Michelin Starred 🌟 【ÉPURE in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 🇫🇷 】 , recently brought back Star Cheese Fromager Affineur & the highest honored MOF recipient François Bourgon from Toulouse, and together with one of the most respected French Chefs in Asia, Mr. Nicolas Boutin - created a Tasting Menu which served amazing Artisanal Cheeses from Europe, and also top notch French cuisine. This Tomme au Marc de Raisin cheese is aged with a blanket of Wine Grape Marc..
Thanks for the invitation this time, you won't know how much I appreciated attending ☺️❤️ 1 of my utmost deep under secrets, believe it or not, was that I actually moved back to Hong Kong from Australia, because here we always have on hand the best imported French Cheeses & Oysters as it carries more lax rules somewhat.. I can't live without Cheese, you know 🙄🙈. A lot of overseas nations by their own strict Health laws, don't actually allow the importation of unpasteurized Raw Milk Cheeses. Which automatically means you won't have a lot of access to many French Artisanal Cheeses, bar the odd 1 or 2 unpasteurized Roquefort. And here is the ironic thing. Pasteurized raw cheese is more about Safety in theory, but in reality statistics show that is actually trivial, as both are equally safe. But apparently more and more French Cheeses are pasteurized now, only because it has to do with the Yield rate these days as well. And then all these Government health departments will block out all these lovely French Cheeses, but I guess for a safety reason. So anyway next time you drop by Hong Kong, not just France, make sure you get your very good dosage of French Cheeses from their many micro regions 🧀😍😍 We are very lucky in this sense 🇫🇷 . But We just need to get rid of Carrie Lam, the traitor to all Hong Kong people 1st, as our priority right now.. 😷 @ ÉPURE
「overseas departments and regions of france」的推薦目錄:
overseas departments and regions of france 在 Travel Girl · 笑旅 Facebook 的精選貼文
• 禁 止 / 限 制 出 入 境
• 凍 結 個 人 財 產 和 資 產
• 撤 消 官 員 及 其 家 屬 的 國 籍 / 永 久 居 留 權
覆蓋全球的主要十個國家/地區包括 : 英國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭、德國、法國、愛爾蘭、瑞士、馬來西亞和臺灣等等 。
如果閣下同意此聯署, 按入此專頁連結 並 在評論欄回覆 "同意"。收集所得的聯署信函將於九月中旬遞交有關國家/地區的領事館、入境及財經部門 。
This PAGE is developed by a group of local and overseas Hong Kongers.
We, the Organizers/Co-signers, based on the ethics of justice, humanity and universal values, hereby jointly request immediate action of the listed countries to impose the following sanctions and/or restrictions on the principal government officials of Hong Kong:
• Prohibition/restriction of entry and exit.
• Freezing of personal property and asset.
• Revocation of nationality & permanent residency of the officials & their families.
The 10 countries/regions include the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Malaysia and Taiwan.
To support and consent, please click the PAGE link and comment "Agree" below. The letter will be handed to the countries' respective Consulate, Immigration and Finance Departments.
嚴 正 懇 請 制 裁 中 國 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 主 要 官 員
本年三月初,中國香港特別行政區政府漠視香港人強烈反對提出《逃犯修訂條例》草案。 漠視民意導致多次大規模示威、 遊行和集會。 香港警方多次鎮壓使局勢進一步推向複雜,特別是最近中國武警集結深圳威脅香港。公眾人士特別是前線記者目擊警員對市民及示威者殘酷動武,更不堪的是警方竟縱容親政府黑惡勢力,濫用暴力襲擊回家途中的示威者及途人。
In early March of this year, the HKSAR Government disregarded a strong opposition from the Hong Kong citizens with regard to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Amendments) Bill with a result of assemblies, big marches and demonstrations held in Hong Kong since June last. The on-going and repeated suppression of the Hong Kong Police has pushed the situation further into complexity, in particular a large number of Chinese People’s Liberation Army convoy in the Shenzhen boundary, threatening the people of Hong Kong. The public, in particular the frontline reporters, witnessed the Hong Kong Police had exercised brutal forces in violent clashes with the protesters and the public. In a more intolerable situation, the Hong Kong Police connived at pro-government gangs in permitting abusive and violent attacks on the demonstrators and passers-by who were on their way home.
這次反《逃犯條例》修訂議案運動引伸了香港市民五大訴求 :
The movement of this Extradition Bill had led to five major demands of Hong Kong people as follows:
1. 「撤 回 逃 犯 修 例」
Complete withdrawal of the controversial Extradition Bill.
2. 「成 立 獨 立 調 查 委 員 會」
Establishment of an Independent Commission of Inquiry.
3. 「不 檢 控 及 釋 放 示 威 者」
Cease prosecution and unconditional release of all arrested protesters.
4. 「撤 銷 定 性 集 會 為 暴 動」
Retraction of the characterization of the movement as “riot”.
5. 「重 啟 政 改 落 實 雙 普 選」
Re-initiate political reform to implement universal suffrage.
A significant number of current government officials and ex-senior officials, such as the former Chief Secretary for Administration, the former Financial Secretary, the former Secretary for Civil Service, and the former Chief Councilor of Legislative Council, have come forward to voice out and even marched in protest against the bill, calling for the HKSAR Government to respond positively to the demands of the public, and the Hong Kong Police Force to stop their abuse of violence and illegal arrest on the protesters.
我們聯署團體/聯署人現懇請貴國_________基於在公義、人道及普世價值的基礎上,針對下列香港主要官員,並即時實施制裁或限制 :
We, the Organizers/Co-signers, based on the ethics of justice, humanity and universal values, hereby jointly request immediate action of your country to impose the following sanctions and/or restrictions on the undermentioned principal government officials of Hong Kong:
• 禁 止 / 限 制 出 入 境
• Prohibition/restriction of entry and exit.
• 凍 結 個 人 財 產 和 資 產
• Freezing of personal property and asset.
• 撤 消 官 員 及 其 家 屬 的 國 籍 / 永 久 居 留 權
• Revocation of nationality and permanent residency of the officials and their families.
香港主要涉事黑名單官員如下 :
The BLACKLISTED government officials are as follows:
1. 林鄭月娥 行政長官
Mrs. Carrie Yuet-ngor LAM-CHENG, Chief Executive
2. 鄭若驊 律政司司長
Mrs. Teresa Yeuk-wah CHENG, Secretary for Justice
3. 李家超 保安局局長
Mr. John Ka-chiu LEE, Secretary for Security
4. 盧偉聰 警務處處長
Mr. Stephen Wai-chung LO, Commissioner of Police
5. 鄧炳強 警務處副處長
Mr. Ping-keung TANG, Deputy Commissioner of Police