心肌鈣蛋白 (cTn )的臨床意義
心肌長時間的缺氧導致心肌死亡,是梗塞的病理學所見。心肌死亡的特徵有凝固性的心肌細胞分解(coagulative myocytolysis),及收縮環帶(contraction band)壞死。心肌缺氧並不會立即造成細胞死亡,在某些動物實驗得知,至少需要20分鐘。6-12小時後,肉眼可見壞死之外觀,若顯微鏡觀察下,2-3小時之後就可以看到心肌壞死的現象。心肌完全壞死至少需要2至4小時,但會受以下因素影響:是否有側支循環供血至梗塞部位,持續或間斷的冠狀動脈阻塞,心肌對於缺血的敏感度,發生梗塞前之狀況,以及各別心肌細胞對於血氧與養份的不同需求度。
鈣蛋白複合體(troponin complex)是經由鈣離子是調節橫紋肌的收縮,含有三種小單位結構,包括鈣蛋白C (troponin C),用來與鈣離子結合;心肌鈣蛋白I (cTn I)與心肌的肌動蛋白(actin)結合而抑制肌動蛋白與肌蛋白質(myosin)的互相作用;心肌鈣蛋白T (cTn T)則與非水溶性肌蛋白質(tropomyosin)結合,然後依附於鈣蛋白複合體連接至心肌之薄細絲(thin filament)。當心肌死亡之後,cTn T及cTn I直接被分解釋出,在血中即可測得數據。
當心肌死亡之後會釋放出不同的蛋白質,在血清裡可以偵測到cTn、肌氨酸磷酸酶(creatinine phosphokinase, CK)、 乳酸去氧酶(lactate dehydrogenase, LDH)等各種不同蛋白酶。但這些蛋白酶的升高,並非心肌缺氧專一性,非缺血性心臟病的疾病也會使它們升高,因此偵測心肌特有的生化標記對於心肌梗塞的診斷將會提供更精密的判讀。其中cTn是最敏感且專一的心肌生化標記,尤其cTn T及cTnI,是目前診斷心肌梗塞的診斷要件之一,即使是極微小區域的梗塞,均能測出。同時CK總值,LDH總值及同化酶,天門冬氨酸轉氨酶(aspartate aminotransferase, AST)都不建議再用來測定心肌缺氧或梗塞。
心肌收縮的蛋白結構發生心肌缺氧導致壞死時,cTn就從心肌細胞被分解釋放出來。其中cTn T及 cTn I是心肌的生化標記,具有極高度的敏感性與專一性,除了腎末期疾病之外,cTn的升高可代表心肌缺氧。臨床出現心肌缺氧症狀後之2至4小時,cTn開始升高,24-48小時達到高峰值。cTn升高狀態可持續5-10天,cTnT升高可持續5-14天。這種急速上升且維持數日的概念可用來區分心肌缺氧是否急性或慢性,或者是再次梗塞(reinfarction)。
腎末期疾病患者之cTn呈現的是慢性升高的狀態,而且cTn T上升數值超過cTn I。
最佳精準化的cTn分析值是採用URL的99百分位值,且差異係數(coefficient of variation, CV) <10%。參考值上限(URL),是以正常對照組的99百分位值,各儀器公司提供自己的數據,因此每間醫院的cTn參考值不盡相同。雖然正常對照組的正常性如何,至今仍有不少疑問,但大多數專家學者及學術機構均同意以URL的99百分位值,且CV<10%作為研究分析心肌梗塞的基本共識。
急性心肌梗塞的定義與分類:2018 ESC/ACC/AHA
#心肌鈣蛋白 (#cTn )的臨床意義
1. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:2173–95.
2. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;60:1581-98
3. Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018). European Heart Journal (2019) 40, 237–269
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#急性心肌梗塞 的#定義 與#分類:
Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018)
European Heart Journal (2019) 40, 237–269
第1型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 1 MI)
(1) 急性心肌缺氧的症狀
(2) 心電圖出現新的缺氧變化
(3) 心電圖出現病理性的Q波(pathological Q waves)
(4) 影像檢查證實:新損失的活性心肌,或新出現的局部心室壁活動異常,合乎缺氧的病因。
(5) 經由血管攝影或驗屍確認有冠狀動脈內血栓。
註:URL: 參考值上限 (upper reference limit, URL) 是以正常對照組的 99 百分位值 (the 99th percentile)。
第2型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 2 MI)
(1) 急性心肌缺氧的症狀
(2) 心電圖出現新的缺氧變化
(3) 心電圖出現病理性的Q波
(4) 影像檢查證實:新損失的活性心肌,或新出現的局部心室壁活動異常,合乎缺氧的病因。
(註:心肌氧供需失衡的原因如下:已成型的冠狀動脈硬化瘢塊,冠狀動脈硬痙攣,冠狀動脈栓塞,冠狀動脈剝離+/- 血管內壁血腫,持續性心搏過速之心律不整,嚴重高血壓+/-左心室肥大,嚴重心搏過慢之心律不整,呼吸衰竭,嚴重貧血,低血壓/休克。)
第3型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 3 MI)
第4a型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 4a MI):與PCI有關之心肌梗塞
(1) 心電圖出現新的缺氧變化
(2) 心電圖出現病理性的Q波
(3) 影像檢查證實:新損失的活性心肌,或新出現的局部心室壁活動異常,合乎缺氧的病因。
(4) 血管攝影證實PCI造成限制血流之併發症,例如冠狀動脈剝離,心肌表面主要血管阻塞,或分支血管阻塞/血栓,側支循衛受阻,或遠端發生栓塞。
第4b型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 4b MI):與PCI支架血栓阻塞有關之心肌梗塞
合乎Type 1 MI的要件,以實施PCI後發生心肌梗塞的時間長短分成:
第4c型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 4c MI):PCI支架再狹窄(restenosis)有關之心肌梗塞
裝置支架,或氣球擴張術後,於相關地方發生再狹窄的心肌梗塞,而無其它之阻塞病灶或栓塞。這種狹窄可能是局部性,或擴散性的再狹窄,或者是複雜病灶,合併cTn)的升高及(或)降低於URL的99百分位值的Type 1 MI之要件。
第5型急性心肌梗塞要件(Type 5 MI):與CABG有關之心肌梗塞
(1) 心電圖出現病理性的Q波
(2) 血管攝影證實新移植的血管或原先血管發生新的血栓;
(3) 影像檢查證實:新損失的活性心肌,或新出現的局部心室壁活動異常。
1. 與第三版的心肌梗塞定義之間的主要改變在於,區分心肌梗塞與心肌受傷之差別,並勾畫出MRI與電腦斷層血管攝影掃描在心肌梗塞扮演的角色。
2. 心肌生化標記(cTn)的檢測初質評估,3-6小時後再追蹤檢測。高敏感度的hscTn要提早檢測。臨床症狀與抽血檢測時刻有關,尤其要配合數據的起落之判讀。
3. 心肌損傷 (Myocardial injury) 的定義:心肌生化標記(cTn)超過URL的99百分位值,因此包括了心肌缺氧或非心肌缺氧所造成的心肌損傷.
4. 心肌梗塞是特定之心肌缺氧造成的心肌損傷,而且下列四項要件中,至少合乎一項:臨床心肌缺氧症狀,心電圖改變,Q波初現,影像檢查證實:新損失的活性心肌,或新出現的局部心室壁活動異常,合乎缺氧的病因。
5. 第1型急性心肌梗塞與急性血管硬化栓塞有關;第2型急性心肌梗塞則是由於心肌血氧供需失衡。第3型急性心肌梗塞是因心肌缺氧致死,事後解剖才診斷。
6. 第4a型及第5型急性心肌梗塞是與PCI 及 CABG有關。
7. 心肌損傷 (Myocardial injury)可能發生在非血管再通術的心臟手術,如經由導管置換主動脈瓣而造成直接傷害或冠狀動脈血栓/栓塞。如果未符合以上第5型急性心肌梗塞要件,就不能歸類為心肌梗塞。
8. 心肌生化標記(cTn)升高,在以下臨床狀況下,並無特定歸類:急性心衰竭,腎疾病,急重症,或非心臟手術。此類狀況之診斷需視其是否有心肌缺氧,及急性血栓,而給予第1或第2型急性心肌梗塞,或非心肌缺氧之急性心肌損傷。
9. 在心房顫動合併心室心搏過速 (AF with RVR)合併心肌生化標記(cTn)升高時,不能歸類為第2型急性心肌梗塞,除非出現心肌缺氧的症狀。心肌生化標記(cTn)升高只能視之為心肌損傷 (Myocardial injury)。
10. 冠狀動脈無阻塞疾病(MINOCA)而發生心肌梗塞,應依其臨床症狀及血管攝影結果歸類為第1型或第2急性心肌梗塞
PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (冠狀動脈介入術)
CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (冠狀動脈繞道手術)
MINOCA: Myocardial infarction in nonobstructive coronary artery disease(冠狀動脈無阻塞疾病)
#Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018). European Heart Journal (2019) 40, 237–269
#Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction. https://reurl.cc/dV8M8q
myocardial infarction definition 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
@LIVES 2015 year in review 2
Ten things you should consider before you believe a clinical practice guideline
A CPG has to be reasonably current, and the definition of ‘reasonably current’ seems to change. Published in 2013 [1], the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines dealing with resuscitation algorithms, resuscitation fluids or transfusion in patients with sepsis did not consider a number of studies and meta-analyses published subsequently [2, 3]. These recommendations may need revision even before the next ‘full text’ is published––a 4-year hiatus between editions seems increasingly inadequate. Ongoing electronic updates, often referred to as living guidelines, are likely coming our way.
The clinical questions have to be specific enough to deliver practical and actionable answers. To this end, we suggest they follow the PICO format for Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome. The next three points deal with the choice of population, comparator, and outcome.
Specific questions have to take into account the ‘age of the evidence.’ Recommendations regarding the use of beta blockers at the time and following myocardial infarction may well need to rely on data emerging from randomized studies performed in the current reperfusion era with possibly little emphasis on older randomized studies as the number of new co-interventions used in both groups might have a modifying effect [4].
The interventions and comparator should be clinically relevant. A comparison of all colloids to all crystalloids in the setting of sepsis make little sense in light of the realization that not only all colloids—but also all crystalloids—are not created equal [5, 6].
The outcomes assessed in judging the benefits should be patient-important outcomes as opposed to convenient surrogate or substitute endpoints. Improvement in cardiac output, urine output, central venous pressure, and/or peak flows may suggest possible benefit. Unfortunately, apparently beneficial changes in surrogate outcomes have very often been associated with lack of benefit in patient-important outcomes and—not infrequently—in harm [7]. Diagnostic technologies may provide similarly misleading results: knowledge, or the impression of knowledge, does not always translate into patient benefit (most of us remember the widespread use of right heart catheters which likely had no benefit and possibly did more harm than good) [8, 9].
As undesirable effects are unavoidable, guidelines should clearly and comprehensively present both the desirable and undesirable consequences of the recommended courses of action in an easy-to-access and easy-to-understand format [10]. Those estimates should be based on systematic reviews and should be clearly linked to the recommendations which are using them as justification.
These estimates of effect may be more or less trustworthy. Guidelines should make the certainty of the evidence (also known as confidence in the estimates or quality of the evidence) explicit, clearly presenting the degree of confidence (from highly confident to poorly confident) associated with the evidence [11].
Guidelines should clearly distinguish between recommendations that apply to virtually all patients in all circumstances and those in which alternative courses of action are both reasonable and may—in specific circumstances—be preferable. The former, strong recommendations are usually based on at least moderate certainty of treatment effects AND a decisive balance in favor of beneficial effects of intervention. Guidelines typically offer weak recommendations when intervention effects are uncertain OR there is high certainty of the estimates, but the balance between desirable and undesirable outcomes is close. The judgments underlying decisions, especially controversial ones, should be explicitly acknowledged [12].
CPGs should provide an account of how the conflict of interest (COI) was addressed. Simple disclosure is unlikely to be sufficient. Active interventions to decrease the possibility of both financial and academic COIs are being increasingly recognized as needed [13, 14].
Lastly, authors of CPGs should make it clear that they do not wish to generate uniform practice for all patients and all clinicians, but rather provide background information and some wider judgments necessary to make decisions. The individual decisions should then account for individual patient’s values and preferences and idiosyncratic clinical specificities. Authors should stress the non-dogmatic character of the majority of recommendations, especially those based on low certainty of effects or those associated with a close balance between harms and benefits. However, even strong recommendations should leave room for patient-specific flexibility. After all, this is all about guidance not forced uniformity [15].