Series Title: A Chance to Love (Season 2 of Love by Chance)
Episode: 5
Official Site: WeTv
The restart of TinCan story on this Season 2 from Season 1 is something I didn't like that much. I feel it is a waste of time for us viewers and supporters since the TinCan story is something we are already familiar with and we have loved in Season 1.
If I could have done it my way, I wanted a continuation of the TinCan story here in Season 2, not a restart.
However, on this Episode 5 - I can already see the "light at end of the tunnel." I may have not liked the restart option for Season 2 but I never doubted the brilliance of my beloved Director P'New.
On my write up for Episodes 1 and 2, I mentioned that I have my full confidence with P'New Siwaj Sawatmaneekul, he will eventually pull things off and that he will give us another masterpiece in this A Chance to Love.
On this Episode 5 - I really LOVE the storytelling and the emotions exuded by the scene when Tin told Can his story with his brother. I love it when Tin went to Can's house for comfort and the way Can responded to the situation. This scene is super brilliant compared to how the scene was presented in Season 1. The magic touch of P'New is slowly unfolding to my own eyes and hopefully to yours as well.
If you can't remember how this scene was told in Season 1, here is the link so you can rewatch it:
This scene in Season 1 is negligible, it has minimal impact to the viewers.
Now, I'm beginning to understand why there are a lot of scenes between Tin and Tul in the first few episodes of this season. I'm beginning to appreciate now why the restart is needed for Season 2.
I'm guessing, Tul will play a big role to TinCan's relationship. I just hope, the story will not be that dark and will not hurt our hearts to the fullest. I hate dark dramas in a series (I have been saying this so many times on my writeups).
I have read a handful of negative comments and reviews about this Season 2. I just wish (my personal wish) that as the remaining episodes are revealed to us - you'll reconsider your opinion about A Chance to Love. But if not, it is your right, and I respect that.
Ahhhhh, I can't wait for Episode 6 and how this series will end. Deep in my heart, I'm too excited for P'New because I know he will deliver beyond our expectations. P'New, you will always have my love and support! Su su na.❤️
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