#buildhabits #teachyourself #建立自學習慣 #中文⬇️⠀
I'm still so grateful for the 200h Ashtanga training I did with @allyogatraining last feb (just before the pandemic hit the fan). You know why?😊
Because I came home with a gift: The discipline to practice and meditate by myself, every single day. 🧘♀️⠀
Everyone can join a class and "do" yoga, but practicing alone is another thing. Growing the confidence to keep learning FOR yourself, BY yourself is something to work on for a lifetime..!⠀😌🙏🏽
...That said, I do really hope this pandemic will be over sooner than later, I miss so many people around the globe! 🙈 Sending lots of LOVE to the Allyoga family and of course all other yogis and peacemakers out there!⠀🍀💛
*Here a tiny time-lapse of a modified ashtanga primary series (60min in 20sec) with my pupp Maji 🐶⠀
我很感謝今年疫情影響全世界之前還有去峇里島參加 @allyogatraining 的200小時Ashtanga培訓。 你知道為什麼嗎?⠀😊
上課練瑜伽跟獨自練習不一樣。 我自己很愛上課,當學生很幸福!⠀
但同時能夠學習不斷培養 #自學 的自信,是一生需要付出努力,但很值得建立的生活習慣。⠀😌
不過我還是老實地說,我真心希望疫情能早日結束,分散在這地球上有太多我想見到的人! ❤️⠀
keep in confidence 中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Ahmet Altan 是2016年土耳其內亂時,突然因著“文字中隱含鼓勵革命行動”的罪名被補,後來被現在極右政府判終身監禁。其後有38名諾貝爾得主聯名寫公開信給土耳其總統,呼籲法治和言論自由。目前似乎還沒有得到真正的伸張。
"I possess a confidence that grows like a pearl within the hard shells of literature. I possess an Immunity, I am protected by the steel armour of my books. I am writing this in a prison cell, but I am not in prison. I am a writer. I am neither where I am or where I am not. You can imprison me but you cannot keep me here. Because like all writers, I have magic, I can pass through your walls with ease. " -- The Writer's Paradox
“我擁有一種自信,像是在文學的硬殼包覆中成長的珍珠。我有一種免疫力,被我書本的盔甲保護著。我在獄中寫作,但我不被囚禁,我是一名作家,我不在我此刻的這處或是他處。你可以把我關起來,卻無法把我滯留在這裡。因為如同所有的作家,我有一種魔力,可以輕易地穿越你所蓋起的圍牆” -- 作家的悖論
1. Unbroken "永不屈服” -- 二戰中被日軍囚禁的美國士兵的真實故事,電影版是安潔莉那裘莉導演的,我2016年 top 10 書籍之一。
2. Freedom from Fear “免於恐懼” -- 緬甸翁山蘇姬在家絕食監禁的故事。
3. Glimpses of World History “爸爸尼赫魯寫給我的世界史” -- 印度第一任總理在獄中寫給女兒的世界史,沒有參考書籍純粹憑記憶,在歷史中某時間同步紀錄印度和其他國家發生的事。很厲害的1200頁書籍,我2015 top 10書籍之一。
4. Long walk to Freedom "漫漫自由路,曼德拉自傳” -- 反對南非中組隔離的民主領袖的故事,很多跟電影“刺激1995”雷同,果真是人生如戲啊!
keep in confidence 中文 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最讚貼文
The recent SAF training incidents have attracted a lot of attention and concern. I thought it would be useful to share my views on them. – LHL
近年发生的几起新加坡武装部队军训事故受到大家的关注,也引起公众强烈反应。希望在此与大家分享我的看法。请在以下英文稿之后阅读中文稿。– 李显龙
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The recent SAF incidents have been very painful, because they cost precious lives. I know how heartbreaking this is to all of us, and especially the families. When it happens to a well known figure like Corporal (First Class) Aloysius Pang, the emotional impact on the public is greater, and the loss is even harder to take.
The SAF has put enormous emphasis on training safety. It aims to achieve zero fatalities. After every incident, we make sure the injured get the best medical care. When a soldier dies, the SAF grieves deeply. His comrades understand how his family feels, because they feel the loss keenly too. But they try to put aside their emotions to take care of the bereaved family, and continue carrying out their SAF duties.
At the same time, the SAF will investigate the incident and identify its causes. We will improve SAF processes and training, so that it does not happen again. We know zero fatalities is extremely hard to achieve. But we will strive for it, because every life is precious to us.
I speak from personal experience. As a unit commander, I was responsible for my men’s training, safety, and welfare. In a way, I was standing in for their parents.
Later, serving on the General Staff, I had to deal with training incidents, decide what needed to be fixed, whether anyone should be punished, what we must keep on doing and what we must stop. I had to account to the bereaved families, and think hard how to keep servicemen safe while still fulfilling the SAF’s mission.
As Prime Minister, I have made sure that the Ministry of Defence has capable leaders, and that when a training accident happens, the government answers, not only to the family, but also to all our NSmen and the public too. That is essential for the SAF and national service to retain public confidence and support.
I can therefore assure you that I and the SAF leadership take safety with utmost seriousness. It was so when I was there, and I am confident it is even more so today.
In war, we will have to put servicemen in harm’s way to defend the country; but in peacetime training, we owe it to our servicemen never to compromise their safety and endanger their lives.
The SAF has to carry on training and fulfilling its operational duties. We cannot outsource our security and defence to anyone else; we have to defend Singapore ourselves. Because we have a strong and well-trained SAF, Singapore enjoys peace and security, and can maintain friendly relations with other countries.
I thank Singaporeans for supporting the SAF and national service. Your support has helped us to build a strong and professional SAF, with a comprehensive order of battle, and well-equipped, well-trained, and well-motivated soldiers.
So when something goes wrong, I hope you will see things in perspective. We must never gloss over shortcomings and failures. But neither should we forget the SAF’s progress and achievements, and its contributions to Singapore’s peace and security.
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武装部队非常重视军训安全, 我们会尽全力让军训达到“零死亡率”的目标。每一次发生事故后,我们都会关心受伤士兵的伤势,给他们最好的医疗照顾。对于不幸去世的战友,我们感到伤心难过,我们能体会家属失去至亲的悲痛心情,对同袍们来说也失去了出生入死的兄弟。但我们必须强忍悲伤,为他们的家人提供最好的安排,给他们最佳的照顾,并继续执行我们武装部队的使命。
我由衷感谢各位给予武装部队和国民服役的支持。你们的支持,让我们建立了一个强大又专业的武装部队。我们的军队拥有完整的编制,士兵们也拥有完善的个人装备, 个个训练有素,有着坚定的意志,保卫国家。
keep in confidence 中文 在 confidence中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
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keep in confidence 中文 在 in confidence 中文 - 綫上翻譯 的相關結果
in confidence中文:私下的;秘密的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋in confidence的中文翻譯,in confidence的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ... <看更多>
keep in confidence 中文 在 keep in confidence - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言) 的相關結果
大量翻译例句关于"keep in confidence" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... <看更多>