(✪‿✪)ノ排程中晝發文 #國際法法理建國Q&A
日本無條件投降後簽署《降伏文書》,同一天 盟軍總部發佈《一般指令第一號》及其附件《一般命令第一號》( 英文版跟日文版),讓日本政府向國民發布
Q44: Ok, 所以美國代管日本,但由日本人管理,美國人代管南韓,由南韓人管理,台灣由中華民國代管,卻不是由台灣人管理,這說不過去,對吧?
我們來看《舊金山和約》上對「軍事佔領」的處置,第 6 條:“(a) All occupation forces of the Allied Powers shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as possible after the coming into force of the present Treaty, and in any case not later than 90 days thereafter. Nothing in this provision shall, however, prevent the stationing or retention of foreign armed forces in Japanese territory under or in consequence of any bilateral or multilateral agreements which have been or may be made between one or more of the Allied Powers, on the one hand, and Japan on the other. “
第6條【佔領結束】(a).自本條約生效之後,所有盟國佔領軍應儘速自日本撤出,此項撤軍不得晚於本條約生效後 90 日。若日本與盟國締結有關外國軍隊駐紮或保有於日本領土之雙邊或多邊協定者,不受本條規定所限。
//《舊金山和約》只有提到對日本(這指和約生效後的日本,範圍不包括日本依和約放棄的領土台澎)的佔領在和約生效後 90 天內必須結束。//
再來盟軍授予中華民國政權治理台澎的權限,至今仍然有效,可參考英國 1955 年內閣文件 CAB 129/73/38的翻譯說明,https://www.facebook.com/rotpnetwork/photos/a.802796716480053/912347392191651/?type=3
👉🏻朝鮮事情可以先看這一篇 Q&A30:https://reurl.cc/Q7WMp9
南北朝鮮 於1945年盟軍代表開始佔領,1948 年美蘇才分別在佔領區成立地方政權,讓韓國人能夠掌管當地事務。而且《舊金山和約》明確說了「承認朝鮮回復獨立國家」,因為朝鮮本來就是獨立國家,只是大韓帝國被日本逼迫簽署兼併領土時,國家法人格中斷,因此美蘇佔領期間,要幫助朝鮮回復國家法人格。
「as one解散」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於as one解散 在 ACCIO - 新聞【mydaily】 ["辛苦了",WANNA ONE今日正式解散 ... 的評價
- 關於as one解散 在 那些團體解散前的最後一首歌- 追星板 - Dcard 的評價
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as one解散 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最佳貼文
I have recently perused Nicholas Kristof’s NYT piece “China’s Man in Washington, Named Trump”(https://nyti.ms/3h2JXh8). One paragraph in particular caught my attention: “A joke in China suggests that Trump’s Chinese name is Chuan Jianguo, or “Build-the-Country Trump.” That’s because Build-the-Country is a common revolutionary name among Communist patriots, and it’s mockingly suggested that Trump’s misrule of the United States is actually bolstering Xi’s regime.”
Kristoff also avows that since Trump’s ascension to presidency, the American nation became highly polarized. This is reflected in the current administration’s policies on climate change, foreign relations with established U.S. allies, and COVID-19 prevention, all of which are rather ineffective. It also seems like Mr. Trump and his team diverged from the traditional priorities, including promoting free trade, human rights, and other quintessentially American values. As described thoroughly by John Bolton, all these factors contributed to the declining standing of the U.S. in global politics.
What is more, many people fall prey to CCP’s propaganda and its interpretations of Trump’s actions, which only enhances China’s reputation.
But that might not exactly be the case.
The CCP apparently failed to utilize the window of opportunity created by the ineptness of the Trump administration, as China could have grown to the position of a leader by filling in the void left by the U.S.
During the 2016 APEC Ministerial Meeting in Lima, Peru, Xi Jinping and his team actively supported the plans to establish the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, or FTAAP. In contrast, the United States withdrew its signature from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in early 2017. Coupled with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), this move bolstered China’s capacity to influence global investments and trade, high-tech mergers and acquisitions, and, overall, expand its geostrategic influence on the entire globe.
At the same time, various propaganda films about great power competition, military industry, and science and technology surged all at once, and gained remarkable following around the world.
All this provided a window of opportunity for the CCP to slowly change its course. Around the same time, the distrust for POTUS among U.S. allies’ reached its apex. According to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center, the distrust for the U.S. president in the U.K. reached 75%, 72% in Japan, 70% in Australia, and stunning 86% in France.
Had the C.C.P,. begun to open up at that time, or at least resumed the governance style of the Hu-Wen administration, it could have reaped the benefits of promoting liberalism where the U.S. failed to deliver. It was the time for Beijing to gradually enhance freedom of speech domestically, pursue sustainable infrastructural projects, gradually reform unfair barriers to trade, transform its S.O.E.s, strengthen protections for private ownership, and vitalize its start-ups and enterprises.
Moreover, were China to cease the genocide in East Turkestan and refrain from cracking down on Hong Kong's semi-autonomy, it would have greatly enhanced its global international image. Additionally, if paired with slow but steady reforms, Beijing’s respect for sovereignty of its peoples would have attracted a large amount of foreign investment, which in turn would have continued to buttress the country’s growth.
It is China prerogative to remain idle.
It might still be possible for Chinese “Dream” to come true.
Yet, a historic window of opportunity is now closed.
Xi assumed the tools of proscribing and stalling, which are completely antithetical to the aforementioned window of opportunity.
Today, China is more authoritarian, less flexible, and fully deprived of horizontal accountability. Its reliance on wolf warrior diplomacy backfired: for example, the Swedish parliament sought to expel the Chinese ambassador to Stockholm. Also, Prague, the capital of Czechia, terminated its sister-city agreement with Shanghai and instead signed a new one with Taipei. Last but not least, we ought not to forget about the recent fiasco in the relations with the United States who ordered the shutdown of China’s consulate in Houston. All of this took its toll on China’s reputation.
Its international standing and inability to replace the U.S. as the major global power are not the only issues China is currently facing.
As it experiences multiple domestic and international shocks, China struggles to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and tame the disastrous floods of Yangtze River. The swarm of locusts of biblical proportions is also crippling Beijing’s institutional capacity and may soon lead to food shortages. In fact, the precarity of food supply further diminishes the level of trust for Chinese authorities.
In 2019, the Pew Research Center conducted a public opinion survey to examine the international views of China. In the U.S., Argentina, the U.K., Canada, Germany, and Ukraine, only about 30% of respondents claim a favorable view of China.
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages in the U.S., as many as 73% of U.S. respondents view China unfavorably.
Recently, the C.C.P. is losing its focus by continuously shifting targets. In fact, I believe there is no need for the C.C.P.to rely on nationalistic appeals, since in this new century values, business relations, and fair competition are all far more important than greater than delusive blood ties.
China lies only 130 kilometers away from us. Of course, we welcome dialogue and seek to avoid misjudgments. But we also distinguish between the C.C.P. and China. While we do welcome dialogue, but we will not be coerced to talk under unjust preconditions or in fear.
The only fair prerequisites are those of reciprocity, mutual respect as well as fairness and openness with respect for the rule of law.
Source: Pew Research Center
這曾經是中共慢慢轉向的一個機會之窗。彼時(2017)美國盟友對美國總統的不信任度達到歷史新高,根據皮尤研究中心的資訊,英國對於美國總統的不信任度達到75%、日本72% 澳洲70% 法國更高達86%
根據皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center2019調查各國對中國的喜好度,美國、阿根廷、英國、加拿大、德國、烏克蘭等,對於中國的喜好度都在30%上下
資料來源:皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center
as one解散 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
Like any historic figure, former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui is not immune to criticism. However, our freedom to criticize him is precisely his biggest contribution to democracy. Can you, no matter who you are or where you are from, criticize your leaders and call out social injustices without fear?
Lee Teng-hui, who as president of Taiwan led its transformation from an island in the grip of authoritarian rule to one of Asia’s most vibrant and prosperous democracies, died Thursday at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, according to Taiwan’s official Central News Agency. He was 97. The cause of his death was septic shock and multiple organ failure, according to the news outlet.
1. transformation 徹底改觀;轉變*
2. be in the grip of sth 處於無法控制的不利局勢中;受制於⋯⋯
3. authoritarian rule 威權統治;專制統治;獨裁統治
4. a vibrant and prosperous democracy 一個蓬勃繁榮的民主政體
5. Taipei Veterans General Hospital 臺北榮民總醫院
6. Taiwan’s official Central News Agency 臺灣的中央通訊社
7. septic shock 敗血性休克
8. multiple organ failure 多重器官衰竭
9. news outlet 新聞出處
*transformation (n.): undergo a transformation; transformation from something to/into something
Mr. Lee’s insistence that Taiwan be treated as a sovereign state angered the Chinese government in Beijing, which considered Taiwan part of its own territory and pushed for its unification with the mainland under Communist rule. His stance also posed a political quandary for the United States in its efforts to improve relations with Beijing while dissuading it from taking military action.
10. a sovereign state 一個主權國家
11. territory 領土
12. push for unification 推動統一
13. stance (n.)(尤指公開表明的)立場;觀點
14. pose a political quandary 造成一個政治上的困境
15. dissuading 勸阻;勸說⋯⋯別做某事*
*dissuade (v.) somebody from (doing) something: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/dissuade
Mr. Lee dismantled the dictatorship and worked to end the animosity between those born on the mainland and the native Taiwanese. He pushed the concept of “New Taiwanese,” a term suggesting that the islanders — no matter their backgrounds — were forging a new, common identity based on a democratic political system and growing prosperity.
16. dismantle(逐漸地)廢除;取消;解散
17. dictatorship 獨裁統治國家;獨裁;獨裁統治
18. animosity 仇恨;敵意;憎惡
19. islander 島民;島上的居民
20. forge(尤指努力地)建造; 鍛造
Do you still remember the Wild Lily student movement in 1990, when thousands of students demonstrated for democratic reforms? President Lee Teng-huei not only met with student leaders, but pledged his commitment to fully democratize Taiwan and hold direct elections.
1990年的野百合學運: https://youtu.be/skaC-sivTD8
A true leader is someone who listens to the voice of the people and engage them in open dialogue. A true leader does not seek to suppress dissent through violence and fear.
圖片出處:Google Image
as one解散 在 果籽 Youtube 的最讚貼文
2015年,Manson剛於大學表演系畢業,那時他立志想當一個演員,於是參與了一些獨立短片及電影的製作,初初踏足演藝行業。同一年,葦璇參加了商台舉行的「As One」女團成員招募,中選後正式以女團成員身份出道,更曾一度飛往韓國發展。
然而在台上發光發亮的日子並不長久,2017年,As One解散,葦璇改以跳唱歌手的身份獨立發展,但那時她已經慢慢從大眾的視線中消失。「我覺得唔可以喺度等機會,冇得上台就要自己搵出路。」於是她決定開班教跳舞,在外面租一間工作室,由於租金昂貴,「慳妹」葦璇為了節省開支,便限定自己要在一小時內學會一隻舞,並在一小時內拍好跳舞的短片。那時候她一星期跳五日舞,每日一跳便是數小時。
【我是南丫島人】23歲仔獲cafe免費借位擺一人咖啡檔 $6,000租住350呎村屋:愛這裏互助關係 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/XSugNPyaXFQ)
【香港蠔 足本版】流浮山白蠔收成要等三年半 天然生曬肥美金蠔日產僅50斤 即撈即食中環名人坊蜜餞金蠔 西貢六福酥炸生蠔 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/Fw653R1aQ6s)
【這夜給惡人基一封信】大佬茅躉華日夜思念 回憶從8歲開始:兄弟有今生沒來世 (壹週刊 Next) (https://youtu.be/t06qjQbRIpY)
【太子餃子店】新移民唔怕蝕底自薦包餃子 粗重功夫一腳踢 老闆刮目相看邀開店:呢個女人唔係女人(飲食男女 Apple Daily) https://youtu.be/7CUTg7LXQ4M)
【娛樂人物】情願市民留家唔好出街聚餐 鄧一君兩麵舖執笠蝕200萬 (蘋果日報 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/e3agbTOdfoY)
果籽 :http://as.appledaily.com
健康蘋台: http://applehealth.com.hk
動物蘋台: http://applepetform.com
#全民造星3 #Manson #陳葦璇 #張進翹 #Shallow
#果籽 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
as one解散 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答
|跟住Manson葦璇去露營|演藝圈浮沉六年 靠旅行走出迷失 :只要有人參與樂壇就不會死
2015年,Manson剛於大學表演系畢業,那時他立志想當一個演員,於是參與了一些獨立短片及電影的製作,初初踏足演藝行業。同一年,葦璇參加了商台舉行的「As One」女團成員招募,中選後正式以女團成員身份出道,更曾一度飛往韓國發展。
然而在台上發光發亮的日子並不長久,2017年,As One解散,葦璇改以跳唱歌手的身份獨立發展,但那時她已經慢慢從大眾的視線中消失。「我覺得唔可以喺度等機會,冇得上台就要自己搵出路。」於是她決定開班教跳舞,在外面租一間工作室,由於租金昂貴,「慳妹」葦璇為了節省開支,便限定自己要在一小時內學會一隻舞,並在一小時內拍好跳舞的短片。那時候她一星期跳五日舞,每日一跳便是數小時。
【我是南丫島人】23歲仔獲cafe免費借位擺一人咖啡檔 $6,000租住350呎村屋:愛這裏互助關係 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/XSugNPyaXFQ)
【香港蠔 足本版】流浮山白蠔收成要等三年半 天然生曬肥美金蠔日產僅50斤 即撈即食中環名人坊蜜餞金蠔 西貢六福酥炸生蠔 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/Fw653R1aQ6s)
【這夜給惡人基一封信】大佬茅躉華日夜思念 回憶從8歲開始:兄弟有今生沒來世 (壹週刊 Next) (https://youtu.be/t06qjQbRIpY)
【太子餃子店】新移民唔怕蝕底自薦包餃子 粗重功夫一腳踢 老闆刮目相看邀開店:呢個女人唔係女人(飲食男女 Apple Daily) https://youtu.be/7CUTg7LXQ4M)
【娛樂人物】情願市民留家唔好出街聚餐 鄧一君兩麵舖執笠蝕200萬 (蘋果日報 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/e3agbTOdfoY)
果籽 :http://as.appledaily.com
健康蘋台: http://applehealth.com.hk
動物蘋台: http://applepetform.com
#全民造星 #Manson #陳葦璇 #露營 #AsOne
#果籽 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
as one解散 在 碰碰PongPong Youtube 的最讚貼文
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as one解散 在 ACCIO - 新聞【mydaily】 ["辛苦了",WANNA ONE今日正式解散 ... 的推薦與評價
新聞【mydaily】 ["辛苦了",WANNA ONE今日正式解散]31日,據媒體報道,WANNA ONE於去年8月7日正式出道,並於今日結束為期18個月的企劃合約.WANNA ONE出道專輯<1X1=1(TO BE ... ... <看更多>
as one解散 在 那些團體解散前的最後一首歌- 追星板 - Dcard 的推薦與評價
最近突然發現我喜歡聽的那幾首剛好都是團體解散前的最後一首歌,雖然不是他們粉絲但很常聽, ... 第二首wanna one—《봄바람spring breeze》. ... <看更多>
as one解散 在 IZ*ONE解散後12人近況曝光!!! - YouTube 的推薦與評價
透過韓國選秀節目《PRODUCE 48》打造的期間限定女團IZ* ONE ,於今年4月份結束了線上演唱會後,正式宣布 解散 ,在今年6月份時粉絲們自發性籌備重組募資 ... ... <看更多>