#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
│Mission: Impossible 7 的疫情延誤理賠遭拒,Paramount 將保險公司告上法院│
• 去年疫情發生以來多次被迫停拍的《Mission: Impossible 不可能的任務》7&8 集劇組,剛剛正式由 Paramount Pictures 代表向法院提告其保險公司 Federal Insurance Co.(瑞士 Chubb 安達保險集團旗下的公司)違約,拒絕理賠其投保的一億美元保單。
• 由於是兩集大片連著拍攝,《不可能的任務》因此成為疫情中被迫中斷的規模最大也是時間最早的電影劇組。訴訟文件中提到早在去年2月就首度因為人員病倒而停拍,不過 Paramount 拒絕透漏生病的人員是誰以及是否是 COVID-19 確診。緊接著劇組被疫情追著跑,不斷在威尼斯、羅馬、英國、阿布達比等拍攝地中一邊逃亡一邊想盡辦法在不穩定的疫情中繼續以嚴格的防疫規定繼續往下拍。男主角兼製作人 Tom Cruise 還因為在片廠對違反防疫規定的劇組成員咆哮而上了頭條新聞。根據 Paramount 在訴訟文件中的說法,18個月內劇組總共停拍高達7次之多。
• 保險公司 Federal / Chubb 最後只同意對「公權力條款」的理賠申請,對於因為政府行使公權力使劇組無法繼續拍攝的損失給予100萬美元上限的理賠。他們拒絕理賠因為防疫措施而增加的額外支出。而更重要的爭執點是針對保額高達1億美元的明星險,雙方當事人有非常不一樣的認定。
• 明星險是針對主要演員和導演因故無法參與拍攝導致製作延遲甚至直接終止時,保險公司會給予最高1億美元的理賠補償劇組的損失。保險公司 Federal / Chubb 之所以拒絕理賠本案,因為他們主張除非 Tom Cruise 或導演 Christopher McQuarrie 受傷或生病、被綁架或是因故死亡才有可能觸發該條款。另一方面 Paramount 則認為之所以停拍就是為了避免發生 Tom Cruise 或導演 Christopher McQuarrie 生病甚至是因故死亡所必要的措施,相關費用損失應該涵蓋在保單的範圍之中。
• 該案不是首例,也可能不會是最後一例。更早之前還有 Disney 和保險公司的訴訟以及 Ben Affleck 主演的另一部電影也有類似的保險糾紛。而就在一個月前,同樣由 Chubb 承保的 Apple TV+ 劇組《The Morning Show 晨間直播秀》也鬧上了法院。該劇第二季去年大約拍了13天就遇上疫情停拍,而保險公司同樣只願意理賠公權力條款所涵蓋的100萬美元停拍損失,並拒絕保額高達1.25億美元的明星險。 Chubb 的拒絕理賠的理由也差不多,就是認為 COVID-19 並沒有真正造成 Reese Witherspoon 和 Jennifer Aniston 等明星的個人實質傷害。
• 就像當年911事件一樣, COVID-19 也在美國製造了大量的保險訴訟。不過媒體注意到目前為止保險公司得逞的機會還是比較大,因為有高達百分之93%的訴訟請求是直接被駁回。
◇ 新聞來源:
Paramount sues insurer over 7 ‘Mission: Impossible 7' shutdowns(https://flip.it/hSTH8b)
Paramount Sues Chubb Unit Over ‘Mission: Impossible’ Covid Coverage(https://flip.it/5p-._4)
‘The Morning Show’ Season 2 Delays Trigger $44M Lawsuit(https://flip.it/VUIp6O)
│JPMorgan 分析師說 Netflix 對於將作品送往電影院上映有高度興趣│
◇ 新聞來源:After Years of Resistance, Netflix Is Reportedly Eyeing More Theatrical Releases(https://flip.it/KW-uSh)
│《Tenet 天能》當初被認為失望的票房總數到了今年成為難以超越的高標│
◇ 新聞來源:‘Tenet’: Its Disappointing $364M Gross Is Now An Aspirational Box Office Benchmark(https://flip.it/HLvE5N)
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,290的網紅Miss Tam Chiak,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Even though the durian season is over, fans of the rich and creamy treat can still enjoy the king of fruits in more ways than one. Tip Top Durian Sing...
「the office season 8」的推薦目錄:
the office season 8 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
[ 微軟發表 Win11 ]
■ 微軟上禮拜發布了最新的 Win11,將成為最新一代的 Windows。
• 目前預計在今年底,大約是holiday season(從11月底到12月中)時正式發布,到時候 Win10 用戶可以免費升級。
• 這消息一公布,馬上被大家笑,為什麼?因為 Satya Nadella 曾經說過,Win10 將會是微軟最後一代的 Windows。
• 我猜Nadella原本計畫應該是,要搞到像 Office 365 訂閱制這樣,每年不斷更新,一直維持在最新版就好。
• 但為何Nadella食言呢?我認為有兩種可能。
• 第一,我覺得不同層次(layer)的軟體本來就不一樣,像作業系統這種很核心的東西,是很難一直用雲端無痛升級的。有些時候你要做出很大的調整,可能就會讓某些舊東西無法繼續使用,甚至有硬體配合的問題。而Office是在作業系統上的應用軟體,就比較能在雲端上不斷升級,也不會造成舊東西失效或硬體衝突等問題。
• 另一方面,也很可能跟商業策略有關。上周有聊到,Nadella最重要的策略是把微軟從Windows公司轉成雲端服務的公司。
• 微軟的說法是,Windows已經是我們這間公司的過去,不是我們公司的未來。但或許2020年以後的現在,微軟的想法可能又有點改變了,他們在商業策略上也可能會做出一些調整。用英文來說可能比較清楚: Windows is the past.....but maybe not yet.
• 那就來看看Win11這次發布了什麼東西吧。
■ Windows 使用介面的調整(UI / Live Tiles 動態磚)
• 第一個,可能是第一眼看到的變動,把一直以來預設在最左下腳的「開始」按鈕,移到下方列的中間,但使用者也可以自行調回左邊。
• 有些人認為這可能是致敬 ChromeOS + MacOS。我個人是覺得還好,因為我對於 UI 層級的改變沒有興趣,這只是一種習慣性的差異,對我來說只是雞毛蒜皮小事,根本沒差。
• 不過在UI方面,微軟有了一個大改變,正是終結了Live Tiles動態磚的概念,這算是一件大事。
• 這東西是從Windows Phone 7 開始引進的概念,到Windows 8 時開始搬到電腦上。
• 但實驗了幾年,可能認為這個概念無法真的讓消費者與市場接受。所以微軟決定取消動態磚。
• Windows 也正式取消了它們的平板模式(Tablet Mode),這可能是因為使用者太少,加上多一種模式可能製造更多的bug問題。雖然可惜,
• 但其實我覺得 Tablet Mode 是平板與手機的最佳操作模式,比iPhone跟Android的操作模式都好,可惜微軟沒辦法在這種操作模式上建立生態系。所以雖然可惜,但我認為確實是正確決定。
■ Teams / Skype
• 剛剛第一個使用者介面的調整,我覺得沒有那麼重要,但接下來幾個就蠻重要了。
• 第二個重點,是微軟要把 視訊會議與通訊軟體的Teams,整合進 Windows。以後電腦一安裝完,就會內建 Teams。
• 很明顯的,微軟是要放棄之前強推的 Skype,把公司的要進攻通訊軟體的主力,押寶在 Teams 上。
• 為什麼會做出這個選擇,答案很簡單,因為Teams在去年大幅成長,而Skype相對已經不在大家討論的核心裡面。這當然對 Teams 的推廣上會有很大的幫助。
• Teams 目前的主要使用場域,當然是企業內部的通訊應用為主,而且在很多公司內部根本就是最核心的軟體。當然不能用LINE,因為LINE只是消費級軟體,而Teams是企業級的。
• 現在微軟把Teams放到Win11,象徵性意義就是不只要讓 Teams成為企業內部的溝通軟體,還要把目標推廣到一般大眾生活通訊的使用,就像當年的 MSN Messenger ,或現在台灣人使用LINE這樣。
• 這個策略能否產生更廣泛的使用,還有待觀察。畢竟這年代要只靠內建,就打倒已經有生態系的應用的軟體 (像是ZOOM、LINE、FB-MESSENGER),其實沒那麼容易,而且Windows的影響力已經不如當年。
• 以前微軟的Teams只免費放在企業版的Windows裡,家用版是無法使用的。但現在微軟打算把Teams也內建到一般人常用的版本,就可以用來做生活上的溝通。
• 當年微軟做了一件很蠢的事情,就是放棄在全世界有很多用戶的MSN Messenger,改用Skype。如果當年微軟沒放棄MSN Messenger,我認為或許現在台灣最主流的通訊軟體就不會是LINE了。
• 不過 Teams 的確算微軟現在有競爭力的產品,所以我認為放棄 Skype,主打 Teams 的確是合理的做法。
■ 支援 Android App + Amazon App Store
• 第三個重點,也可能是這次 Win11 發表引起最大討論的點,就是Win11正式支援了Android App,會透過Amazon App Store在Windows上安裝Android App。
• 以前要這樣做,你需要另外安裝模擬器。未來直接透過Amazon App Store就能直接使用。
• 這個策略我覺得非常強大,一口氣大幅增強了 Windows 內部的軟體生態系。以後你可以在電腦上,直接使用大多數的 Android 應用,而且即使這些應用軟體沒有推出 Windows 版本,你也可以在電腦上使用。這就會讓你使用電腦時,不用分心另外用手機。
• 這件事對微軟有兩個意義,一個是會增強Windows作業系統的能力。另一個是,這將會大幅加強微軟在安卓生態系的話語權。
• 以前你推出一個 Android App,當然考量的主要是 Google Play 上的表現,換句話說,擁有話語權的是Google公司。
• 但如果你是Android App開發商,未來很可能你也會考慮在 Windows 平台上的收入。
• 很有趣的是,微軟這次挑選的合作對象,也是他的競爭對手,是AMZN 的App Store 來合作。其實這些科技巨頭彼此都是相互競爭的關係,你說微軟這次跟AMZN合作,是因為他跟GOOG關係比較差,跟AMZN關係比較好嗎,這倒未必,畢竟兩者在雲端市場可是超級競爭的。
• 不過微軟跟AMZN發現,他們在另一個戰場,可以採用與競爭對手結盟來打更強的競爭對手,也就是 GOOG 與AAPL。
• 而AMZN 在 APP STORE 生態系這塊,一直表現很普通,如今也可以透過跟 Windows 的合作來加強地位。也就是未來會多了幾億台的裝置,上面會安裝有AMZN 的App Store。這也會加強AMZN在安卓生態系的話語權。
• 其實在中國,安卓手機可以安裝很多不同的應用商店,因為中國沒有Google Play;但在歐美只有Google Play一家獨大。現在微軟跟AMZN合作,就讓Android體系終於有個能跟Google Play競爭的競爭者。這會讓歐美市場比較像目前的中國市場。
• 這件事對Android軟體開發商也是好事,這代表競爭會變得很激烈,未來Google Play無法再壟斷。如果微軟跟AMZN合作,未來能占到整個安卓生態系的20-30%,雙方就要競爭誰比較好。簡單來說,把AAS做大,可以增加安卓生態系開發商的利益。
■ 微軟也宣布了Microsoft Store的一些改變,這被認為是針對蘋果而來。
• 第一,在Microsoft Store裡面,非遊戲的應用程式可做到不抽成(不使用微軟的金流的狀況下)。對比之下,蘋果是要抽30%的。這對非遊戲的應用程式,當然是很強大的誘因。
• 這點我個人是很期待的。因為大多數的Windows軟體廠商,你要買他們的線上版軟體非常麻煩,除了要上他們官網下載,還要在另外輸入序號,這是非常老派的作法了。現在這個年代的做法,應該是開個應用程式商店,讓消費者直接在上面刷卡購買,日後換電腦也可以直接安裝。總之,現在微軟做這件事,對非遊戲的軟體開發商應該有很強的誘因。
• 微軟這次的做法,跟蘋果的App Store有個很大的差別是,他們開放外部付費。也就是說不強制綁定微軟的金流,甚至可以讓消費者連到開發商自己的網站上付費。
• 這對於Spotify 應該是最有感的,Spotify應該很痛恨他們在蘋果App Store要被抽30%這件事,巴不得使用者直接去他們網站訂閱。但在iPhone上的App Store,是沒辦法讓使用者外連到其他網站的。
• 還有另一件事,微軟Microsoft Store可以接受「AppStore within AppStore」,允許在他們的Microsoft Store裡,可以有其他的應用程式商店。這件事是被蘋果禁止的,所以你看不到App Store裡有Steam或Epic Games Store。
• 這基本上就是打臉蘋果,而且我認為會對蘋果造成蠻大的壓力。
• 我們必須把微軟這次Win11的發表,當成是微軟全面和蘋果開戰的訊號。
■ Windows as a platform
• Satya Nadella 這次就出來談平台這件事。他說,一個好的平台,是要能夠讓他的平台上能長出比平台更偉大的東西。
• 這很明顯是針對 AAPL 而來,會替蘋果在反壟斷上創造很大的壓力。畢竟,微軟都可以這樣做了,為何你不能。
• 也就是微軟要以一個開放性的平台(Open Platform),來挑戰蘋果的封閉性平台。
• 理論上,開放性平台這個大旗子,應該是GOOG要舉的,但GOOG很明顯在捍衛開放性平台這件事情上,沒有領袖風範。我覺得微軟這次的策略,會對手機與電腦軟體產業,會帶來很大的改變。
• Nadella就說,微軟未來開放的Win11,所有第三方廠商軟體,可以接觸跟微軟自家軟體完全相同的 API,所有的API都開放。這跟蘋果的差別待遇不同,因為蘋果有很多API是只有他們家的第一方軟體可以用。
• 這個思考是我覺得為何微軟重新把Windows當成他們核心的原因之一,他們看到了蘋果封閉型平台缺點的趨勢,而這個缺點是開放性平台有機會取而代之的。
• 這次微軟的幾個策略,也代表了微軟要重新回到平台戰爭裡。我認為相當有趣,而我也看好微軟,因為現在的微軟有很清楚的願景,它知道一個平台在開放時,能得到什麼利益。
• 這跟蘋果的封閉型平台策略,到底誰輸誰贏呢?我覺得可能不會有哪一方真正勝出,但開放性的概念,我覺得會很受整個生態系的歡迎。
the office season 8 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
Wait for the Right Time
“He restored the chief cup bearer to his position again, and he gave the cup into Pharaoh’s hand; but he hanged the chief baker, as Joseph had interpreted to them. Yet the chief cup bearer didn’t remember Joseph, but forgot him.” (Genesis 40:21-23 WEB)
We all want our season of promotion and blessedness to come immediately. However, before that season, there is usually a quiet one of preparation.
In Joseph’s life, he was in prison for a crime he did not commit. After interpreting the dreams of two royal subjects, Joseph told them to remember him before Pharaoh, but the chief butler forgot about Joseph.
Just like that, two years went by. Can you imagine how disappointed Joseph must have felt? He might have thought, “Am I ever getting out of this prison, or will I spend my whole life in here?”
You may be feeling the same way. Your circumstances may be like a prison whereby you are existing, but not truly living the “life more abundantly” that Jesus died for you to have.
For a person who has a sickness, the abundant life would look like a healthy body that can do anything without feeling weakness or pain.
For a person who is lonely, the abundant life would look like having a spouse that he can share his life with.
For a person who is poor and in debt, the abundant life would look like having all debts paid and having more than enough savings to even be a blessing to others.
Was Joseph destined to stay in prison for the rest of his life? Let’s read the story:
“At the end of two full years, Pharaoh dreamed: and behold, he stood by the river...In the morning, his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all of Egypt’s magicians and wise men. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could interpret them to Pharaoh. Then the chief cup bearer spoke to Pharaoh, saying, “I remember my faults today. Pharaoh was angry with his servants, and put me in custody in the house of the captain of the guard, me and the chief baker. We dreamed a dream in one night, I and he. We dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream. There was with us there a young man, a Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard, and we told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams. To each man according to his dream he interpreted. As he interpreted to us, so it was. He restored me to my office, and he hanged him.” Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon. He shaved himself, changed his clothing, and came in to Pharaoh. Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have dreamed a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it. I have heard it said of you, that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.” Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, “It isn’t in me. God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”” ;Genesis 41:1, 8-16 WEB)
So two years after interpreting the chief butler’s dream, Joseph was freed from prison and brought before Pharaoh.
The moment of Pharaoh having the two prophetic dreams signaled God’s appointed time for Joseph’s deliverance. Those two dreams were Joseph’s door of hope in the midst of his trouble. The gift of interpreting dreams was the key in Joseph’s hand.
But why did God take so long before freeing Joseph? Technically, He could have given the dream to Pharaoh earlier than that.
“But Yahweh was with Joseph, and showed kindness to him, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. The keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever they did there, he was responsible for it. The keeper of the prison didn’t look after anything that was under his hand, because Yahweh was with him; and that which he did, Yahweh made it prosper.” (Genesis 39:21-23 WEB)
In the prison, Joseph was put in charge of the other prisoners—it was a leadership role. During this time of quiet, mundane, routine living, God was sculpting Joseph into a man fit to be the prime minister of Egypt, to lead the whole nation of Egypt.
Perhaps you are also in a season of quiet preparation. Your talents are unknown to the world, but God is training you for the larger role He has prepared for you—your eventual destiny.
Many heroes in the Bible went through a quiet season like that: Moses tended sheep in the land of Midian before he was sent to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. David shepherded his father’s sheep and killed a lion and a bear before he had the opportunity to fight Goliath. Gideon was a coward before God called him and turned him into a valiant hero who routed the Midianites with just three hundred men. Jesus spent thirty years in obscurity, being in close communion with the Father until it was time to begin His public ministry.
If the chief butler had told Pharaoh about Joseph any earlier, Pharaoh would have just brushed it aside. The dreams had to come first.
While you are waiting, God has already prepared the equivalent of Pharaoh’s dream to take you to a higher level at the right time. Waiting time with God is not wasted time. He is training you every day, little by little—with each Scripture, each prayer, each interaction with others, and each challenge that you overcome through faith.
If you are feeling delayed, just like Joseph was for two years in the prison, remember that delay is not denial! God is still sculpting you, and when you are ready, He will display His masterpiece for all to see.
“God’s Appointed Time: How to Be Fruitful in Every Season of Life” is the revelation that every Christian needs. It will cause you to be full of peace and joy, even as you wait for the appointed time of your breakthrough. Put an end to every frustration and learn to flow with God’s system of times and seasons for restful increase by His grace: https://bit.ly/god-appointed-time
the office season 8 在 Miss Tam Chiak Youtube 的最佳貼文
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the office season 8 在 Phê Phim Youtube 的最佳貼文
Chào mừng các bạn đến với Phê Phim News, nơi mà mình nói về những tin tức thú vị nhất trong thế giới điện ảnh tuần vừa rồi. Video hôm nay ngày 27.07 sẽ có những nội dung chính như sau:
Nội dung: Ngân, Linh, Mai
Giọng đọc: Linh
Editor: Nhân
Tin 1: Spider-man: Far from Home là phim Người Nhện đầu tiên cán mốc 1 tỷ USD
Tin 2: HBO từ chối làm lại season 8 của Game of Thrones
Tin 3: Cổ phiếu Netflix rớt giá
Điểm tin:
1. Zombieland 2 công bố trailer chính thức
2. Trailer Gemini Man và những tiết lộ thú vị
3. Jennifer Lopez sẽ tham gia dự án The Godmother
4. Rutger Hauer qua đời ở tuổi 75
Tin 4: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Review sớm
#PhêPhimNews #Số84 #OnceUponATimeInHollywood