[Mega Man Zero攻略TIPS 3/5] Anubis Necromancess the Third
Anubis Necromancess the Third會投擲手杖來攻擊,並在投擲完畢後瞬移到畫面另一端,這時立即用Z SABER攻擊會十分有效。
雖然其行動不時會變化,但是基本上只需要重複以上做法。至於他召喚出來的敵人,就沉著冷靜地用Z SABER和BUSTER SHOT對付吧。
[Mega Man Zero BOSS TIPS 3/5] Anubis Necromancess the Third
Anubis Necromancess attacks by throwing his staff at Zero. After this attack, he teleports to the other side of the screen, so you can effectively use that instant to do some damage with your Z Saber. His movement patterns can change, but he typically repeats the pattern above. Use your Z Saber and Zero Buster to dispose of the enemies he summons.
Dust clouds telegraph where spiked pillars will rise from the sand, so dash to evade them. If you find yourself in between two pillars, jump from the highest point on the ground and use a wall kick to avoid being crushed. If you try to escape by jumping from lower spots, you’ll definitely take some damage!