appletoapple中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
Comparing apples to apples means comparing things that can reasonably be compared, while the phrase apples to oranges often is used to ... ... <看更多>
#1. apples to apples 是蘋果對蘋果的意思嗎? - 人人焦點
love apple是法式浪漫的產物,法語中番茄叫pomme d'amour,翻譯成英文就是「愛的蘋果」,這算是外來語的直接翻譯。另一個起源是羅馬時期,當時番茄被教會 ...
#2. 第752期:外企常说的apples to apples很多人都说错了
外企里很多人喜欢说apple-to-apple, 意思是比较两个相同类别的事。 但这句话被很多人说白了,其实正确的说法应该是apples to apples,两个苹果后面都有” ...
#3. 學英文- 考考你: compare apple to apple 是什麼意恩?
會說中文就會說英文Catchy English. 2.8 萬人說讚. 輕鬆幫你突破中文轉英文的四大盲點,解開你納悶已久的問題:「這個中文的英文到底要怎麼說?」.
#4. "apples to apples" comparison. 是什麼意思查看翻譯 - HiNative
"apples to apples" comparison.的意思means comparing two of the same thing.
#5. apples-to-apples comparison - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"apples-to-apples comparison" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. apple to apple是什么意思? - 百度知道
这是个非常常见的俗语,指对两个东西的各个方面作一一对应的比较。比如两辆车,apple to apple的比较就是A车尺寸对B车尺寸,A车马力对B车马力,A车最高 ...
apple 的例句. apple. The trees are very well cared for, as cider apples are one of the principal productions of the country.
#8. 「美國習慣用語」Part-33 "go bananas; compare oranges and ...
我們再學一個習慣用語: compare apples and oranges。 Compare意思是比較,apple是蘋果,而orange是橘子。這是色香味毫不相同的兩種水果,沒法放在 ...
#9. apple to apple 中文意思– 蘋果公司簡介 - Imradsdo
apple to apple 中文 意思– 蘋果公司簡介 · iPhone 出現'supportapple,com/iphone/restore'? · apple to apple 中文知識摘要第1頁共計22項_台灣大紅頁網 · apple是什么意思中文.
#10. apples to apples 的翻译是:苹果中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
这个短语在国内的外企中经常会用到比如:an apples-to-apples comparison 同类比较那么与apples to apples相对的,就是apples to oranges,意思是:风马牛不相及的事情苹果 ...
#11. APPLES TO APPLES 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
APPLES TO APPLES ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“APPLES TO APPLES” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#12. Apple One - Apple (台灣)
每月只要付出少許,Apple One 就能讓你一次擁有多種Apple 服務。這是享有Apple Music、Apple TV+、Apple Arcade、iCloud+ 的最佳方式。
#13. Apple Watch - Apple (台灣)
Apple Watch 是為健康生活所設計的最佳裝置。有 Apple Watch Ultra、 Apple Watch Series 8 和 Apple Watch SE 三種錶款可供選擇。
#14. Apple 職涯機會
在這裡,你不只是加入我們,你更將為我們加入精彩,一展長才。 Apple 工作. 加入我們的團隊, 激盪彼此的火花。
#15. Apple ID - 官方的Apple 支援
透過「家人共享」,您可以與家人共享iTunes 和App Store 購買項目、如iCloud+ 等Apple 訂閱項目,以及更多內容。家長也可以使用「購買前詢問」來核准孩子的購買項目。
#16. Today at Apple - 信義A13
探索你附近每天舉行的啟發性活動。透過Today at Apple,了解Apple 信義A13 的動態。
#17. Apple (台灣)
探索Apple 的創新世界,選購各式iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac 與Apple TV,發現眾多配件、娛樂產品,並取得有關裝置的專家支援服務。
#18. the apple 中文- 英語翻譯
the apple中文意思:一顆蘋果…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋the apple的中文翻譯,the apple的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#19. apple翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
apple中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 蘋果,蘋果樹,蘋果似的東西;[美俚]炸彈,手榴彈,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家伙。。英漢詞典提供【apple】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、 ...
#20. 老外说的“apples and oranges”,可不是指“苹果和橙子”的意思 ...
这种笼统的叫法,在远古的欧洲大行其道。当时的欧洲人把所有的果实都叫作苹果,其中也包括桔子。后来为了便于区分,人们才叫苹果为苹果,桔子为桔子。于是英语中就出现了 ...
#21. apple - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
請為本引文添加中文翻譯). 與蘋果相似的蔬果,例如custard apple (“釋迦,番荔枝”)、rose apple (“杯果木;蓮霧;蒲桃”)、thorn apple (“曼陀羅”)等等。
#22. apple to apple意味 - 軟體兄弟
「apple to apple」の意味・例文・用法ならWeblio英和・和英辞書. ,2011年11月27日— 「It's like comparing apples to apples.」という言い方もありますし、「apple-to- ...
#23. apple 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
4. 〈美俚〉人,傢伙。 apple 例句. 2 recharge station ", a series of refreshing live entertainment events were ...
#24. Apple Store - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Apple Store,或称苹果零售店,是指由蘋果公司及其在地分支單位直接經營的連鎖零售商店,主要业务 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#25. 博客來-Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level
書名:Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level,語言:英文,ISBN:9780525537601,頁數:320,作者:Kahney, Leander,出版日期:2019/04/16, ...
#26. 蘋果派對初階版(Apples to Apples Junior)
(所有圖片轉載自BGG網站) 「蘋果派對初階版(Apples to Apples Junior)」遊戲為2002年由Matthew Kirby及Mark Alan Osterhaus所設計的派對.
#27. 首頁|蘋果新聞網|蘋果日報
#28. apple to apple 是什么意思?(页1) - 外贸英语
不用翻译了哦! ... Compare Apple to Apple, not Apple to Orange. 这是一个谚语。。 这个老外的意思是你的价格跟他国内的价格不是一个APPLE TOAPPLE的 ...
#29. 七夕情人節將近,示愛別只會說「You are the apple of my eye」
想跟心儀的他/她告白,卻只會說I love you. 想表達濃濃愛意卻還是只會說You are the apple of my eye. 快學學這些深情的英文告白,找回熱戀的感覺吧! 1.
#30. What does "apples to apples" phrase mean?
Comparing apples to apples means comparing things that can reasonably be compared, while the phrase apples to oranges often is used to ...
#31. Apple (中国大陆) - 官方网站
探索Apple 充满创新的世界,选购各式iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch 和Mac,浏览各种配件、娱乐产品,并获得相关产品的专家支持服务。
#32. Migrate data from Apple to Google Workspace
This migration guide helps administrators and end users import email, calendar, contact, and file data from Apple iCloud and macOS to Google Workspace.
#33. The Next Big Battle Between Google and Apple Is for the Soul ...
In the future, your choice of smartphone ecosystem—Android or iPhone—could determine which make and model of car you choose.
#34. Antitrust - European Commission
The European Commission has informed Apple of its preliminary view that it distorted competition in the music streaming market as it abused ...
#35. Apples to apples: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Apples to apples : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语.
#36. Compare apples and/to/with apples - Merriam-Webster
to compare things that are very similar The article compares apples to apples, grouping wines of the same variety and price together.
#37. apples to apples meaning, origin, example sentence ...
apples to apples. apples to apples. Meaning | Synonyms. having a fair comparison between the two things; comparing the things which can be compared with ...
#38. What does 'comparing apples to apples' mean? - Quora
There is a common English idiom: "You are comparing apples and oranges" (or "apples to oranges"), which is an accusation leveled against someone who ...
#39. Apples to Apples Junior the Game of Crazy Comparisons ...
The Apples to Apples Junior family party game is made especially for kids 9 years and older. · Players will delight in the crazy comparisons while expanding ...
#40. Apples to Apples - Energy Choice Ohio
The PUCO produces the Apples to Apples charts to provide a snapshot comparison of current natural gas and electric supplier price options and contract terms ...
#41. 第74回 apples-to-apples / リンゴとリンゴ?? | 通訳翻訳WEB
このように基準を合わせて比較することを英語では“make an apples-to-apples comparison”または“make an apple-to-apple comparison”と言います。
#42. Bulletin
Apple to apple ...... Apple to bean . Apple to grape ... Apple to pumpkin . Avocado to apple . Avocado to bean ... Avocado to cabbage . Avocado to cotton .
#43. It's time for Apple to fix texting. - Android
Apple turns texts between iPhones and Android phones into SMS and MMS, out-of-date technologies from the 90s and 00s. But Apple can adopt RCS—the modern ...
#44. Innovate!: How Great Companies Get Started in Terrible Times
Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 after he sold the NeXTstep operating system to his old company. Apple rehired him to guide the company in a new and ...
#45. Federal Register - 第 79 卷,第 15 期 - 第 3803 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Apple to provide full refunds to Apple Commissioner Wright dissenting . Apple treats this password entry as account holders who have been billed Donald S.
#46. Sequencing Apple's DNA - 第 26 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Apple When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, his very first decisions were focused on one single objective: concentrate all company resources on a limited ...
#47. Computerworld - 1995年2月27日 - 第 16 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Apple, Microsoft barbs stoke feud CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 surfaced in a letter sent by Apple general counsel Edward Stead to Sporkin on Feb.
#48. InfoWorld - 1997年8月11日 - 第 15 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Apple's. onslaught. http://www.infoworld.com AUGUST 11, 1997 INFOWORLD 15 Give yourself remote control of your intranet. The Microsoft* Internet ...
appletoapple中文 在 學英文- 考考你: compare apple to apple 是什麼意恩? 的推薦與評價
會說中文就會說英文Catchy English. 2.8 萬人說讚. 輕鬆幫你突破中文轉英文的四大盲點,解開你納悶已久的問題:「這個中文的英文到底要怎麼說?」. ... <看更多>