I met the chair of piano, Yoheved Kaplinsky, at The Juilliard School, when I entered Pre-College at 14. Ever since, she has been a great mentor in my life, from my eight years at Juilliard to Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition Tel Aviv and when I started touring the world with concerts. I am so thrilled that Veda is visiting PYPA Piano Festival for a weekend of masterclasses. You can join us online through https://bit.ly/3fciSIC! ✨
那年我14歲,進入了國際聲名赫赫的紐約茱莉亞音樂學院就學,當時孤身面對全然陌生環境,內心惶恐卻充滿疑惑時,迎面走來了一位氣質優雅、態度和藹又沉穩的女士 。 我趨前詢問,在他慈善冷靜地解說後,心情豁然開朗。 這段溫馨的回憶, 雖事隔多年, 而那份感謝之意,暖暖之情窩藏於心,永不忘懷。
這位高貴的女士就是紐約茱莉亞音樂學院系主任及茱莉亞音樂學院預科藝術總監 - 卡普林斯基女士。
我在茱莉亞的八年,到魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽,到紐約專輯發表會,卡内基廳的首演,到前幾年,我們一同出席音樂節。 這一路來,她一直給我很多的啟發。 這個週末,Veda來PYPA精英學院開一個週末的大師課,行程繁忙的她抽空出席,這是給我最大的肯定!❤️
現在大師課正進行中,歡迎大家在網路上加入我們! https://bit.ly/3fciSIC
「yoheved kaplinsky」的推薦目錄:
yoheved kaplinsky 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
德國鋼琴家保羅.肯恩 Paul Kern
保羅.肯恩自幼便展現出在音樂上過人的天賦,不僅是德國國家音樂比賽與青年音樂家大獎 (Bundeswettbewerb Jugend Musiziert) 得主,也在14 歲以優異的成績進入漢諾威音樂院( Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover)就讀,先後師事 Prof. Christa-Maria Hartmann 與 柴可夫斯基大賽得主 Prof. Vladimir Krainev. 2003 並獲全額獎學金進入茱莉亞音樂院,師事 Prof. Yoheved Kaplinsky 以及 Seymour Lipkin。
保羅.肯恩曾經贏得多項國際鋼琴大賽大獎,如克萊涅夫國際鋼琴大賽 (International piano competition in Charkow ),之後獲邀至世界知名音樂廳演出,包括基輔交響樂廳(Kiev Philharmonic)、莫斯科The Bolshoi Hall of Moscow Conservatory 、紐約Alice Tully Hall和柏林愛樂廳(Berliner Philharmonie)。
2014 年保羅肯恩很榮幸受邀參加為慶祝德國 2007 年諾貝爾化學獎得主 Gerhard Ertl 博士 70 歲生日在柏林工業大學 Grand Hall of the TU Berlin 舉辦的演奏會,並與 Gerhard Ertl 博士及日本籍鋼琴家同台三鋼琴演出莫扎特鋼琴三重奏協奏曲 KV 242。
由於長住於德國柏林,經常與在柏林愛樂交響樂團的好友們合作室內樂,2019 在柏林愛樂廳演出拉威爾與拉赫曼尼諾夫的鋼琴三重奏更是深受好評。
在保羅.肯恩的音樂生涯中,他非常幸運能夠受到許多音樂大師的指導,除了指揮大師阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)還有鋼琴家Leon Fleisher、György Sándor、Charles Rosen以及匈牙利鋼琴家György Sándor,在保羅.肯恩茱莉亞音樂院就讀期間,這些教授們為他精湛的技巧與細膩的詮釋給予了最高的評價。
2021/1/24 - 2021/1/30
台北市大安區復興南路一段 322 號 2 樓
台北市大安區復興南路一段 253 巷 2 號 3 號 樓之2
報名需提供欲學習曲目以及演奏影片,並請於表單上上傳 YouTube 影片連結,供指導教授作 審查,所有參與考前衝刺班之獲得三堂公開大師班課程接受三位教授指導,另需接受主辦單 位安排之每日三小時練琴時間,同時必需全程參與術科模擬考及三小科模擬考等所有主辦單 位安排之課程。
報名需提供欲學習曲目以及演奏影片,並請於表單上上傳 YouTube 影片連結,供指導教授作 審查及甄選。
一經甄選,每位正式學員可獲得三堂公開大師班課程接受三位教授指導, 旁聽所有大師班課程及音樂沙龍安排之全部活動,另隨行家長或成員乙名可享有旁聽所有大 師班課程及音樂沙龍安排之全部活動。
費用:15000 元
可旁聽各場次之公開大師班課程、大師示範演奏、音樂講座與綜合座談會 費用:
A. 單日大師班課程旁聽:500 元
B. 單場音樂沙龍及連結連連連連單埸講座:500 元
C. 單日大師班課程旁聽 + 單場音樂沙龍或講座:800 元
D. 全程音樂沙龍及講座:1500 元
E. 全程大師班課程旁聽+全程音樂沙龍:2000 元
(報名 E 項者,主辦單位將特別提供精緻打造之鋼琴鍵盤紀念識別證)
💡💡凡於 12/31 前早鳥報名者將給予 95 折優惠!
yoheved kaplinsky 在 Fan-Chiang Yi 范姜毅 Facebook 的最佳解答
Today at 1p CDT! Enjoy favorite moments from the winners of our first Cliburn Junior Competition (2015). They'll all be with us in the chat from their homes around the world: Alim Beisembayev in London; Arsenii MUN in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Youlan Ji in upstate New York.
***We now have text-to-give capabilities! If you're enjoying Cliburn at Home programs, please consider donating to the Cliburn by texting CAH2020 to 44-321.
(originally broadcast from TCU – Texas Christian University June 2015)
RACHMANINOV Etude-Tableaux, op. 33, nos. 2, 6, 8, & 9
Arsenii MUN
BEETHOVEN 32 Variations in C Minor, WoO 80
LISZT La campanella
RACHMANINOV Prelude in G Major, op. 32, no. 5
DEBUSSY Feux d'artifice
LISZT Paganini Etude No. 6 in A Minor
Shortly after his 2015 Cliburn Junior win—when he was declared “impressive and clearly worth watching”— Alim graduated from the Purcell School for Young Musicians and was accepted at the Royal Academy of Music with a full scholarship, to continue his studies with Tessa Nicholson. He has since made his debuts at the Wigmore Hall and Royal Albert Festival Hall (and with that, been featured on BBC Radio) and gone on to win prizes at the Manchester International, Vigo International, and Jacques Samuel Intercollegiate Piano Competitions. Born in Kazakhstan, Alim started playing piano when he was 5; at age 10, he moved to Moscow to study at the Central Music school, and two years later, moved again to London to study at the Purcell School.
Now 21, Arsenii moved to New York in fall 2019 to study with Sergei Babayan at The Juilliard School, after nine years at the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov and its affiliated Middle Special School of Music. Since his Cliburn appearance, he continues to grow his profile in the United States and Europe, and has been recognized with the Tabor Foundation Award as best pianist at Verbier Festival Academy, 1st prize at both the International Competition for Young Pianists Arthur Rubinstein in memoriam and the International Piano Competition in Saint-Priest, France, and winner of the Yuri Temirkanov Prize. He continues to refine his skills on the soccer field and snowboard when weather and social-distancing permit.
Born in Beijing, Youlan started piano lessons at age 4, and moved to New York upon acceptance at The Juilliard School’s Pre-College Division at age 13. At the 2015 Cliburn Junior, she was hailed for performances that were "stunning,” with playing that is “clean, sparkling, light and scampering… intelligent.” Just 16 at that time, she has since won first prize at the New York International Piano Competition and made debuts at the Phillips Collection and other young artist series across New York. She also graduated from the Professional Children’s School in New York, and entered Juilliard as an undergraduate student in 2018, continuing to work with Yoheved Kaplinsky.