【換日線阿拉伯 Crossing Arab World:一個 emoji 各自表述】
近期受到廣大討論,由 Facebook 推出的「擁抱愛心」 emoji,不曉得有沒有人在更新完系統後,成為首批能給出這款符號的幸運兒呢?
除了 Facebook 將陸續開放大家使用全新 emoji, Unicode聯盟 (Unicode Consortium) 在今年 1 月 29 日也悄悄公布將於今年 9 月到 10 月間上架 117 個新符號,而當中同樣引發熱烈討論的,就是「🤌 pinched fingers」這個手勢。
對義大利人來說,這個手勢也是說話時少不了的語助動作,從「你認真?」、「真假啦?」、「想怎樣?」到「搞什麼?」都可以通過這個手勢表達。而他們對這個手勢的熱愛,可以從去年引發一波對美國議員亞歷山德里婭·奧卡西奧-科爾特斯 (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,簡稱 AOC) 的迷因創作中看出端倪——去年 AOC 在會議中比出了捏手指的動作,被拍下來的照片成為義大利人創作梗圖的靈感。至於當時 AOC 在說什麼?嗯,應該和「鳳梨披薩竟然在美國合法?」有關吧 🤔
在大批阿拉伯和義大利網友分享「🤌 pinched fingers」用法後,其他國家的人民也加入釋義大戰中。奈及利亞網友分享他們吵架時,基本上就是互相狂比這個手勢;印度網友則表示這應該是在詢問對方是否餓了的手勢;韓國網友及許多 K-pop 粉絲則附上少女時代成員 Yuri 的圖片,解釋這個手勢是她對粉絲說:「我愛你們!」,由於手勢看起來很像餃子,因此在飯圈就有了「I mandu(韓文餃子) you」的說法,成為繼手指愛心後,韓國人表達愛心的另一種方式。
除了討論「🤌 pinched fingers」的用法外,許多阿拉伯人也提出希望看到更多充滿阿人特色的 emoji,其中最熱門幾個包括:阿式舞蹈「狄布開舞步 dabke」、阿式美食「沙威瑪」和「皮塔餅」、日常不可少的「夾腳拖 shebsheb」和「小淨蓮蓬頭 shatafa」、娛樂必備的「水煙 shisha」和「塔布拉鼓 tabl」、以及阿人在餐桌前常做的「搶付錢 」。
▍一個 emoji 圖案,就能有多用途的意思能夠傳達。而古埃及也在石板上,通過遠古「emoji」aka 象形文字進行溝通,那這些象形文字是如何出現又消失在歷史舞台上的呢?→ https://bit.ly/2W1srSA
pinched fingers 在 Aliff Syukri Terlajak Laris Facebook 的最佳解答
Sedih cerita ini saya pernah meniaga di tepi jalan jual kuih saya tahu apa yang dia rasa..
Apakah Melayu sudah bankrup?
Perbualan penjual kueh dengan seorang perempuan muda Melayu bekerjaya, saya cuma pasang telinga sajaaa🌹
"Makcik, bagi kuih ni 2, yang ni 3," kata Nora.
"Tak nak tambah lagi satu nak bagi cukup tiga ringgit?" tanya makcik itu.
"50 sen satu kuih? Kenapa mahal benar ni cik?" tanya Nora secara berseloroh. "Bolehlah, saya tambah lagi satu biji."
Makcik itu menyepit kuih lapis berwarna merah jambu itu lalu diletakkan di dalam plastik putih, lalu dimasukkan ke dalam plastik kecil berwarna kuning.
"50 sen sebiji pun, untung bukan banyak pun dik," jawab makcik itu.
"Ye ke ni cik?" tanya Nora semula.
"Sebijik makcik jual 50 sen. Untung sebiji paling banyak pun 20 sen, 30 sen, itu pun lepas tolak kos bahan sahaja. Kos masa, kos renyah buat kuih, kos elektrik, semua tu makcik pun tak pandai la nak kira macam mana," jawab makcik.
Makcik itu menghulurkan beg plastik kuning berisi 6 biji kuih itu kepada Nora.
"Adik agak pukul berapa makcik start buat kuih tu?" tanya makcik itu.
"Tengahari, dalam jam 11 macam tu," agak Nora.
"Makcik buat seorang, dari pukul 10 pagi," jawab Makcik tu. "Dalam pukul 3.30 dah kena siap semua, pukul 4 makcik dah ada dekat sini bukak gerai, selalunya dalam 6.30 makcik dah kena tutup, sebab anak-anak nak balik sekolah," beritahu makcik itu.
"Sekarang pukul berapa ni dik?" tanya makcik itu lagi kepada Nora.
"5 suku," jawab Nora.
"Adik pelanggan kedua makcik hari ni," jawab makcik itu. "Berapa ringgit makcik untung jualan atas adik? RM1, RM1.20."
Nora diam sahaja.
"Berapa biji kuih pelanggan pertama makcik beli tadi? Tiga," kata makcik itu sambil mengangkat jari. "Katalah makcik untung dengan dia RM1.00. Dari jam 10 pagi sampai sekarang, makcik baru untung RM2.20."
Tak pernah Nora terfikir semua itu sebelum ini.
"Dulu makcik jual goreng pisang, yang tu untung dia banyak sikit, tapi lepas anak makcik dah masuk sambung belajar, makcik tak larat nak buat," beritahu makcik tu. "Tu kuih ketayap yang adik beli tu, berapa lama adik rasa satu biji kuih tu nak siap?"
"Sejam lebih," agak Nora lagi. "Nampak macam leceh nak membuatnya tu. Maaf makcik, saya nak tanya, kalau tak untung, kenapa makcik meniaga?"
Makcik itu merenung muka Nora.
"Sebab ada ramai orang Melayu nak makan kuih Melayu, kalau makcik tak meniaga, siapa lagi yang nak meniaga kuih Melayu," jawab makcik itu. "Makcik suka meniaga. Lagipun makcik bukan pandai buat benda lain dah sebenarnya. "
Makcik itu menyusun bekas-bekas kuih yang ada, "tapi maaflah dik takut adik terasa, makcik nak kata, orang Melayu kita sekarang ni pelik dik."
Nora terdiam tertanya-tanya. "Pelik macam mana tu Cik?"
"Orang kita makan donut sebijik RM3 tak apa, sushi sebijik RM2 tak apa, tapi bila cerita pasal kuih tepi jalan, 50 sen sebiji, mahal," Makcik itu senyum.
Nora terdiam lagi.
"Adik pernah cuba buat kuih orang kita?" tanya makcik itu tiba-tiba.
"Tak pernah lagi, kuih bahulu ada la saya cuba buat masa raya dulu," jawab Nora.
"Berapa sen adik rasa berbaloi nak jual kuih bahulu sebiji yang adik buat dari mula sampai siap?" tanya makcik tu.
Nora hanya diam. Terkenang penat dan lenguh tangannya memukul telur.
"Pada makcik, tak apa makcik untung sikit, makcik cukup makan, sebab makcik tau, ada ramai orang kat luar sana yang macam adik, nak makan kuih orang kita. Pada makcik, ni semua sumbangan makcik pada anak-anak jugalah," kata makcik itu. "Tapi makcik sedih tengok orang kita, yang dah tak peduli nak jaga apa yang kita ada."
Nora diam sahaja mendengar. Dia hanya merenung melihat makcik itu meneguk sedikit air kosong dari botol air berkarbonat yang dibawa.
"Makcik orang Melayu. Makcik boleh meniaga sushi ke, dorayaki ke, harga pun sebijik 2 ringgit, jual 10 dah macam untung makcik sehari, barang pun ambik dari pembekal, tak perlu renyah-renyah buat semua," kata makcik tu.
"Tapi dik, kalau makcik buat macam tu, siapa lagi nak jual kuih-kuih ni dekat adik?" tanya makcik tu.
"Kalau makcik mati nanti, anak-anak makcik semua dah tak mau buat kuih. Yang perempuan pun tak minat nak belajar macam mana, nanti-nanti takkan la semua orang Melayu nak makan sushi dengan donut aje hari-hari?" Makcik itu menghulurkan duit RM3 semula kepada Nora.
"Eh, makcik, ni kan duit kuih saya," kata Nora.
"Makcik tak nak duit kau dik, makcik sedekah. Tiap-tiap orang yang beli kuih dengan makcik dan dia kata mahal, makcik bagi balik duit kat dia dan makcik sedekahkan," jawab makcik itu.
"Kenapa pula makcik?" tanya Nora kehairanan.
"Sebab kalau orang Melayu tak nak tolong orang Melayu yang tak mampu, tak ada orang lain lagi yang akan tolong orang kita," jawab makcik itu.
"Saya mampu makcik," balas Nora.
"50 sen sebiji adik kata mahal, tak mampu lah tu," kata makcik itu tersenyum, ikhlas.
# kalau rasa 50sen tu mahal jangan beli
# kek secrect resepi murah je boleh beli
# jangan bantu orang susah
# bantu orang senang
# harga berpatutan dah jangan pertikai
# tolong hargai susah payah orang yg buat
# cuba buat sendiri agak2 dpt ke seketul 20sen
# agak2 faham ke
# beli kt pasaraya tak minta kurang pun.
# saja cari pasal
# dah murah nak murah lagi
# please la fikir dan nilaikan
# pergi la cari yg paling murah kalau dpt.
# jual harga standard pun minta kurang melampau2
Tahniah !
Kerana baca keseluruhan kisah ini.
Ambillah kisah ini sebagai perkara yg postif dan jadikan ianya iktibar utk lebih mengargai orang lain serta janganlah berkira tentang tentang rezeki.
Adakah anda sudi sedekahkan kpd kami 2 biji karipap?
Fikirkan wahai melayu ;)
Kejadian di Kulim Kedah
#Klik dan #Like Page kami ya
Jangan ikut sikap Nora 😊
#c&p kisah tauladan.
Is Malay bankrup yet?
Cake salesman chat with a young Malay girl in a career, I'm just earning it 🌹
′′ Auntie, give this cake 2, this is 3," says Nora.
′′ I don't want to add another one to give enough three ringgit?" ask the aunt.
′′ 50 cents a cake? Why is this so expensive miss?" ask Nora in a match. ′′ Well, I added another piece."
The auntie pinched the pink layered the pink layer and put it in white plastic, then put it into a small plastic yellow color.
′′ Even 50 cents a piece, luckily it's not a lot bro," that aunt replied.
′′ Is this right miss?" asked Nora again.
′′ As much as I sell 50 cents. Fortunately 20 cents at least, 30 cents, that's even after just rejecting the cost of the material. Time cost, crunchy cost for cakes, electric cost, all of them are not even good at counting," answer to aunt.
The auntie hand out a yellow plastic bag containing 6 of those cakes to Nora.
′′ What time did you start making the cakes?" asked the aunt.
′′ At noon, at 11 o'clock," I guess Nora.
′′ Aunty made one, from 10 am," replied that Aunt. ′′ At 3.30 already have to be done, at 4 aunts are here and open the stall, often in 6.30 aunts have to close, because kids are going back to school," tell the aunt.
′′ What time is it sis?" ask Nora again.
′′ 5 tribes," Nora replied.
′′ My second customer's sister today," answered the aunt. ′′ How many ringgit do you profit to sell your younger sibling? RM1, RM1. 20."
Nora just shut up.
′′ How many cakes for the first customer to buy just now? Three," said the aunt while lifting her fingers. ′′ You said that I'm lucky with him RM1. 00. From 10 am until now, I've just earned RM2. 20."
Nora never thought of all that before.
′′ I used to sell banana fried, that's why I have a lot of profit, but after my child has continued to learn, I can't do it," tell the aunt. ′′ That's the kuih kuih that brother bought, how long did you feel that one piece of cake will be finished?"
′′ Over an hour," kinda Nora. ′′ Looks like it's a mess to make it. Sorry aunty, I want to ask, if it's not profitable, why do I do business?"
The aunt is staring at Nora's face.
′′ Because there are many Malays who want to eat Malay cakes, if I don't do business, who else wants to do Malay cakes," answer that aunt. ′′ I like to do business. I'm not good at doing anything else anyway. ′′
The aunt is arranging the ex-cake, ′′ but I'm sorry if I'm afraid that I'm afraid that I'll say, our Malays are weird now."
Nora is speechless wondering. ′′ How weird is that Miss?"
′′ People we eat donuts for RM3, it's okay, sushi just RM2 is okay, but when we talk about the roadside cakes, 50 cents a piece, expensive," The aunt is smiling.
Nora is quiet again.
′′ I have tried to make our people's cakes?" asked that aunt suddenly.
′′ Never again, bahulu kuih bahulu I'm trying to make it during the festive season," Nora replied.
′′ How many cents do you feel it's worth selling bahulu kuih bahulu a piece that you made from the start to finish?" asked the aunt.
Nora is just quiet. Reminiscing the tiredness and tired of his hand hit the egg.
′′ For aunty, it's okay, I'll profit a little bit, I'll eat enough, because I know, there are many people out there who are like siblings, want to eat our people's cakes. To aunty, this is all aunty's contributions to the children too," said the aunt. ′′ But I'm sad to see our people, who don't care about what we have."
Nora is just quiet listening. She just stared at seeing the aunt sulking some empty water from the carbonated water bottle that was brought in.
′′ Malay aunt. Auntie can do sushi or dorayaki or dorayaki, price is 2 ringgit, selling 10 is like a day profit, even the items are taken from suppliers, no need to be crunchy for all," said that.
′′ But if I do that, who else would sell this cake to my younger brother?" asked the aunt.
′′ If I die later, all my children won't make cakes. Those women don't even want to learn how to learn, all Malay people won't eat sushi with donuts only everyday?" That aunt will give them RM3 money back to Nora.
′′ Eh, auntie, this is my cake money," says Nora.
′′ I don't want your money, aunty alms. Every person who buys cakes from aunt and she says it's expensive, I give back money to her and aunt," answer that aunt.
′′ Why did I?" ask Nora's happiness.
′′ Because if the Malay people don't want to help the Malays who can't afford, no one else will help us," the aunt answered.
′′ I can afford auntie," reply Nora.
′′ 50 cents a little brother says expensive, can't afford it," said that the aunt is smiling sincerely.
#if you think 50 cents is expensive don't buy
#kek secrect cake cheap recipe can buy
#don't help hard people
#help happy people
#affordable price don't fight
#please appreciate the hardship of the people who make it
#try to make it yourself think I can get 20 cents
#do you think you understand
#buy at the market not asking for anything.
#just looking for about it
#it's cheap to be cheaper
#please think and rate
#go find the cheapest one if you get it.
#selling standard prices even ask for less
Because read the whole story.
Take this story as a postive thing and make it a follow to appreciate others more and don't think about sustenance.
Would you give us 2 curry puffs?
Think about it, Malay ;)
The incident in Kulim Kedah
#Click and #Like our Page ya
Don't follow Nora's attitude 😊
#c & p tale of paradise.
pinched fingers 在 HashTECH 科技玩物 Facebook 的精選貼文
#EMOJI #pinchedfingers #五隻手指 #甚麼意思 #宅民黨 #科技熱話
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