[180231] 47031. 網球王子:乾的挑戰"The Prince of Tennis" Inui's Challenge (2002)★★
[180232] 47032. 網球王子:青學最大的危機"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku's Biggest Crisis (2002)★★
[180233] 47033. 網球王子:桃城回來了"The Prince of Tennis" The Momo Who's Returned (2002)★★
[180234] 47034. 網球王子:薰的特訓"The Prince of Tennis" Kaoru's Special Training (2002)★★
[180235] 47035. 網球王子:強敵冰帝"The Prince of Tennis" Hyotei Presses Near (2002)★★
[180236] 47036. 網球王子:三人的雙打"The Prince of Tennis" Doubles for Three (2002)★★
[180237] 47037. 網球王子:重炮發球"The Prince of Tennis" Scud Serve (2002)★★
[180238] 47038. 網球王子:最糟的組合!?"The Prince of Tennis" The Worst Compatibility (2002)★★
[180239] 47039. 網球王子:徹底堅持"The Prince of Tennis" The Hidden Trouble (2002)★★
[180240] 47040. 網球王子:Power對Power "The Prince of Tennis" Power vs. Power (2002)★★
[180241] 47041. 網球王子:波動球的對決!"The Prince of Tennis" Duel of Hadokyu! (2002)★★
[180242] 47042. 網球王子:消失的發球"The Prince of Tennis" The Disappearing Serve (2002)★★
[180243] 47043. 網球王子:三招回球的最後一招"The Prince of Tennis" The Last Triple Counter (2002)★★
[180244] 47044. 網球王子:超戰士網球王子9 + 小心白雪公主!? + 飛躍吧!青學"The Prince of Tennis" Compilation Stories TeniPuri (2003)★★╍
[180245] 47045. 網球王子:成為青學的支柱"The Prince of Tennis" Become Seigaku's Pillar of Support (2003)★★
[180246] 47046. 網球王子:邁向破滅的圓舞曲"The Prince of Tennis" Rondo Towards Destruction (2003)★★★
[180247] 47047. 網球王子:最後的一球"The Prince of Tennis" End of the Ball (2003)★★★
[180248] 47048. 網球王子:無止盡的延長賽"The Prince of Tennis" The Never Ending Tie-Break (2003)★★
[180249] 47049. 網球王子:誰能獲得校隊寶座?"The Prince of Tennis" Who Will be a Regular (2003)★★
[180250] 47050. 網球王子:網球對桌球"The Prince of Tennis" Tennis vs. Ping Pong (2003)★★
[180251] 47051. 網球王子:約會"The Prince of Tennis" It's a Date! (2003)★
[180252] 47052. 網球王子:薰變身為龍馬"The Prince of Tennis" Kaoru becomes Ryoma (2003)★
[180253] 47053. 網球王子:手塚的決意"The Prince of Tennis" Tezuka's Decision (2003)★★
[180254] 47054. 網球王子:給越前的訊息"The Prince of Tennis" A Message for Echizen (2003)★★
[180255] 47055. 網球王子:再見了手塚國光"The Prince of Tennis" Farewell, Tezuka Kunimitsu (2003)★★★
[180256] 47056. 網球王子:青學對城成湘南"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku vs. Josei Shonan (2003)★★
[180257] 47057. 網球王子:冷靜與熱情的戰爭"The Prince of Tennis" Fight of the Calm and the Passionate (2003)★★
[180258] 47058. 網球王子:雷電擊球"The Prince of Tennis" Thunderbolt (2003)★★
[180259] 47059. 網球王子:I陣型"The Prince of Tennis" I Formation (2003)★★
[180260] 47060. 網球王子:變身戰法"The Prince of Tennis" Style of the Pretender (2003)★★
[180261] 47061. 網球王子:毒蛇對假毒蛇"The Prince of Tennis" Viper vs. Fake Viper (2003)★★
[180262] 47062. 網球王子:華村的誘惑"The Prince of Tennis" Hanamura's Temptation (2003)★★
[180263] 47063. 網球王子:最完美的作品"The Prince of Tennis" The Best Masterpiece (2003)★★
[180264] 47064. 網球王子:深層動力"The Prince of Tennis" Deep Impulse (2003)★★
[180265] 47065. 網球王子:死鬥的結果"The Prince of Tennis" The Result of the Deadly Duel (2003)★★
[180266] 47066. 網球王子:跟著節奏High! "The Prince of Tennis" High on Rhythm! (2003)★★‒
[180267] 47067. 網球王子:網球傳說 + 網球刑警"The Prince of Tennis" Prince of Tennis Special! (2003)★
[180268] 47068. 網球王子:保齡球王子"The Prince of Tennis" Prince of Tennis Special! (2003)★
[180269] 47069. 網球王子:青學,DADADA壇"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku, Dadada Dan (2003)★★
[180270] 47070. 網球王子:房總沙灘排球"The Prince of Tennis" Cheap Housing Beach Volleyball (2003)★★
[180271] 47071. 網球王子:六角中學的一年級隊長"The Prince of Tennis" Rokkaku's Freshman Captain (2003)★★
[180272] 47072. 網球王子:長球拍的男人"The Prince of Tennis" The Boy with the Long Racket (2003)★★
[180273] 47073. 網球王子:長球拍的男人"The Prince of Tennis" Dash Hadokyu (2003)★★
[180274] 47074. 網球王子:封鎖菊丸的祕密方法"The Prince of Tennis" The Secret Plan to Seal Kikumaru (2003)★★
[180275] 47075. 網球王子:攻破飛燕還巢"The Prince of Tennis" Tsubame Gaeshi, Broken (2003)★★
[180276] 47076. 網球王子:燃燒吧!龍馬"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma, Get Pumped! (2003)★★
[180277] 47077. 網球王子:最後的殺球"The Prince of Tennis" Finishing Smash (2003)★★
[180278] 47078. 網球王子:撞球王子"The Prince of Tennis" The Prince of Billiards (2003)★★
[180279] 47079. 網球王子:被詛咒的球拍"The Prince of Tennis" The Cursed Racket (2003)★★
[180280] 47080. 網球王子:隊長大石"The Prince of Tennis" Captain Oishi (2003)★★
[180281] 47081. 網球王子:吃下立海大"The Prince of Tennis" Eat Rikkaidai (2003)★★
[180282] 47082. 網球王子:觀月的耳語"The Prince of Tennis" Mizuki's Whispers (2003)★★⁇
[180283] 47083. 網球王子:失眠之夜"The Prince of Tennis" Sleepless Night (2003)★★
[180284] 47084. 網球王子:龍馬對抗真田"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma vs Sanada (2003)★★★
[180285] 47085. 網球王子:龍馬慘敗"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma Utterly Beaten (2003)★★★
[180286] 47086. 網球王子:參加集訓"The Prince of Tennis" Off To The Cottage! (2003)★★
[180287] 47087. 網球王子:社長出現"The Prince of Tennis" The Captain Appears! (2003)★★
[180288] 47088. 網球王子:集訓驚魂"The Prince of Tennis" Surprise at Camp (2003)★★
[180289] 47089. 網球王子:網球‧BIATHLON "The Prince of Tennis" Tennis Biathlon (2003)★★★
[180290] 47090. 網球王子:飛翔吧!樺地"The Prince of Tennis" Jump, Kabaji! (2003)★★★
[180291] 47091. 網球王子:元祖天才‧不二周助"The Prince of Tennis" Original Prodigy: Fuji Shūsuke (2003)★★★
[180292] 47092. 網球王子:波動球對抗重砲發球"The Prince of Tennis" Hadōkyū vs Scud Serve (2003)★★
[180293] 47093. 網球王子:華麗的跡部"The Prince of Tennis" Atobe the Beautiful (2003)★★
[180294] 47094. 網球王子:龍馬出征"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma is Going! (2003)★★★
[180295] 47095. 網球王子:好漢齊聚一堂的棒球大賽 + 荒野王子"The Prince of Tennis" Baseball Game Filled With Men (2004)★★★
[180296] 47096. 網球王子:真田和幸村"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku vs Champion Rikkaidai! (2004)★★╍
[180297] 47097. 網球王子:決賽開始"The Prince of Tennis" I'll be the One Who'll Win! (2004)★★
[180298] 47098. 網球王子:戰鬥的儀式"The Prince of Tennis" Battle Ceremony (2004)★★
[180299] 47099. 網球王子:走鋼索的雙打"The Prince of Tennis" Tightrope Walking Doubles (2004)★★
[180300] 47100. 網球王子:被仁王看穿的菊丸"The Prince of Tennis" Kikumaru Was Read By Niou (2004)★★
[180301] 47101. 網球王子:柳生的決斷"The Prince of Tennis" Yagyuu's Decision (2004)★★
[180302] 47102. 網球王子:乾的怒吼"The Prince of Tennis" Inui Hollers (2004)★★
[180303] 47103. 網球王子:回憶的終結"The Prince of Tennis" Conclusion of the Remembered (2004)★★
[180304] 47104. 網球王子:切原的紅色陷阱"The Prince of Tennis" Kirihara's Red Trap (2004)★★
[180305] 47105. 網球王子:憤怒的不二"The Prince of Tennis" Angry Fuji (2004)★★
[180306] 47106. 網球王子:激戰!龍馬VS真田"The Prince of Tennis" Clash! Ryoma vs Sanada (2004)★★
[180307] 47107. 網球王子:奧義!看不見的發球"The Prince of Tennis" Invisible Serve (2004)★★
[180308] 47108. 網球王子:決勝!獲勝者是誰"The Prince of Tennis" Conclusion ~ Which One will Win? (2004)★★
[180309] 47109. 網球王子:武士之歌"The Prince of Tennis" The Samurai's Ballad (2004)★★
[180310] 47110. 網球王子:想見手塚"The Prince of Tennis" We Want To See Tezuka! (2004)★★
[180311] 47111. 網球王子:永不放棄"The Prince of Tennis" Never Give Up (2004)★★
[180312] 47112. 網球王子:愉快的網球青春一家 + 續‧愉快的網球青春一家"The Prince of Tennis" The Zany Teni-Puri Family (2004)★★
[180313] 47113. 網球王子:日本第一的壽司師傅"The Prince of Tennis" The Best Sushi Chef in Japan (2004)★★
[180314] 47114. 網球王子:我的白馬王子"The Prince of Tennis" My Prince (2004)★★
[180315] 47115. 網球王子:菊丸的暑假"The Prince of Tennis" Kikumaru's Summer Vacation (2004)★★
[180316] 47116. 網球王子:青少年選拔賽,全員集合"The Prince of Tennis" Junior Selection Camp, Gathered (2004)★★
[180317] 47117. 網球王子:被懷疑的夥伴"The Prince of Tennis" The Member Who was not Trusted (2004)★★
[180318] 47118. 網球王子:龍馬VS切原!超越激戰"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma vs Kirihara! Beyond Battle Rage (2004)★★
[180319] 47119. 網球王子:新生‧千石清純"The Prince of Tennis" Sengoku Kiyosumi Reborn (2004)★★
[180320] 47120. 網球王子:歡迎回來‧手塚國光"The Prince of Tennis" Welcome Back, Tezuka Kunimitsu (2004)★★
[180321] 47121. 網球王子:跡部X真田‧巔峰對決"The Prince of Tennis" The Ultimate Showdown (2004)★★
[180322] 47122. 網球王子:來自美國的少年"The Prince of Tennis" The Boy who Came from America (2004)★★
[180323] 47123. 網球王子:手塚的選擇"The Prince of Tennis" Tezuka's Choice (2004)★★
[180324] 47124. 網球王子:夢幻隊伍組成!"The Prince of Tennis" Formation! A Dream Team (2004)★★✚
[180325] 47125. 網球王子:龍馬和凱文"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma and Kevin (2004)★★
[180326] 47126. 網球王子:美國隊的野心"The Prince of Tennis" The American Team's Ambition (2004)★★
[180327] 47127. 網球王子:最強!跡部和真田"The Prince of Tennis" The Strongest! Atobe and Sanada (2004)★★
[180328] 47128. 網球王子:貝克的劇本"The Prince of Tennis" Baker's Scenario (2004)★★
[180329] 47129. 網球王子:邁向破滅的探戈"The Prince of Tennis" Tango Towards Destruction (2004)★★
[180330] 47130. 網球王子:帥哥‧雙打"The Prince of Tennis" Gorgeous Guys' Duo (2004)★★
[180331] 47131. 網球王子:可悲的傀儡"The Prince of Tennis" Sorrowful Marionettes (2004)★★
[180332] 47132. 網球王子:野獸波比·馬克斯"The Prince of Tennis" Bobby Max The Beast (2004)★★
[180333] 47133. 網球王子:向極限挑戰"The Prince of Tennis" A Battle to the Limits (2004)★★
[180334] 47134. 網球王子:天才VS網球機器"The Prince of Tennis" The Prodigy Vs Tennis Machine (2004)★★
[180335] 47135. 網球王子:1毫米的攻防戰"The Prince of Tennis" 1mm Battle (2004)★★
[180336] 47136. 網球王子:上場的會是誰"The Prince of Tennis" Who Will Play? (2004)★★
[180337] 47137. 網球王子:夢幻的幽靈球"The Prince of Tennis" The Phantom Ball that Vanished (2004)★★
[180338] 47138. 網球王子:如願對決·龍馬VS凱文"The Prince of Tennis" The Long Awaited Confrontation - Ryoma vs. Kevin (2004)★★∿
[180339] 47139. 網球王子:幻象球"The Prince of Tennis" Illusion (2004)★★
[180340] 47140. 網球王子:Game and Match "The Prince of Tennis" Game and Match (2004)★★
[180341] 47141. 網球王子:快跑!阿桃"The Prince of Tennis" Run, Momo! (2004)★★
[180342] 47142. 網球王子:黃金組合的回憶"The Prince of Tennis" The Golden Pair's Memories (2004)★★
[180343] 47143. 網球王子:海堂所不知道的世界"The Prince of Tennis" Kaidoh's Unknown World (2004)★★
[180344] 47144. 網球王子:青學驚奇秘密大作戰"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku's Shocking Secret Plans (2004)★★
[180345] 47145. 網球王子:網球青春一家,要去夏威夷? + 網球青春一家的聖誕節"The Prince of Tennis" The Tenipuri Family Goes to Hawaii?! – Christmas at the Tenipuri Family (2004)★★
[180346] 47146. 網球王子:青學名產再現"The Prince of Tennis" Seigaku's Specialty, Again (2005)★★
[180347] 47147. 網球王子:永遠的對手·桃城VS海堂"The Prince of Tennis" Eternal Rivals, Momoshiro Vs. Kaidoh (2005)★★
[180348] 47148. 網球王子:龍馬的決斷"The Prince of Tennis" Ryoma's Decision (2005)★★
[180349] 47149. 網球王子:動搖的心情"The Prince of Tennis" Wavering Feelings (2005)★★
[180350] 47150. 網球王子:燃燒吧越前!"The Prince of Tennis" Be Passionate, Echizen! (2005)★★
[180351] 47151. 網球王子:給親愛的朋友"The Prince of Tennis" To My Dear Friend (2005)★★
[180352] 47152. 網球王子:青學再見"The Prince of Tennis" Goodbye Seigaku (2005)★★
[180353] 47153. 網球王子:紐約武士"The Prince of Tennis" Samurai in New York (2005)★★
[180354] 47154. 網球王子:手塚國光VS不二周助"The Prince of Tennis" Tezuka Kunimitsu Vs. Fuji Syusuke (2005)★★
[180355] 47155. 網球王子:三年來的認真"The Prince of Tennis" Seriousness in the Third Year (2005)★★
[180356] 47156. 網球王子:最後高潮"The Prince of Tennis" Climax (2005)★★
[180357] 47157. 網球王子:忘不了的約定"The Prince of Tennis" Unforgettable Promise (2005)★★
[180358] 47158. 網球王子:王子再見"The Prince of Tennis" Goodbye, Prince (2005)★★
[180359] 47159. 網球王子劇場版:二人武士The Prince of Tennis: Two Samurais, the First Game (2005)★6.4/10 · 90 票__濱名孝行⁇
[180360] 47160. 網球王子劇場版:決戰英國網球城!The Prince of Tennis: Eikokushiki Teikyuu Shiro Kessen! (2011)★6.1/10 · 16 票__多田俊介
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[139018] 7818. 齊木楠雄的災難:世上最惡!?燃堂爸爸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Absolutely the Worst!? Nendou's Father (2016)★★
[139019] 7819. 齊木楠雄的災難:毫無疑心!齊木久留美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Totally Trusting! Kurumi Saiki (2016)★★✚
[139020] 7820. 齊木楠雄的災難:心靈感應消音器"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Telepathy Silencer (2016)★★★
[139021] 7821. 齊木楠雄的災難:超級巨星登場"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Superstar Returns (2016)★★
[139022] 7822. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!混亂的期末考試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Cast the Die! An Upset in the Finals (2016)★★
[139023] 7823. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139024] 7824. 齊木楠雄的災難:這次一定要再會!蝶野雨綠(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Second Encounter (For Real This Time)! Uryoku Chouno (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139025] 7825. 齊木楠雄的災難:目良同學的錢包小故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mera's Money Situation (2016)★★
[139026] 7826. 齊木楠雄的災難:最燃!體育測試"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reignited! Physical Fitness Test (2016)★★
[139027] 7827. 齊木楠雄的災難:小小的戀愛物語"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Little Love Story (2016)★★
[139028] 7828. 齊木楠雄的災難:新款垃圾遊戲!奧爾法納斯故事"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Latest Crappy Game! Olfana's Story (2016)★★
[139029] 7829. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎你回來!真魔(媽媽)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome Home! Mama (2016)★★
[139030] 7830. 齊木楠雄的災難:最適合告白的!?招魂之術"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Best Way of Confessing Love?! Spirit-Summoning Technique (2016)★★
[139031] 7831. 齊木楠雄的災難:起飛吧!改造人汽水超人2號"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Jump! Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 (2016)★★
[139032] 7832. 齊木楠雄的災難:超大型一流企業!?父親的工作"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Industry-leading, Top-ranking Company?! Father's Job (2016)★★
[139033] 7833. 齊木楠雄的災難:改造人汽水超人2號VS怪人檸檬水"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Ciderman No. 2 Vs. The Lemonade Fiend (2016)★★
[139034] 7834. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的祭典日"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Holiday (2016)★★
[139035] 7835. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的♀(女)難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kusuo Saiki's Woman Troubles (2016)★★
[139036] 7836. 齊木楠雄的災難:到底誰能勝出!?命運的小組抽籤"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Who'll Win?! Fateful Grouping (2016)★★
[139037] 7837. 齊木楠雄的災難:旅途必有的阻擋"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Trips and Disasters Go Together (2016)★★
[139038] 7838. 齊木楠雄的災難:載著超能力者的客機GO!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go On a Plane! With a Psychic On Board! (2016)★★
[139039] 7839. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉打擾一下!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." We're Here! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139040] 7840. 齊木楠雄的災難:你好!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hello! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139041] 7841. 齊木楠雄的災難:抱歉!沖繩修學旅行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." I'm Sorry! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139042] 7842. 齊木楠雄的災難:最糟糕的夜晚遭遇in沖繩 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Night-Time Incident in Okinawa (2016)★★
[139043] 7843. 齊木楠雄的災難:呀吼!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Yah! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139044] 7844. 齊木楠雄的災難:明天見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139045] 7845. 齊木楠雄的災難:再一次再見!沖繩修學旅行 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See You Again, Again! Okinawa School Trip (2016)★★
[139046] 7846. 齊木楠雄的災難:夜露死苦!! 特殊分子"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sup Homies!! Outsider (2016)★★
[139047] 7847. 齊木楠雄的災難:轉校生~最初的邂逅~"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Transfer Student! The First Encounters (2016)★★
[139048] 7848. 齊木楠雄的災難:集合!燃堂一家"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Mr. and Mrs. Nendou Together! (2016)★★
[139049] 7849. 齊木楠雄的災難:經營重啟!純咖啡店魔美"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reviving Café Mami! (2016)★★
[139050] 7850. 齊木楠雄的災難:有罪無罪!?偷竊事件"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Guilty or Not Guilty?! Theft Case (2016)★★
[139051] 7851. 齊木楠雄的災難:要不要採用呢!?班級節目研討會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Which Idea Will Be Picked?! School Festival Planning (2016)★★
[139052] 7852. 齊木楠雄的災難:高歌吧!REITA演唱會!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Sing! Reita's Recital (2016)★★
[139053] 7853. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 1 (2016)★★
[139054] 7854. 齊木楠雄的災難:動起來!PK學園文化祭(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Go Wild! PK Academy School Festival Part 2 (2016)★★
[139055] 7855. 齊木楠雄的災難:去參加文化祭的慶功宴咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go to the School Festival Wrap-up Party (2016)★★
[139056] 7856. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139057] 7857. 齊木楠雄的災難:最強美少女VS絕對不會心動的男人(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Perfect Pretty Girl vs. the Super Stubborn Guy (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139058] 7858. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能力·聖誕老人"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychic Santa Claus (2016)★★
[139059] 7859. 齊木楠雄的災難:去買新家電!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Let's Go Buy the Latest Electronics! (2016)★★
[139060] 7860. 齊木楠雄的災難:新年伊始的CYCLE "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." New Year's Cycle (2016)★★
[139061] 7861. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139062] 7862. 齊木楠雄的災難:海藤的猜疑心(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Kaidou's Suspicion (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139063] 7863. 齊木楠雄的災難:無法調節!?燃堂VS海藤!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." No Intervention Needed?! Nendou Vs. Kaidou (2016)★★
[139064] 7864. 齊木楠雄的災難:最恐怖的打工仔"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Part-Timer (2016)★★
[139065] 7865. 齊木楠雄的災難:疾奔!跑者們!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Fierce Run! Runners Psi! (2016)★★
[139066] 7866. 齊木楠雄的災難:照橋同學的齊木家之行"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Teruhashi's Second Visit to the Saiki Residence (2016)★★
[139067] 7867. 齊木楠雄的災難:輕輕鬆鬆!稻草變富翁"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." It's a Piece of Cake! The Straw Millionaire (2016)★★
[139068] 7868. 齊木楠雄的災難:變形!超級尺寸"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Transformation! Super Size (2016)★★
[139069] 7869. 齊木楠雄的災難:再教育的建議"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." He Should Repeat the Grade (2016)★★
[139070] 7870. 齊木楠雄的災難:氣氛最高潮!卡拉OK聚會"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Max Excitement! Karaoke Party (2016)★★
[139071] 7871. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬歲!傲嬌爺爺"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139072] 7872. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬萬歲!傲嬌爺爺 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Hip, Hip, Hurray! Tsundere Grandpa (2016)★★
[139073] 7873. 齊木楠雄的災難:歡迎您來到史上最破遊樂園! "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Welcome to the Farthest Amusement Park! (2016)★★
[139074] 7874. 齊木楠雄的災難:再見!與外公婆告別"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." See you again! Saying Goodbye to the Grandparents (2016)★★
[139075] 7875. 齊木楠雄的災難:慶祝遊戲化!齊藤邦夫的怪談"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Congratulations on the Video Game Release! Kunio Saito's Horror Stories (2016)★★★
[139076] 7876. 齊木楠雄的災難:活用你的才能吧!鳥束受歡迎計劃"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Take Advantage of the Talent! Toritsuka's Plan to Get Popular (2016)★★
[139077] 7877. 齊木楠雄的災難:發揮你的聰明才智吧!PK超自然部"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Use Your Smarts! The PK Occult Club (2016)★★
[139078] 7878. 齊木楠雄的災難:最爛的廚師"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Worst Cooks (2016)★★
[139079] 7879. 齊木楠雄的災難:開庭!心美美會大審判!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Court is in Session! Kokomins Trial! (2016)★★
[139080] 7880. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!動畫第○話的詛咒"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Horror! The Disastrous ___th Episode of the Anime (2016)★★
[139081] 7881. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139082] 7882. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(中篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 2) (2016)★★
[139083] 7883. 齊木楠雄的災難:瘋狂科學家現身了!(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Here Comes the Mad Scientist! (Part 3) (2016)★★
[139084] 7884. 齊木楠雄的災難:激走!超能大戰"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Run For It! A Battle of Wits (2016)★★
[139085] 7885. 齊木楠雄的災難:美術館必須盡量保持安靜"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Please at Least Be Quiet in the Art Museum (2016)★★
[139086] 7886. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假前的災難——暑假來嘍!超自然部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Disaster Before Summer Break: Summer Break! The Occult Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139087] 7887. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!網球部合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! The Tennis Club Training Camp (2016)★★
[139088] 7888. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!治驗打工篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! Clinical Testing Job (2016)★★
[139089] 7889. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!駕照合宿篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! License training camp (2016)★★
[139090] 7890. 齊木楠雄的災難:暑假來嘍!照橋約會篇"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Summer Break! A Date with Teruhashi (2016)★★
[139091] 7891. 齊木楠雄的災難:財團富二代來了!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Heir to A Conglomerate Makes His Appearance (2016)★★
[139092] 7892. 齊木楠雄的災難:打敗壓倒性的財力!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break through the Overwhelming Financial Power! (2016)★★
[139093] 7893. 齊木楠雄的災難:捲土重來!傲嬌外公"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Tsundere Grandpa Returns! (2016)★★
[139094] 7894. 齊木楠雄的災難:萬聖節Party來咯"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Holding a Halloween Party (2016)★★
[139095] 7895. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎一族無敵的財力"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Family's Unbeatable Financial Power (2016)★★
[139096] 7896. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能開花!?人氣魔術師的憂鬱"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Talent Blossoms?! Melancholy of A Popular Magician (2016)★★
[139097] 7897. 齊木楠雄的災難:暴走妄想鍛煉"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." An Exercise in Runaway Delusion (2016)★★
[139098] 7898. 齊木楠雄的災難:課間休息的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Break-time Disaster (2016)★★
[139099] 7899. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(前篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 1) (2016)★★
[139100] 7900. 齊木楠雄的災難:粉碎!驚喜生日派對(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Crushed! Surprise Party (Part 2) (2016)★★
tennis training plan 在 Yen-Hsun Rendy Lu Facebook 的最佳解答
盧彥勳本星期來參加寧波挑戰賽,寧波挑戰賽總獎金125000元,盧彥勳10年,15年,16年曾三度在寧波挑戰賽拿下冠軍。盧彥勳名列本次賽會第一種子,今年寧波挑戰賽陣容非常強,有許多上海大師賽預選賽的選手轉過來參賽。盧彥勳今天四強賽,對上日本的Daniel , Taro。但盧彥勳今天早上起床後,肩傷變得更嚴重,在熱身時,感到非常痛。比賽,盧彥勳打完前兩局後,球速完全變慢,再加上因為肩傷影響,動作也沒辦法作完全,所以非受迫性失誤愈來愈多,最後在2:5時,盧彥勳決意退賽。
盧彥勳賽後表示非常遺撼,因為覺得自己狀況還不錯,而且很想衛冕冠軍,可惜肩傷復發,無法打到最後。盧彥勳的肩傷始於上海挑戰賽,雖然不斷的治療,但因為這段期間,賽事非常的多,所以並沒有好完全。而盧彥勳和教練團討論過後,雖然去年的寧波和宿州兩個星期冠軍,沒有衛冕到,但今年的分數已經足夠明年參加 澳洲公開賽了,也確保應該年終排名會在80名左右沒有問題,所以決定提早結束今年的賽事,專心養傷幾個星期,並準備十二月的冬季訓練,為明年的新賽季做準備。而隨著自己的年紀愈來愈大,在整個賽事的安排上,也會做一些調整。
In today's semifinal match at $125K Ningbo Challenger in China, Rendy faced Daniel Taro of Japan. However, after getting out of bed this morning, Rendy's shoulder injury (which got injured at Shanghai Challenger a few weeks ago but never really fully recovered) got a lot worse. During warm up after getting on the court, the pain got worse after hitting some balls. After only two games of match play, the speed of the balls that Rendy hit dropped drastically. Rendy couldn't hit normally due to the pain, hitting motions were limited, and unforced errors went up. At 2-5, Rendy decided to retire from the match.
After the match, Rendy said he felt disappointed as he was playing well these days and felt good about defending this week's title. However, due to the shoulder injury, he cannot finish to the end. Even though Rendy cannot defend this back-to-back titles at Ningbo Challenger and next week's Suzhou Challenger, fortunately he has enough ATP points to directly enter the Australian Open maindraw early next year. And, Team Lu estimates that Rendy's year-end ranking should fall somewhere around No. 80 or so. Rendy will end this season early and spend the next several weeks to recover and prepare for December's winter training. As Rendy gets older, it is crucial to plan well on the tournament schedule and make necessary adjustments in order to sustain and prolong Rendy's tennis career.