urgency around transforming customer experience by making it seamless, pain-free, and accessible across all devices and touchpoints,” said Michael Stoddart, Director of Digital Media, Adobe Asia Pacific. “In its annual predictions for 2016, IDC believes that by the end of the year, 60 percent of the top 1000 enterprises in APAC will have digital transformation (DX) at the center of their corporate strategy, with a majority even creating an independent position to oversee the DX strategy implementation. Adobe is working with businesses across the region to help them create points of differentiation by making their core processes more customer-centric.”
At the heart of Document Cloud is Acrobat DC, the world’s best PDF solution; Adobe Sign, the leading e-signature solution that allows anyone to electronically sign and send documents from any device; and powerful companion mobile apps. More than six billion digital and electronic signature transactions are processed through Document Cloud each year, including global businesses like AmerisourceBergen, The Royal Bank of Scotland and Verizon and businesses in Asia Pacific like Stratton, one of Australia’s largest car and asset finance brokers, which rely on Document Cloud and Adobe Sign for fast, secure and mobile e-signatures.
“At Royal Bank of Scotland, we put our customers’ experience first when rolling out new services to make their lives a little easier,” said Ankit Chhajer, Digital Lead – Customer Experience and Sales Innovation, Royal Bank of Scotland. “Building on our broad adoption of Adobe Marketing Cloud, we are now turning to Adobe Document Cloud and Adobe Sign to create an elegant, hassle free customer experience that rivals none other.”
“Electronic signatures have reduced paperwork turnaround time from days to minutes, helping sales consultants finalize financing quickly,” said Andrew Lawrence, Software Development Manager, stratton. “Technology has always been a way for us to set ourselves apart, and we expect the new integrations in Adobe Sign will offer critical business services that we can use to close deals faster.”
Introducing Powerful New Capabilities with Adobe Sign
Adobe Sign is the fast, easy, secure way to bring trusted e-signatures to every organization and department including HR, sales, IT, legal and procurement, to name a few. New functionality includes:
· Transforming digital experiences – The integration between Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms turns complex, form-based processes into simple, engaging, mobile-optimized digital experiences across the entire customer journey. This includes how a person discovers the right form that they need, fills it out easily and successfully on any device, electronically signs it, and gets status updates once it is submitted. Using the integration between Adobe Sign and Adobe Marketing Cloud, organizations can provide responsive, adaptive experiences, enable personalization to continually improve the user experience with Adobe Target, and analyze and optimize performance with Adobe Analytics. Government, financial services and healthcare are just a few of the industries that will benefit from this service.
· Furthering global e-signature and digital signature adoption – Building on widespread adoption in Europe, and as part of a global rollout, new data centers are now live in the EU. With a secure, standards-based approach, Adobe Sign meets the most stringent legal requirements so European organizations can go digital in compliance with eIDAS, the new EU signature regulation set to take effect in July 2016.
· Delivering enhanced mobile signing – Sending, tracking and managing documents on tablets and smartphones is now easier than ever with the Adobe Sign app for iOS and Android (formerly Adobe eSign Manager DC). An updated dashboard and improved send for signature workflow enable users to be even more productive on any device.
Rapidly Expanding Document Cloud Partner Ecosystem
Adobe is focused on enabling people to use Document Cloud with solutions they already use as part of their day-to-day work. Document Cloud already offers integrations with industry leaders like Apttus, Dropbox, Salesforce, Workday, and more. Adobe today is unveiling integrations with best-in-class cloud storage providers Box and Microsoft, along with new and expanded Adobe Sign integrations that span key business solutions and workflows.
· Box – New offerings integrate Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Sign with Box to simplify document workflows, as well as e-signature processes for enterprises. Whether users start from Box or Adobe, with just a few clicks they will be able to view and edit PDFs without any downloading, and ensure that the latest version is automatically secured in Box. Additionally, users can open Box files directly in Adobe Sign to provide an electronic signature on important contracts and paperwork, centralizing all updates in Box and streamlining the approval process.
· Microsoft OneDrive – New integration with Acrobat DC, Acrobat Reader and Microsoft OneDrive allows organizations to access and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive directly from within the Adobe apps. With a few clicks in Acrobat on the desktop, users can view and work on PDF files stored in OneDrive while ensuring documents always remain synced. In addition, iOS users can access PDFs in OneDrive from the Acrobat Reader mobile app via the universal document picker, enabling them to work with PDF files anywhere.
· Salesforce – The latest release of Adobe Sign significantly improves a user’s experience. Expected to be available in beta in May 2016, the update features the enhanced Salesforce Lightning user experience across any device, plus support for customizing the app with the drag-and-drop interface of Salesforce Lightning Components—while also providing compelling new features like signing groups and hybrid signing order. SteelBrick, recently acquired by Salesforce, also has an existing integration with Adobe Sign for helping speed the Configure Price Quote (CPQ) process.
· Adobe Sign Ecosystem Momentum – Many new and updated integrations significantly expand the Adobe Sign ecosystem across common enterprise solutions—such as business process automation, contract lifecycle management and enterprise resource planning—and include Advanced Software Concepts (ASC), Buildium, McKesson Contract Manager, Namely, Oracle, SciQuest, SpringCM, and ThinkSmart.
Ongoing Innovation with Subscription to Acrobat DC
At the heart of Document Cloud, a subscription to Acrobat DC delivers instant access to new features and enhancements as soon as they’re available. Today, Adobe introduced:
· Updated tools for everyday use – Modernized commenting and annotation tools are now fully updated with an intuitive, touch-friendly interface that makes it easier than ever to give and get fast, clear feedback; a highlighter pen can now mark up scanned documents without the need for optical character recognition (OCR); and paper-to-digital workflows like scanning are now optimized to deliver the best results.
· Unrivaled accessibility – Adobe is adding critical menu and dialog updates to enhance the experience for users with visual impairments who rely on Acrobat DC to work with PDFs. The Home view and Save As options can now be read aloud by screen readers for greater accessibility.
· Streamlined deployment – Adobe team and enterprise customers can now deploy and update Acrobat DC with Creative Cloud apps using the Adobe Creative Cloud packager.
Pricing and Availability
· The new Adobe Sign capabilities are expected to be available to customers in May 2016. Find out more.
· The new Acrobat features will be automatically available to subscribers of Acrobat DC in May 2016. Find out more.
· The ability to add a Box account to Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader on desktop is expected by the end of May 2016. The ability for Acrobat Reader mobile users on iPhone and iPad to select Box as their preferred cloud service from the iOS document picker is expected by the end of June 2016. Initial access to Acrobat DC and Adobe Sign from the Box website is expected by the end of May 2016, with deeper integration expected by Fall 2016.
· The ability to add a OneDrive account to Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader on desktop, and the ability for Acrobat Reader mobile users on iPhone and iPad to select OneDrive as their preferred cloud storage provider from the iOS universal document picker, is expected by the end of June 2016.
¹IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Adobe, Business Transformation Through Smarter Document Workflows, April 2016.
Helpful Links:
· Learn more about Adobe Sign
· Learn more about Adobe Sign and Experience Manager Forms for paperless onboarding
· Hear from Adobe EVP and GM Bryan Lamkin on meeting customer needs with Document Cloud
· Learn more about advancements in Document Cloud from Adobe VP of product management, Jon Perera
· Read the blog on e-signature advancements in Europe by Dan Puterbaugh, director and associate general counsel, Adobe
· Read the guest blog from Box
· Follow us on Adobe SEA Facebook page
About Adobe
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit www.adobe.com/sea.
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