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➡️ Sách Từ vựng & Ý tưởng cho IELTS Speaking: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/san-pham/ebook-ielts-vocabulary-speaking
- the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: a child usually has similar qualities to their parents.
Eg: “It’s not unusual that you have the same interests as your mother. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
- to follow in someone’s footsteps: to try to achieve the same things that someone else (usually a family member) has already done.
Eg: I decided to go into law instead of medicine. I thought about following in my father’s footsteps and becoming a surgeon, but I don’t think I’d make a great doctor.
- like father, like son: sons tend to be similar to their fathers. We normally use this idiom to talk about personality, interests, and character
Eg: Jimmy is tall just like his father, and they have the same smile. Like father, like son.
- to run in the family: many members of the family have that quality, skill, interest, problem, disease, etc.
Eg: Heart disease runs in my family. I try to have a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.
- the apple of one’s eye: Someone’s favorite or most cherished person is the apple of their eye. We often use this idiom to talk about a parent and their child.
Eg: Our grandson is the apple of our eye. We absolutely adore him.
- get along with (or get on with): If two people get along with (or get on with) each other, it means that they like each other and have a friendly relationship. (Get along with is American English, and get on with is British English.)
Eg: If you have a large family, there will likely be some people who don’t get along with each other.
- (just) one big happy family: If a group of people is (just) one big happy family, it means that a group of people (often a family) get along and work well together. We sometimes use this idiom sarcastically.
Eg: Our firm has been successful because of our close-knit relationship. We’re one big happy family.
- bad blood: there is anger or hate between people people due to something that happened in the past.
Eg: Are you sure you want to invite all of your cousins to your party? Isn’t there bad blood between two of them?
- Bring home the bacon: kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình
Eg: My mom – as a housewife, she does all the household chores, while my dad – as an officer, works outside and brings home the bacon.
- Black sheep of the family: khác biệt
Being the black sheep of the family, I’m the only one who works as artist, while my parents are both teachers.
- Men make houses, women make homes: đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm
Folks rumoured that men make houses, women make homes. So, in Viet Nam, men often work outside to earn money, while women takes care for home.
- Extended family (noun phrase): gia đình trực hệ
ENG: people who are very closely related to you, such as your parents, children, brothers, and sisters
- nuclear family (noun phrase): gia đình hạt nhân
ENG: a family group consisting of two parents and their children (one or more)
- only child (noun phrase): con một
ENG: a child who has no sisters or brothers
- extended family (noun phrase): đại gia đình, họ
ENG: a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.
- offspring – a person's child or children: con cái
Eg: My two sisters are coming over later with their offspring so the house is going to be very noisy.
- family man – a man who enjoys being at home with his wife and children: người đàn ông của gia đình
Eg: Deepak used to love partying but now that he has kids he’s become a real family man.
- single parent – a person bringing up a child or children without a partner: cha/mẹ đơn thân
Eg: My sister is a single parent now that her husband has left her.
- stay at home parent / stay at home father/mother – a parent who stays at home to take care of their children rather than going out to work: cha/mẹ không đi làm mà ở nhà chăm con
Eg: These days, it’s far more usual for men to be a stay-at-home parent than when I was young when it was always the mother who looked after the kids.
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同時也有397部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,790的網紅寶船 TAKARABUNE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (Official Video) ft. Bruno Mars https://youtu.be/OPf0YbXqDm0 Hilty & Bosch @Hilty & Bosch https://twitter.com/HiltyBosch1?...
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難怪Lionel Sanders前陣子一直急著要找Frodo PK......
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真的是讓大家久等了!ᐡ⸝⸝› ·̫ ‹⸝⸝ᐡ
ﻌﻌﻌ ﻌﻌﻌ ﻌﻌﻌ ﻌﻌﻌ ﻌﻌﻌ ﻌﻌﻌ
#吃貨恐龍 盲盒二代 - #冒險旅程 就要出發!
冒險旅程系列是 #TOYZEROPLUS 與萌系插畫家 #狗狗的小跳步繪蹦砰! 歷時多次的討論與監修,重新為吃貨恐龍系列做了全新的定位,不僅衍伸恐龍以外的動物造型增添新趣味,還有大家有發現他們吃掉手上的食物後,抬頭自信地站了起來嗎?收拾好行囊和吃貨恐龍一起踏上這一趟冒險旅程吧!
為大家介紹第一組龍龍選手 - 桃太郎小隊
很久很久以前,從 #水水桃 🍑中奇蹟似蹦出的 #桃太郎 🏮,為了村子的和平將要渡海到鬼島上討伐惡鬼,並在途中用黃米糰子成功收服鳥鳥、狗狗、猴猴這 #三小福 🐤🐶🐵如果可以選擇一個小夥伴,你要帶上誰呢?
吃貨恐龍 Blind Box 2nd Generation-#Adventure Journey is about to set off!
Let everyone wait for a long time, the second-generation members of the Longlong family will be here! 🔥It has been nearly 800 days since a generation of blind draws. After the changes in the general environment, there are many misses that can’t be seen, and the expectation for the distance. Recently, under the baptism of world-class sports events, players from all over the world have brought us the unwillingness to admit defeat and the courage. Challenge our own spirit, we have also received a lot of encouragement, the adventure series is TOYZEROPLUS and cute illustrator @狗狗's small jumps, drawing bounce! After many discussions and supervision, we have re-positioned the food-eating dinosaur series. Not only did we extend the shape of animals other than dinosaurs to add new interest, but also everyone found that they had eaten the food in their hands and stood up confidently. Are you up? Pack your bags and embark on this journey together with the food-eating dinosaurs #Adventure Journey!
Introducing the first group of Dragon Dragon players-Momotaro Team
bring it on! Eat a dumpling with Momotaro and Sanxiaofu to embark on an adventurous journey! 🌊🌟
interest group 在 寶船 TAKARABUNE Youtube 的最讚貼文
Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (Official Video) ft. Bruno Mars
Hilty & Bosch @Hilty & Bosch
Twitter→ https://twitter.com/takarabune_info
Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/takarabune_official/
Facebook→ https://www.facebook.com/Takarabune.official
TikTok→ https://www.tiktok.com/@takarabune_official
An Awa Odori entertainment troupe, pushing the boundaries of Japanese dance traditions.
Takarabune is a creative dance company of Awa Odori, one of the most well-known Japanese traditional dances with a 450 years of history.
They push the limits of this venerable traditional art: their signature dance style is so aggressive and vigorous that it has been characterized as ‘dance beyond Awa Odori’. Their performance at a number of Awa Odori events held in Tokyo has generated growing interest among a variety of media, and the group has gained a reputation as the hottest Awa Odori group (ren) in Japan.
#UptownFunk #hiltyandbosch #TAKARABUNE

interest group 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳解答
《做生意: 一百個影響他人的小貼士 - INFLUENCE》倒數 - 第93 - 點收多啲錢?
100個影響他人小貼士。倒數 - 第93:
英國每年都有接近一百萬人遲交稅,面臨罰款同埋延期交稅利息嘅風險, 考考你,在唔罰多啲錢或者無額外獎勵嘅情況下,點樣能夠令到佢哋準時交稅多啲呢?
根據劍橋及倫敦大學客席講師 Steve Martin, 如果有兩封 tax return send過去畀個納稅人叫佢填報稅表, 其中一封上面大大隻字寫住 “Most people in the UK do pay their taxes on time." (大部分英國人都準時交租),就咁簡單一句啫,佢哋嘅填寫機會率就增加咗5%。
如果再有另一封信,比第三 group 人, 上面寫住嘅唔係大部分英國人,而係更 specific,大部分人住喺佢嗰個postcode 都準時交稅,咁準時報稅率就上升12%。
點解? 因為人就係羊群心理。 人哋個個都做,佢就覺得係啱,自己都要做埋一份。亦都係叫做 Law Of Social Proof 社會認同法則。
Amazon 最成功嘅地方就係好好利用以上法法則。 I'm sure 你有留意到每次你去 Amazon 買嘢,佢都會話 Others like you also have shown interest in blablabla .... 呢個 recommendation system (推薦系統) 就係 Amazon 最值錢嘅地方,佔咗佢每年營業額 35%。Netflix 睇電影? 佔咗75%。
點解佢哋會 recommend 啲嘢比你? 你要記住喎,佢哋未必係推最fit嘅嘢比你,而係通常推成本最低或者倉底貨俾你,咁佢哋就可以賺得更加多錢。 因此,佔利潤比例遠高過35%或75%。
你盤生意又可以點推產品比個客呢? 做茶餐廳嘅,又可唔可以貼張紙話: 「坐得呢張枱嘅,通常都叫個頂級焗豬扒飯呢? 」或者放工時段就話:「住喺附近居民,最鐘意買一整隻招牌手撕雞返屋企一家人食。」Whatever it is ... 你盤生意,又點可以建立多啲 Social Proof 認同感令生意上升呢?
#社會認同法則, #influence,#影響他人小貼士
想知更多做生意知識及故事,我新書《李根興的生意哲學》 將於2020年6月份出版。內容包括 (1) 我至愛的創業勵志故事,(2) 生意理論,(3) 商舖知識,(4) 創業隨筆。合共約360頁,定價HK$198。現接受預訂,可以whatsapp我 (+852) 90361143。 按收到order次序交書。新書有我親筆簽名及封面message (特別封面版 - 數量有限)。
買舖/賣舖/租舖/投資商舖基金熱線: 2830 1111
李根興創業之友 (講生意) https://www.facebook.com/EdwinNetwork/
李根興商舖之友 (講舖) https://www.facebook.com/edwinprimeshop/
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享商舖創業及投資分享https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEN66AnLghXESgCDIsz-3Nw

interest group 在 寶船 TAKARABUNE Youtube 的最佳解答
↳ https://takarabune.org/
現在は、世界最大級のフェスティバルへ招致を受けるなど、全世界から数多くのオファーが後を絶たず、毎年10カ国以上の海外公演と国内公演の両立を果たしている。2014年には、日本PRのCM『日本の若さが世界を変える』に出演し、「my Japan Award 2014」にて《箭内道彦賞》を受賞。
近年ではメディアにも数多く取り上げられ、フジテレビ「にじいろジーン」や、日本テレビ「ネプ&イモトの世界番付」、テレビ東京「YOUは何しに日本へ」、テレビ朝日「スーパーJチャンネル」などに多数出演。また、アサヒ飲料『三ツ矢サイダー』のCMに抜擢され、長澤まさみ、ビートたけし、ディーン・フジオカと並び出演。国内でも、「ダボス会議アフターパーティー」、「もしもしにっぽん FESTIVAL」「泡フェス」「TEDxUTokyo」など話題のイベントに出演し、会場を熱狂させた。近年では、日本を代表するDJであるDAISHI DANCEとスペシャルステージを行うなど、他分野とのコラボレーションも精力的に行っている。
An Awa Odori entertainment troupe, pushing the boundaries of Japanese dance traditions.
Takarabune is a creative dance company of Awa Odori, one of the most well-known Japanese traditional dances with a 450 years of history. They push the limits of this venerable traditional art: their signature dance style is so aggressive and vigorous that it has been characterized as ‘dance beyond Awa Odori’. Their performance at a number of Awa Odori events held in Tokyo has generated growing interest among a variety of media, and the group has gained a reputation as the hottest Awa Odori group (ren) in Japan.
↳ https://takarabune.org/contact/
↳ https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40lhe7303n
↳ https://www.youtube.com/user/takarabune0?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/takarabune_official/
Twitter→ https://twitter.com/takarabune_info
Facebook→ https://www.facebook.com/Takarabune.official
TikTok→ https://www.tiktok.com/@takarabune_official

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