美食來囉!在泰國華欣除了夜市小吃之外更要試試Bluport商場超市中的現煮美食,食客隨自己的喜好在超市選購生鮮食材請附設餐廳現煮,還有多種生蠔、海鮮、沙拉、湯品和美酒供食客選擇,我點的是澳洲肋眼牛排,入口鮮嫩多汁,吃飽了在逛逛商場,一點都不怕發胖。夜晚的浪漫更不能錯過Le Intercontinental Hua Hin渡假酒店的沙灘海景,在泳池環繞的座位或沙灘上,伴著海風和浪濤聲,悠閒享用海鮮燒烤和義式西餐、甜點,漫步在充滿殖民風格的酒店建築和庭院中,微笑會停留在臉上很久很久喔~好幸福❤️
Here comes the yummies! Except night market snacks, why not try something different in Hua Hin? Like pick up the fresh ingredients you like and let the chef cook for you right at the supermarket in Bluport mall, with plenty of salad, soups, seafood, pizza and wine as well, and don’t worry about putting on weight, take some time to walk around the mall after food, enjoy shopping experience. And at night, romantic concept dinner at Le Intercontinental Hua Hin is a must! Having dinner at the seat surrounded by swimming pool or on the beach, enjoy tasty roasted seafood and Italy food with sound of sea waves, and walk around the path in the hotel garden and enjoy the beautiful continental designed buildings and concept, life is so wonderful❤️
#AmazingThailand #AirAsia
#holidayinnvananava #diveinhuahin
#Bluport #LeIntercontinentalHuaHin