印太地區擁有超過全球一半的人口數與超過全球50%的經濟。美國支持自由開放印太地區未來的經濟發展。美國與印度將於10月28-29日共同舉辦2021年的「印太商業論壇」, 如果你對商業事務有興趣, 或是你的工作與經貿發展有關, 無論是你是在政府部門、學術界、公民團體、媒體或私人企業,這將是一場超級適合你的活動!今年的「印太商業論壇」採全線上舉辦、既不用報名費、也不用旅費,還等什麼呢? 趕緊手刀報名: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/
The United States supports the economic future of a free and open Indo-Pacific, which represents more than half of the global population and global economy. The United States and India are co-hosting the 2021 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) on October 28-29. If you are interested in commercial affairs or your work is related to business or economic development in government, academia, civil society, media or the private sector, this is the event for you! The IPBF is free of cost and a fully virtual interactive event, so you don’t have to travel! To learn more and register, visit: https://indopacificbusinessforum.com/
同時也有29部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅阿軒仔,也在其Youtube影片中提到,台灣加入WTO會員國已19年過去 19 years have passed since Taiwan joined the WTO 台灣的摩托車騎士依舊不能騎乘高速公路 Motorcyclists in Taiwan still cannot ride the highway 貨車公會不友善的阻擋台...
「open government」的推薦目錄:
open government 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
華盛頓郵報爆出美國最高將領、美軍參謀長聯席會議主席馬克·米利(Mark Milley)將軍,去年底秘密致電中國總参謀長李作成,向其保證美國不會攻擊中國的消息,相當駭人聽聞。
米利在國家軍事指揮中心還召集了一個參謀部高級軍官會議,並表示,如果川普下令攻擊,首先應該第一個告知他。同時他還要求助手們承諾,若川普作出「極端命令」,包括動用核彈,不要立即服從。與此同時,米利還請求時任中央情報局局長夏思蓓(Gina Haspel)與有日裔血統的美國網絡司令部負責人中曾根(Paul Nakasone)密切監視總統川普行動。
若此等消息在去年爆發,即有Deep State 企圖政變,「拜粉」與左膠會指為「陰謀論」,現在卻由左翼的華盛頓郵報來爆料,證明川普下台前一連串異事:黑命貴暴動、國會山佔領、灌假票疑雲,因「米利事件」之曝光,疑點利益歸川普,去年之「大選」,確帶有政變性質。一方面是槍炮架空了民選的川普,另一方面是推特禁言於民選的川普。
美國的聯邦叛國罪在1790年援引憲法初立,1909年國會修訂,指明「任何效忠美國者,若對美國發動戰爭,或攀附於美國之敵國,在美國國內外向敵國提供協助或慰勉,即成立叛國罪(Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.)
美中之間尚未進入戰爭狀態,所以不論拜登還是米利,都強調美中關係不是敵對,只視之為「競爭者」(competitor );不論兒子收過中國錢還是將軍打電話向對家承諾「如果川普想開戰,我一定預先打電話通知你」,就是要避免墮入與「敵國」(enemy ) 勾結之責。
但何謂「敵國」?據美國法學專家華倫(Charles Warren ) 在耶魯法學院學報定義為:「只適用於公開對美國宣示敵意的外國勢力的人員,而不是國內反抗政府的騷亂份子」(applies only
to the subjects of a foreign power in a state of open hostility with
us. It does not embrace rebels in insurrection against their own government),換言之,佔據國會山莊的美國人,犯了暴動罪,沒有犯叛國罪。中國在意識型態和戰略上都是對美國長期懷有「公然敵意」(hostility)的國家,則米利視自己的總統比中國有更大的威脅,其叛國迨無疑問。
因此米利的「慰勉」(comforting )加「幫忙」(aiding )的兩次電話,令美國人嘩然,中國應該心領神會,大可乾杯茅台。美國軍方對中國的軍事實力差距或容輕視,但美中一旦開戰,美國十分恐懼中國馬上就動用核武器。
open government 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
敬 自由/ 你
過去制定政策多半是政府發起,而隨著時代變遷與民主進展,現在人民可以上網提議政策,達一定聯署附議人數政府必須回應,落實 #參與式民主 精神
外交部在今年聯合國推案影片《敬 自由》中拍攝了一位太太牽著狗狗阿毛,一起搭上寵物友善的公車
_ _
To Freedom / You
Over recent years #Taiwan has made strides towards more open and transparent governance, actively encouraging public participation. Ideas from the public created initiatives allowing people to report their tax through their mobile phones, for example, which, in turn, formed the basis of a mask rationing system. As Taiwan is a nation of #AnimalLovers, it is perhaps not surprising that the initiative behind the introduction of #PetFriendly public transport also came from a member of the public.
This was the example that we featured in our recent promotional short for the #UNGA76, “To Freedom,” representing pet lovers everywhere with the words:
“Participatory democracy allows the people and the government to communicate, realizing people’s ideal lifestyles more effectively. My grandson registered me to vote online. A policy proposal only requires 5,000 endorsements for a government response. Now I can take my dog A-Mao further afield!”
If the UN states part of its mission as encouraging countries around the world to respect the rights of their people, Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference.
open government 在 阿軒仔 Youtube 的最讚貼文
19 years have passed since Taiwan joined the WTO
Motorcyclists in Taiwan still cannot ride the highway
The Trucking Association is unfriendly to block
Taiwanese motorcycles from riding on the highway
The film proves that Taiwanese motorcycles are
very safe to ride Kaohsiung Highway No. 10
I hope that the World Trade Organization will see
Taiwan’s failure to abide by its promise to open motorbike highways
Urge the WTO to require the Taiwan government to fulfill relevant commitments
重機上國道十號安全大數據 請貨車同業會睜大眼睛看!
拜託騎重機的陳其邁市長幫忙開放 高公局很用心在養護國十路面
#台灣國道騎透透 #高雄國道十號 #紅牌重機
Saeng You by DayFox https://soundcloud.com/dayfox
Music promoted by MarkVisuals Official https://youtu.be/bupDXVFl2v0
Music by DayFox: https://www.soundcloud.com/dayfox
Web: https://www.dayfox.de
Youtube: @dayfox ( youtu.be/69NZKVTfJIQ )
► BUY it here: sellfy.com/dayfox/p/dayfox-in-…e-now-full-product/
🎨 Artwork: https://unsplash.com/@piiiiine
極致工藝航太鋁合金手機架 | 不想跟車友用大眾手機架選這款就對了!
軒仔月薪多少重機分幾期有儲蓄? | 為何車貸一定要繳滿20期再結清?
軒仔聊車經 | 為何我的10沒快排 | 這集一次大解惑完未來不再回答相關問題
重機購車大小事 | 跟和潤車貸專員約7-11對保 | 闇夜惡獸降臨倒數中
重機購車大小事 | 買重機跟賣重機能同天交換!? | 中古重機同日車換車流程
扭力大王YAMAHA MT-10開箱! | 總算圓了三年前的終極重車夢
購買中古重車有哪些注意事項 | 建議一定要跟前車主約時間賞車
名店Z騎衝x大大輪車業 | 更換MT-10四缸火星塞及來令片
早鳥聊車經 | 騎了幾個月的MT-10心得及優缺點

open government 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最佳解答
To the first store of the popular "Yamaoka-ya”! I visited the "Ramen Yamaoka-ya” in Ibaraki Prefecture. I visited the first Yamaoka-ya store. The store opened in 1988, and from that time on, the prototypes of the current business styles of "open 24 hours" and "open all year round" have been created. Now that it has become a popular ramen shop with more than 150 stores nationwide, you have been looking forward to the taste of the first step, so please have a look!
* If the Yamaoka-ya requests a shorter time, the final cooking start time will be 20 minutes before the designated time from the government (from the company's website).
* We take thorough measures against infection.
* When shooting, we give due consideration to the shop and customers around us.
いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )
#ラーメン #山岡家 #茨城 #ロイドごはん #フラメンコロイド
—————《ロイドごはんのおすすめ動画 ROIDGOHANs’ Recommended video》———————————
78才おじいちゃん屋台ラーメンの朝『幸っちゃん』夜明けの銀座【飯テロ】Old Style Ramen Stall Yatai Japanese Street Food
神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen
★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》

open government 在 Kelana Akira Abdullah Youtube 的精選貼文
Welcome again to Yayasan Pillar Shared Giving or #KongsiBersedekah program.
This is our 5th series where we cover more city poor families and houses in Semariang area, specifically this time in kpg sg midin.
This time we met and chatted with a 12 years old boy named Fikri, son to Romie and a brother to Wardina aged 15.
As the mother was out working when we visited their house, we caught up with their 12 year old son.
We handed out food package under our Shared Giving program and interestingly found out from the brother that his sister Wardina has not been going to classes regularly for a year.
Reason given was she had no means of getting to school.
One very disturbing fact is the condition this family and many other families here found themselves in.
Everyway you turn outside their houses, under their houses, by the roadside, and open spaces are rubbish dump.
Children play and eat among heaps of rubbish.
Their houses are like stinking pits with little room to breathe or move.
We also included in our list of Shared Giving another family because of historical record they maintained, where 4 out of 6 school aged children left school prematurely.
Puan Hasnah's 2 sons and 2 daughters left school before they finished.
When asked why?
The mother simply answered "we gave our children choice to continue schooling or quit and find a job."
"We advised our children to continue study but if they refuse, we would not force them."
This family is considered reasonably ok economically as the father has steady job and earning above RM1000 per month.
They do not fall under the category of city poor in Yayasan Pillar's list.
Another family is a single mother with 2 children.
Puan Norlidah bt Abdullah has a medical case of liver malfunction, therefore cannot work and desperately need financial help.
She is not getting any kind of aid from government agencies as she just didn't know how to follow up again on her application for assistance.
She keeps no record of her application.
Yayasan Pillar handed out Food Baskets to all the families and offer to assist them follow up with government agencies for assistance where they are eligible or where they have been overlooked.
Briefly the problems shackling these families are poverty, poor health, filthy surrounding, broken down houses and the sheer lack of will by parents to ensure children finished their school.
I shudder to think what future these children will have?
Why are these deplorable conditions of city poor still allowed to go on for years?
Whose responsibility?
Parents? Local YB? Or our system?
One of the ways Yayasan Pillar helps the city poor is through its #KongsiBersedekaH program. The objective of #KongsiBersedekaH is to get community to engage in sharing the arduous burden faced by city poor families on a daily basis. If you wish to help lighten their burden, please don't hesitate to donate to lessen the daily PAIN faced by city poor. ?
The Pillar Foundation (Maybank Islamic)
Account Number: 561190054374
Reference: Foodbank For City Poor