most hair salon 價格 在 跟著恬恬與Fabianㄧ起刮世界地圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
我做了一個害怕的決定,就是去德國髮廊剪頭髮 😂😂
(傳遍全亞洲)大家都說外國人不會剪亞洲人頭髮,不知大家覺得我現在的髮型如何😊😊 我自已對成果滿滿意的,Fabian也很喜歡😁(現在看女友都雙手撐下巴凝視😆)
*我的髮尾可能因為德國水質還有曬太陽變好糟,剛好頭髮也太多Fabian就要我去整理一下好了~ 髮廊:Unisex,Karlsruhe
Ich habe eine mutige Entscheidung getroffen: Ich bin zum deutschen Friseur gegangen. (Man sagt in Asien, dass westliche Friseure Haarmode von Asiaten nicht schneiden können.) Trotzdem bin ich zum deutschen Friseur gegangen. Mögt ihr meine neue Frisur? Ich mag sie sehr gern und Fabian auch.
Ppl in Asia always say that western hairdresser don't know how to cut Asians' hair. But anyway I went to a german hair salon and it turned out quite good! I really like my new haircut and so does Fabian.
I compared several hair salons' prices and this one is so far the most acceptable for me. 25 euros includes cutting and washing. However, if you want the hairdresser to dry your hair, you need to pay 8 euros extra. (Drying includes in washing in Taiwan. We don't need to pay extra) If you think the haircut and service are good, don't forget to give some tips :)