《BBC》12/18 (東大寺、丘吉爾月黑風高雙主播)
* 法國總統馬克洪感染病毒確診,歐洲各國領袖立即紛紛自我隔離。
The French president attended a number of high-profile events in recent days, including an EU summit.
A powerful snowstorm is sweeping through the north-eastern US, with warnings in place for 14 states affecting more than 60 million people.
US snowstorm: Tens of millions on East Coast to be affected https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55343207
Sweden's king has said his country "failed" to save lives with its relatively relaxed approach to the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus: Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf says coronavirus approach 'has failed' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55347021
Nigeria's Katsina school abduction: Boko Haram shows video 'of seized boys' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-55353358
*歐盟執委會主席馮德萊恩表示歡迎與英國首相的談判有進展,雙方對話將持續。但她與英國脫歐首相Boris Johnson 皆表示,在漁業協議上,要達成共識,非常具「挑戰性」。
Brexit trade talks: 'Big differences remain' - Ursula von der Leyen https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55347723
Does Putin admit any responsibility for 'new Cold War'? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55356699
* 美國著名已故金融家和性犯罪者Jeffrey Epstein逃亡的前同夥,已在法國被逮捕拘留中。
Jeffrey Epstein ex-associate Jean-Luc Brunel held over sex crime claims https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55352218
A French court has sentenced an Islamist militant to life in jail over an August 2015 plot to attack Americans on a high-speed train.
Ayoub El-Khazzani: Gunman jailed for life over 2015 France train attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55351608
The legislation allows those with "serious and incurable" diseases that cause "unbearable suffering" to choose to end their lives.
Spain moves closer to legalising euthanasia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55355554
*另一個公衆人物示範施打疫苗接種。《 X戰警》和《指環王》電影的主角Sir Ian MaKellen現年已81歲,他在倫敦的瑪麗皇后大學醫院接種疫苗,感到“欣喜若狂”。
Sir Ian McKellen 'euphoric' to receive Covid-19 vaccine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55345131
US snowstorm: Tens of millions on East Coast to be affected https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55343207
Emmanuel Macron: Positive test prompts European leaders to self-isolate https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55347406
the gunman 電影 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的精選貼文
不過,隨著龐德系列電影即將再次面臨演員換人、世代更迭的轉戾點,「誰是下一個飾演007的男星」儼然成為影迷之間最關心的問題(可能比新片【No Time To Die】還關心)。
亨利·卡維爾(Henry Cavill)。
湯姆·哈迪(Tom Hardy)
因【黑暗騎士:黎明升起】、【瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道】而家喻戶曉的英國男演員湯姆·哈迪,也分別在【諜影行動】(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy,2012)、【特務愛很大】(This Means War,2012)當中飾演剛正耿直、具紳士精神的特務,可說最符合觀眾腦中「龐德印象」的一位候選人。外國媒體The Vulcan Reporter甚至在官方作出決定、正式公告之前,就已經等不及地宣布他是新007了。
伊卓瑞斯·艾巴(Idris Elba)
除了兩位白人男演員之外,伊卓瑞斯·艾巴也脫穎而出,名列大家最期待的龐德候選人的名單之上。因【雷神索爾】系列、【環太平洋】而打響國際知名度的伊卓瑞斯·艾巴,亦參演過【全面逃殺】(The Gunman,2015)、【巴士底日】(Bastille Day,2016)等諜報動作片,雖然其「間諜/特務」的形象還不甚清晰,然而若真是伊卓瑞斯·艾巴擔任新007,那麼這位「黑人龐德」肯定也會讓大家耳目一新。
而藝術家 BossLogic 則為三位呼聲最高的候選人,製作了各自的007粉絲海報,提供給影迷加以參酌、想像。
the gunman 電影 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
We Expect Police to Be Brave For Us. But What Happens When They’re Not?
When Lt. Craig Cardinale got to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a mass shooting ( ) was unfolding ( ) last year, he found Deputy Scot Peterson pacing outside, repeating, “Oh, my God. Oh, my God.”
The deputy, who was assigned to the school, was behaving in ways typically associated with fear or panic, the lieutenant told investigators. He was moving “back and forth ( ),” talking to himself and “breathing heavily.”
What he was not doing was what the prevailing ( ) law enforcement protocol ( ) says was his first responsibility: Go into the building. Stop the gunman.
Peterson has been castigated ( ) and criminally charged with endangering children and culpable negligence ( ) in connection with the attack that left 17 people dead. The case against him is highly unusual and promises to raise all manner of legal questions, such as whether a police officer’s failure to perform as trained can lead to ( ) prison.
But it also raises a larger moral question: How much bravery do we expect, or demand, of law enforcement officers? What level of courage rises to the level of heroism — and what is just part of earning the paycheck?
Officers themselves are likely to hear inconsistent ( ) or even contradictory messages that may reflect the public’s polarized ( ) view of police as protectors or oppressors. Police officers rushed into the twin towers as they were collapsing; they have also shot and killed unarmed people for fear of losing their own lives.
“Every cop has heard some variation of ‘Your first job is to go home at the end of your shift,’ some version of ‘It’s better to be tried ( ) by 12 than carried by six.’ And every cop has also heard ‘You are the heroes; you are the front lines of defense; you are the ones who are supposed to run toward the gunshots,’ ” said Seth Stoughton, a former police officer who now teaches law at the University of South Carolina.
Expectations and training have changed drastically since the Columbine High School massacre ( ) in 1999, when law enforcement was criticized for failing to quickly confront ( ) the assailants and 13 people died. Until then, typical police protocol had been for officers to wait for backup, or for the SWAT team to arrive.
But after that, many departments rewrote policies to emphasize that every minute could mean another death. Officers were instructed to impede ( ) or take down the gunman immediately.
Dan Oates, who was the chief of police in Aurora, Colorado, when 12 people died and 70 were wounded in a shooting in a movie theater there in 2012, said officers are now drilled ( ) in tactics that put the well-being of hostages and innocents first.
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