Oh no!
👇Sea 🦁 , male one, bigger size, leader of the pack, more aggressive than the females. Females are usually the fun ones, very playful.
公的海獅通常會是整群的領導,體型較大,也較有壓迫感。海獅太太們通常愛玩, 喜歡接近人。
#潛水旅遊 #Mexico #Cortez #scubadiving
sea of cortez mexico 在 圖藍奔小姐 Facebook 的最佳解答
一般在台灣沿海、東南亞, 扳機魨(Titan Triggerfish) 一直是令潛水員有些害怕的魚啊! 除了面相兇惡(大牙外露!), 動作也很迅速勇猛!
《孵蛋》若被打擾更是一件令他們光火, 會主動發動攻擊、窮追不捨的契機。但, 說真的, 我們也只是經過, 有必要生這麼大的氣嘛。
但在墨西哥的Sea of Cortez 可完全不是這麼回事! 扳機魨完全是被四線笛鯛壓著欺負; 尤其生產完, 沒有什麼力氣, 都在那兒眼睜睜的看著自己的子孫被全數滅門; 金閃閃的四線笛鯛還一臉吃不夠, 每個洞是來回翻了又翻、翻了又翻, 鑽到沙鍋吃到底!
扳機魨看起來真的蠻可憐的啊 (最後一張圖), 應該很想移民太平洋吧。
In sea of Cortez, Mexico, Titan Triggerfishes seem incapable to protect the eggs from stripped snappers, while in Southern Asia it’s totally different situation that Titans are protecting eggs like hell. I believe most of the divers here should have the experience being attacked by fierce Titans even we are just swimming by. How the hacks we know that is the hatching area!
#diving #uwphotography
#barracuda #snapper #Surgeonfish
#Titans #Triggerfish #Mexico #seaofcortez #liveaboard #paditv #natgeo #fishes #behaviors