Urban Outfitters 瑪莉珍草編鞋很🈶️度假風的感覺
UO Espadrille Platform Mary Jane
尺寸:US 6 - US 10
Fb 🆔:sneak.kicks.us
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同時也有31部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,สายการผลิต 2022 Audi e-Tron GT production รถสปอร์ตซีดานพลังไฟฟ้า พละกำลังสูงสุด 640 แรงม้า ก่อนเปิดตัวในเมืองไทย ก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดตัวในเมืองไทยอย่าง...
「platform urban」的推薦目錄:
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A Brand New Way to Get Active
The latest edition of District Race Malaysia is launched on 1 March 2021 to empower Malaysians in an all-new, free to participate, augmented reality digital event.
It is powered by its cutting-edge technology platform, it promotes users to lead active and healthy lifestyles in the new normal by providing an engaging and fun urban exploration experience through the District app.
The 4-month event aims to motivate people to stay active and stay healthy, by exercising in a new and exciting way while being comfortable and safe. The new version of the District app offers everyone multiple ways to participate regardless of their fitness level.
The easiest way to get started is to walk, jog or run to virtual checkpoint locations nearby. Simply open the app, press Start, and walk through the GPS locations to earn points.
The app features brand new activities including checkpoints that are just a step outside your door for easy participation. You can join from anywhere in Malaysia.
There are over 40 prizes to be won, including a brand-new car, Adidas gear, and Garmin watches. One lucky winner will drive away with a Proton X50.
The District app is available for download via the App Store and Google Play Store. General registration for District Race Malaysia by AIA Vitality, is still open for free sign ups by downloading the app at: https://rebrand.ly/DistrictRaceMY
platform urban 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[社媒斷捨離]人人都講Clubhouse,又睇下走去咩方向?Video killed the radio star~~~In my mind and in my car~~We can't rewind, we've gone too far
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
TLDR:要invitation 就comment 留名啦!先到先得
1. 實情早兩日已經想寫,但事忙,Clubhouse忽然間爆紅。之前Patreon都提過幾句,因為外媒Bloomberg 或 The Information (專做tech news)都有提。你等香港繁媒提就已經慢幾拍。不過冇乜關係,又唔係有得炒,遲幾日唔會死。
2. 急吼時是甚麼東西?可以睇下外媒點介紹,或者佢自己點定位。例如MeWe就強調No ad No BS,係真唔係都好,呢個就係佢定位。咁急吼時嘅最大定位:就係—audio only,夠晒革命性。
3. 本人唔係咩創意人,但明顯地,有啲人投訴急吼時冇呢樣冇嗰樣,完全就miss the whole fpt.人地就係要冇呢啲嘢嘛。創意唔一定係加法,可以係減法。
4. 你可以當係古老當時興,出返老人家零智能電話,或者玩返ICQ,再唔係就筆友。不過呢啲多數搞唔起,你懷舊幾日就算數。另一種係品味玩法,黑膠,實體書,急吼時比較似呢種(雖然唔完全係)
5. 吾友話頭,急吼時係乜?就係—的士台!真係貼切,我冇見外媒用呢個比喻,到底鬼佬的士有冇的士台架呢(應該係有的)。
6. 的士台偉大在乜?就係偉大在,只係出聲!當然而家技術我估要做到有樣都得,但咪煩,咪分心,仲會影到CFO畀人吹蕭(咁你吹到雪雪聲做蕭正楠都冇計,但照計都唔會有人理你)。即係,的士佬吹水冇問題,但如果佢在部的士Zoom,你都唔會坐啦,專心開車啦老友。
7. 呢個就係急吼時最偉大最煞食嘅地方。我就係要同你唔同,MeWe好大程度就係照抄Facebook,暫時還好,但我直覺(即係靠估),你要打倒一樣嘢,係整樣唔同嘅嘢出嚟。雖然急吼時明顯唔會打到Facebook,但重點佢真係think different,我唔係要一個新Facebook新Twitter,唔係更多功能,而係更少!
8. 玩落似乎大有市場。點解?我諗有幾個原因,幾樣都同佢只係聽聲有關。首先,照計幾方便你返工用!我唔知大家公司有幾自由,但唔少公司老細都未必鍾意見到你返工玩Facebook/Mewe,用自己電話都唔太好。但你插住個headphone就無敵啦!因為好多縮皮濕鳩大公司都搞埋啲Open Office Hot Desk(本世紀最西嘅發明,沒有之一,搞出嚟嗰位祝佢落地獄),咁公司當然係嘈到仆街,好多同事插耳筒做嘢,老細都唔會干涉—咁,你咪可以專心玩急吼時,原理同以前工廠妹聽收音機差不多,但唔會嘈到人
9. 亦正如吾友李勁華話齋,呢個急吼時一出,電台啲清談節目可以收皮。Video Killed the Radio Star,有心定無意都好,新媒體當然會將舊媒體趕上絶路。就等於Patreon FB Page去中介化咁,仲邊使買份報紙返嚟睇陶傑沈旭暉(仲奉送一大堆你唔想睇嘅人)。正如你有個急吼時,仲使乜聽電台?的確,佢就有啲似電台,你開車或坐車聽就一流。(亦可能因為咁美國十分流行,真係開住車一流)
10. 另一個原因相信係,Social Media Fatigue,特別係Zoom Fatigue.過去一年你做過幾多次Zoom/Team之類?我就好累啦。舊年12月尾我在台北隔離中,結果連公司炒我都要Zoom,HR同事仲堅持要見我個樣—問題係,我睇緊四仔(唔係有乜做?),咁唯有熄咗佢,著返條褲先。幾咁緊張呢!如果係唔使見樣咪好!
11. 的確,我已經麻甩到不得了,但都覺得成日開個樣好有壓力。如果話要化妝嘅女士更加煩。有一個唔使開樣見人嘅媒體,幾咁好呢。另外,我仲可以一路做住其他嘢,壓力細好多—Zoom你一路做住其他嘢,係好覺的。
12. 換言之,就係社媒斷捨離,唔好再見樣,好大壓力,聽聲算啦。
13. 仲有,呢個係我個人十分變態嘅一個想法,可能冇科學實證,但至少係都市傳說—呢,咪話啲盲人聽覺特別敏感?你睇星鬥士星矢沙加(好似係?)都自廢五感令到其他勁啲,正如啲友做愛都玩蒙眼,敏感啲(是真的)—唔開樣,你發現聽嘢特別有Feel—亦因為咁,咩顏聯武 陳海淇 長玩長有。唔想不敬,但真係好多人見到佢地真樣後,就冇晒幻想空間,唔係佢地醜,而係想像最美好,所以鹹故永遠有市場,有鹹書嘅年代都仲有人玩173 每6秒1蚊—而聽聞好多都係肥師奶(肥人聲甜,又一urban legend)。(我當年好鍾意聽張麗瑾唱「留給最愛的說話」,甚至幻想佢好似張栢芝咁款—現實係張栢芝唱歌就難聽到仆街)
14. 不過我仲想講多個重點,就係我張相寫嘅嘢。唔知大家有冇留意,我估你地冇。急吼時嘅terms of service(99.9%嘅人都冇睇),有講明一樣嘢:what happen in 廣西,記嚟把西。真的,公司有話你知,嚴禁將入面嘅內容轉貼,錄音都係禁止嘅(除非得到所有回音谷入面嘅人同意,係所有)。
15. 在呢方面,其實佢又唔似係想做一個go viral嘅社媒.由急吼時呢個名都知公司至少原意係想精英制。甚至佢一路限住invitation only,懶係吊高賣咁,仲只係iPhone用家先有得玩(當然另一原因係:冇錢,人數上得太快會負荷唔到)
16. 由於佢只係得聲音,又唔畀你錄低或轉貼,即係好似趙學而同謝霆鋒咁,「講過算數」(*),亦都唔會留底。咁你估到了,就又成為hate speech溫床。公司話會嚴打,但點執行?仲有,hate speech都算,但仲有一個大忌:反猶。聽聞唔少反猶言論,咁就冇運行了。
17. 我諗到嘅玩法仲有好多,例如傳統的士台咁,用嚟提供交通消息邊度裝快相就啱晒。或者講鬼故?講鹹故?Wargame 溝通?開群組講股票?總之任何即時,但又唔使睇螢幕嘅嘢,就啱晒。例如鹹故,你咪可以空出雙手。 唔使好似睇AV咁要不停fast forward 。或者例如我有Patreon讀者,玩ask me anything咁?但大家又唔使睇住我個衰樣。其他人又都聽到我答你問題
18. 當然,都係新屎坑,但又唔好太快批死。可能真係殺出一條血路?公司成立唔夠一年,最新已經再拎1億美金融資(其實好少),估值已經去到10億美金,噢,獨角獸,一年唔夠—BTW,畀你見到個市場做大幾咁重要。人地一做當然係全世界,可能中國除外。而中國至少自己十幾萬萬同胞可以自足(或自瀆)。你個app如果齋做香港,真係祝你好運
19. 至於點monetize?襟芒,呢個年代拎錢要monetize架咩?錢多人傻啦。1億美金融資算得係乜?
20. 總之,開住車,返住工,煮緊麵,跑步機上玩,Perfect.
21. 無論如何,真係好早階段,大家可以參與下。吾友話頭,真係冇乜機會畀你可以由頭參加一個新意念,你當而家你好似ICQ 6位數咁,你就係先行者了。要invitation嘅可以留名,小編(即係我本人)會PM你。不過iPhone User only.同埋應該要你電話(PM得了,唔使公開),但信唔過我嘅,當然唔使理。
(*)殞石旁的天際,Once upon a time,當年謝霆鋒同趙學而拍拖,有次有人問佢,謝霆鋒拍拖講過嘅嘢算唔算數,佢話:都算嘅,講過嘅,咪真係算數。你睇中文幾精妙。
又到月頭!你嘅2020年點?我嘅2020年就幾好。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1300人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
platform urban 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
สายการผลิต 2022 Audi e-Tron GT production รถสปอร์ตซีดานพลังไฟฟ้า พละกำลังสูงสุด 640 แรงม้า ก่อนเปิดตัวในเมืองไทย
ก่อนที่จะมีการเปิดตัวในเมืองไทยอย่างเป็นทางการ ในอีกไม่กี่วันข้างหน้า เราขอพามาชมสายการผลิต Audi e-Tron GT รถสปอร์ตซีดานหรูพลังงานไฟฟ้า จากตระกูล e-Tron ซึ่งในต่างประเทศเพิ่งมีการเปิดตัวในวันที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ที่ผ่านมา โดยทำตลาดใน 2 รุ่นด้วยกันคือรุ่น e-Tron GT quattro และรุ่น RS e-tron GT
With an energized driving demonstration and a world premiere featuring high-caliber participants, Audi has presented its new electric spearhead – the Audi e-tron GT. In two events on the digital Day of Progress, the Four Rings showcased the highlights of this fully electric Gran Turismo: dynamic driving performance, emotional design, and sustainability.
“The e-tron GT is a stand-alone Gran Turismo, reinterpreted for the future. Its looks are a testament to premium automotive design.Bringing impressive driving performance, this is electro-mobility in the most emotive way. And with its sustainable concept, it takes a stand,” explains Markus Duesmann, CEO of AUDI AG. “Because it’s not just the drive concept that is sustainable. The entire production at our Böllinger Höfe site now has a carbon neutral energy balance.This sends an important signal – for the site, our workforce and the future viability of Audi.”
Audi also set a new benchmark with the digital world premiere, the Day of Progress. Two digital events presented the Audi e-tron GT: in the Sprint of Progress, the Formula E driver Lucas di Grassi and the sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg demonstrated the dynamic driving performance of the Audi RS e-tron GT alongside the current Formula E racing car of the Four Rings, the Audi e-tron FE07. In a trip on the circuit of the Audi Driving Experience Center in Neuburg an der Donau, the spotlight was on the dynamic performance of the new model.
In the Celebration of Progress, the brand with the Four Rings introduced the Audi e-tron GT to the public for the first time. In the hour-long virtual show, Markus Duesmann and Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, together with further Audi protagonists such as Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President for the Audi Brand, and Marc Lichte, Head of Design, presented the highlights of the new model.
A varied program emphasized the forward-looking attitude of the Four Rings brand. With reference to the importance of design, sustainability and performance, the actor and producer Tom Hardy, the designer Stella McCartney and Nico Rosberg added their personal insights. Themusical accompaniment to the unveiling of the car was performed by the US-American singer and songwriter Janelle Monáe, while Steven Gätjen as moderator guided the audience through the show.
The GREENTECH FESTIVAL and Audi, a founding partner of this platform for sustainability, together presented the GREEN FUTURE Award for the first time as part of the world premiere of the Audi e-tron GT. The prize, part of the festival’s GREEN AWARDS, is given to projects and persons that promote environmentally compatible urbanization and at the same time make an important contribution to improving the quality of life in urban infrastructure. The winner is the start-up Zencity, based in Tel Aviv, with an algorithm that collects and analyzes social media posts and local news from cities.
Both events are still available to be accessed online.
Quotes from the Celebration of Progress
“The Audi e-tron GT is the beginning of a new era for Audi. Our aim is to shape the future of electric premium mobility. Love of detail, maximum precision, and design that points the way to the future show how much passion we at Audi put into designing and making vehicles.”
Hildegard Wortmann, Board Member for Sales and Marketing, AUDI AG
“With the Audi e-tron GT we are putting the DNA of Audi on the road. The Gran Turismo superbly reflects our innovative strength and our pioneering spirit. For us it is already part of a line of icons of the brand, alongside the Audi TT and the Audi R8.”
Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President, Audi Brand, AUDI AG
“For me, progress means creating something new. Something that no one has ever done before in this form. Designing a fully electric vehicle is like this: the entire design process has to be thought through anew.”
Marc Lichte, Head of Design, AUDI AG
“The Audi RS e-tron GT is a milestone in the development of electrified high-performance models.”
Lucas di Grassi, Formula E driver and entrepreneur
“Electric mobility is the future. Of course the path to the goal is a long one. It’s great to see that Audi is taking this path with determination.”
Nico Rosberg, sustainability entrepreneur and Formula 1 world champion

platform urban 在 Humans Offshore Podcast離島人 Youtube 的最佳貼文
宋若彤(Minna Son)和李于一(Nana Yu-I Lee)兩人在古根漢博物館實習期間,受日益改變的後殖民全球氛圍加上,對於「全球性都市」的脈絡下,離散記憶的藝術表現,深感興趣、發想出HATCH Series概念。試著以Hatch Series作為一個實踐平台,摸索一個都會創意人 Urban Creatives的製作網絡能夠提供那些回應與解方。近年創辦人通過各自的嘗試,期望定義出平台的可能,HATCH的活動形式流動,從快閃展覽、座談至出版,思索藝術文化與都市之間的關係。
Minna畢業於NYU、曾經在古根漢、MoMa策展、NationSwell等單位持續累積經驗;Nana則畢業於Columbia University,擅長對外關係、募款與事業開發,以及文化政策諮詢等。兩人持續在不同領域耕耘,探索自己在藝術與文化產業的角色。
來聽聽宋若彤和李于一談談Hatch Series的創立及契機,以及各自探索的路上、看到的可能性
A podcast platform, shares experiences of those who are offshore.
🏠 離島人官網 | https://www.humansoffshore.com
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🌹 Paypal支援離島人生存計畫 | http://bit.ly/humansoffshore_paypal
🎙Ep098- 都會創意網絡HATCH:宋若彤&李于一
#Guggenheim #CreativeDirector #FineArt
🔗 http://www.hatch-series.com/
- 英國倫敦 Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy - Senior Researcher
- 美國紐約 HATCH Series - Co-Founder and Co-Curator
- 香港 SUTTON - Senior Account Director
- 台灣 Taipei Fine Arts Museum - Head of Public Relations
- 英國 UCL - MPhil / PhD candidate, Museology/Museum Studies
- 美國 Columbia University - MA in Arts Administration
- 台灣 National Taiwan University - Bachelor's degree, English Literature
- 美國 NationSwell - Account Manager
- 美國紐約 HATCH Series - Co-Founder
- 美國 Lewis & Harris - Creative Director
- 美國 Guggenheim Museum - Interim Curatorial Research Assistant-Asian Art Initiative
- 美國 New York University - Master of Arts - MA, Media, Culture, and Communication
- 美國 Pratt Institute - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Critical and Visual Studies, History of Art
0:00 Intro
3:41 Minna攻讀Pratt和NYU後,目前專注於什麼領域?
8:33 Nana到倫敦UCL攻讀PhD的理由
12:56 創立HATCH平台的契機
21:00 HATCH series是什麼?
22:59 兩位分別在HATCH裡扮演什麼角色
32:26 一個HATCH的實際範例
40:50 什麼樣的對象適合參加HATCH
42:31 HATCH如何適應2020年?
45:06 HATCH未來會在台灣有活動嗎?

platform urban 在 Humans Offshore Podcast離島人 Youtube 的最佳解答
Ep024- 被建築耽誤的糕點師:盧怡慈⠀
#建築 #法國藍帶 #離島人
-美國HHCP Architects (Orlando, Florida)⠀
-Washington University in St. Louis 研究所 (Master of Architecture/ Urban Design/ Construction Management)⠀
A podcast platform, shares experiences of those who are offshore.
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platform urban 在 The Platform Urban Apartments | San Jose CA - Facebook 的推薦與評價
The Platform Urban Apartments, San Jose. 153 likes · 1 talking about this · 104 were here. Embark on the journey of ultimate modern living at The... ... <看更多>