《當江山成為事實 藝改就是義務》江山藝改所成立一週年派對
《When Jiang Shan is a Fact, Yi Gai is a Duty》Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo 1st Anniversary Party
時間 Time/
2014/05/17(六) 15:00 ~ 22:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.)
票價 Admission/
預售票 Advance $300 (發售至5/16 23:59前)
現場票 At Door $400
@ 購票方式 How to buy tickets:
1. 於本所營業時間現場購票 Pay cash at JSYGS during open time.
2. FB傳訊預約 Send a message to our Facebook page.
3. 來電預約 Call 03-5266456 during open time.
●地圖 Map
English version:
演出順序 Lineup/
15:00~15:50 Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
16:00~16:50 再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
17:00~17:50 理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
18:00~18:50 漂流出口 Outlet Drift
19:00~19:50 黑狼/黃大旺龍捲風 Blackwolf Tornado
20:00~20:50 KbN 凱比鳥
21:00~22:00 Vice City + VJ Carl_Westman
表演者簡介 About The Performers/
Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
曾跨界參與聲音藝術,電子樂表演,劇場音樂設計。為2012年電子樂推廣團體「耕聲人」主辦人之一,於當年九月促成台灣第一張以臥室電子樂反核人共同發起的「i love nuclear」的反核電音合輯,為台灣新生代聲音藝術搖籃的「失聲祭」2013年駐祭藝術家。更被國際前衛藝術雜誌「white fungus」多次邀請,與國際知名電子聲響藝術家Merzbow、EVOL、Zbigniew Karkowski、Scott Afford、王福瑞、Samin Son同台演出。
Betty Apple is a composer, DJ, and sound and performance artist. Apple has made an impact in Taipei with visceral noise/performance art pieces using synthesizers, field recordings and amplified vibrators. In 2013, Apple was the artist in residence at Lacking Sound Festival. In addition to her own performances, she curated a series of events exploring notions of sound in relation to femininity. Apple is at the forefront of a new wave of Taiwanese artists who are beginning to fuse their work with political activism. The anti-nuclear movement has grown exponentially in Taiwan over the past few years, in particular, since the meltdown at Fukushima, and Apple is among those who have organized events and produced music to support it.
再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
它在每個人心中都有不同具像 不斷被詮釋 解剖 試圖理解
表演起因 素材 精神或意義 無法歸類
他們所期待重視 僅是他們的姿態 能給觀眾的觸發
觀者 表演者 沉浸渾沌一氣的哲意場景
唯有踏入 才有機會透徹
非搖滾 後搖滾 工業噪音 行動聲響藝術 範籌
如鋼鐵 如流雲 如詩般的善意
全都 全都 回到自身感應衝擊
當然如果 你相信以上全都是放屁
那你大概也向他們靠攏了一點 (by babywhite)
「正如他們所聲明的,他們的音樂不過是無意識的囈語以及突如其來的悲傷」- Taipei Times
「春天吶喊狀況多 樂手調音不順摔吉他」- 東森新聞
「為什麼你們的現場表演跟CD不一樣?」- 眾多友人
「我從來沒有聽懂再見奈央過,對,一次也沒有。」- freakeels(PTT 後搖滾版版主)
「Roo!」- 德州樂團The Octopus Project
「髒三樂團上海巡演,台灣樂團暖場,吉他手演出脫衣秀」- 東森新聞
「或许"傻逼"才是更合适他们的标签吧」、「我觉得他们实在是太烂了,烂到我搜肠刮肚也找不出任何正面的评论可以奉献给他们。」- 大陸網友
2005年10月 「再見!奈央!」首次在台北地下樂團最重要的舞台 THE WALL LIVE HOUSE 演出並受到PTT後現代搖滾版POST ROCK 版主的讚賞
2006年「再見!奈央!」成立首演之後即受邀參加台北市立美術館 <疆界>藝術展開幕-噪動之夜
Goodbye! Nao! needs no introduction. This band can be dissected and understood in many ways because how and what they play can’t be categorized. The only thing they anticipate is the energy and creativity they bring to the audience during performance.
理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
電子皮、搖滾骨、數位魂 - 當8-BIT(8位元音樂)從遊戲中獨立出來,這已經不只是獨立音樂,更是獨立電子 - 翻玩古早任天堂電玩影像以及音樂的理化兄弟,將場景轉移到舞廳,創作風格橫跨Electro,Techno,Drum and bass,甚至到Dubstepush buttons。
當年差點組樂隊的無名氏兄弟,始終遙遙無期,於失散多年後在一場奇異的廟會相遇,各自吞了一顆濟公搓揉的腋下仙丹,各自幻化成DJ與VJ,理化兄弟於是誕生。目前的團員編制為創作型DJ :林昭宇 與半創作型VJ:黃真。目前有點專注於研究 8-bit 樂音,也稱為chiptune或是 Gameboy music。我們試圖運用現代科技來翻玩並探討當時曾經是頂風的影音技術,場域則從個人電玩機台到派對,再轉換進入表演空間進行與不同觀眾的對話。
Physical Chemical Brother sampling 8 bit sounds and graphic from Nintendo games, creating tracks who's style ranges from Electronic, Techno, DNB to Dubstep. Then places the mix on the dancefloor
where it becomes not just indie music but electro indie.
漂流出口 Outlet Drift
Three aboriginal Taiwanese youths from Taitung jam together in the big city, united by their shared love of modern and avant-garde music.
Once lost in the value of life under influence of environment and being in a part of aboriginal groups, he’s finally found his identity in his culture through music and hoping to make an impact with his emotions through music.
Firm drums, bouncing bass and psychedelic guitar sound as if a little boy running and screaming in a creepy, foggy woods. This is a band blending traditional aboriginal Taiwanese tunes with experimental noises.
黑狼龍捲風(黃大旺) Blackwolf Tornado (Dawang Yingfan Huang)
It is yet another challenging attempt to continue the performing life of congenital artist Blackwolf Dawang Huang.
KbN 凱比鳥
Adding rock’n’roll elements to experimental electronic sounds in over ten years, they’ve been looking for and creating endless possibility of sounds.
KbN - Before 2005 CD&DVD (2006)
19992005 (Orange Disk, 2013)
合輯 :
I Forgot Everything(2002)
蘿蔔一代 (小白兔唱片, 2003)
沈默的約定 (默契音樂, 2003)
2002貢寮海洋音樂季紀念專輯(角頭音樂, 2003)
FC5-118(台北之音, 2005)
Da Party(一瞬之光制作所, 2008)
The Message(Agnes b, 2010)
電擊夜市(Fun Music, 2011)
來做一張地下社會合輯(Underworld, 2012)
Dance Floor@台北關渡美術館 2008
Vice City
Vice City特別喜愛同時具有寬廣時間感、空間感,加上豐富身體感的音樂,有點像冥想、瑜珈,能夠帶來解放與覺知的神奇能量。
Vice City loves music that has broad sense of time and space, and rich physical sense that can bring liberation and magical energy of awareness that often comes with meditation or yoga. Any elements that seem conflicted such as natural sounds, traditional tribal music instruments and singing and modern industrial city are her sources of inspiration.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vicecitybeats
FB: https://www.facebook.com/vicecity2013
VJ Carl Westman
長期旅居台灣的南非籍藝術家Carl Westman,創作遍及繪畫、平面設計、VJ影像、電子舞曲、噪音等形式,他的音樂就如同其視覺作品,在幾何線條與大量交疊的色彩中,既繁複又簡單,充滿了一股迷幻中帶著深邃黑暗的氛圍,反映他對生命、宇宙之意義與可能性的探索。
Long term resident of Taiwan, South African artist Carl Westman's type of creation includes painting, graphic design, VJ, electronic music and noise. Similar to his visual work by overlapping geometric shapes and colors, his music is both complex and simple in a deep and dark psychedelic atmosphere, reflecting his exploration in the meaning of life and universe.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/WooYapa
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緊急參戰 吃喝風城
《當江山成為事實 藝改就是義務》江山藝改所成立一週年派對
《When Jiang Shan is a Fact, Yi Gai is a Duty》Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo 1st Anniversary Party
時間 Time/
2014/05/17(六) 15:00 ~ 22:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.)
票價 Admission/
預售票 Advance $300 (發售至5/16 23:59前)
現場票 At Door $400
@ 購票方式 How to buy tickets:
1. 於本所營業時間現場購票 Pay cash at JSYGS during open time.
2. FB傳訊預約 Send a message to our Facebook page.
3. 來電預約 Call 03-5266456 during open time.
●地圖 Map
English version:
演出順序 Lineup/
15:00~15:50 Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
16:00~16:50 再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
17:00~17:50 理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
18:00~18:50 漂流出口 Outlet Drift
19:00~19:50 黑狼/黃大旺龍捲風 Blackwolf Tornado
20:00~20:50 KbN 凱比鳥
21:00~22:00 Vice City + VJ Carl_Westman
表演者簡介 About The Performers/
Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
曾跨界參與聲音藝術,電子樂表演,劇場音樂設計。為2012年電子樂推廣團體「耕聲人」主辦人之一,於當年九月促成台灣第一張以臥室電子樂反核人共同發起的「i love nuclear」的反核電音合輯,為台灣新生代聲音藝術搖籃的「失聲祭」2013年駐祭藝術家。更被國際前衛藝術雜誌「white fungus」多次邀請,與國際知名電子聲響藝術家Merzbow、EVOL、Zbigniew Karkowski、Scott Afford、王福瑞、Samin Son同台演出。
Betty Apple is a composer, DJ, and sound and performance artist. Apple has made an impact in Taipei with visceral noise/performance art pieces using synthesizers, field recordings and amplified vibrators. In 2013, Apple was the artist in residence at Lacking Sound Festival. In addition to her own performances, she curated a series of events exploring notions of sound in relation to femininity. Apple is at the forefront of a new wave of Taiwanese artists who are beginning to fuse their work with political activism. The anti-nuclear movement has grown exponentially in Taiwan over the past few years, in particular, since the meltdown at Fukushima, and Apple is among those who have organized events and produced music to support it.
再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
它在每個人心中都有不同具像 不斷被詮釋 解剖 試圖理解
表演起因 素材 精神或意義 無法歸類
他們所期待重視 僅是他們的姿態 能給觀眾的觸發
觀者 表演者 沉浸渾沌一氣的哲意場景
唯有踏入 才有機會透徹
非搖滾 後搖滾 工業噪音 行動聲響藝術 範籌
如鋼鐵 如流雲 如詩般的善意
全都 全都 回到自身感應衝擊
當然如果 你相信以上全都是放屁
那你大概也向他們靠攏了一點 (by babywhite)
「正如他們所聲明的,他們的音樂不過是無意識的囈語以及突如其來的悲傷」- Taipei Times
「春天吶喊狀況多 樂手調音不順摔吉他」- 東森新聞
「為什麼你們的現場表演跟CD不一樣?」- 眾多友人
「我從來沒有聽懂再見奈央過,對,一次也沒有。」- freakeels(PTT 後搖滾版版主)
「Roo!」- 德州樂團The Octopus Project
「髒三樂團上海巡演,台灣樂團暖場,吉他手演出脫衣秀」- 東森新聞
「或许"傻逼"才是更合适他们的标签吧」、「我觉得他们实在是太烂了,烂到我搜肠刮肚也找不出任何正面的评论可以奉献给他们。」- 大陸網友
2005年10月 「再見!奈央!」首次在台北地下樂團最重要的舞台 THE WALL LIVE HOUSE 演出並受到PTT後現代搖滾版POST ROCK 版主的讚賞
2006年「再見!奈央!」成立首演之後即受邀參加台北市立美術館 <疆界>藝術展開幕-噪動之夜
Goodbye! Nao! needs no introduction. This band can be dissected and understood in many ways because how and what they play can’t be categorized. The only thing they anticipate is the energy and creativity they bring to the audience during performance.
理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
電子皮、搖滾骨、數位魂 - 當8-BIT(8位元音樂)從遊戲中獨立出來,這已經不只是獨立音樂,更是獨立電子 - 翻玩古早任天堂電玩影像以及音樂的理化兄弟,將場景轉移到舞廳,創作風格橫跨Electro,Techno,Drum and bass,甚至到Dubstepush buttons。
當年差點組樂隊的無名氏兄弟,始終遙遙無期,於失散多年後在一場奇異的廟會相遇,各自吞了一顆濟公搓揉的腋下仙丹,各自幻化成DJ與VJ,理化兄弟於是誕生。目前的團員編制為創作型DJ :林昭宇 與半創作型VJ:黃真。目前有點專注於研究 8-bit 樂音,也稱為chiptune或是 Gameboy music。我們試圖運用現代科技來翻玩並探討當時曾經是頂風的影音技術,場域則從個人電玩機台到派對,再轉換進入表演空間進行與不同觀眾的對話。
Physical Chemical Brother sampling 8 bit sounds and graphic from Nintendo games, creating tracks who's style ranges from Electronic, Techno, DNB to Dubstep. Then places the mix on the dancefloor
where it becomes not just indie music but electro indie.
漂流出口 Outlet Drift
Three aboriginal Taiwanese youths from Taitung jam together in the big city, united by their shared love of modern and avant-garde music.
Once lost in the value of life under influence of environment and being in a part of aboriginal groups, he’s finally found his identity in his culture through music and hoping to make an impact with his emotions through music.
Firm drums, bouncing bass and psychedelic guitar sound as if a little boy running and screaming in a creepy, foggy woods. This is a band blending traditional aboriginal Taiwanese tunes with experimental noises.
黑狼龍捲風(黃大旺) Blackwolf Tornado (Dawang Yingfan Huang)
It is yet another challenging attempt to continue the performing life of congenital artist Blackwolf Dawang Huang.
KbN 凱比鳥
Adding rock’n’roll elements to experimental electronic sounds in over ten years, they’ve been looking for and creating endless possibility of sounds.
KbN - Before 2005 CD&DVD (2006)
19992005 (Orange Disk, 2013)
合輯 :
I Forgot Everything(2002)
蘿蔔一代 (小白兔唱片, 2003)
沈默的約定 (默契音樂, 2003)
2002貢寮海洋音樂季紀念專輯(角頭音樂, 2003)
FC5-118(台北之音, 2005)
Da Party(一瞬之光制作所, 2008)
The Message(Agnes b, 2010)
電擊夜市(Fun Music, 2011)
來做一張地下社會合輯(Underworld, 2012)
Dance Floor@台北關渡美術館 2008
Vice City
Vice City特別喜愛同時具有寬廣時間感、空間感,加上豐富身體感的音樂,有點像冥想、瑜珈,能夠帶來解放與覺知的神奇能量。
Vice City loves music that has broad sense of time and space, and rich physical sense that can bring liberation and magical energy of awareness that often comes with meditation or yoga. Any elements that seem conflicted such as natural sounds, traditional tribal music instruments and singing and modern industrial city are her sources of inspiration.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vicecitybeats
FB: https://www.facebook.com/vicecity2013
VJ Carl Westman
長期旅居台灣的南非籍藝術家Carl Westman,創作遍及繪畫、平面設計、VJ影像、電子舞曲、噪音等形式,他的音樂就如同其視覺作品,在幾何線條與大量交疊的色彩中,既繁複又簡單,充滿了一股迷幻中帶著深邃黑暗的氛圍,反映他對生命、宇宙之意義與可能性的探索。
Long term resident of Taiwan, South African artist Carl Westman's type of creation includes painting, graphic design, VJ, electronic music and noise. Similar to his visual work by overlapping geometric shapes and colors, his music is both complex and simple in a deep and dark psychedelic atmosphere, reflecting his exploration in the meaning of life and universe.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/WooYapa
wall of sound ptt 在 demarcolab-推薦/討論/評價在PTT、Dcard、IG整理一次看 的推薦與評價
demarcolab-推薦/討論/評價在PTT、Dcard、IG整理一次看|, ... 收錄品牌:NEXHYPE PRODUCTIONS / DeMarcoLab / Wall of sound / Prettynice ... <看更多>
wall of sound ptt 在 demarcolab-推薦/討論/評價在PTT、Dcard、IG整理一次看 的推薦與評價
demarcolab-推薦/討論/評價在PTT、Dcard、IG整理一次看|, ... 收錄品牌:NEXHYPE PRODUCTIONS / DeMarcoLab / Wall of sound / Prettynice ... <看更多>
wall of sound ptt 在 [男問] 有推薦1千初頭的好看設計T? - 看板Mix_Match 的推薦與評價
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