My Abode of Illumination (English version below)
有一回,與徒弟及學生到南部的欣葉中餐館用膳,有位來自中國的女侍應生,在吾的正前方,突然冒出一句:「師父好正。」 這句突如其來的話,「驚醒」定中用膳的吾。被「驚醒」的原因,乃是其話中的那個「正」字。因為這「正」字在近代,常被用來形容女生的漂亮與美,那就是「正點」。但吾很快的就意識到,她所謂的「師父好正」,是代表吾的為人形像端正。在此要感謝那位中國同胞,「師父好正」這句贊語,將是吾一生精進的目標之一。
多年前,有一男一女的弟子,幫吾整理一些移居前的物品。女弟子在入屋前一碰鐵門,有一種觸電的感覺,她甚感不可思議,於是問吾為何因。吾淡然地告於她,這乃多年的結界之故。她聽後依然覺得,實在不可思議。之後她就進入屋內,還不到兩步她又有另一番覺受。她哇的一聲說:「師父您的家真清淨又舒服呀!」 她其實有問那男弟子,是否有何覺受,男弟子說,這裡(指吾家)好好睡哦!是的,這不長進的男弟子,到現在依然「未醒」,且「愈越睡愈深」,已接近「來不及醒」的階段。
There was one occasion when I was dining with my disciple and student at Shin Yeh Chinese Restaurant, located at the southern part of Singapore. A female waitress of Chinese nationality was standing in front of me when she suddenly remarked, "Master is awesome!". This sudden remark "woke" me from my meditative stillness while having my meal. The reason being this word "awesome" is also often used nowadays to describe beautiful girls. Of course, I understood her meaning almost instantly. She meant to say that I portray an image of righteousness and properness. I have to thank this lady from China for her lavish praise, for her remark will be my lifetime goal, which I will diligently strive towards.
For this honour, all the credit must go to my Root Guru Master, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, as well as Lord Buddha, Namo Shakyamuni. Their compassionate and noble teachings through Their speech, body and mind, had long been planted in my subconsciousness. But afflictions from my past lives - greed, hatred, ignorance, jealousy, arrogance and doubt, have germinated into a huge wasteland of weeds, enshrouding the pristine nature of my consciousness.
Days feel like years and I walk around like a living dead, squandering a long period of my life! Thankfully, under the impending danger of my dwindling life span as each day passes, the pristine and refreshing illumination from the Buddhas penetrated my overcast consciousness, and my consciousness regains its Light and Radiance. That will eventually lead me to enlightenment and Buddhahood, liberating myself from sufferings and achieving eternal bliss.
Many years ago, two disciples of mine, one male and the other female, helped me to pack my belongings for house-moving. Just as the female disciple touched the metal gate, prior to entering my home, her hand felt a stream of "electric" current. She was baffled and asked me why. I nonchalantly told her that it was due to my years of demarcating the house. She was in awe after hearing my words. It sounded very unfathomable to her. After she stepped into my home, just a step or two into the house, she exclaimed, "Wah! Master, your house is filled with such pure and comfortable energies!" She went on to ask the male disciple if he felt anything. The male disciple replied that my house was a comfortable place to take a nap! Yes, this lazy disciple is still "unawakened" till now. His "slumber" is getting deeper and deeper, and it is nearing the stage that he might not "awake" in the nick of time.
I have named my home The Abode of Illumination. Day and night, I do my recitations of the Holy names and mantras of radiance. I am diligent and consistent in making offerings of food, clothing, accommodation and transport. These acts invoke the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Heavenly Beings. As such, They frequently visit my humble abode. Over time, the illumination expanded and my place naturally became the Abode of Illumination, a home that is pure, pristine and comfortable.
ignorance is bliss meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
【玳瑚師父佛學論】 《供奉神明的真諦》
The True Significance of Deity Worship (English version below)
Before I became a Master, I used to 'roam the world' with my backpack. Armed with knowledge of the Dharma and Chinese metaphysics, I would sow seeds of affinity with all whom I met, and duly help those in difficulty and seek merits on their behalves. Those multitudes of problems I have handled at that time fall under a few categories. This article aims to illustrate one particular common problem and its true significance: Deity worship and enshrinement.
I hope all my virtuous readers will realise the true meaning behind this activity, and not to just blindly follow the crowd. And worse still, to discard the deity statues in the end or shove them into the storeroom, never to see the light of day. This negligence will result in negative karma. This vicious cycle of negativity would send most people in a flurry seeking blessings from temples all around and from spiritual practitioners. That is 'good' luck indeed! Should you bump into a fraud who swindle you of your possessions, that would be truly disastrous.
There was this person who thrashed his deity statue and his action subsequently affected the health of his wife and children, and their respective careers and marriages. The person himself then suffered from heart problems. There was another person who sent away his deity statue after worshiping it for many years. He suffered a painful fall at work and broke his bones. His business collapsed and his son got into trouble with the law. All these drove him to seek divine help at the temples. Some people have marital problems yet they chose to keep their deity statues away in the storeroom. Their ignorance is unbelievable. Some of these people know Masters who can guide them if they ask. But even if you do not know any, please do not willfully mishandle the statues of the deities. One missed step could result in a lifetime of regrets. Is it worth it?
The consecration of the deity statues must definitely be conducted by a virtuous master, one who has achieved a certain level of attainment. The statues of the deities become energised with the presence of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and deities after the consecration ritual, and not only do the deities protect our homes, they protect our country as well. With utmost faith and sincerity each day as we make incense offerings, chanting of mantras as well as daily prayers, our lives will be blessed in various ways like personal safety, prosperity of careers and businesses, good health, obedient children, academic progress and harmony in the family.
The worship and enshrinement of gods and deities is to enable us to learn from their exemplary attributes, to model ourselves after their highest virtues, their willingness to give, their meditative calmness, their wisdom etc. By doing so, we will surely achieve virtuous merits and bliss at the end.
ignorance is bliss meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
【玳瑚師父佛學論】 «迎接善光的那一天起»
From the Day I Received the Light of Virtue (English version below)
以上是玳瑚師父,一小段最初接觸佛法的敘述。吾真正開始研習佛法,也就是皈依,則是在農曆的八月十五,有道是; 月到中秋分外明,吃餅賞月千情趣。更有; 每逢佳節倍思親。吾這思親指的,是你我他共同的本源。若然知曉吾之意,方為同道中人啊!原本吾皈依並不是這「月圓之日」。之前欲皈依,兩次皆失敗。第三次才成功,而那一天正逢中秋佳節,這當中似乎有些寓意,這寓意著吾上求佛果、下化眾生、利己利他、冥陽兩利,將會是圓滿的。
25 years ago, there was a young Buddhist lay practitioner who would happily share the Dharma with me almost every time he saw me. Although he was a lay practitioner, in my eyes, he was like a little novice monk. He was kind and did not mind my insolence, and willingly shared the Dharma to deliver the wayward youth in me. Ha! We have since lost touch with each other for many years, and I sincerely send him my best wishes that he is still basking in the light of the Buddha, that all his virtuous deeds will come to fruition, and that he will attain total clarity of his mind and revelation of Buddha nature.
The above paragraph illustrated, in a small part, my initial contact with the Dharma. I started my formal practice of the Dharma, and that would mean taking refuge, on the 15th Day of the 8th Lunar Month (Mid Autumn Festival). As the saying goes, "The moon on Mid Autumn is especially clear and pristine, eating moon cakes and appreciating the full moon bring wondrous delights in life." Another one goes, "The longing of our kins exacerbates during the festive season". The kinship that I mentioned refer to the common Origin of you and me. For those of you who understand my meaning, we indeed walk the same path! I did not originally intend to take refuge in the Triple Gems on this day of the Full Moon. The past two tries ended up in failure. Only upon the third attempt was I successful, and that day coincided with the Mid Autumn Festival. This seems to signify that my pursuits of Enlightenment, deliverance of the sentient beings, benefiting both self and others, both the living and the dead, shall come to perfect fruition.
Before I learnt the Dharma, I always thought that what I did at home, in school or in my job were of virtuous in nature. Only after I have taken refuge and started learning the Dharma did the awakening occurred. I realised that my previous notions of kindness and virtues were not authentic. Being truly virtuous or kind means not being calculative nor expectant. It involves upholding of precepts and the act of repentance. It teaches us to remember and to repay kindness bestowed upon us. It promotes diligence in cultivating the Three Endeavours (Discipline, Meditation, Wisdom) and douses the fire of Greed, Hatred and Ignorance. It advocates gratitude towards all we have in life. This wisdom was bestowed upon me from the day I received the virtuous light and actualized my Dharma practice and spiritual cultivation diligently. Some of you may ask, "Is it not enough to just be happy during our lifetime?". It is inevitable for one to crave for happiness, but without spiritual cultivation, our quest for happiness will breed more misdeeds that will eventually lead us down the path of endless sufferings in Samsara. This is not wisdom, but ignorance.
Master Dai Hu sincerely looks forward to the day when you receive the light of virtue into your life, enter into an eternal state of light and bliss, and bid farewell to all sufferings.
My gratitude to all.