Invitation to the Summer Project – “Firefly” (updated - 22.06.2014)
Dear friends of JSVA,
As the heat rises around you, have you ever thought of your plans for the upcoming summer holidays? You might not be aware that your summer can actually be a break from the routine and uninteresting lives that we live every day.
This year, we are delighted to present our annual Summer Project - Firefly. Life is a matter of waiting for the right moment to act. Light yourself up when the right moment arrives, like a firefly. Details of the event days of our month-long project are as follows:
Orientation Day (13/7)
Participants will get to know one another and enjoy an array of games with themed activities.
Training Camp (29-31/7)
Undoubtedly the finest camp this summer. Features include an array of activities such as Detective Game and Campfire.
Training Day (3/8)
Participants will get to experience the life of the underprivileged.
Service Period (5-12/8)
Each group will be assigned to different service centres with different target groups. Participants are required to organize all the details for the services.
Closing Ceremony (17/8)
Participants will be able to share their memories and touching moments with friends within the whole project, including a back-writing, evaluation session and much more.
F.3-F.6 (Y9-Y12) students (both members and non-members are welcomed)
$450 (Members)
$470 (Non-members)
We hope to provide you an experience that enriches your summer and so you can experience the life of a firefly-- to light up yourself to shine on others. The sublimed nature of firefly also resonates with our determination to be the light for those in need by hosting this project, hoping to expand our breadth and depth in giving our participants opportunities to serve the community and enjoy a fun-packed summer.
If you are interested in the project, please kindly send us a soft copy of your completed application form on or before the 10th of July to [email protected]. Late applications will not be entertained. Successful applicants will be contacted in person afterwards. Please visit our website www.jsvahk.org for any updates.
Should there be any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the President Alvin CHAN at 60305212 or the Vice president Elvis LAM at 98204626, or send us an email at jsvahk1314@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Alvin CHAN
The 28th Executive Committee
Joint School Volunteers' Association