沒關係!泰國最大報 Thairath - ไทยรัฐออนไลน์ 和資訊設計 Punch Up 藉由家電計算機的互動式網頁設計,和你談談怎麼樣聰明使用冷氣和冰箱,才可以低電費又低排放(⚠️重點提示: #冷媒 是重點)。
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❍ 為什麼會有這個專案? ❍
泰國作為世界製造出口冷氣第二大國,以及冰箱製造出口量全球第七名,但是國內卻還沒有使用 #新型冷媒電器 的倡議,因此在蒙特婁議定數架構下通過吉佳利修正案(Kigali Amendment)的此時,泰叻報和Punch Up推出數位專欄,和讀者談談電費、冷媒、全球暖化的議題。
❍ Punch Up 資訊設計 ❍
從2018年 Boonmee Lab 的 ELECT 專案開始,到2019年正式成立結合媒體記者、前後端工程師、設計師的資訊設計公司,提供顧問、設計、教育訓練等服務。
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組織介紹寫得超少,因為Punch Up真的是我最愛的設計公司,從政治資訊的社會設計專案,到變成泰國首屈一指、有各大媒體客戶的資訊設計公司。推薦大家可以先從他們粉絲專頁開始追,就會感受公司的專案到底有多有趣(有時候還會開Data Journalism的工作坊)。
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(文中部分內容摘自陳彥淇,〈臭氧保護35週年 蒙特婁議定書的啟示〉, 環境資訊中心 )
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kigali amendment 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
“If you look at cooling degree days for Chennai or Mumbai, these are places that have twice as many cooling degree days as the hottest city in the U.S., Miami,” said Lucas Davis, director of the Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business of the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s unbelievably hot — there’s nothing in the U.S. that compares in terms of heat to these cities in India.”
「如果你看看清奈或孟買,這些地方的冷卻度日是美國最熱城市邁阿密的兩倍之多,」加州大學伯克萊分校的哈斯商學院能源研究院院長Lucas Davis說。「熱得難以置信——美國沒有哪裡能比印度的這些城市更熱。」
And when it gets hot, forgoing air-conditioning can be deadly. The heat wave that plagued Chicago in 1995 killed more than 700 people, while the 2003 European heat wave and 2010 Russian heat wave killed tens of thousands each. Researchers have found that climate change made the European heat wave deadlier and the Russian heat wave more likely.
The introduction of home air-conditioning in the United States has cut premature deaths on hot days by 75 percent since 1960, another study has shown. That is why both Dr. Davis and Dr. Birol say the solution lies not in convincing countries to forgo air-conditioners, but in making air-conditioning more energy efficient. That could cut by half the additional energy demand for cooling in the coming years.
Many air-conditioners on sale in India today use twice as much electricity to provide the same amount of cooling as more efficient units, Dr. Davis said.
On the other end of the spectrum, air-conditioners sold in Japan and the European Union tend to be 25 percent more efficient than units sold in the United States and China.
Governments should set efficiency standards for air-conditioners and provide incentives for manufacturers and consumers, Dr. Birol said. Some countries are already passing energy efficiency standards. And as part of an agreement known as the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol, other countries are working to phase out refrigerants used in air-conditioning units that are also potent greenhouse gases.
Birol博士表示,政府應該制定空調的能效標準,為製造商和消費者設定激勵措施。有些國家已經通過了能效標準。作為《蒙特婁議定書》(Montreal Protocol)中吉佳利修正案的一部分,其他國家正在逐步淘汰在空調機組中使用製冷劑。製冷劑也是一種強效的溫室氣體。
Dr. Davis said electricity prices must also play a role in developing countries. “It is hard to make more progress on any of those fronts without more rational pricing for electricity,” he said. Accounting for emissions in the cost of electricity and removing subsidies would encourage more efficient air-conditioning and more sustainable buildings, he said.
The report also envisions a role for renewable energies — especially solar power, which to some degree aligns the peak of its energy generation, in the middle of the day, with the peak demand for cooling.
No matter what, air-conditioning will be a major issue in the fight against climate change, Dr. Birol said.
“When I look at the next few years to come, air-conditioners are only second to the entire industrial sector,” he said. “Twenty-one percent of the total world electricity growth is coming from the need to meet the growth of air-conditioner electricity demand.”
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kigali amendment 在 Climate change & all about the Kigali Amendment - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In this video, ThePrint's Simrin Sirur breaks down how Kigali Amendment and the Montreal Protocol are linked to global warming. ... <看更多>