#疫後國際藝博生態 #紐約斐列茲藝術博覽會
2021年紐約斐列茲藝術博覽會(Frieze New York)在眾所期盼下拉開序幕,畢竟上一個較具規模的實體展會已是去年三月舉辦的軍械庫藝術博覽會(The Amory Show)。斐列茲藝術博覽會相較於其他展會,更有學術氣息一些。過去幾屆曾規劃「#Spotlight展區」,聚焦1960年代後藝術家,以個展形式讓當時未得到重視的作品有機會重新曝光在機構與藏家面前。但今年受限於The Shed 的場地大小與疫情衝擊,以往約有 190 間畫廊參加的規模銳減至 60 多間,大多是紐約當地或是美國畫廊。展覽也僅分作主展區與成立未滿十年的新鋭畫廊「#Frame展區」。
the shed, new york 在 姚瑞中 Yao Jui chung Facebook 的精選貼文
2021 弗里茲紐約藝術博覽會
Tina Keng Gallery at Frieze New York at The Shed
歷經防疫風雨,當代藝術頂尖博覽會——弗里茲藝術展終於迎來疫情後的首個實體展會 Frieze New York at The Shed。在精選而出的全球60餘間頂尖畫廊中,耿畫廊很榮幸地成為展會中唯一與會的華人畫廊,並展出張宏圖 (b. 1943)、蘇笑柏(b. 1949)、姚瑞中(b. 1969)、蘇孟鴻(b. 1976) 四位活躍亞洲及國際的華人藝術家群集。除了帶來創作者們解構傳統文化符碼的藝術探索,更在滲入創作者基因的東方哲思表現中,為各位勾勒出身處軸線彼端的藝術家們於疫情之下的內在觀照或反動;將觀者引入傳統美學意識與當代藝術所交織出的不同維度,品味著那仍游弋自如的筆墨遊戲。
地點|The Shed - The Bloomberg Building(545 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001, United States)
貴賓預展|2021.05.05 11:00-19:00, 2021.05.06 11:00-19:00
公眾開放|2021.05.07 11:00-19:00, 2021.05.08 11:00-19:00, 2021.05.09 11:00-17:00
Tina Keng Gallery at Frieze New York at The Shed
After a tumultuous year of an ongoing global pandemic, Frieze finally unveils its very first physical art fair since the Covid outbreak: Frieze New York at The Shed. Honored to be the only Greater Chinese representative among the 60-plus blue-chip galleries that show at the fair, Tina Keng Gallery is pleased to present Zhang Hongtu (b. 1943), Su Xiaobai (b. 1949), Yao Jui-Chung (b. 1969), and Su Meng-Hung (b. 1976). Their diverse body of work showcases contemporary artistic explorations by Greater Chinese artists in deconstructing and reconstructing traditional cultural symbolism. Unraveling the strata of history and the symbolism of artistic media, their works grapple with two-dimensional imagery and abstract space. The spirit of the brush and ink, and Eastern philosophies that permeate the practices of these artists respond to the transcultural context of contemporary art through a gaze at the culture that birthed and cradled their artistic intuition.
Location|The Shed - The Bloomberg Building(545 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001, United States)
Artists|Zhang Hongtu, Su Xiaobai, Yao Jui-Chung, Su Meng-Hung
Preview|05.05-05.06.2021 11:00-19:00
Public|05.07.2021 11:00-19:00, 05.08.2021 11:00-19:00, 05.09.2021 11:00-17:00
the shed, new york 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的精選貼文
飛機在西伯利亞的上空時想著,要是沒回台灣投票,而支持的人勝選的話,那就要再去一次這星期天舉行的No Pant Subway Ride慶祝一下。後來想說以前好像台北也有參加這活動,或許可以在台北參加,但看了官方網站結果今年台北沒有參加(鬆一口氣),真是太可惜了!😆 在紐約的朋友,這週末天氣超好,會有破紀錄的高溫,有興趣的朋友可以去慶祝喔!
地點:Foley Square
時間:1/12 (Sun) 3pm 準時出發
另外今天1/11(Sat)是Hudson Yards非常酷的表演廳The Shed的Meet The Shed Day。民眾將可以在晚上8點以前到The Shed裡面參觀。同時也有許多表演活動。
地點: The Shed at Hudson Yards
時間:1/11 (Sat) 11am-8pm