是否經常覺得臉部浮腫,輪廓總是扁扁的呢?想使輪廓更突出,皮膚看起來更緊繃和年青,可以嘗試一些簡單的臉部按摩,幫自己找回V 字臉。
1) 雙手打開放在臉的兩邊,大拇指放在下巴的位置,以輕輕拖拉的沿著臉際線往上拉。
2) 大拇指按壓下巴骨凹陷處輕壓5秒,同樣的步驟沿著下巴骨的位置一直輕按直耳下穴位。
注意 :按摩時可以使用精華油,臉部緊實霜或臉霜。一般我會在早上搽臉霜時進行按摩。
Does your skin look puffy or loose? A facial massage could be just what you need to strengthen or firm up your skin to make you look younger.
For those of you who are interested in “How To Get A V-line Face Shape” and “ How To Get Rid of Puffiness”, here is a very simple massage that works wonders.
1) Glide open hands along the outer face, place your thumbs at the bottom edge of chin and slide gently along the jawline until you reach the jaw hinge
2) Place your thumbs under your chin, where you feel a slightly depression, gently push in with your thumbs. Press for 5secs and repeat this action as you move along the edges of jawline, finishing at jaw hinge.
3) Repeat the procedures for at least 3 times.
(The purpose of massage is to move fluid out of your tissues into lymph nodes where bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms are destroyed. It reduces face swelling)
Note : You can choose a massage oil , face contour cream or face cream for this facial massage. Usually I do it every morning when applying day cream.
lymph fluid 在 Vivienne's Paradise Facebook 的最佳解答
是否經常覺得臉部浮腫,輪廓總是扁扁的呢?想使輪廓更突出,皮膚看起來更緊繃和年青,可以嘗試一些簡單的臉部按摩,幫自己找回V 字臉。
1) 雙手打開放在臉的兩邊,大拇指放在下巴的位置,以輕輕拖拉的沿著臉際線往上拉。
2) 大拇指按壓下巴骨凹陷處輕壓5秒,同樣的步驟沿著下巴骨的位置一直輕按直耳下穴位。
注意 :按摩時可以使用精華油,臉部緊實霜或臉霜。一般我會在早上搽臉霜時進行按摩。
Does your skin look puffy or loose? A facial massage could be just what you need to strengthen or firm up your skin to make you look younger.
For those of you who are interested in “How To Get A V-line Face Shape” and “ How To Get Rid of Puffiness”, here is a very simple massage that works wonders.
1) Glide open hands along the outer face, place your thumbs at the bottom edge of chin and slide gently along the jawline until you reach the jaw hinge
2) Place your thumbs under your chin, where you feel a slightly depression, gently push in with your thumbs. Press for 5secs and repeat this action as you move along the edges of jawline, finishing at jaw hinge.
3) Repeat the procedures for at least 3 times.
(The purpose of massage is to move fluid out of your tissues into lymph nodes where bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms are destroyed. It reduces face swelling)
Note : You can choose a massage oil , face contour cream or face cream for this facial massage. Usually I do it every morning when applying day cream.