魔法少女奈葉 第一季"無印" 1~13集 看完
第二季 A's 1~13集 看完
特典 1~2集 看完
第三季 StrikerS 1~26集 看完
劇場版 Magical_Girl_Lyrical_NANOHA_The_MOVIE_1st 1集 看完
劇場版 Magical_Girl_Lyrical_NANOHA_The_MOVIE_2st 1集 看完
第四季 ViVid 1~12集 看完
OVA 1集 看完
第二季 ViVid Strike! 1~13集 看完
(奈葉他們已不在劇中了 屬於外傳中的外傳)
OVA 1~3集 看完
劇場版 Reflection 1集 看完
劇場版 detonation 1集 看完
(2019 12/21看 12/27完
劇情 普上
音樂 普上
畫風 普~普上
動畫品質 普下~優普都有
第一季和第二季其實你如果不想浪費時間 想趕緊看完的話 可以直接去看兩部劇場版(1st和2st) 因為這兩部劇場版就是這兩季的精華濃縮.(刪除了一些根本不必要不重要的日常 且畫質品質整個大幅度提升)
第一季 無印或劇場1st(或都看) → 第二季 A's或劇場2st(或都看) → 劇場版Reflection → 劇場版detonation → 第三季 StrikerS → 第四季 ViVid(其實已經脫離本傳 主角換女兒了) → 第二季 ViVid Strike!(是接續第四季 ViVid的故事 這季 奈葉他們已經沒出現了..)
第一季 是女主9歲 小學3年級的故事
第二季 是繼第一季 半年後的故事
劇場Reflection和detonation 女主小學5年級的故事
第三季 是10年後的故事 (後期認乾女兒)
第四季 是14年後的故事 (女主換成女兒了)
第二季 是15年後的故事 (女兒的朋友的故事)
在看"寒蟬"時 看到那老到爆的畫風就已經想好了.. 看完看"妖精旋律" 再來就是補"魔法少女奈葉"了 因為都很舊..
然後會想補這部的主要是因為我玩的一款手遊 叫“天華百劍斬” 這裡面之前就有和該動畫聯動過.(遊戲內有劇中的兩位女主) 以及有次看巴哈論壇 看到有人希望這部的角色能在台服出.(日服出過台服沒)
好吧查一下這部的評價. 嗯 好像挺好看的? 評價高 不過因為那畫風的印象 我實在是沒興趣啦..尤其是這麼多集== 不過還是出於想了解 還是補吧==
想要拯救她嗎? 很簡單! 把她給狠狠的往死裡轟炸/打就對了!
然後真的想吐槽 第四季後 原本是高達魔法對轟 變成競技格鬥了........ -.-
魔法少女奈葉第一季感想 原本以為劇情應該是滿無聊的刷怪+友情 結果想不到是有主線的! 且前幾集結束時我還錯愕了一下! 咦!? 沒了哦@@! 想不到劇情不會沉悶 可以快快看完
且結局部分真的是滿感人的友情~ 不過不得不說就是那畫風就很子供向.. 不過還能看啦
第二季 女主們突然被一群魔法使襲擊 而她們的目的是為了自己的主人 自己的正義..
跟第一季相似.. 就是為了自己的信念而又互敵 然後最後..變成今後的同伴
然後也真的想罵.. 為什麼這些人(包括第一季) 都不聽人話 非得幹起來== 幹爆了才能聽懂人話..
第三季 經過十年 主角團們都長大了 劇情前頭就是教導新加入的四位隊員(也是今後的主角群)
(前7集悶 第8集名場面
劇場版 1st (2個小時10分鐘
就是第一季的濃縮 畫質品質提升不說 那戰鬥更加酷炫
刪除了一些不重要的劇情(比如她與學校的朋友或與家人的劇情) 不過也新增了不少第一季所沒有的劇情(比如菲特她媽以及菲特本身) 看到了當時沒看到的故事 而能更了解故事的背後
劇場版 2st (,2個小時30分鐘
第二季的濃縮~ 畫質品質等都提升~
中間的劇情有改動 不過結果導向也是一樣的~
第四季..那畫風..整個大改..雖是近代畫風 但看的根本就像在看其他的番了.. (畢竟換A1接手-.-)
劇情是講述奈葉在第三季"StrikerS”中收留的女兒 長大進讀校園的故事.. 根本就像火影的博人傳那樣..主角群換下一代去了..
然後重點是! 重點是! 重點是!!!!
從魔法高達打炮 變成格鬥少女了=-=...
第二季? ViVid Strike!
這季 奈葉和菲特已經沒出現了 這季的主角是奈葉的女兒的朋友的故事.. 還是跟上季一樣 為什麼好好的魔法少女題材變成格鬥了....=.= 已經各種想吐槽的.. 不過本季有個名場面 就是霸凌的部分 .. (不過也得吐槽 那學校的老師都眼幹嗎 感覺這部分有點故意)然後真的想說 為什麼好好的魔法少女變成格鬥少女..............................................
然後結局 也是一樣 冠軍戰沒演出來..
整體上是還可以看啦.. 但真的唉 我是不喜歡了
劇場版 Reflection (1小時51分
故事時間線 是奈葉他們小學五年級的時候
看的惱火 一個敵人女妹子 竟然屌打所有主角團+她姐 = = 有夠惱火 然後魔法少女奈葉 這整部系列都有個共通點. 敵人都不能好好靜下來溝通 不能說人話 非得把他幹一幹 教他做人 他才能聽話 才能和解 -.- 媽的智障
劇場版 detonation (1小時46分
劇情是接續上一部"Reflection"的故事 簡單說 這兩部電影演完一篇故事就對了 換句話說 就是上篇和下篇這樣..
心得也懶得說了 上篇的電影"Reflection"中 原本的敵人 這裡變成同伴 然後去幹大壞蛋 這樣= =
會無聊嗎? 還行...
推薦嗎? 還好.. 如果對魔法少女系列有興趣是可以看一下吧..
如果是對格鬥打拳的 那直接從第四季看也沒差...
第一季 無印 :
第二季 A's :
第三季 StrikerS :
四年後,經過一番波折而順利成為管理局的新進魔導師的昴,與訓練校時代的夥伴蒂雅娜·蘭斯特共同挑戰魔導師的昇格試驗。於遠處凝視著兩人考試的,分別是認定兩人將成為「機動六課」的明日之星而投以注意的奈葉、菲特與疾風。在三人的注視之中,隨著宣告試驗開始的ReinForce II(統御之力zwei)的聲音,拉開「StrikerS」故事的序幕。
第四季 ViVid :
另一方面,自稱「霸王 英格瓦爾特」的謎樣人物正在掀起波瀾……
第二季 ViVid Strike! :
#魔法少女奈葉 #ViVid
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅missPimpaka,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(From Sept 1- Oct 9, 2016 … (Malissa Kiss, CP-1 Ceramide Treatment Protein Repair System, Phyto Phytovolume Activ Volumizing Spray 125ml 1,200Baht, An...
vivid strike 5 在 屎萊姆 Edward Slime Facebook 的最佳解答
也許香港仍能擁有曾經自豪與驕傲的美譽 - 「司法獨立高度自治」與「最安全城市」;
也許我們仍能穩守民主社會的基石 – 「人權」與「自由」。
#五大訴求 #缺一不可 #光復香港 #時代革命 #問誰未發聲 #我願榮光歸香港
What if Hong Kong has a lot of “what if”……
What if police brutality never existed in HK , the Force remained steadfast in their duties to uphold law and order;
What if HK police’s shadowy network of triad gangs collapsed, the Force firmly carried out its mandate to maintain public safety;
What if HK police didn’t slam protestors by labeling “cockroach” and spreading death threats;
What if HongKonger could live without ‘white terror’ but with full respect of autonomy and freedoms;
What if true universal suffrage is committed for Hong Kong, which promotes fair and open competition;
Perhaps scenes of smiles and cheers would be vivid in our minds instead of chaos and bloodshed;
Perhaps Hong Kong could still be proud of its independent judiciary and reputation as one of the safest cities in the world;
Perhaps society would be filled with hopes and peace but not despair and desperation;
Perhaps Hong Kong could still serve as exemplar of freedom and beacon of hope;
Perhaps HongKonger would not be robbed of foundation of democracy - human rights and liberality.
Perhaps…. the young generation would not have to suffer from the unbearable and miserable situation today.
What if HongKonger never give up, perhaps we may unite to fight for our beliefs and strike for best result.
What if you have a conscience, are you willing to stand with us?
#FiveDemands #NotOneLess #LiberateHongKong #RevolutionOfOurTimes #DoYouHearThePeopleSing
vivid strike 5 在 次郎 JIRO Facebook 的最佳貼文
■2016年10月新番動畫BD/DVD最新銷量(速報版)《勇利!!! on ICE》初動3.5萬!!!
35,589 勇利!!! on ICE
20,632 刀劍亂舞 -花丸-
11,546 排球!! 烏野高校 VS 白鳥澤學園高中
*9,860 漂流武士
*8,026 文豪野犬 第2季
*7,489 吹響吧!上低音號 2
*6,417 WWW.WORKING!!
*5,646 夏目友人帳 伍
*4,871 ViVid Strike!
*3,970 聖闘士星矢 黄金魂 -soul of gold-
*3,412 超心動!文藝復興
*2,565 終末的伊澤塔
*2,203 SHOW BY ROCK!!#
*1,612 魔法少女育成計畫
*1,223 長騎美眉
*1,291 灼熱桌球娘
*1,180 Lostorage incited WIXOSS
*1,008 少女編號
*1,003 我老婆是學生會長!+!
**,929 Occultic;Nine -超自然9人組
**,843 烏龍麵之國的金色毛毬
**,805 夢幻慶典
**,788 斯特拉的魔法
**,715 競女!!!!!!!!
**,603 我太受歡迎了該怎麼辦
**,595 學園帥哥
**,343 黑白來看守所
vivid strike 5 在 missPimpaka Youtube 的精選貼文
(From Sept 1- Oct 9, 2016 … (Malissa Kiss, CP-1 Ceramide Treatment Protein Repair System, Phyto Phytovolume Activ Volumizing Spray 125ml 1,200Baht, Anne Semonin Oligo Protect Cream SPF30 50ml 5,000Baht, Thann Aromatherapy Shampoo Detoxifying Formula 250ml 550Baht Thann Aromatherapy Conditioner 200g 550Baht, Mee Cosmetics Lipsticks, Philosophy CPT, Three AW2016 Collection, Mac It's a Strike Collection, Loreal UV Perfect City Resist8 30ml 389Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Total Recover Sleeping Mask 50ml 399Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Extraordinary Whip 149Baht Loreal Paris Revitalift Filler Eye 15ml 999Baht Revitalift Filler Day Cream 949Baht Revitalift Filler Essence 999Baht, Maybelline Beby Lips Love Color Bright Out Loud 89Baht Maybelline Fashion Brow Ultra Fluffy 299Baht Maybelline Master Conceal 299Baht Maybelline Dream Velvet 429Baht, Nivea Micellar Water, Clinique Pop Matte Lip Color+Primer Clinique Pop Liquid Matte Lip Color+Primer, Shu Uemura Brow Manicure 1,290Baht Shu Uemura NUDE Atelier Collection No.3 Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Eye Palette 2,580Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Tint in Gelato 1,080Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Stage Performer Invisible Powder Refill1,400Baht Case300Baht Puff200Baht Shu Uemura Atelier Stage Performer Eye Primer Shu Uemura Stage Performer Block Booster SPF50PA+++ 30ml 1,490Baht Shu Uemura The Lightbulb Aerial Refill 1,700Bath Shu Uemura Maxi Hydrability 50ml 2,200Baht, Jill Mika Kailijumei Lipstick Bright Sueplus 390Baht, Shiseido Professional Adenovital Scalp Essence, Earths 4ever Young, It's Skin Effectors, NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Vault01, Eveandboy Makeup Sponge, Flynow FN Outlet Solid Micifine Towel 195Baht 550Baht Micifine Sports Towel 250Baht 380Baht, Jill Stuart Loose in Liquid 30ml 1,450Baht Jill Stuart Crystal Lucent Face Powder 1,750Baht, The History of Whoo Luxury Golden Cushion Foundation Special Set 3,500Baht The History of Whoo Bichup JaSaeng Self-Regenerating Anti-Aging Essence 90ml 11,500Baht, Mille Rose Collagen Clensing Water 595Baht Mille Glitzy Glow Palette 795Baht, La Mer www.lamer.co.th, Cathy Doll AA Cream, Lancome L'Absolu Rouge, Downy, VichyMineral Mask 75ml 800Baht Vichy Mineralizing Water50ml 220Baht, Loreal Paris Color Roche La Palette Ombree 649Baht, NYX All About Face, Cle De Peau Makeup, YSL Vernis A Levres Vinyl Cream Lipstick 1,450Baht, Makeup Forever Artist Rouge, Innisfree My Style My Cushion, Jillmika QB Quick Beauty 6g 650Baht 30g 1,690Baht 20g stick 890Baht, Ettusais Sanrio Character BB Mineral Compact and Ettusais Lip Essence, Nivea Protect&Care Deodorant, Thann Rice Extract Moisturizing Cream 80g 1,200Baht, Mizumi Smooth Cleansing Water 500ml, Kiku Masamune Skin Care Lotion 500ml, Tsururi, 24h Eyebrow Pen and Pencil, Jill Stuart A/W2016 Ribbon Couture Eyes 1,700Baht Mix Blush Compact N 1,650Baht Nail Lacquer N 550Baht Lip Blossom 950Baht Rouge My Dress 1,050Baht, Wet n Wild Dual-Ended Contour Stick 299Baht and Contouring Palette 299Baht, Maybelline Vivid Matte by Color Sensational Autumn Angels Collection 259Baht Maybelline Super BB Cushion Fresh Matte 499Baht, La Mer The Cleansing Micellar Water 200ml 3,900Baht, Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Lotion 150ml 2,300 Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Cream 50ml 4,300Baht, Sisley Le Teint Foundation 30ml 5,200Baht Sisley Double Tenseur 30ml 5,800Baht Sisley Phyto-Lips Twist Matts 1,500Baht, Origins Rituali Tea Mask Matcha Madness 1,700Baht, Kiehl's Loves Bangkok, Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Facial Hydrating Cream, Loreal Paris Color Riche LExtraordinaire Mat 459Baht, Nivea White Pearl Foam, The Balm Pickup Lip Liner 950Baht, Skindom Hand Cream, Ter Auto Eyebrow Pencil Waterproof)
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Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/missPimpaka
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/missPimpaka
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/missPimpaka
Blog: http://www.misspimpaka.com
vivid strike 5 在 missPimpaka Youtube 的最佳貼文
(From Sept 1- Oct 9, 2016 … (Malissa Kiss, CP-1 Ceramide Treatment Protein Repair System, Phyto Phytovolume Activ Volumizing Spray 125ml 1,200Baht, Anne Semonin Oligo Protect Cream SPF30 50ml 5,000Baht, Thann Aromatherapy Shampoo Detoxifying Formula 250ml 550Baht Thann Aromatherapy Conditioner 200g 550Baht, Mee Cosmetics Lipsticks, Philosophy CPT, Three AW2016 Collection, Mac It's a Strike Collection, Loreal UV Perfect City Resist8 30ml 389Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Total Recover Sleeping Mask 50ml 399Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Extraordinary Whip 149Baht Loreal Paris Revitalift Filler Eye 15ml 999Baht Revitalift Filler Day Cream 949Baht Revitalift Filler Essence 999Baht, Maybelline Beby Lips Love Color Bright Out Loud 89Baht Maybelline Fashion Brow Ultra Fluffy 299Baht Maybelline Master Conceal 299Baht Maybelline Dream Velvet 429Baht, Nivea Micellar Water, Clinique Pop Matte Lip Color+Primer Clinique Pop Liquid Matte Lip Color+Primer, Shu Uemura Brow Manicure 1,290Baht Shu Uemura NUDE Atelier Collection No.3 Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Eye Palette 2,580Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Tint in Gelato 1,080Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Stage Performer Invisible Powder Refill1,400Baht Case300Baht Puff200Baht Shu Uemura Atelier Stage Performer Eye Primer Shu Uemura Stage Performer Block Booster SPF50PA+++ 30ml 1,490Baht Shu Uemura The Lightbulb Aerial Refill 1,700Bath Shu Uemura Maxi Hydrability 50ml 2,200Baht, Jill Mika Kailijumei Lipstick Bright Sueplus 390Baht, Shiseido Professional Adenovital Scalp Essence, Earths 4ever Young, It's Skin Effectors, NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Vault01, Eveandboy Makeup Sponge, Flynow FN Outlet Solid Micifine Towel 195Baht 550Baht Micifine Sports Towel 250Baht 380Baht, Jill Stuart Loose in Liquid 30ml 1,450Baht Jill Stuart Crystal Lucent Face Powder 1,750Baht, The History of Whoo Luxury Golden Cushion Foundation Special Set 3,500Baht The History of Whoo Bichup JaSaeng Self-Regenerating Anti-Aging Essence 90ml 11,500Baht, Mille Rose Collagen Clensing Water 595Baht Mille Glitzy Glow Palette 795Baht, La Mer www.lamer.co.th, Cathy Doll AA Cream, Lancome L'Absolu Rouge, Downy, VichyMineral Mask 75ml 800Baht Vichy Mineralizing Water50ml 220Baht, Loreal Paris Color Roche La Palette Ombree 649Baht, NYX All About Face, Cle De Peau Makeup, YSL Vernis A Levres Vinyl Cream Lipstick 1,450Baht, Makeup Forever Artist Rouge, Innisfree My Style My Cushion, Jillmika QB Quick Beauty 6g 650Baht 30g 1,690Baht 20g stick 890Baht, Ettusais Sanrio Character BB Mineral Compact and Ettusais Lip Essence, Nivea Protect&Care Deodorant, Thann Rice Extract Moisturizing Cream 80g 1,200Baht, Mizumi Smooth Cleansing Water 500ml, Kiku Masamune Skin Care Lotion 500ml, Tsururi, 24h Eyebrow Pen and Pencil, Jill Stuart A/W2016 Ribbon Couture Eyes 1,700Baht Mix Blush Compact N 1,650Baht Nail Lacquer N 550Baht Lip Blossom 950Baht Rouge My Dress 1,050Baht, Wet n Wild Dual-Ended Contour Stick 299Baht and Contouring Palette 299Baht, Maybelline Vivid Matte by Color Sensational Autumn Angels Collection 259Baht Maybelline Super BB Cushion Fresh Matte 499Baht, La Mer The Cleansing Micellar Water 200ml 3,900Baht, Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Lotion 150ml 2,300 Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Cream 50ml 4,300Baht, Sisley Le Teint Foundation 30ml 5,200Baht Sisley Double Tenseur 30ml 5,800Baht Sisley Phyto-Lips Twist Matts 1,500Baht, Origins Rituali Tea Mask Matcha Madness 1,700Baht, Kiehl's Loves Bangkok, Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Facial Hydrating Cream, Loreal Paris Color Riche LExtraordinaire Mat 459Baht, Nivea White Pearl Foam, The Balm Pickup Lip Liner 950Baht, Skindom Hand Cream, Ter Auto Eyebrow Pencil Waterproof)
ติดตามวิดิโอใหม่ของป้าพิมได้ทุกสัปดาห์เลยนะคะ และติดตามช่องทางอื่นๆ ได้จากลิงค์ด้านล่างเลยค่าา
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/missPimpaka
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/missPimpaka
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/missPimpaka
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(From Sept 1- Oct 9, 2016 … (Malissa Kiss, CP-1 Ceramide Treatment Protein Repair System, Phyto Phytovolume Activ Volumizing Spray 125ml 1,200Baht, Anne Semonin Oligo Protect Cream SPF30 50ml 5,000Baht, Thann Aromatherapy Shampoo Detoxifying Formula 250ml 550Baht Thann Aromatherapy Conditioner 200g 550Baht, Mee Cosmetics Lipsticks, Philosophy CPT, Three AW2016 Collection, Mac It's a Strike Collection, Loreal UV Perfect City Resist8 30ml 389Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Total Recover Sleeping Mask 50ml 399Baht Loreal Paris White Perfect Extraordinary Whip 149Baht Loreal Paris Revitalift Filler Eye 15ml 999Baht Revitalift Filler Day Cream 949Baht Revitalift Filler Essence 999Baht, Maybelline Beby Lips Love Color Bright Out Loud 89Baht Maybelline Fashion Brow Ultra Fluffy 299Baht Maybelline Master Conceal 299Baht Maybelline Dream Velvet 429Baht, Nivea Micellar Water, Clinique Pop Matte Lip Color+Primer Clinique Pop Liquid Matte Lip Color+Primer, Shu Uemura Brow Manicure 1,290Baht Shu Uemura NUDE Atelier Collection No.3 Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Eye Palette 2,580Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Tint in Gelato 1,080Baht Shu Uemura Nude Atelier Stage Performer Invisible Powder Refill1,400Baht Case300Baht Puff200Baht Shu Uemura Atelier Stage Performer Eye Primer Shu Uemura Stage Performer Block Booster SPF50PA+++ 30ml 1,490Baht Shu Uemura The Lightbulb Aerial Refill 1,700Bath Shu Uemura Maxi Hydrability 50ml 2,200Baht, Jill Mika Kailijumei Lipstick Bright Sueplus 390Baht, Shiseido Professional Adenovital Scalp Essence, Earths 4ever Young, It's Skin Effectors, NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream Vault01, Eveandboy Makeup Sponge, Flynow FN Outlet Solid Micifine Towel 195Baht 550Baht Micifine Sports Towel 250Baht 380Baht, Jill Stuart Loose in Liquid 30ml 1,450Baht Jill Stuart Crystal Lucent Face Powder 1,750Baht, The History of Whoo Luxury Golden Cushion Foundation Special Set 3,500Baht The History of Whoo Bichup JaSaeng Self-Regenerating Anti-Aging Essence 90ml 11,500Baht, Mille Rose Collagen Clensing Water 595Baht Mille Glitzy Glow Palette 795Baht, La Mer www.lamer.co.th, Cathy Doll AA Cream, Lancome L'Absolu Rouge, Downy, VichyMineral Mask 75ml 800Baht Vichy Mineralizing Water50ml 220Baht, Loreal Paris Color Roche La Palette Ombree 649Baht, NYX All About Face, Cle De Peau Makeup, YSL Vernis A Levres Vinyl Cream Lipstick 1,450Baht, Makeup Forever Artist Rouge, Innisfree My Style My Cushion, Jillmika QB Quick Beauty 6g 650Baht 30g 1,690Baht 20g stick 890Baht, Ettusais Sanrio Character BB Mineral Compact and Ettusais Lip Essence, Nivea Protect&Care Deodorant, Thann Rice Extract Moisturizing Cream 80g 1,200Baht, Mizumi Smooth Cleansing Water 500ml, Kiku Masamune Skin Care Lotion 500ml, Tsururi, 24h Eyebrow Pen and Pencil, Jill Stuart A/W2016 Ribbon Couture Eyes 1,700Baht Mix Blush Compact N 1,650Baht Nail Lacquer N 550Baht Lip Blossom 950Baht Rouge My Dress 1,050Baht, Wet n Wild Dual-Ended Contour Stick 299Baht and Contouring Palette 299Baht, Maybelline Vivid Matte by Color Sensational Autumn Angels Collection 259Baht Maybelline Super BB Cushion Fresh Matte 499Baht, La Mer The Cleansing Micellar Water 200ml 3,900Baht, Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Lotion 150ml 2,300 Shu Uemura Ultime8 Sublime Beauty Oil in Cream 50ml 4,300Baht, Sisley Le Teint Foundation 30ml 5,200Baht Sisley Double Tenseur 30ml 5,800Baht Sisley Phyto-Lips Twist Matts 1,500Baht, Origins Rituali Tea Mask Matcha Madness 1,700Baht, Kiehl's Loves Bangkok, Aesop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Facial Hydrating Cream, Loreal Paris Color Riche LExtraordinaire Mat 459Baht, Nivea White Pearl Foam, The Balm Pickup Lip Liner 950Baht, Skindom Hand Cream, Ter Auto Eyebrow Pencil Waterproof)
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